Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Red Baron ❯ Red and White Part 2 ( Chapter 29 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Red Baron
Red and White Part 2
The fight had been long over but to the Red Baron and the White Warrior, its scars were still fresh. Many things had happened that day that gave them each a very new idea to their situation and just how strong and controlling the powers of darkness were becoming.
Since that day with Diana, the Red Baron, White Warrior, and even Josh and Master Janus were out searching the entire city area. They questioned several people, asked if anything unusual had been seen, looked high and low and even as far as the countryside. To their dismay, it was merely in vain. The Dark Baron had concealed his power and even the Red Baron had no trace of it any longer.
It was half a month after the attack by Diana that things were seemingly allowed to close. Carlos's mother decided that after all this time, it was going to be hard to let go of her son but she had decided to end it and give him a proper ceremony.
And so it was done. The first week of a windy, cold, and rainy March, a funeral without a corpse was held for Andy Garcia. In hopes that one day his body would be found and returned, they buried an empty casket and made it ready to put him in it the day it could be done.
The Red Baron stood there, his mother in his arms and his father standing remorsefully on her other side. He was much bigger looking then the Red Baron but as to anyone's guess, the Red Baron was stronger and yet, very loyal to his family. It was probably this loyalty that only made the truth of his brother's demise even harder to fully take in.
At the funeral, Josh, Devyn, Dawn, Master Janus, and the White Warrior also attended. Though they each mourned the death of Andy, only a few of them truly understood the situation and only one of them was feeling the exact pain of the Red Baron. And it was the White Warrior who, though quiet and unnoticed, cried as much as him.
Though her thoughts and feelings were twisted and confused. Though a very large part of her was there to grieve the loss of the Red Baron's very family, due to the events that had happened in the last couple of months, she was also reliving every minute of the battle with Diana. It was a haunting experience and at the same time, she felt that something important was discovered in that event though her fear was that it was something very dark.
But her thoughts came to a halt as the priest, standing over the hold in the middle of a green pasture; a nice tree to give it shade when the sun came back, if the sun ever came back. But the priest cleared his throat and gave the sign of the cross upon himself and over the coffin and soon to be tomb. Everyone in the crowd also gave themselves the sign of the cross and all listened to his words.
Yet the Red Baron could not keep his focus and was still dumbstruck by the whole event. The man's speaking only began to fade as his thoughts also began to wander. He looked to the sky and almost smiled.
What a clique to have it raining on this day. This really blows.
But his attention was drawn back just in time to catch some of the priest's words:
“…You were once darkness but now you are the light in the Lord. Live as children of light for light produces every kind of goodness and righteousness and truth…”
The Red Baron gave a smile for sure this time. Such majestic words gave him some courage that surely the light will blossom in this dark event and he even looked into the horizon as if Andy would suddenly reappear and come back to life from wherever he stayed.
The White Warrior saw his smile and was stunned to see his face like that. Though it was not out of anger but it was something else much deeper that made her question him in his head.
Why does his smile though we morn his brother's death? How can he find strength in this situation? How can he just stand there like it's all going to be okay?
When her family had died, it was not the same for her. She was driven purely by anger and hate and the desire for revenge. It was that revenge that brought her in time to see the Dark Baron reawaken and nearly kill her. And it was that same desire that lead her to the Red Baron. It was him and his friends and his way of life that opened her eyes to something new, something she had thought she lost.
She could only wonder how pathetic the whole situation was especially now that she knew the truth of her origins and how it damned everything that had been done up until that point.
It was that fucking witch that made it happen.
In her anger, she came back to reality as the priest began to close the ceremony with a final prayer:
“…he leads me to the path of righteousness for His name's sake. Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me. Your rod, Your staff, they comfort me.”
And with that, the priest called the ceremony to draw closed and the coffin was laid in its place.
Later on, as the guests began to make their out of the park, The Red Baron thanked his friends for coming and supporting him. Devyn gave her welcome.
“It's no problem, Carlos. Anytime you need us, we're her for you. At least, you always got me.”
Dawn nodded and replied.
