Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Price Of Power ❯ Chapter: 8 ( Chapter 10 )

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The Price Of Power

" rrrr " Speech

< rrrr > Thoughts

<< rrrr >> Inward voice

<> rrrr <> Telepathy

A/N: I hope everyone had a joyful Christmas and a happy and safe New Year. As I said in the previous chapter, the story will make a scenery change for two maybe three chapters. Hope you all enjoy ^_^

Chapter: Eight


Like a new born baby, Adam slept, oblivious to his surroundings or what soon awaited him. Kakarotto looked on as he slept, amused, that after awakening the young Prince would be in for a severe case of culture shock.

<< Are you sure about this? What if he doesn't survive? >> Asked Goku.

< Then he doesn't survive. >

<< Even you can't be that be that heartless. What about his friends, his mother and father, and especially Teela? Their lives would be devastated if he dies. >>

< And your point is? … Like every kind of pain, they will learn to live with it. In time they will get over never seeing him again. But he will survive, his potential is great, well, compared to human standards. >

<< True ... he may reach Krillin's or even Tienshinhan's level of power. But I doubt he will come close to their skill. >>

< Hopefully so, for his world either level of power should be sufficient. As for skill, he doesn't need to be them, just as long as he always remembers the basics of fighting, he should progress nicely. >

<< I'm still worried about his safety. The Room of Spirit and Time might be too much for him. >>

< Your right, the outer part of the room would be too much for him at this stage. That's why I will train him first in the patio of the house. Then after he's strong enough we will move onto his real training in the outer part. >

<< Have you considered what you would do if he refuses? >>

< He has no choice. He-Man is no more. But more importantly his confidence is broken in his other self. He understands that no longer is he unbeatable, no longer does he deserve the title of Most Powerful Man In The Universe. His will is broken, and now all I have to do is pick up the pieces. > He thought with a snicker.

<< You think your so smart and clever don't you? That you have everything planned out and nothing could go wrong. >>

< Of course, if I wasn't then thing's wouldn't of gotten this far to begin with. You should know better then to doubt me. After all, if I weren't clever, then I would of never regained control over my body in the first place. >

Kakarotto broke out in a deep sadistic laugh which caused Adam to regain consciousness. Seeing that his new 'student' was awake, he extended a hand, offering to help him up. Adam looked at it suspiciously, an understandable reaction to all that had taken place. Ignoring Kakarotto's gesture, he slowly stood up under his own power. Then after quickly examining his surroundings, Adam was surprised to be in a bed room and not in a cage or tied up like he had thought.

" Where am I?! " He asked, giving Kakarotto a looked filled with hate.

" Relax, your in a safe place. This my new student is where you will be staying for the next three years. This is the bedroom, through the door on your right is the bathroom, the one on your left is the kitchen, and the door right behind you leads to the outer area. It's where we will do all of your training. "

" Training?! What are you talking about? I thought you wanted to make me a slave? "

" Right, and my slave for three years you shall be. But, a slave only in your commitment to bringing out your maximum potential. "

" Maximum Potential? In what? "

" Fighting of course, along with overall power, speed, intelligence, durability, and complete mastery of how to use Ki. "

Adam was greatly confused to say the least. Kakarotto the man, or monster as he saw him. Wanted to train him in fighting and not make him a man slave as he previously thought. But the thing Adam wanted to know at the moment was why.

" I want you to understand Adam, that I did those things to you for a couple of reasons. First, to test and see the limits of your power. I wanted to see if you truly deserved the Title you had. The second, was to show you the power of Grayskull is not supreme. There are many powers greater then it, mine for example. I barely used any of my true power. I had to lower from my base level significantly to make sure I didn't accidentally kill you. "

" What! You can't be serious? Your telling me your even stronger then when we fought? " He asked in complete shock.

