Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The First Day of the Rest of My Life ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Dragonball Z, or anything else that I may mention in this story.

Chapter 6

The next 7 months past by quickly for Bulma. In the beginning she was very depressed about her situation, but as time passed, and the baby started to grow, she became more excited about the new male that would be in her life. Her little boy-Trunks.

She continued to exercise as long as she was capable. Her muscle tone had improved tremendously over the months of her pregnancy. She also started a support group for single mothers. They met every week at Capsule Corporation. She converted one of the labs into a giant playroom and hired babysitters to take care of the children while the women met for support. Shadow's former owner came to the group and found great serenity there. She was also glad to see that Shadow was so happy on the Capsule Corp. compound. He had much more room to exercise and play, and that was what she wanted for her beloved dog.

Bulma continued to work on projects with her dad. She threw herself into a particular project, having to do with babies in the womb. She thought there should be a better way to see a child in the womb, and wanted to develop something better than ultrasound that wouldn't hurt the growing fetus.

Bulma and Chi-Chi talked a lot on the phone. She needed to hear that what she was experiencing was normal for her child. The doctors were perplexed by some of the things she was experiencing and Chi-Chi was the only one who could help her. "There were times when I thought Gohan was going to bust through my skin!" Bulma could relate.

Bulma had an ultrasound at 5 months into her pregnancy. That is when she found out she was having a boy. The doctors were baffled by the extra appendage the baby had growing from his back. Bulma understood what it was. She also knew that she didn't want her son turning into a giant killer monkey, so she decided it would be removed as soon as he was born. She had seen and felt the spot on Vegeta's back where his tale had been. It wasn't painful; at least he never admitted that it was.

There was so much about Vegeta that she hated, but also so much that she loved. She knew there would never be another man for her. She was his forever, whether he wanted her to be or not. There were moments during their short time together when he would open up to her. He told her about his father and his home planet. She would pass all this information on to her son. She would never say anything bad about Vegeta to their child. She wanted Trunks to think his father was a good man. Deep down she knew he could be, but there was so much pent up emotions inside him that she didn't know if he was capable of being a father. He had been through so much in his life, more than any one person should have to endure. She understood that and knew that he didn't know how to love another person, because no one had ever loved him-until now.

She was into her last month of pregnancy now. Chi-Chi had told her that Gohan had come early. Bulma hoped that Trunks would come early as well. She didn't know how much more her insides could take. She walked down to the kitchen to find her dad sitting at the table, reading the news. "Hi dad." She said. Bulma didn't know how she could have gotten through the last 7 months without her dad. He was the glue that held her together. Her mom was helpful, but she was in her own little world most of the time. Bulma went over to him and hugged him from behind and planted a kiss on top of his purple hair.

"What was that for?" he said.

"Just cause." She replied. "Want some ice cream?"

"You know I do." Said Dr. Briefs.

Bulma made them both a big bowl of ice cream and sat down with him at the table. "Anything interesting in the news?" she said.

"No, it is all crap." He put the paper down and started digging into his dish. "How are you and the little one doing?" he asked.

"Not so little." She said as she showed off her huge stomach. "I think I am going to give birth to an elephant."

They both laughed. Shadow had followed Bulma to the kitchen and was begging for some ice cream. Him and Kitty had an understanding. Kitty didn't come near Shadow, and Shadow didn't tear Kitty into pieces. "What about you darling? Are you getting any sleep?" said Dr. Briefs to his daughter.

"No, still not sleeping very well. The minute I lie down, Trunks decides it is playtime. I think he has set up a gym in there." She said as she poked her bulging mid section.

They ate ice cream and talked for a while. Then Bulma asked, "Dad, would you take Shadow out to the pond? I haven't been able to walk him in the last few days. My ankles are all swelled up. He really needs some exercise."

"I would love to do that for you, sweetheart. You have to take Kitty though." He said.

Bulma agreed. She went out to the deck and sprawled out on a lawn chair. "If you would just stay still, maybe I could get some sleep." She said to her stomach. She watched her dad and Shadow till they were out of sight, and then sat back and relaxed. Trunks didn't seem particularly active. Maybe she could sleep for a minute or two. She shut her eyes and attempted to relax.

Suddenly she felt a breeze blow across her. It was a familiar breeze. If she didn't know better, she would swear she smelled Vegeta's familiar scent. I must be dreaming she thought. She opened her eyes and found that she wasn't dreaming. He was standing over her. When she first opened her eyes, he was looking at her with sadness. But when he saw that her eyes were open, his face quickly hardened into a scowl of disgust.

"What are you doing here." She said. She was glad to see he was OK, but she didn't want him around her. She had already planned everything, and he was not a part of it.

"I came to show you something." He said.

"First, I have something to show you." She said. "Follow me."

