Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The supreme potion ❯ It ends here ( Chapter 8 )

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The Supreme Potion
Chapter 8
Alegan had absorbed the priest and had fully recovered once again. All the z fighters plus Chichi were lying on the floor, seriuosly injured and defeated. Gohan was unconscious due to Alegan's sleep gas. The situation was not looking very promising.
-But he can't be one of your men- said Chichi amazed by the sudden turn of events-. He… he gave me the potion, he wanted me to kill you.
-Yeah, he wanted me dead as he has for a long time, since I created him from a spare part in my own personality- Alegan explained-. After the blood of the saiyan, the missing ingredient for the potion had to be the aura of someone who had already taken the potion previously.
-Why couldn't you do it yourself?- asked Piccolo.
-Because my body can't stand to drink the potion twice. I drank it once a very long time ago, in order to drink it again and gain more power, I needed to get rid of the not so abundant power I had gained form the potion with the blood of a lower class saiyan.
-So you've been alive since the times of the saiyan empire- deduced Vegeta.
-Due to your dependence on Frieza I wouldn't call it an Empire, but yes. I wanted to take over Frieza's Empire but with the little power I had gained I was powerless before him, so I separated every influence the potion had had on me and from there he came out. That's why I aged again and my power level dropped to the floor. Now, being this powerful, my body simply was able to stand the power of the weaker dose of potion the priest had in his body.
-And how did he become a priest?- asked Chichi.
-Well that's simple, due to his good and moral personality we gave him the nickname “priest”. I must admit, there was one moment when I had my doubts that I could lose this fight being so many fighters to defeat, but finally things worked out for me. Thanks to you who brought the priest closer enough to me.
-Bastard- said Chichi-. I'll make you pay- she said as she made an effort and finally stood up.
Alegan smirked at the weakened woman who stood up but didn't assume her fighting position. Instead, she pointed a finger at her unconscious son. Alegan soon realised what she was going to do, but nevertheless he allowed her to carry on with her plan. From her finger a small electric bolt shot towards Gohan. Gohan soon woke up.
It was quite a shock for him to see his mother shooting that small bolt and also seeing Alegan fully healed surrounded by the defeated warriors.
-You're our last hope- said Goten.
-Gohan…- said Goku-. He's defeated us all. He's about to kill your brother, your mother, everyone on the planet. Hate him, use your anger as your greatest weapon.
Gohan's ki began rising until it reached its higher level. Alegan began rising his own ki as well.
-This time you'll pay for everything- Goahn said totally possesed by anger and the desire of revenge.
He inmediately appeared in front of Alegan and began punching and kicking him with no mercy. His beating interrupted Alegan who hadn't finished increasing his ki. Gohan finally turned around and delivered a bonecrushing kick at Alegan's face that sent him away bouncing seven times on the ground before he was mattressed by the huge pile of dirt he gathered as his body dragged over the ground.
He inmediately stood back up and in a sudden explosion around him, his ki reached his higher level. Gohan sprinted towards his enemy but was met by Alegan's leg that crashed against the half saiyan's face in a powerful kick. Gohan counterstruck with a side kick at the left side of Alegan's ribcage. Both of the fighters retreated just to charge against each other once more.
They traded kicks and punches at an amazing speed. They seemed evenly matched. Both of them were delivering the same amount of damage at their oponent. For every hit Alegan landed on Gohan, Gohan retaliated and vice versa. The fight could have gone either way at that moment. However, Alegan had not yet used his advantage in hand to hand combat. He then charged up his fists with his Bleeding rage attack and continued saparring at the same rate he had been doing till that moment.
The battle now began turning to Alegan's side as his attacks were now dealing more damage to Gohan. To continue sparring was no good for the half saiyan, so he retreated top the sky inmediately followed by Alegan. Gohan then charged down towards Alegan and they began exchanging punches and kicks once more. Alewgan suddenly let lose a small yellowe ki blast at Gohan that had no effect on him (at least that was what he thought).
The other fighters who were down on the ground could do nothing but watch the fight without interfering for they knew that any interference would only be a burden for Gohan. Still, Goku and the other fighters that had watched Goku's fight knew that Gohan was about to face Alegan's most effective and deceiving technique. They sceramd at Gohan trying to warn him, but he was too way up in the sky to hear their warnings.
The battle raged on. Gophan was trying to handle Alegan but they were too evenly matched. They both suddenly flinched. Alegan then saw the cahnce and took it. He launched a small red ki ball at Gohan to tried to reject it, but as his hand touched the ki ball in order to reject it, the ki ball was absorved by Gohan's body.