" Yes, if I were to give the power I fought you at a number it would be around ten thousand. Your number would be between two and three thousand. Actually that's not a bad level to have. But your power is based mainly on strength and endurance. Your skill when it comes to fighting is weak and your speed is pathetic. To bad the bird witch couldn't spread the power out in different areas, so that you would have been a complete fighter. "

Adam's pride as a warrior and as a man were hurting. But Kakarotto's words had a sense of truth to them the young Prince couldn't deny.

" So you want to make me a complete fighter ... Why should I believe a word your saying? How do I know your just not trying to trick me? "

" Are you just as stupid as your woman? How many times could I of killed you so far? If I wanted to ravage your planet, tell me who would stop me? Certainly not you, or any of your friends. I will admit that I might of gone a tad overboard in our encounters, and if you want an apology then fine. I'm sorry Prince of Eternia for the pain and hurt I caused, please except my humble apology. " He bowed slightly, completely shocking Adam.

" Why are you doing this? " Adam asked genuinely confused.

" Why? ... Why not? You have a nice beautiful planet. Skeletor wishes to conquer it, but the fool will go to any lengths to do so. The dragon's he wishes to unleash, could completely decimate the planet. As He-Man you could probably handle a few, but from what I figure there could be hundreds if not thousands of them. "

" So training from you would enable me to become powerful enough to handle them? "

" Of course, with my guidance no one or thing on Eternia will be able to compare to you. " He said with a chuckle.

Adam was struggling emotionally with what he was hearing. A part of him hated Kakarotto and distrusted everything he said. But another part believed him, and wanted to see what training under him could produce. Even though Kakarotto's beatings were the most painful things he had ever felt. A small part of him admired that type of power, the power to totally dominate.

" Search your heart, listen to what it's saying. But if you do want to leave I won't stop you. But, know this, if you return now then Eternia is doomed. With the absence of your sword, there's no way you can even hope to defend it. "

" There your wrong. I'm confident the Sorceress can reforge the ...--"

" What does that matter? Like I said, as He-Man you may be able to last a while against a few. But never will you be able to defeat them all. "

" Wait ... why don't you just do it yourself? You certainly have more then enough power to stop Skeletor from releasing them. Why bother training me? ... "

" It's your world you defend it. Why should I, a stranger to your planet have to defend it? "

" Your not from Eternia?! " He asked genuinely surprised.

" If I was, then Skeletor would already be dead. And there wouldn't of been a need for you to become He-Man in the first place. "

" I see … Okay, so if I do except, then what else is in this for you? I don't buy that your doing this just to save Eternia. There has to be something else you want? … "

" True, your pretty sharp for someone so young. But my secondary reason will remain a secret until it comes to pass. Don't worry, it doesn't involve my taking over Eternia, or anything of that nature. "

" How do I know that? "

" You don't, you will just have to trust me. " He said with a smirk.

" Now please, decide what you will do. Time is ticking away. The longer you wait, the more time Skeletor has to use the map he stole from the palace. "

" Map?! What map? "

" The map to the dragon's location. Adam, who do you think broke into the palace and injured your father? "

" But how?! Skeletor and all his henchman were with us back at Greyskull! "

" True, but remember Tri-Klops drones. Your father was attacked by one of them. It snuck into the palace looking for the map. The attack on Greyskull was just a diversion to keep the Master's and yourself busy. "

" I thought the map was inside Grayskull? "

" Yes, a copy of it is. Evelyn told me Skeletor remembered a copy of it was in the palace since he was a child. The previous King, your grandfather, had shown both Skeletor and your father it's location. And sternly warned them if it ever fell into evil hands then Eternia would forever be cast into a hell beyond all hell's. "

" That bastard!! I'll murder him!! " Adam screamed as he picked up a chair and through it against the wall.

" Calm down, uncontrolled rage will get you no where. It will only consume you until your nothing but a bitter broken shell of a man. And if you doubt my words, think back to when we fought. What did your blind rage accomplish? "

Kakarotto's words struck home forcing Adam to get his anger under control. Kakarotto also noticed that the feelings of distrust coming from the young Prince seemed to be disappearing after telling him the reason why his father was on a medical bed. He smiled to himself, that his plan to play on his emotions had worked.

