Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Kaioshin Saga: Story 2: A Truth Untold ❯ Chapter 5: Between Heaven and Hell ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A Truth Untold

Disclaimer: I do not own Dragon Ball Z or any of the Dragon Ball Z characters. They are owned by those who own them. I do, however, own the original characters (if any) and the fic all of this is in. That is all.

Chapter 5: Between Heaven and Hell

The four Kaioshins stood in a line next to each other, the West next to the East, the East next to the South, and the South next to the North, as their assistants stood behind them just as quiet as they were. The Dai Kaioshin paced in front of them, his pudgy arms barely clasping behind his back. He had been moving like so for the past ten minutes, allowing fear and other emotions to flow among the others. None had said a word during this time, all too afraid that, if they spoke, they would be sworn at with gritted teeth. Each had come from their own part of the planet, all execpt for the South for they all had gathered there at his palace.

"I know that something is wrong, not just on this planet, but in the universe," The Dai said finally, still pacing along the Kaioshins. "I can feel it. I can sense it. But I don't know what it is."

"We can find it out. There is nothing that we can not see," The South Kaioshin said bluntly as the Dai Kaioshin stopped pacing and turned towards the others. "Whatever it is, we can suppress it."

"I wish it were so," The highest Kaioshin muttered, lowering his gaze. "But it is not that easy. Nothing is ever easy." He moved his gaze up towards Shin, who was biting his lower lip in a attempt to keep himself quiet. "You know something that the other three do not know. I can see more on this planet then what is the universe as a whole. Tell them what you know, Shin."

"I know nothing," Shin half lied, hoping that it wasn't showing on his face. Course, that did not help him since the other Kaioshins could easily enter his mind, and take whatever information they could. It was the way the order worked, and the way it would remain.

"Yes, you do. You know more then what the rest know."

"I.....I only know what goes around me. And.....and the things that I have been taught," The deity bowed his head in shame, knowing that he could not hide something from a God higher then him. "A girl is at my palace, claiming to be of my blood. I had to leave her because I was called here."

A low mutter went along the North, West, and South as they looked at each other, giving messages to the other, verbal and telepathic. Their assistants remained quiet, Kibito silently wishing that this was not happening at the current moment. The Dai didn't silence them, instead taking in a deep breath.

"I sense trouble in this girl. I know that you want to try to protect her, but there is nothing that you can do about it," He sighed, his eyes moving towards the other Kaioshins, their words stopping in mid stride as they realized they were being watched. Each stood up straight, awaiting any more from the Dai. "I want everyone to stay on guard. What I am sensing may not be what I think it is, but we can not take the chance. The universe has to stay in order."

With a nod, the Dai Kaioshin dismissed the Kaioshins, allowing them to leave at their pleasure. They muttered quiet goodbye's to the other Gods, two of them going in their own directions with their assistants behind them. The South Kaioshin bowed down to the Dai before he and his own guardian disappeared into the palace that stood right behind them. Only Shin and Kibito did not move, the deity's gaze still turned down towards the ground.

"There are things that are troubling you more then what needs to be known," The high Kaioshin said, taking a step towards the East Kaioshin.

"Yes, Dai Kaioshin," The young deity whispered, afraid to look up at the other. "There is no need for me to question the fact that you already knew about her."

"You're right. There isn't any reason for you to. But, that doesn't mean you don't have to do anything about it. What do you propose we do about this girl?"

"I want her to stay on the planet, at least until I can catch up with everything. I want her to be here, on this planet," Shin moved his head up a little bit, his ebony eyes looking lost. He noticed the Dai had his head tilted to the side, his face showing more then what words could not say. "I guess she has to go, right?"

"Yes, she does. As soon as she possibly can," He paused for a moment as if thinking about his next words. "Shin, being a God means that you have to give up the life that you think you want, or the life that you had known before. Every sacrifice that you make means that you can do your job better, and you can look upon your Quadrant without anything hindering your judgment." He paused again, a frown creasing among his face. "Yes, I can feel another emotion going through you. It's not what I want you to feel, but I can not stop it. I know how....."

"No, you don't!" Shin burst out, his head snapping up. A flame of anger crossed his eyes as he balled his fists, a pissed off look on coming onto his face. "I lost my sister when I was young only to have her come back twenty years later. I'm feeling emotions that I have been forbidden to feel. No one knows how I feel, not even you." He turned his head away from the Dai, tears forming at the base of his eyes. He tried to keep them from coming down, but a lone crystal drop rolled down his light purple cheek. "How can I sacrifice any more? I can't. If it means giving up what I have gained, then I don't want to be a God anymore. It's not worth it."

