Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Red Baron ❯ Enter the Dark Baron ( Chapter 35 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Red Baron
Enter the Dark Baron
The Red Baron and the others made their way to the ruins that was once the warehouse that stored the Dark Baron and his minions. Being cautious, the Red Baron insisted that his friends, if they weren't going to go and hide, should at least stay as far back as possible. Hence, they stayed next to the road, far away to stay away from any potential danger but close enough to watch.
The Red Baron was now standing right in the middle of the warehouse. He tried to sense everywhere. He was using much of his energy just scouring the area for any signs of energy movement from the Dark Baron or the White Warrior. But he could sense nothing.
Running out of options, the Red Baron decided that he was going to have to go looking around the hard way for her, or his enemy. He looked around and saw just how daunting his task was going to be. The remains of the warehouse were everywhere. All around the ground, debris and wooden and concrete were all over each other. Though they were all stacked randomly, not a pile was much higher than a foot. Whatever had happened, it left its mark.
The Red Baron began looking in the nearest pile of debris he found and started to dig through it. With his strength, it wasn't so hard to go through the pile. But there were so many piles, that it still seemed that it would take forever to find her. So he began to call out for her.
“Vanessa! VANESSA!”
He kept going through all the piles he could go around him, still calling out her name. As he went on, his scream became more panicky, more afraid, less hopefully. He finally just screamed out for her as loud as he could.
Then he felt it, the little glimmer or energy. And a smile came to his face as he realized who it was. Turning around to his left, he flew over to the pile and out from the bottom of it, he pulled out a batter and bruised White Warrior, but she was still alive.
The Red Baron smiled as he saw he left eye open, seeing the other one swollen purple. She smiled to, knowing that he was there. Though, she almost though it was too good to be true. The Red Baron, almost completely on his knees, pulled her up to him and held her.
“Are you okay, Vanessa?”
Weakly but alive, she answered him.
“Ya, I'm okay, Baron. I didn't think I'd make it out of that one alive.”
The Red Baron let her go a little and looked at her.
“What were you doing here? Did you fight the Dark Baron?”
“I did.”
“What were you thinking?! You could have died.”
The Red Baron almost yelled at her, but the White Warrior understood his concern and his fear.
“I'm sorry, Baron. I didn't mean to frighten you. I had to do it, though. I couldn't let him get to you. I couldn't let you fall to him.”
The Red Baron smiled. He then hugger her again.
“You were a fool to go without me, but thanks. And now, we can go home.”
The Red Baron helped her on her feet. They both stood up, the White Warrior having to almost fully lean on him for support. The Red Baron wished he saved the bean for her rather than for himself.
“I was sure I was going to have to come and bust some heads to get you out of here alive.”
“Well, you don't have to worry now. It's all done and we can go home.”
They looked at each other with such deep emotion. They had both fought off a powerful darkness and now it was over and they could go home and be together outside of this dread. Looking into each others eyes, they came close and their faces neared and were in the midst of a kiss.
Then a blast of dark energy came from the corner of their eyes. They saw it and could do nothing. The dark energy was thin and small but it hit its target. The White Warrior was pulled away from the Red Baron and sent flying backwards in a screaming pain as she crashed into a remaining wall. Her screams were soon cut silent as the wall collapsed and fell on her.
The Red Baron watched in horror as the White Warrior was attacked. He was horrified to see the beam of energy literally punched right though her chest. The Red Baron almost lost his balance in the attack but regained it time to hear her screaming stop.
“Oh shut up, you red brat!”
The Red Baron turned around. It was a voice he had never heard before but it was familiar. It was frightening. It was horrifying. For though he had never heard the voice before, he knew whose it was.
He turned and faced the origin of the voice. A few hundred feet away stood a figure, standing at about 7 feet tall, clothed in a black pair of jean pants. He wore a tight, black, body suit and a thin, waving robe that was picked up in the wind like a cape. But he was no Superman, the Red Baron knew that.
The being had no pupils, all black. His hair was similar to the Red Baron, black with red highlights. But unlike the Red Baron, his body was massive but showed signs of flexibility. But also like the Red Baron, on his neck was a similar Baron necklace, only a bigger half was on the bottom. This was without a doubt, the Dark Baron. It took the Red Baron's very breath away.
“Killed me?”
The Dark Baron answered with great pride that question. His deep voice was intoxicating as it had ever been. It had such soul and power with great pitch, but it was all given to him by the darkness, the darkness that now threatened the Red Baron.
“Do you honestly believe that a skinny bitch like her would be able to defeat me, her creator and soon to be master when I rule this dimension? Well, she was going to be ruled, but she can't be ruled dead.”
The Red Baron's face filled with tears of rage, and he showed his teeth.
“I won't let you get away with that. I'm going to kick the crap out of you for this!”
“Oh, now Red Baron. You must not have such a temper. You must learn to let go of such things. Besides, it would be good practice when you have to give up your life here today.”
The Red Baron was already in a fighting stance.
“You don't' scare me, Dark Baron. You have always used tactics that tried to just that but they've all failed. Even Shadow, my brother, couldn't beat me. He fell and you're next.”
The Dark Baron gave a small chuckle.
“You think just because you can beat my shadow that you can beat me. Sure, it does seem that you have defeated a minion I though you could never overcome but you have. But whatever he told you is a false belief. He may that thorough he was stronger than me, but he was in over his head. You will never again feel a power like mine, Red Baron, so enjoy the feeling.”