" I only have one more question before I make up my mind. Won't Skeletor find the dragons location while I'm here training for the three years?

" I highly doubt it. There's a reason I brought you here to this room, instead of just training you on Eternia. Inside this room time moves differently. One day in the outside world is a year inside. So in reality you will be only gone from your home three days. "

Adam sighed slightly, realizing he really didn't have much of a choice. He didn't know why, but he believed everything Kakarotto said. Perhaps the desire to get revenge for his father, was effecting his judgment. Whether it was or not he knew what had to be done, to not just help Eternia but also himself.

" Okay, then let's begin … "

Kakarotto watched with apparent joy as Adam left him and walked out into the patio.

<< Well, that went better then I thought. >>

< Yes, he shall make an excellent student. >

<< Why didn't you tell him you healed his father? It would ease his mind knowing that. >>

< Not yet, after a few months go by then I will tell him. >

<< Oh, your waiting until he settle's down and sees the benefits of the training. >>

< Right, then he will have even more motivation to go on in spite the hardships he will have to endure inside this room. The thought of seeing a love one, is an incredibly powerful motivation tool. >

<< I have to admit, you're a genius. >>

< Of course, do you expect anything less? >

<< Now that were back in our own universe, will you go see Gohan, Goten, and the others? It would be great to see them all again. >>

< Yes, it would make for a very interesting reunion, very interesting … > He thought with a devious smile.


On two separate world's, in two different Universes, two women gazed up at the stars, thinking about their lives and the man that had such an impact on them. Both their heart's ached with a deep yearning, that could only be soothed upon seeing him.

To Seih, it was a normal reaction. Ever since he saved her from being raped from a gang of thugs on the science planet of Rakish, it was how her heart reacted whenever he wasn't near. It was definitely a strange first meeting for the two. But it was a meeting that she cherished.

A tear rolled down her cheek as she recalled the event, and her previous life as a science student. Her life up until then was school, study more school and more study. But after that fateful night. Her world was turned completely upside down.

< I am the most powerful woman on Vimoche Prime, even without reaching the position of Queen. I have wealth, power, servant's, land, all the blessing's my God has bestowed on me … But yet …>

But yet Seih wasn't happy. She longed for Kakarotto as if he was apart of her. Even though the kiss he gave her on Eternia appeared to be an indication of his love. Seih knew something was wrong and the only possible thing it could be was Evil-Lyn, or that thing as she referred to her as.

< If he brings the thing back, I will kill it! Then nothing will stand between us … >

Seih's heart was immediately gripped with guilt at the thought of committing murder against someone who didn't even do her any harm. At first she fought it, but then realized it was a gift from Patamowos to rethink her position about killing Evil-Lyn.

< Perhaps killing is a bit excessive. It might even drive him away … But my God, what should I do if upon his return he brings her, then she openly tries to make him hers? I ... I don't know if I will be able to control myself if that happens …>

<> Trust and don't doubt my promise or my power. You are his and he is yours and you both are mine. Put your faith in me and don't doubt. <>

In her heart Seih knew her God was right. There were many women that openly flirted with Kakarotto and none of them she ever thought about killing. Perhaps it might have been she didn't see any of them as a threat. But in her heart she knew something about Evil-Lyn was different. Yes, she wasn't as beautiful as Seih or some of the other's, but yet her presence worried Seih more then any other woman ever had.

Seih took a deep breath and let Patamowos's therapeutic words take effect. He was the creator of all, not only in her universe but any other. Whether good or evil, all were bare before him. Their motives, desires, thoughts, were all open for him to see and tinker in anyway he saw fit. So she tried desperately with herself to trust him and believe every word he said.