"Sometimes it isn't worth it, Shin. I know this is a hard time for you, but you cannot have everything if you are a God," The Dai said simply, keeping a harshness to his words, but held a gentleness to it. Shin glared up at him with his black eyes.

"I don't care," He growled, his small body raising up from the ground. "If the things that I want interfere with being a God, so be it. I rather have the things then. I don't want to be a God."

The deity pushed his lips together as he flew upwards, then away from the other's without so much as a glance behind him. Kibito started to move so that he could follow his master, but the Dai Kaioshin grabbed his arm, pulling him back.

"No, Kibito. Stay. Let him go back to the palace alone to be with her," He ordered the other.

"What if he gets in trouble or gets hurt?" Kibito questioned, looking towards the Dai with concern.

"Let him be. If something happens to him, it happens," The higher Kaioshin sighed, lowering his gaze. "Something is going to happen, but I do not know what. It is better that Shin goes to her, despite any bad feelings we may have about this situation."

"I made a promise that I would protect him at any cost, and now is no different," Kibito shook the Dai's hand off his arm. "I care about him, and nothing can stop me from doing so."

"Does Shin feel the same way?"

"Yes, he does."

"Are you doing this out of love or out of your duties to him?"

"Both. My duty because I have sworn to protect him. My love because he's the only one that understands."

"You know that, if you go, you might endanger him more then what he is now."

"There is no reason why I shouldn't be with him. If it endangers him so, at least I can try to protect him," Kibito raised himself from the ground, his body moving towards the direction Shin had gone in. He slowly moved through the air at first, gradually gaining speed until the Dai could no longer see him.

"So be it," The Kaioshin whispered, standing alone with a dead feeling inside of him.


Shin felt the wind whip at his face, pushing back his white hair with his ebony eyes staring straight ahead. The coldness of the wind made him want to slow down, but the anger burning inside of him fueled him to stay at the speed he was at. He didn't care. Not anymore, at least. If nobody else cared, why should he?

He life had gotten on track since his training started, allowing his mind to focus on that and nothing else. It gave him a chance to have a different life then what he'd would've had if he hadn't any training. It also handed him the chance to open his heart, and allow someone to enter with new emotions. Now his life was thrusted into chaos it once was in when Keelin decided to show that she was still alive. Still the same one after so many years. Even that seemed unsure as he went towards his palace.

Master? Kibito's voice echoed through the deity's mind.

What? Shin responded haughtily.

Slow down. I am just a little ways behind you.

Did the Dai send you after me?

No. I did it one my own. I may not like what you are doing, but I need to stand by you, no matter what.

I can tell you doubt me. Why? Shin demanded, not faltering his speed.

Because I don't trust that girl. She may not be who she says she is, Kibito snapped back. She has been in your sight for a few moments, and already you have jumped to conclusions about her. Give it some time before you actually believe that she is your sister.

Shin halted his flying altogether, his eyes narrowing as he turned around, crossing his arms over his chest as he waited for the other to catch up. The deity felt Kibito's Ki coming closer to him, mixed emotions swirling around him. He was glad his assistant had decided to come with him, but that was to be expected. All of the Kaioshins had personal assistants to aid them with their own duties. From there, the Kaioshins could hire other servants, like cooks and maids, to do what their masters wanted. The Kaios didn't have the please of their own bodyguard, but had the chance to hire a maid or two. That is, if their homes were big enough to need servants. The Dai Kaios normally had a couple of cooks here and there, but mostly did their own revamping of their palaces.

Shin sighed as Kibito's form came into view, flying faster then before. The God was getting impatient, due to the fact that he wanted to see his sister before the day was out. But that would have to wait. There was something else that he had to care of first.

"Why did you say that?" The God growled as soon as Kibito slowed down a few feet away in front of him.

"You are thinking too fast about this situation," The other breathed, his chest going up and down from the fast flying he had done.

"No, I am not. I'm thinking just fine right now."

"You would give up your position just for her?"

"And you," The deity flew towards his assistant, his arms still crossed over his chest. I can't care for you and still be a God. The Dai would have a fit." He then frowned, his eyes narrowing more. "If you care for me, then you'll understand about Keelin."