“Yep! With you want to talk anytime, Car, I'm close by too. I'm sure we'll find your brother soon, too.
The Red Baron only had to force himself a little to finish off a worthy smile.
“Thanks guys, you're the best.”
Devyn and Dawn each gave them respectfully a long. Both of them were wearing very formal attire for the event so they had to straighten up after the hug. It made the Red Baron laugh a little. Devyn gave him a look and Dawn punched him in the arm.
Josh came up and just gave Carlos a handshake. Josh wasn't much of a hugger and even now, wasn't in the mood. But he was part of the few who knew exactly what was happening to Carlos and he knew as much of the truth as anyone.
Master Janus came by and placed his arms on his shoulders and looked at him square in the eyes as he always had done and still did in training.
“You mustn't let this time of darkness get the better of your judgment. You are strong, Carlos, but you must let that and your own grief take hold of you or there may be a hefty price to pay. Be strong at heart, Carlos. That's what has to be done.”
Though others were around, Master Janus said what needed to be said a discretely as possible was not to raise any questions from Devyn and Dawn. The Red Baron smiled and nodded, understanding what Master Janus was trying to get across. Then with a small pat on his right shoulder, Master Janus turned and walked away.
But in his place, Vanessa came into view. The Red Baron looked to her from the distance. Vanessa looked back and the others looked as they looked. Vanessa, though seemingly headed toward them, turned and headed in the opposite direction.
The Red Baron eyes widened for a moment and without much thinking began to walked toward her and follow her to try and catch up with her. As he left, Devyn gave him a cold look, though he never saw it. Josh came behind her and Dawn and rest his arms on both of them.
“Well, I'm always here.”
The smile on his face was quickly erased as both Devyn and Dawn gave him a powerful elbow to his gut and he feel to the floor, favoring his gut. Devyn and Dawn gave a small, quick laugh and walked away. Though the situation was odd, Devyn did give a last look toward Carlos's direction. She gave a sad look of worry and compassion.
“I hope he'll be okay.”
It was unfortunate to say that part of the Red Baron far from okay. All that he had done and seen had plagued his mind, body, and soul and dragging it through the mud to shoot any chance of actually seeing his entire situation clearly and in correct perspective.
But there was one thing he had to be sure of; one thing he had to know and desired. And as the rain dripped down toward the Earth, he was following her to find his answers and his hope.
Vanessa was not far away from where he was at first, only a 100 meters or so away, only hidden in the tall brush of the cemetery. She was dressed in a black, long dress with a small white dress coat over it. It looked like it was resistant enough to the rain but Vanessa still seemed cold.
But as the Red Baron came closer, he realized that it wasn't the cold at all. Even without his powers, he could sense that she was not shaking from the cold but from something else, something much deeper.
As the Red Baron approached her, she looked up and began to move backwards, almost being afraid of him. The Red Baron was slightly stunned by her reaction and wondered what was wrong.
“Vanessa, please, I have some things to ask you.”
Vanessa didn't look very ready to answer questions but she gave him an answer.
“Baron, just go. I don't want to do this. Don't put me in this position.”
The Red Baron was not going to take that as her answer.
“Please, I have to know. You can't let me not know.”
“I can let you know whatever you want.”
“That's not how it's going to work, Vanessa. You know that.”
She wanted to answer back but she held her mouth firm, as if having to control and tame it.
“Vanessa, just tell me what's going on. What was Diana talking about?”
Vanessa had heard that men could be naive of many going-ons that evolved what this entailed but she knew that Carlos was not asking out of ignorance but of curiosity for the truth, a truth she now feared.
The Red Baron knew that this was going to be hard. But he had to get to her.
“Is it true what she said?”
Vanessa just looked at him.
“Vanessa, do you love me?”
Vanessa eye's almost widened but not for Carlos to see. He had said it. He shouldn't have said it. But it didn't mean she had to answer. But Carlos was more than ready.
“Is that all I'm going to get? Then does it matter if I say that I love you? Because it's true. I lov-“
The red Baron was shocked into silence. Vanessa spoke to him now.