< I will try my God … But please give me strength to endure ...>


To Evil-Lyn, her feelings greatly puzzled her. In truth, a man she had only known for a few day's shouldn't of had this effect on her emotionally, but yet despite how hard she tried to get rid of the feelings or deny them, they only became stronger and stronger.

< This is madness, pure absolute madness! ... I shouldn't be feeling this way! It's almost like I'm in … >

Evil-Lyn laid on the same spot of grass where Kakarotto had set her down after saving her from another near death experience. She had come back to this spot as it reminded her of him, plus it seemed like a good place to be alone with your thoughts. Even though Grayskull was only a couple hundred yards away, she figured the Sorceress wouldn't see her as a threat as long as she didn't attack the castle in any way. And Skeletor, she knew wouldn't come near there for at least a few day's given what happened.

< Dear God I can't be in love … anything but that … >

Evil-Lyn pounded her fist into the soft grass repeatedly, frustrated that her goal for power was now being clouded by the one emotion she hoped to never deal with again. She had been in love before and knew this feeling without question.

< Of all the stupid things you had to go and do, why did you fall in love again? You know it will only lead to more pain like before ...> She thought to herself.

She stared at the stars, hoping they would give her an answer. But they gave none, leaving the self proclaimed Mistress of Evil to mull over her dilemma alone. As she continued to stare, an image of Kakarotto's face appeared in the sky. She cursed too herself and continued to pound the ground in frustration, realizing her emotions were beginning to cause delusions.

< Great … Just great … I guess visions of children are next. Why couldn't this of just gone like I had planned? Why did he have to spare He-Man's life? Why couldn't he of just listened to me and killed both that goody goody and Skeletor? Then we could of taken over Eternia. I wouldn't of mind being his given those circumstances. But now my desire for power is being weeded out by this strange feeling of love. >

Evil-Lyn just sighed and wondered if the energy she invested fighting her feelings was worth it.

< Perhaps being a wife and possibly a mother won't be that bad ...--Wait … Yes, that's it! Even if I am falling in love it doesn't matter. There's already a woman in his life. That, that woman!! ...>

Evil-Lyn soon regretted remembering Seih and their first encounter. The feelings of bitterness and hatred soon crept back into her heart, causing the Eternian witch to pound the ground harder as her anger kept on building.

< I don't care what he tells me, if I ever see her again I will make her pay for those remarks. Does she even know who she's making an enemy of?! I am the Mistress of Evil! I am second only to Skeletor when it comes to the dark arts! I ... I ...Oh who am I kidding? She would kill me in an instant. There's no possible way I could hope to fight her. >

Evil-Lyn then remembered her conversation with Kakarotto after they had left the Master's at Grayskull.

< So she's his former student ...I wonder what else he isn't telling me about their relationship? The way she was acting, it would of seemed like they were lo ...-- >

Evil-Lyn cut herself short as the thought of Kakarotto and Seih together caused her to feel nauseous.

< I should be his! Not that ...-- What am I saying?! >

Suddenly her entire life played before her eyes, shocking her completely. But as quickly as it came it was gone. Evil-Lyn just continued to lay motionless on the soft grass trying to understand what just happened.

A few minutes passed and another set of memories flashed before her. These though were recent as they showed only what had happened in her life for the last week. Meeting Kakarotto, Skeletor's torture, the dreams, and finally the fight outside Grayskull. Evil-Lyn was still confused, she saw no reason why the visions had appeared. Until, a phrase she had said before came back to her.

< Could I do better? ...Yes ... Yes … I understand ... Why should I fight it? He's strong willed, intelligent, handsome, and powerful beyond belief. Goku or whomever he was from my dreams is correct. My power is here … Power to rule all on Eternia! I'm sure given a little time and some proper coaxing. I can get him to see things my way about taking over this world. Then after that's taken care of, he should see the value of keeping me by his side. Then, it will make it all the easier to deal with Seih …>

In her mind Evil-Lyn started to workout the finer points of her plan. But little did she know. Her grand scheme, would come with future repercussions she couldn't even begin to imagine.


