Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The supreme potion ❯ The battle rages on ( Chapter 5 )

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A/N: Damn it's hard to come up with good original fight scenes and techniques. The following fights will be better…. I hope. Anyway thanks for the good reviews. I' ll try to keep updating as soon as possible.
The Supreme Potion
Chapter 5
The saiyan prince fired his Big Bang attack at his alien opponent. Yet he managed to avoid the mighty ki blast. Lopar aproached Veeta at an amazing speed, nevertheless, Vegeta had time to reload and fire a second shot which hit his enemy on his leg. In spite of this, his enemy continued his charge and like he was feeling no pain from his leg he attacked. Lopar gave the kick off punch right at Vegeta's face. Angered by the hit, he inmediately counterstruck with a series of punches and kicks.
Vegeta and Lopar were trapped in a vicious exchange of punches and kicks. Vegeta was gaining a clear advantage over the alien. The saiyan prince's attacks were becoming more direct and more powerful as the fight carried on. Suddenly, Vegeta delivered a violent kick at Lopar's back that sent him flying away from him.
-Don't tell me this is all you can do- boasted Vegeta.
-I'll make you eat those words monkey boy- the alien replied pretty pissed off.
Lopar began charging a huge ki ball in his hand. He smirked as the saiyan looked at it unamused. The ki ball suddenly divided into sickle shaped ki forms. Those forms suddenly launched towards Vegeta. The saiyan did everything in his power to evade them, but they were too many, those sckles that passed near enough from his body made little cuts on his clothes and skin.
While avoiding the sickles, he forgot to pay attention to Lopar, who came on him with a rain of punches. When Vegeta tried to counter them, Lopar retreated and the sickles came down on Vegeta like a bee hive.
Lopar's tactic seemed flawless, however, Vegeta managed to find a weak point in it. He fled backwards and waited till all the sickles were approaching him. Once they were near enough, he extended his hands and with a loud scream summoned a violent wind that sent the ki sickles back at Lopar. Lopar never saw it coming, the sickles went past and through him. In the end, Lopar had lost his left arm and ended up with lots of deep cuts and wounds all over his body. The sickles faded away the moment he was wounded and couldn't keep his ki level hih enough to generate the sickles.
-You expect me to give up right?
-Even if you surrender, I'll kill you just the same. Scum like you don't diserve to live.
Just as he finished talking, Lopar's wounds began to heal, his arm even grew back. Vegeta looked at his oponent surprised and also kinda glad that his fight wasn't over so soon.
-As long as Master Alegan lives, his aura heals me- explained Lopar while smiling at his advantage-. We are connected at a level where our powers depend on him, he is our creator and our god.
-That was definitely the most idiotic blasphemy anyone on this planet has ever heard- replied the saiyan prince as he charged in for another attack.
This time, the alien was prepared. He powered up to a level he had not achieved before. This time, it was Lopar who dominated the saiyan prince. He alnded several punches and kicks on him before striking him with a violent hammer hit on his back. Vegeta was sent heading towards the ground.
Angered by the alien's attack, Vegeta stoped his free fall in mid air and gathered all his ki together and opened his armas widely. He finally put them together and released his Final Flash attack. Lopar countered it with a powerful ki blast of his own. Both attacks collided in the space between the two rivals and formed a huge explosion.
Through the fire and heat caused by the explosion, the silouette of the saiyan prince aroached his enemy at an amazing speed and connected a powerful punch at its face. Vegeta then grabbed him and tossed him away. Inmediately he let lose a rain of ki blasts at his oponent. Lopar tried evading them, but he cpuldn't keep it up for too long. After dodging many of the ki blasts, one hit him and he was inmovilized by the pain. Inmediately many more continued punishing the alien.
Vegeta finally stopped his attack when he saw his enemy free falling to the ground. He smirked and followed him. Lopar's head was first to hit the ground, his body and extremities followed inmediately after. Vegeta approached, Lopar's ki was down to almost none. He as clearly unconscious. The fight had proven much easier than he thought.
Over the other corner of the island, Gohan was punishing Clomen with a vicious non stop attack. Gohan was fighting to resist the pain inflicted by the electriciy covering his enemy's body. Due to this, Clomen was apparently suffering the most in that fight.
-Tell me where's my mother now- demanded Gohan.
-You'll have to kill me first- answered Clomen.
After receiving this answer, Gohan simply blinked once and his ki rose to his maximum level in the instant he took to blink. He rushed towards Clomen. The alien launched a blow at the half saiyan's face, but when his fist was about to make contact with its target, its target dissapeared.
Gohan reappered behind Clomen. He caught him by one arm and in spite of the electricity his body was releasing he kept hold on it. He then stretched his enemy's arm and with a signle cutting blow he chopped it off near Clomen's shoulder. A huge explosion then took place. Apparently, when he chopped off Clomen's extremity, the energy he had swallowed had suddenly exploded through that breach in his body.
-Surrender- said Gohan-. Take me to where my mother is and I'll spare your life. You stand no chance against me.
-Never. Even if I can't beat you, you can't kill me either.
Gohan then saw how the wounds in the side of his body where the explosion ahd occurred were slowly healing and closing. Having experience against Garlic Jr. and his inmortality, he made a quick move. He rushed towards the recovering injured alien and drove a punch through the hole in his body.
Clomen screamed in pain as Gohan's fist penetrated through his skin inside his body and all of his internal organs began to hurt as hell. Clomen's skin healed all around Gohan's arm that was half inside Clomen's abdomen.
-Hurts doesn't it?- asked Gohan as he moved his arm hurting Clomen's inner organs and tissues.
Clomen screamed in pain. Suddenly a ki blast dteonated from inside Clomen's body. The pain and his screamings were as loud as could be. He had never known so much pain. However, his screams suddenly ceased as his body began to evaporate in front of Gohan. The smoke in which Clomen had been turned went through the island and got inside his master Alegan's nose. He breathed it as it was pleasurous for him. Alegan then healed instantly. He was ready for another round against any oponent who would stand in his way.
Meanwhile, at Alegan's spaceship, Chichi and the dying priest watched the explosions on the distant island where the battle was taking place.
-What's happening?- asked Chichi.
-Goku's lost against Alegan- explained the priest-. Gohan and Vegeta defeated Clomen and Lopar. But now Alegan needed their healing skills to fight the others who are standing up to defend Goku.
-So Alegan fused with Clomen and Lopar?
-By the time being only with Clomen. But in a matter of time he will fuse once more with Lopar and everything will be lost then. No one will be able to fight him then.
-That's not possible.
-Yes. Unless you can maybe help them- the priest then, with some slight gestures from his hand lifted telepatically the spilt potion Alegan had dropped.
-Yes- said Chichi-, I'll do it.
The priest then placed the potion inside Chichi's mouth and the same thing that happened with Alegan took place with her. She began feeling a strong pain that slowly was going away as her ki began to increase in monstrous amounts.