“Don't even say it, Carlos. Don't even finish that line. You have no idea what you're getting yourself into. You have no idea what will happen by you saying that.”
“And is that the only case you have against me? That I should stop because there's a risk? That I shouldn't tell you because it's a risk?”
“You fool! Didn't you here a damn thing Diana said? I know you were hurt but you know and heard everything that happened that day! My power came from her and so did my desires! The evil made her betray the original Red Baron and I already have! It's only a matter of time before I do it at the worst moment!”
The Red Baron took a moment to answer. He was ready to say something quicker but he stopped himself and though about her words.
“Vanessa, please. You aren't the same as Diana, no matter if your whole existence is because of her. You aren't her product. You proved that the other day. You are stronger than that and you are better than that. You can't just leave me hanging.”
Vanessa didn't answer back.
“Look, Vanessa, I know the risks, as much as I mock them. I know that the way things are going; it looks like it won't last but a few more months. Then what? I don't know. But I know that you and I are going to make it that far, together. And once we do, that's when you get to reevaluate your decision. You can't be making choices of what here and now, as much as we both want to.”
But Vanessa insisted on the otherwise.
“You don't know me, BARON! As long as you and I have been together, there's still so much you don't know about me and your time doesn't allow us to know each other at the core. There are bigger things out there then us and we can't be doing this! It's bad for you! It's a risk to you!”
“Vanessa, if that's the best you have against it, then you are still off. Though this time doesn't seem to be fulfilled, why you can't see that even in the smallest chances we should take what we have. Why does everything else have to be greater than us?”
“Because the thing bigger than us is the world!”
The Red Baron was once again stopped in his tracks. But he soon found the words and began to walk closer and closer to Vanessa. Soon, he was right in front of her. Vanessa didn't move. Carlos grabbed her hands and held them tight to his chest.
“Vanessa, we can be bigger than the world we protect. We can overcome everything that is against up, whether that be the darkness that seems to binds us and separate us or even the greatest distances of the world. Nothing will keep us apart. The only thing that can ever keep us apart is ourselves and perhaps God himself.”
This time Vanessa had no comeback. She had nothing more to say. Now all she wanted to be right there with him and never have to let go. And as they stood there in the rain, the came close and they kissed, a simply, tender but powerful kiss. The Red Baron pulled back slightly and spoke.
“I love you.”
And answering hat dreaded phrase, she looked into his eyes and answered.
“I love you, too.”
And there they stood in the rain. It was as if time itself had stopped for them. And as they held each other in arms, time might as well never move again. But soon it would be time that would test them.
In the warehouse hidden away from the rest of the world, the Dark Baron stood furiously yet maniacally in the light surrounded in darkness.
“My poor Diana. How I had longed to feel you again. But now you are dead and it serves your just. You were far too weak a lover to compete within my shadow. But in your place, it will be my Shadow that brings your downfall.”
But at that moment, Suzin came close to his light. He approached his master and bowed to one knee and his head down to the floor in honor of his master.
“My Lord, please allow me to take the life of your pitiful enemy. Your creation is not whom should take the Red Baron's head. I will be one to serve it to you on a silver platter and the necklace as your feast.”
The Dark Baron smiled toward his servant.
“You are my most loyal and powerful of students, Suzin. You have never failed me and you have always amazed me in your feats. You are nearly my power. And though I feel that my shadow may prove to rival you, you are worthy of the challenge ahead. This extra time will only prove to help increase the power of my shadow and my own. Upon your return, I will be at full power and far beyond. Thus, his necklace will give me power far beyond that of my former masters and I will control all worlds.”
Suzin was pleased with this and went on is way, slipping back into the darkness. The Dark Baron smiled and looked to his other side. There, a pair of glowing red eyes looked at him.
“Don't worry, my shadow. Soon, you will be able to feast on the powers that brought your forth into this world and you will be the tool that will give rise to my own power. Whether or not Suzin fails, I will regain above all of them and I will take control of my fate and destiny. The Red Baron will soon fall along with the rest of his world.”