Mr. Popo walked slowly up the steps that lead to the Room of Sprit and Time to investigate the strange presence he felt coming from inside it. Three days ago he had sensed a presence on the lookout other then himself and Dendi. At first he figured it was Piccolo returning from his usual training, or maybe one of the other Z fighters coming for a visit. But upon further scanning with his senses he saw it was neither. He looked all over but found nothing, no matter where he searched. So, thinking he must of been imagining things, Popo simply ignored it and went about his daily business.

But after three days the strange presence didn't go away. Then he realized there was one place he didn't check. He now stood outside the place where the door was suppose to be and was incomplete shock to find it gone. Popo didn't have long to think about it as he sensed a massive power coming from the entrance to the palace. Mr. Popo quickly ran to the entrance and was shocked as he saw what looked like a rip in the fabric of reality.

" Mr. Popo does not like this. "

The size of the hole and how it just appeared reminded him of how Majin Buu escaped from the Room of Spirit and Time, after Piccolo destroyed the door in an attempt to trap him in there forever.

" Mr. Popo do you know what is going on?!"

Mr. Popo looked behind him to see Dendi running towards his direction.

" No, Mr. Popo doesn't know what is happening. But Popo doesn't like this! "

Suddenly the hole began to grow bigger, to about the size of an average house door. Then adding to their shock, a cloak figured, followed by a moderately muscled young man, walked out of the portal which closed a few seconds after they exited. Both occupants of the Lookout Palace looked suspiciously at the two strangers especially the one hooded. Unlike the other, he gave off a feeling that made the two feel very uneasy.

" Hello Popo long time no see. And you Dendi, you've grown up a lot since I last saw you. How are you both doing? " Asked Kakarotto to his shocked friends.

Both Popo and Dendi looked at the cloaked man in shock that he knew who they were. Kakarotto kept his Ki masked, not wanting to let them or the others know who he was just yet. He found their dumbfounded looks amusing, and considered how long to keep them in the dark about his identity.

" Who are you, and what are you doing up here?! "

Everyone turned their attention to the sky as Piccolo came slowly floating down, settling himself a few feet from Kakarotto and Adam.

" Piccolo what are you doing back so soon? " Asked Dendi, turning his attention away from the two unexpected visitors to his palace.

" I rushed back after sensing an enormous power coming from here. It didn't belong to the others, so I came to investigate. " He said giving Kakarotto a look that promised death if he made one wrong move.

" Nice to see you too Piccolo. I see you haven't changed. " He said letting out a chuckle.

Now all three inhabitant's of the Lookout sported shocked expressions that this stranger knew who even Piccolo was.

" Come now, why the looks of surprise? Surely you can guess who I am. "

It was then Adam decided to involve himself into the conversation. He was confused, Kakarotto had told him they were going to see his friends and family before going back to Eternia. But the responses he saw from the three standing before him looked nothing like what he had expected.

" Forgive me teacher, but I thought you said they would be happy to see you? "

" They will, it's been such a long time, and my appearance has changed slightly. That I'm afraid they've forgotten who I am. But all they need is a little reminder ... " He said giving Piccolo a mischievous grin.

Piccolo immediately told Dendi and Mr. Popo to get back incase the stranger attacked. Kakarotto had no intention of doing that, but found it amusing none the less.

" Flying Nimbus come to me!!! " Screamed Kakarotto into the sky.

Piccolo, Dendi, and Mr. Popo stood in disbelief at what they just heard. There was only one person they knew other then Gohan and Goten that was capable of using the Flying Nimbus, but that person they hoped to never see again.

" Y-You can't be? ... " Asked the terrified Nameksajin.

Kakarotto just smiled, and turned his attention back to the sky as he saw the Nimbus cloud coming straight at him. His smile grew even wider as he saw there was a passenger on the cloud, just as he had sensed. The Nimbus stopped suddenly sending it's passenger flying off, and crashing face first into one of the palm trees which decorated the Lookout. Kakarotto just shook his head in shame at his younger sons clumsiness.