Bulma lead him to her laboratory. In it she showed him her biggest project. She turned it on and it began to hum. She pulled a keyboard out and pulled up the program that started the machine. She then went behind a screen, pulled up her shirt and attached some electrodes to her bulging middle. Before both of their eyes appeared a three dimensional, holographic image of the baby in her womb. She manipulated the image to show him the baby's back and the appendage that was growing there. "So you see Vegeta, this is your child. You can't deny that now. I will name him Trunks when he is born, and I will raise him without you."

He stared at the image before him. She was correct. This was his child. No human child would have a tail. Bulma looked at the image. Tears always came to her eyes when she saw Trunks. He was bigger and completely developed now. He is so beautiful, she thought to herself. After staring at the image, Bulma got up from behind the screen and pulled off the electrodes. The image slowly faded. She turned off the machine. She couldn't look at Vegeta. She didn't want him to see her vulnerable. She kept her back to him and walked out of the lab and back to her room in the house.

Vegeta just stood there. He had never fathomed the possibility that the child she was carrying was his. He had always believed it was the moron's child. He had now seen the proof. He started pacing. He had no idea why he had come back to this place. He was proud of what he had accomplished. He wanted to show someone, and the woman was the only one he could think of. She had no interest in what he had to show her. This child she is carrying-this changed everything. He continued to pace and try to figure out what his next move would be. Suddenly an image came to him. A young man from the future with purple hair and a Capsule Corporation shirt. A young man who he had witnessed chop his most hated enemy, Freiza, into little tiny pieces. A young man who was also a Super Sayain. Could it be?

He left the lab and flew to Goku's house. He had to speak to him. He came to the door and knocked forcibly. "Hold your horses!" came a woman's voice from the other side of the door. Chi-Chi opened the door. "What the hell do you want?" she said to Vegeta.

"I need to speak with Kakarrot." He stated with a touch of hate in his voice. He didn't like this woman.

"He is busy." Spat Chi-Chi back to him.

"Woman, don't make me find him myself."

Chi-Chi let out a grunt of disgust. "Oh OK, but as long as you just talk. No fighting!" she said back to him. "GOKU!" she shouted.

"Yes honey." Said Goku as he quickly ran to answer her call.

"Your little friend is here. NO FIGHTING! Understand?"

Goku put his hand behind his head and smiled a very uneasy smile at her. "Yes Chi-Chi, I promise." He said.

Vegeta was disgusted by the whole display and shook his head. He walked away from the door and Goku followed him. "I must know something Kakarrot."

"What?" he said, hand still behind his head.

"That boy from the future that told us about the androids. What was his name?" asked Vegeta as he turned to face Goku.

"I can't tell you that. I was sworn to secrecy." He said very nervously, knowing full well that was not the answer Vegeta wanted to hear.

"Tell me or I will kill you." Said Vegeta.

"Vegeta, I can't fight with you. I have to do the dishes and then Chi-Chi has something else for me to do. She will kill me if I fight with you." Goku said.

Vegeta rolled his eyes in repulsion. "If I say a name, will you tell me if it is the boy's name?"

"Uh……OK. I guess I could do that. That's not really like I am breaking a promise. What is the name?" Goku didn't think he actually would know what the correct name was so he wasn't overly concerned.

"Trunks." Said Vegeta simply.

Goku's eyes opened wide and his mouth dropped. How did he know that? He didn't answer.

"No need to answer Kakarrot. Your face gives it all away." Said Vegeta. This baby that Bulma was carrying, was the boy from the future. "I would punch you now, but I don't want to get you into any trouble." He said sarcastically, and flew away.

Goku was still a little shocked that Vegeta had figured it out. He went back in the house. Chi-Chi drilled him about what Vegeta wanted, but he went back to doing the dishes in silence.


Vegeta flew back to Capsule Corp. He didn't know what to do next. The right thing to do would be to mate with the woman. He was a cold heartless bastard, though. How could he make a commitment to her? She seemed to be convinced that she didn't need him. He certainly didn't need her. He flew around the compound until he found himself by her balcony. He had come here to show her something, and whether she liked it or not, he was going to show her. He landed on her balcony. Shadow began barking inside her room. He went to the door and looked in. She was on her bed. She had sat up when the dog started barking. She saw him at the door. She slowly got up from the bed and waddled over to the balcony. She opened the door and looked at him. He turned away from her, walked to the edge of the balcony and flew a short distance from her and turned around. Bulma walked to the edge of the balcony and watched him. The earth around him started to shake as he powered up. She watched in awe at the power he was able to harness. Then all at once he changed. He had fulfilled his destiny. He was a Super Sayain. Bulma put her hands over her mouth. He has done it, she thought. She was very happy for him. She knew how much this had meant to him.

After the stunning display of light and power, he powered down. He flew back to the balcony. Bulma watched him, her hands still over her mouth. They stared at each other. Bulma put her hands down and spoke first, "That was great. I am so happy for you."

Vegeta looked away from her and out into the night. He didn't know what he had expected to get from showing her; he only knew that he wanted her to see what he had accomplished.