"It is not that I don't understand, Shin. It is just that I don't want you to jump into this lightly," Kibito moved even closer when what the deity had, but close enough to his master to move a hand along the outline of Shin's face. "I don't want to see you get hurt again. It took me a while to get into your heart, and I don't want to be pushed out of it."

"I won't push you out. I just want to get to know my sister again," Shin flew closer to the other, allowing him to place his head onto Kibito's shoulder.

"I know you do," He whispered, putting his arms around him.

"Why doesn't the Dai understand?"

"He wants things to go the way things are supposed to go, and nothing else. I guess that's the way it's going to be as it always been."

"I don't want to do that."

"We can't always get what we want."

"I know. But, right now, I want to see my sister," Shin said, lifting his head off of Kibito's shoulder. The other smiled gently, his eyes gleaming. There was silence, with the wind even stopping for them, as the two leaned forwards, towards each other. Shin uncrossed his arms at this point, placing his hands onto the other's chest as their lips touched each other's gently. Kibito closed his eyes, putting more force into the kiss. Shin did not break this moment, closing his eyes half way as he pushed back.

They kept together for several seconds, time seemingly standing still for them like the wind had. Nothing mattered to them but each other at this point. Once they broke their kiss, their eyes lingered in the state they were in before each opened their eyes, locking once they had been opened.

"That was something," Shin said, a smiling coming across his lips.

"Yes, it was," Kibito mused, running a hand through the deity's soft hair. Shin purred, his eye's shinning. There was a pause in this moment, Kibito's eyes wandering ever so slightly towards the ground. He then moved his gaze to the God, a light smile appearing on his lips.

"You thinking what I believe you are thinking?" Shin asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I might," The other innocently said. The deity shook his head.

"You are bad, Kibito," He toyed lightly. "Not now, though. There's....."

Shin turned around quickly with his eyes going wide. Kibito removed his arms from his love, carefully moving next to him. The deity was looking all around, a confused yet determined look on his face.

"What's wrong?" He asked, his gaze becoming wondering.

"I felt something powerful in the distance. It's not on the planet, but it's moving fast, and towards us," The God hissed, his eyes going wider then before. "It's like a deep cavern of power that never ends." He looked up at Kibito. "Can you feel it too?"

"Yes, but just barely. It seems familiar to me somehow, but I can't figure it out."

"I am not going to worry about it. The power seems like it is going towards the south, so let the South Kaioshin worry about it," Shin said, moving his gaze towards his palace. "If he needs help, I'll lend him my services. Until then, I have something else that demands my attention."

"Yes, I know," Kibito mumbled, watching Shin continue on his way back to his palace. The other lingered for a moment before following, still unsure about what was happening.


Keelin felt the creature's power coming towards the planet, a light smile on her lips. She now stood outside the palace, just a little ways from the entrance with her head tilted towards the sky. She kept her eyes closed, a flighting feeling washing over her. the girl hadn't felt this free before, having been cooped up in a prison for so long. The sunlight streamed upon her face, the wind moving across her body in a stream of freedom that was just out of her grasp.

Wake up, you pathetic excuse of a life form, A voice hissed in her mind.

What? Keelin replied without moving her body a inch.

Has your Kaioshin of a brother come back yet? It has been several hours already, and I don't want a bunch of Gods lingering around the South end of the planet when I land there.

Don't worry, master. He'll be here at any moment. I can feel it, A smirk came upon her lips. And I think you should mask your power a little. It's just screaming your presence. One of the Gods might pick it up.

Really? Maybe I should send a letter to the Kaioshins, explaining what I pan to do.

I don't care what you do. You do what you have to do, and I'll do what I need to do, What that, the girl tuned her mind from any more thoughts from the creature, he smirk disappearing from her lips. Something was coming closer to her, and it wasn't her own master. That's it, Shin. Come back to me, She thought to herself as she placed her hands behind her back.

She moved her head down, her eyes opening as two forms came from the south. Keelin's face scrunched up in disgust as she noticed her brother wasn't alone like she'd hoped he would be. Damn him. Can't anything go right?

"Hello, Shin," She purred as the God descended onto the ground, and moved a couple of steps towards her. His assistant landed a few moments later, his face sour. "What took you so long?"

