Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Evil Saiyan of Oz ❯ The Wicked Witch of the West ( Chapter 2 )

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The Evil Saiyan of Oz

By Elbereth in April

Chapter Two: The Wicked Witch of the West

With another bang and more smoke, the 3rd ki-holder appeared beside him: the Wicked Witch of the West, finally answering her sister's summons.

She looked around at the smoldering crater that remained of Munchkin Land. "What in the world--?"

"Who are you?" Vegeta asked, smirking.

"The Wicked Witch of the West! Where is my sister?"

Vegeta thought. He could kill this creature, too, but then he'd never figure out what was going on in this land. He decided to lie. "I'm afraid the Munchkins killed her."

She frowned. "Where are they?"

Vegeta crossed his arms. "I wiped them out."

She nodded, impressed. "Where are her shoes?"

He tilted his head in their direction. She smiled and cackled in evil triumph. "At last!" She ran to them and put them on. "Ah!"

Then she turned to him. "Who are you?"

Amused, and starting to get into the spirit of things, he answered, "The Evil Saiyan of Oz--Prince Vegeta."

"A Prince, eh?" The witch admired her new footgear some more, then looked at him again. "Well. I wonder how long you'll last against the


Just then, they both sensed someone approaching. They looked up to see a shimmering ball floating toward them through the sky. "Curses!" the witch cried. "It's that goody two-shoes Glinda, the Good Witch of the


Vegeta watched the ball come closer. "Bring it on."

They stood their ground as the ball landed in front of them and dissolved. Vegeta found himself facing an annoyed older woman in shocking pink.

"Drat!" she burst out. "My plot to bring Dorothy to Oz, plant the slippers on her, and have her overthrow you for me has been foiled!" Then she daintily covered her mouth with her hand, as shocked as the others that she had let this slip.

She cleared her throat. "What I mean is, you have no power here. Begone before someone drops a house on you! No, that line won't work, either."

She sized the other two up in some confusion.

Vegeta shifted into battle stance, annoyed. "I think it's very clear how much power I have and that it does work here!"

"That reminds me," Glinda scowled, turning to him, "did you have to do that to Munchkin Land?"

Suddenly the witch cackled. "You're a weak fool, aren't you, Glinda? I'll just leave you to lament in the ruins and be on my way! By the way, do you like my shoes?" She paused to gloat, then started down the yellow brick road.

`Wow,' Vegeta thought, feeling respect despite himself. `She's as arrogant

as me.'

"Not so fast!" Glinda moved to block the witch's path, raising her wand. "The two of you must pay for the evil you have caused!"

Vegeta grinned and punched her in the face. Then he and the witch stepped over her and continued to follow the yellow brick road.

"I'll let you stay at my castle for awhile," the witch offered. "Then if you want a real challenge, I'll take you to see the Wizard."

"I accept," said Vegeta.