Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Thoughts of a Warrior ❯ Attacks ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
You wouldn't believe how much DBZ is running these days! Oh well I
still don't own it *sob* Oh well, time to play guess the attack! (each
stanza is a different attack btw) this is for the challenger, my sis
Stephi, who knows nothing about attacks besides the kamehameha lol,
so good luck figuring these out! I am so mean.

All of the energy,
coming into me,
from the sweat of the earth,
and the tears of the sea.

Everything I touch,
and all that touches me,
get's blown to hell,
what a short, crazy life I lead.

I am a destroyer,
none can escape my wrath,
a killer of worlds,
obliterating all in my path.