His words put a feeling an uncertainly. How did he know that Shadow would say such things? How did he know everything I was thinking about him?
“To answer your questions, Red Baron, assuming you're asking them, you must know that from the very beginning I was playing all my cards with all the results I had expected. The only two things that you have surprised me with is defeating Shadow, not much of an accomplishment, and that the White girl has lived this far. Well, I think both of the issues have been resolved, wouldn't you say.”
The Red Baron's anger was growing with each word that came out of the Dark Baron's mouth.
“Dark Baron, I am here now and I am tired of you and all that you have been doing. You caused people to die, you stole my brother and used him against me, you've twisted my life, and just as bad, you've killed Vanessa! For all this, I will send you back to whatever fucking hole you crawled up from and THEN to hell!”
The Red Baron powered up. His hair stood up on end and he began to glow ever so brightly. His black hair was filled with red streaks and his body mass grew slightly. This aura was bright and swirling around him with great force. Red electricity was sparking all around his body like a short-circuited computer. The ground around him shook violently and his energy made the ground around him move like it was floating in water, debris flew away like a giant tornado came and swept the place. This was the moment he had been waiting for, the moment all his powers were going to come out and take on the Dark Baron.
The Dark Baron showed no signs of fear.
“So, this is your true power. I have to say I am very impressed. If anything, you are much stronger than the original heir to your necklace. But I am also stronger that I have ever been before. Though I was not able to gain the powers of the Shadow dragon, all this wasted time on your part has allowed me to gain MY full power!”
The Dark Baron put his hands into fists. Then, bulging out his muscles and his entire body, he began to squat a bit and was powering up. His body and face resembled a man trying to lift a great weight form off the ground. He indeed was powering up at a frighteningly fast pace and proportion. His black energy aura was so powerful that it was stable and as he powered up, it was as if the very Earth changed its color and tone. To the Red Baron's shock, the Dark Baron's size grew even more, in weight and body mass. He was getting bigger, almost twice the Red Barons size now, and he was looking in control of everything. He stopped powering up and looked to the Red Baron.
“As you can see, Red Baron, you are dealing with a superior power that you have never been able to comprehend. And once I gain your necklace, I will become even stronger than before. You have been playing my game this entire time, Red Baron, and I have been able to completely call my power before me. I am invincible, Red Baron. There is nothing you can do.”
The Red Baron had a feeling he was right. As the Dark Baron reached his power, the Red Baron's own power and aura was dwarfed and it was as if their auras were in battle, with the Red Baron's aura the obvious looser. For now the Red Baron was caught in the Dark Baron's aura and not the other way around. Though strong, he wasn't sure how he could stand up to the Dark Baron.
“And now, Red Baron, we begin.”
The Dark Baron suddenly disappeared from the Red Baron's sight. But soon, the Red Baron saw him as he reappeared a foot in front of him, his arm pulled back for a punch. The Red Baron reacted quickly by putting both his arms in front of him and blocking the punch. But the force of it was still there, pushing the Red Baron an inch into the ground.
The Dark Baron didn't' waste any more time and began to punch at the Red Baron. The Red Baron had to think fast as he was dead even with the Dark Baron's attack, having to block all the ones that came in. But then the Dark Baron jumped back for a moment and called upon his soldiers of death.
“Have him my pets!”
The Red Baron was about ready to attack them and the Dark Baron but then Josh called out to the Red Baron.
“Carlos! You take care of the big guy! I'll take care of these guys!”
Though he knew he was supposed to stay away, he felt that the Red Baron needed help so he shot a small blast of energy toward the army of soldiers and led them to him. Immediately, he was surrounded and having the fight of his life, dodging all sorts of attacks while dealing them back at them.
This gave the Red Baron much of his concentration back to deal with the Dark Baron. But the Dark Baron didn't seem worried.
“It will take more than just a pal of yours helping to just survive me, Red Baron.”
The Dark Baron came on in and blurred to the Red Baron. Reappearing in a crouched position, the Dark Baron put his hand into a fist and used an uppercut on the Red Baron. It connected as the red Baron flew a few inches into the air. But to the Dark Baron's surprise, the Red Baron flipped back onto his legs and was able to focus enough for an attack.
“I hope you enjoy this, Dark Baron, CRIMSON FIST!”
The super charged red energy attack in his fist allowed for a powerful attack. And with the Dark Baron's inability to counter his counter, the punch connected with his face and the Dark Baron was sent flying back and into the ground.
He stood up immediately. His mouth was bleeding. How long had it been since he had bled? But he could see that the Red Baron's mouth bled as well and it had cost him a lot to make that attack. But still, he knew this was to be taken seriously.
“So it seems you are able to stand up to my power, Red Baron. I underestimated you. You are truly the heir to that necklace. You are the one who will give me both the fight of my life and the power of my fantasies. After I deal with you, the entire universe will bow to me. Not matter how much stronger you think you are, Red Baron, you will not be beating me here this day.”
The Red Baron spit the blood from his mouth and wiped what remained away with his arm. Since his shirt had been destroyed in the last battle, he had no sleeve to use. But it didn't matter; this wasn't going to be a clean fight anyway.
“This is just getting started, Dark Baron. I am the Red Baron and I will not let you destroy my friends, my family, and my home. If you want me, you're going to have to work for it.”
And, blurring to each other, they began their fight again, exchanging punches and kicks with the greatest speed and power. This was a fight for the ages.