" I see you haven't changed Goten. " He said with a sigh.

Goten slid slowly down the tree and onto the ground. He was a bit dazed after the impact but quickly regained his coherence upon hearing his name called.

" Hmm, do I know you? " He asked cautiously, after sensing something odd about the man.

Kakarotto didn't reply, only watched as his son walked over to Piccolo and the others, asking them if they knew why Nimbus had brought him here.

" That man, he called Nimbus. " Replied Dendi.

" What?! "

Now Goten was completely shocked. Only himself and Gohan were capable of commanding the Nimbus cloud. But according to Dendi this stranger had commanded it to come to him.

< But that's impossible, unless he's ... >

Nimbus slowly floated down towards it's former owner. It approached him slowly, as if unsure about what to expect.

" Don't worry my old friend it's me. "

In an instant the Nimbus cloud began to fly around Kakarotto in circles, then to everyone's surprise it stopped and hugged him. Kakarotto then shocked everyone by hugging the cloud back with one arm.

" I've missed you too … Are my son's taking good care of you? " He said the last part, while giving the stunned four behind Nimbus a wink and a mischievous smile.

" Dear god it is him!! " Screamed Piccolo.

Without a second thought, Piccolo threw off his turban and training cloak, and braced himself for a possible attack.

" Now, now Piccolo. Is that any way to react given all we've been through? "

Kakarotto pressed a small button on his belt, causing his cloak to disappear. Now everyone saw his features clearly, seeing that it was indeed the person they feared.

Goten looked on his father with mixed emotions. He was literally terrified to see the man who almost took his life, but a part of him was glad to see him. In his heart, the good times they shared outweighed the tragic events which caused his and everyone else's fear.

<><><><>Flashback <><><><>

" Dad what's wrong?! " Screamed a terrified Goten.

It had been a full week since his mothers death, and now the young half Saiya-jin was watching his father screaming in agony on the kitchen floor. A fear that he might lose both his parents seized his heart. He quickly ran over to see if he could help his father in whatever was ailing him, but as soon as he got close, he was hit by a back fist sending him flying through the wall and into the living room.

" You must stay away Goten … " Goku said weakly.

Goten laid dazed on the debris, but quickly got to his feet upon hearing his fathers desperate cry.

" But dad, what is happening to you?! "

" Go … you must go … I-I can't keep him at bay for much longer … " Goku said staggering through the hole in the wall his son's impact had made.

" Him?! What are you talking about dad? Theirs no one here but us ... -- "

" Just go ... "

" But … -- "

" No buts!! I said go!! "

Goten was taken aback by his father's tone. His father wasn't a yeller, nor did he ever strike him outside of training. Goku's desperate plea to get away from him only served to add to Goten's fear and confusion.

" You should listen to him Half breed, unless you want to end up dead. "

Goten looked horrified as he saw his father's expression. His look had completely changed. No longer was his face gentle and full of love, instead it looked hard and filled with rage.

" Unfortunately for you and this world, your father is no more. There is only Kakarotto! "

With a sick, twisted laugh, Kakarotto's body exploded in a column of pure energy, disintegrating the entire house. The column shot straight up into the clouds and into space. lighting up the the night sky like a beacon.

Goten looked on confused, scared, and simply not knowing what to say or do. He dissipated the shield he made to protect himself when the house was destroyed and just stood there dumbfounded at the scene in front of him.

" Go! Tell the Saiya-jin Prince and the world. The true ruler of the Universe has returned. Those who join me will rule with me, but those who oppose me will find their destruction "

The next thing Goten knew he and the other Z fighter's were fighting the most dangerous and powerful enemy ever, his own father.

<><><><>End Flashback<><><><>

He always wondered what it would have been like to battle his father in a real life and death situation. And that night, he along with the other Z fighters got their chance, whether they wanted to or not. It would of seemed that seven against one would have been in their favor. Especially when five out of the six were each capable of incinerating the Universe.