Bulma leaned against the balcony and stared where he was staring. She wanted to tell him how mad she was at him, but also how much she had missed him. She said nothing.

After a few minutes, Bulma needed to sit down. Her feet were killing her. "I am going to go back in and sit down. You are welcome to come with me." She said.

He looked at her. He wanted to be near her. She was still just as beautiful, maybe even more. She had a glow about her. He watched as she waddled back into her room. She left the door open, an invitation for him to join her. He walked to the door and stopped. "I will be right back." He said.

Vegeta flew to the kitchen and walked in. Dr. and Mrs. Briefs were there. Mrs. Briefs was making cookies. Dr. Briefs was reading a manual of some kind for work. Vegeta cleared his throat and the both looked his way.

"Vegeta!" squealed Mrs. Briefs. "Come in, sit down. Are you hungry?" She immediately ran to the refrigerator and started fixing him a huge meal.

Dr. Briefs was not as happy to see him. He gave Vegeta a look that only a father would give to a boy that had gotten his daughter in trouble. "To what do we owe this visit?" asked Dr. Briefs. He had always been afraid of Vegeta, but seeing his daughter hurt had given him the strength to stand up to the menace.

"I now know that the child she is carrying is mine. I have come to ask…" he stopped in mid sentence. He didn't know what he wanted to ask. On his planet, marriages were arranged. Bulma's mom stopped what she was doing and looked at him. He started again, "I have come to tell you that I wish to mate with your daughter." He stated. There he had said it.

Mrs. Briefs squealed with delight. "When?" she asked. "We are running out of time if you want to do it before she has the baby."

"Tomorrow would be adequate." Said Vegeta.

"TOMORROW!" shrieked Mrs. Briefs. "Oh my, well, I am sure we can do that." This was her forte. She was the party planner of the family. She finished getting Vegeta's meal, and immediately got on the phone to make the plans.

"What does my daughter think of this?" asked Dr. Briefs. After their many conversations, he wasn't sure this is what she wanted.

"I don't know. Why should that matter? Does she want to have a bastard child?" said Vegeta coldly to him.

Dr. Briefs went over to where his wife was standing and took the phone out of her hand and hung it up. Mrs. Briefs was shocked at what he had just done. She was about to yell at him, but she saw the way he was looking at Vegeta and thought better of it. "Don't you think you had better clear this with her before you go and make these plans?" he said to the two of them.

"Oh, I will go get her." Said Mrs. Briefs.

"No you won't." demanded Dr. Briefs. "You will go ask her to marry you, as you should." He said pointing in Vegeta's direction. "When she says yes, you can start making your phone calls." He said pointing to his wife. He put his chest out. The man of the house had just spoken and it was time for everyone to listen.

Vegeta stood up. Dr. Briefs felt his legs turn to Jell-O, but he stood his ground. Vegeta walked up to him and got right up in his face. "All right, human." He said to Dr. Briefs. He turned and left the room to go up the stairs.

Mrs. Briefs gave her husband a hug. She had never seen him stand up to someone this way. When she let go, Dr. Briefs fell to the floor. He had passed out.

Vegeta got to the top of the stairs and went to her room. The door was partly open and he pushed it the rest of the way. Bulma was lying on the bed trying to get comfortable. She sat up when she heard him walk in. She smiled. She really was glad to see him.

"Woman, I have come to tell you that tomorrow we will be mated." He said matter-of-factly.

Bulma's eyes opened wide in disbelief. "What did you just say?"

"You heard me. Don't make me repeat it." He said back to her. "I went to tell your parents, but your father stated that I needed to c-l-e-a-r it with you first." He had stretched the word "clear" out, as if it was a ridiculous thing to make him do.

She put her hands over her mouth and tears came to her eyes. Her dad did that?

"I do not want a pathetic display of your emotions woman. This is simply so that you do not have a bastard child. This changes nothing between us." He roared at her.

Bulma looked down at the bed. She thought about the last 7 months and how lonely she had been. She had already planned everything out and her plans did not include him. If she married him, it really wouldn't change anything between them. Her head told her no, but her heart kept telling her to say yes. Listening to my heart has always got me in trouble, she thought to herself. This is all so wrong, but right now it feels so right. She looked back at Vegeta. She swung her legs over the side of the bed and slowly pulled herself up into a standing position. "Will you stay here?" she asked. She had to know what he was thinking.

"I can't answer that." He said softly back to her. There was no anger in his voice. He wanted to stay with her. He wanted to be near her, but his training had to take precedence over everything else.

Bulma moved closer to him and wrapped her arms around him. She missed the closeness they had shared. Vegeta pulled her closer to him and their lips locked in a passionate kiss. All the pain of the 7 months melted away for Bulma. This was her answer. She would take things one day at a time with him. She vowed to enjoy the time they spent together, but not expect anymore than he could give. Bulma pulled away and looked him right in the eyes.

"Yes Vegeta, I will marry you."