"It does take a little while to come from the South Kaioshin's palace. The Dai has a tendency to make long speeches," Shin answered, not even noticing the warning look from Kibito.

"Exactly what is a Kaioshin?"

"That information can not be said. I'm sorry."

"Why not?" She asked slyly, taking a step towards the deity. "You've already sparked my interest in this matter."

"It is also concealed information. I've said enough as it is," Her brother smiled all cat-like. "But it doesn't matter what they are. I'm glad that you are here."

"Yes, so am I," Keelin sat down where she had been standing, now placing her hands into her lap. "Now I have a few other questions to ask you?"

"Such as?" Shin asked, eying her.

"Like, why didn't you come after me?"

"Because I thought you were dead, Kee. Bibidi didn't exactly show me that he was capable of leaving anyone alive. At least, from what little I've seen of him."

"So, no one let you search for me?"

"Kee, I was young then. I saw what I saw. I didn't know you were still alive."

"Yea, well, people should be honest with you," The girl said, glaring up at Kibito.

"Yes, they should," The other replied, returning the glare. Shin looked from one to the other, seeing the anger forming between the two.

"Okay, okay. Let's not put any blame on anyone," He said, giving Kibito a look.

"Whatever," He mused, a pout coming upon his face. The girl smiled triumphantly, having won this battle.

"But that still doesn't answer my question directly," She said, taking the opportunity to completely ignore Kibito, and focus her attention on the young deity. "You could have least tried to see if I was alive."

"I did answer your question. I told you I thought you were dead. No one had to tell me a damned thing that would have suggested otherwise," Shin growled, a flash of anger going across his face. "There are other ways of finding someone other then using your own eyes. I know I could have gone after a hope, but that hope was lost a long time ago."

"Shin, I am here now. I am alive," Keelin got to her knees, crawling to her brother. She placed her hands upon his shoulders, tears forming at her eyes. "Look at me. I am here. I'm real."

"Are you?" Shin demanded, biting his lip to keep his own tears from falling down his cheeks.

"Don't you believe me?"

"I don't know what to believe, Keelin. Things are happening too fast for me to understand."

"What is happening too fast?"

"Everything, sister. Everything."


Night had settled upon the planet a few hours ago, giving a cloak of darkness to those that needed it. They sky above held no comforting stars tonight, the specks of dust, along with the orb of the moon, was blacked out by the clouds that went from one end of the sky to the other. There was nothing that could give any offer of light to those down below that slept in their secure beds. Not even the hollow moon, that smiled from it's infinite perch in the heavens, was able to shine brightly as it always had.

The wind whispered past a palace of a God, the only source of light coming from a single torch that stood by the arch of the entrance. A lone guard stood watch, barely able to stay awake at this hour, despite night coming only a while ago. This hindered his judgment as two figures made their way towards the palace. This lonesome guard did not see this movement that the wind masked, his eyes closing forevermore as the figures descended upon him.

There was no warnings to what was about to happen as the night went on.


Kibito knew something was going to happen. There was a eerie feeling about it that didn't like. But what could he say about what he felt? Shin wouldn't listen to him despite the growing love between them. With the imposter of a girl in the palace, there was nothing he could do. The deity's mind was too clouded to think straight, and, with everything going on at the moment, it just made things worse then they already were.

He sighed as he laid upon his back on his bed, half covered by the blanket on his body. His bare chest went up and down with every breath that he took, his eyes staring up at the ceiling. The other had been unable to fall asleep at the moment, the thoughts of the day running through his mind. It all seemed like a blur to him, going faster then what he wanted it to; the only part that wasn't fuzzy was the moment that his and Shin's lips came together in a kiss. In that moment, everything changed. Nothing seemed to matter anymore in that second, all the emotions he felt rushing through him at once. He wanted to feel that rush again.

Yawning, Kibito rolled onto his left side, closing his in a hopeful attempt to fall asleep. Maybe he could get some sleep tonight. That probably wouldn't happen anyways. At least, with his stomach in knots. He felt something was wrong somewhere, yet he couldn't pinpoint what it was. Perhaps it was more of the girl then it was anything else. Then there was that feeling of something that was coming towards the planet, which both had felt then. Shin just shrugged it off like it was nothing, really not showing like he cared what it was. Maybe it is nothing, He thought. Maybe I am just overacting over this. Maybe.