Gohan then began to feel heat growing all over his body until it became a very painful sensation. Alegan just stood in front of him watching him grab his own body in pain. He enjoyed watching as his technique made its effect on his enemies, specially one that could fight at his same level. Alegan was tired form the exhaustive fight that was now coming to its end. He would then finish off the warriors that layed on the ground.
Light began to flow out of Gohan's skin. He was screaming in pain until he suddenly stopped screaming and began to make some kind of effort ot control the energy coming from inside his body. The light stopped flowing out of his skin, except in the palm of his right hand. A great deal of energy was flowing out of there. Gohan grabbed his right wrist as th energy was flowing out his right palm and with a wicked smirk looked at Alegan.
Alegan was astonished, he couldn't believe that Gophan had managed to control the energy flowing inside his body. Gohan then extended his open hand towards Alegan and he let lose all the energy he was keeping inside. The energy in his entire body came out of his right hand burning its skin and erupting like a volcano. The blast blew Alegan away. He was unable to block such raw power. After releasing all the energy inside him, Gohan fainted in the air and began freefalling towards the ground.
His fall was stopped by Chichi, who caught him befgore he hit the ground. Chichi layed him softly on the ground. Just when they thought they had seen the last of their newesat enemy, Alegan appeared in fornt of them once more. His body was full of burns and bruises. He was almost out of breath.
-It ends here- said Alegan while trying to catch his breath again.
Alegan then charged a ki blast in his hand and prepared to launch it. Suddenly, he felt stings in his ankles. They were Piccolo's hands that had stretched towards him. The namekian was grabbing him and at the same time stinging him with his sharp nails.
Alegan prepared to launch the blast at the namekian, but suddenly a small blast impacted on his face. The blast on Alegan's hand dissappeared as he saw the saiyan prince standing on his feet preparing to launch a second attack.
-You still haven't defeated me- Vegeta announced-. You piece of blood sucking asshole.
With Piccolo grabbing his feet and Vegeta shooting at him, Alegan tried to charge a second ki blast but he was stopped by Chichi who appeared from behind him and grabbed him wraping her legs around Alegan's stomach and trapping his arms with hers. Vegeta didn't hesitate and shoot a second, a third and a fourth attack at the alien before he got tired an fell to his knees again.
Once the attacks ceased, Alegan focused his ki around him forcing Chichi and Piccolo to let loose of him. Once he was done getting rid of those annoyances, he looked at Goku and saw him standing on his feet again. It was amazing he could still carry on with all he had suffered and fought. He should be tired, unable to move, instead he was incresing his ki for another attack.
-Alegan- he said-. This ends right here.
Alegan charged whatever he was left of his ki and concentrated it on his fists that again became glowing red. Goku screamed “Kaio Ken”. His ki rose to an amazing extreme, he turned super saiyan 3 once more and sprinted towards his enemy. Alegan also charged towards Goku.
As they approached each other, Alegan threw the first punch. Miraculously, Goku managed to dodge it and then deliver a successful punch at Alegan's stomach. Goku's fist tore through his enemy's skin and released a ball of flames inside Alegan.
-Dragon Fist!!!!!!- he scereamed at the top of his lungs.
The ball of flames coming out of Goku's fist suddenly became a chain of fire that speared through Alegan's body and emerged through a new hole in his back. The chain of flames then twisted and wrapped up Alegan. Goku jumped away form Alegan who was now wrapped up in fire. The fire soon consumed the evil alien and as his body was being turned to ashes, he finally exploded leaving a small sized crater in the place where he was standing.
Goku regained normality and fell on his back to the ground. Dende suddenly appeared in the scene together with Mr Popo. Dende then began using his healing powers to heal all the warriors.
-Sorry I coldn't appear before- he said-. But I couldn't risk to be taken as a hostage and become a liability to you.
-That's alright- Piccolo answered back.
-It was definitely one hell of a fight- said Goku as he smiled.
-That's the attitude of a real saiyan- said Vegeta.
A/N: So this is the end. Please review it with full criticism. Tell me what you liked most and least so that my next fic can be better. By the way, nothing on this fic was planned from before. I came up with the story as I kept on writing. Example: As I had posted it on Goku and Chichi section, I suddenly had no role for Chichi to play, so I made her drink the potion, or the priest being absorbed by Alegan, I hadn't thought of that until I finished writing that same chapter. Anyway, thanks for reviewing, and you know, give me your full opinion, I won't bite.