But even with all that power at their disposal, they found out first hand why Kakarotto is the Legendary Super Saiya-jin. For they weren't just defeated, but were completely and utterly dominated. He left them all smoking, broken, unconscious pieces of flesh. He conquered creations mightiest warriors like they were nothing. But yet, didn't finish them. He simply smiled at his handy work and flew off without a word.

For years Goten wondered why his father attacked them, why he left, and also why when he could of killed them all, did he leave them alive. Now, hopefully those question's could finally be answered.

< That's if I'm still alive ...>


" Stay here with Adam, Nimbus. Incase there's a fight see that nothing happens to him Adam. "

" Sure … "

Adam was still confused, he still didn't understand why his teacher's friends looked at him like he was an enemy. But over the three years they spent together, he learned not to doubt his word and just to do as he was told.

After all Kakarotto did for fill his promise in making him stronger. He could feel the power coursing through his entire body. Never did he feel this powerful. The power he had before seemed small and insignificant compared to what he had now.

< He was right, there are powers greater then Grayskull and now I'm one of them. I never dreamed of becoming this powerful, never … >

Before they left the room of Sprit and Time. Kakarotto told him at maximum his power output would be forty thousand. Twenty times greater then what he was before as He-Man. To say Adam was ecstatic upon hearing that news would of been an understatement.

Then there was the potential to become even stronger. That was another thing that excited the young Prince. Also, he was eager to show everyone back on Eternia how much he had changed, from both a physical and emotional standpoint.

Physically he was about a foot or so taller then before. His build was much more muscular, not as wide as He-Man's but more of a streamlined version. His hair was longer, down to a little past his shoulders. Kakarotto had also given him new clothes to wear. It was an all black version of the turtle school uniform. The only differences were that the inside shirt was silver and it sported no symbols.

Emotionally, he had become more calm and not the brash young man he was before. He felt much more in control of his hormones and couldn't wait to see Teela again to show her how much.

< Oh yes … that will be an interesting reunion, between myself and her, very, very interesting … > He thought as a mischievous smile crossed his lips.

" Adam! Stop your day dreaming and pay attention! "

" S-sure. Sorry, I became distracted by my own thoughts. " He said apologetically.

" Do I need to go into, my a warrior should never let himself get distracted when faced with possible danger speech? "

" No … I know … I promise it will not happen again teacher. "

" Good. " He said giving his latest student a stern look before going over to face both Piccolo and his son.

Adam just stared as Kakarotto left him and Nimbus. Even though he had powered up greatly, he was still deathly afraid of his Saiya-jin instructor. He knew without Kakarotto having to say, that his own power was still miniscule compared to his.

< Perhaps that's why they seem so afraid. With the amount of energy I feel coming from the green being and the one called Goten, they should fear nothing. They both have tremendous power, far more then myself. But yet they look like how I felt when I fought him on Eternia. >

Kakarotto stopped a few feet away from Piccolo and his son, and just stared at the two with a slight grin. He completely understood their shocked/scared expressions based on what happened the last time he saw them.

" Well, shall we get started? ... "

Folding his arm's over his chest. Kakarotto started to power up, causing the Lookout and the entire planet to shake violently.

" What power! .. " Piccolo screamed as his fear grew even more.

His golden aura streaked into and across the sky, scorching it like flames. Soon the entire earth was illuminated with his light. The entire population of earth started to panic as they felt the earth shake and saw the sky turn gold. Many thought Armageddon had finally come, while others were completely confused. But there were a few who had felt such a thing before, and immediately knew that the day and person they had been preparing for all these years had finally come.


A/N: Folks, believe me when I tell you there's going to be trouble :)) Well, I hope everyone liked the chapter. I was unsure about how to handle the meeting with Goku and the other's but I think it came out okay. Until next time :)) take care and remember to leave a comment :)