Suddenly, Kibito sat up, a feeling of pure energy rumbling through his body. He opened his eyes, his heart beating faster then it had been before. What was that? He questioned himself as he threw the blanket off of his body, placing his legs onto the side of the bed. It felt far away, but on this planet. Somewhere. I wonder if anyone else felt it.

The other decided to find out as he stood up, his mind set on waking his master about this matter, whether or not he believed him.


Shin had fallen asleep a half hour ago without so much a thought or care. It wasn't hard to do since he had been doing a lot of things that day. Things nowadays were taking more of his energy then he'd like it to. Before he became a Kaioshin, the only thing he had to worry about was his training with Kibito. Even then, things had been difficult but at least he didn't have a whole Quadrant to worry about. Now, it seemed like there was more to do then just to laze around for a moment or two before going off some where's else.

Master, wake up, Kibito's voice entered the deity's mind. Shin scrunched his face up as he rolled over onto his stomach, letting out a groan.

What the hell is it, Kibito? He grumbled back, not bothering to wake up.

I think you should get up. There is something wrong somewhere on the planet.

Can't it wait till morning?

If it does, you might not have a planet when you wake up.

Whatever, The God snapped, his ebony eyes snapping open as he pushed himself up with his arms. He looked around tiredly, the darkness of the room enveloping him as he flopped onto his back. What is wrong?

Kibito didn't answer right away. Instead, the God heard his door open, light footsteps coming into the room. A few moments later, someone was kneeling by the bed, yet the God didn't bother to turn on any lights. He knew who was there.

"I think that something happened in the South end of the planet," Kibito whispered. The deity turned his head wearily towards the other, hints of anger forming on his light purple face.

"Didn't we talk about this earlier? Right now, it's not our problem," He growled.

"It might not be now, but it could be eventually."

"Go back to bed, and you'll see it is nothing. There is nothing to worry about."

"But master....."

"Kibito, go," Shin growled in a warning tone. There was a short silence after that, no one moving and no one speaking. Shin sat up, already on end with the other, as he broke that silence. "If it worry's you so, then you check it out. Right now, it is not my problem." He sighed. "I don't know what has gotten into you, Kibito. Ever since Keelin came, you have been acting all defensive. You think that I am going to forget you if I take her back into my life?"

"No, it is something that you don't seem to understand, Shin," Kibito snapped as he stood up. "There is nothing good about the girl. Can't you feel it? It doesn't seem right."

"No, it doesn't. You are pushing me out of the way so that you'll be able to have her. I see it now," Shin narrowed his eyes. "I thought you loved me."

"I do. You are just misunderstanding what I am trying to warn you about," The other protested.

"Then what are you trying to warn me about then?"

"The fact that it doesn't seem logical that a person can be alive after Bibidi has gotten to them. If it is possible, there is a great chance that the person has been placed under the wizard's control. There is a very slim chance, if there is any, that someone could survive any kind of attack from him."

"So you think Kee is being controlled by Bibidi then?"

"Yes, I do. And I think she is just a pawn in a big plan that is about to unfold."

"I can't believe that you, Kibito, would make up something like that," Shin shook his head at this. "I couldn't imagine you would even think that my sister could, and would, allow herself to be controlled by someone else. It is just not right."

"I am not making any of this up. You have to believe me."

"Why should I?"

"Because it is the truth."

"I just don't understand where this is coming from. You...."

"I can tell you will never believe me," Kibito cut him off angrily.

"You're right. I won't," Shin said just as coldly.

"If that is the case, then fine. I don't need you or will I ever if this is the way I am going to be treated when you know I am right. Whatever you want to do with the rest of your life, it will not include me. Goodbye," With those words, Shin heard Kibito stomp out of the room, slamming the door behind him as tears came down the deity's face.

"Goodbye forever," Shin hissed out, the words never being heard by anyone.


Keelin watched as Shin's assistant walked quickly towards his own room, a look of pure happiness on her face. She stood a little ways from the doorway that lead into the God's room, far enough away so that she couldn't be detected, but close enough so that she could hear what was being said. And she liked the results that came from the conversation between master and servant.

She smiled evilly, pushing her back off the wall as she walked in the opposite direction of the other, more slowly as well. Everything was being put into place. Everything was coming together just like it had been planned. Now nothing could stop what should be.

"So it begins," Keelin mused to herself, taking the small strides back to her own room.

To Be Continued.....