Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Thrown Away ❯ TA<>8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Derrrr…still having trouble with this fic…here goes try number two…so, hungryyyy….


Finishing his breakfast in silence, Suteru glanced from his brother to his now-accepted sister-in-law. Having observed that Vegeta spent most of his time in the house or gravity chamber, he decided to voice his question to Bulma, who was feeding a half-asleep Trunks his breakfast. The baby's head nodded forward into the spoonful of food, smearing creamed carrots onto his forehead.

"Yeah well that's what you get for waking me up at four and not going back to sleep," she grumbled to the semi-alert child.

"Bulma-san," he voiced quietly, and she turned to face him. "I was wondering if there were any nice places nearby that you would recommend going to."

"Such as?"

He shrugged, "A museum, a monument, a restaurant, a park, I don't care. Any suggestions?"

"Well, there is this really nice park up the stre-"

"Great Kami," Vegeta interrupted, "is that the only place on earth to you? I swear you go on about it as if you'd gotten your first kiss there…"

"Actually, I did, Vegeta, and a lot more, unless you don't remember. And I'm sure Suteru doesn't want to hear the details about that…"

He glowered darkly at her, much to Suteru's amusement. He wisely kept his mirth to himself, and asked directions to this park.

Within the hour Suteru was entering through wrought iron gates, into a place almost magical to him. Never before had he taken the time to go out into nature, even if it was in the midst of a city. But it was like the eye of the hurricane, the bustling city not reaching into the serenity behind its walls. Great weeping willows touched their branches to the soft green grass dotted with flowers. In some places a student was leaned against such a tree, books spread out all around them. Others walked with animals, some on wheels even, while a few ran, or rode on a two-wheeled apparatus. He felt surrounded by couples, some spread out side by side on the ground, others walking, or just sitting together, enjoying each other's company.

He grimaced at the last group of people and averted his eyes, flushing such depressing thoughts from his mind. His attention was drawn to a small body of water, filled with bird-like creatures, and he blinked against the glare reflecting off the water from the break in the trees overhead. A small bridge went over, where even more couples had gathered, all standing a comfortable distance from each other. One man was holding a pole with a string attached that led into the water. A bright array of color went down to the water's edge, the flower's broken in a few places, from which other people held such poles over the water.

Crossing the bridge, he found more trees and flower beds. Finding a tree with low branches, he nimbly climbed halfway up, enjoying the feeling of being hidden inside the curtain of leaves. A soft breeze riffled his hair as he settled back against the wood, dappled sunshine reaching his relaxed form. He could see now why Bulma was fond of the place.

Not realizing he had been asleep, Suteru shot awake and nearly fell out of the tree when someone bumping the branch climbed up nearby. She flipped dark blue-black hair over her shoulder, only now realizing that she wasn't alone. She squeaked in a most un-becoming manner, nearly falling out of the tree herself. Taking in his still surprised expression, she was quick to apologize.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I'll be gone right away. I usually come up here, I didn't know you were here…sorry to bother you," she rushed and started to quickly climb back down.

"It's okay, I was just enjoying the weather," he told her, and she paused in her descent. He thought for a moment she was going to climb back up, when she grimaced and reached behind her to her shirt which had caught on a branch. She struggled with it for a while before Suteru deftly leaned over and tore the small branch off the tree. She blushed a bright red when his hand brushed the skin of her back where the shirt was pulled up.

"There you go. Please come back up. I'm new to the area, I'd like someone to talk to…" Seemingly unable to go against his will, she nervously flitted up again, settling easily into the branches.

She refused to look him in the eye, instead staring hard at the ground as if willing herself down there.

"I'm Suteru," he said after the silence had grown uncomfortable. She risked a glance up at him, meeting his eyes briefly.

"Tori," she replied, her face once again downcast.

"Am I bothering you? Are you angry with me or something? I didn't mean to take your spot…I'll leave if you'd like." He went on, unable to interpret her expression.

"No, you're not bothering me." She said in a near whisper. He noticed the book she was holding, and decided to continue trying to start a conversation with her.

"What are you reading?" Tori seemed startled, and she looked at the book again as though she'd forgotten which one it was.

"It's my physics course from high school…I'm re-reading the part about Aerodynamics. I'm interested in flight…" He smiled, and she seemed to catch it from the corner of her eye. His look bade her continue, and she did.

"I've always been intrigued by flying, I'm probably the only one that really wants to fly. I think it would be fun." He couldn't answer her timid admission, as he could never remember not being able to fly and therefore couldn't relate. He would ask Bulma later if most humans had an insatiable desire to take to the air.

"Your high school? I never went to school," he stated, "I just wasn't cut out for it I guess."

"Never went to school?" She visibly brightened, concern touching her dark brown eyes. "Has anyone taught you anything? Can you read, at least? If you don't mind me asking, of course," she finished, eyes once again downcast, the previous fire stifled.

"Of course I don't mind, and I can read, and do some math. I was a, uh, merchant, if you will, for a while. And I've never really found the need for history, or science really. I do know a great many languages though." He stopped himself there, realizing that now she would probably ask what languages he knew.

"Well I can teach you some science, if you're interested…"

"That'd be wonderful, Tori. As I said, I'm new to the area, and I have nothing else to do. Certainly nothing more important," he added, mostly for her benefit, although he felt it was true. How a person could be so introverted intrigued him, and he was determined to find the reasons behind it. "So pretty much anytime would be good for me," he finished, leaving her to suggest a time.

"Tomorrow? At three?" She suggested softly, her voice still barely audible.

"That'd be great. Right here?" She only nodded, and they sat for a while in a slightly less comfortable silence. He managed to catch her eye for a brief moment, and refrained from remarking on how beautiful her soft brown eyes were, not wanting to scare her away. "I guess I'd better get home, I told Bulma I'd watch the baby while she went out today. It was a pleasure meeting you, Tori." He smiled at her and jumped from the tree, ignoring her tiny squeal at his leap from the twenty-foot height.

"Chikyuujin," he murmured, rolling his eyes.


Ahhhh…it's always nice to get new inspiration on a fic. Always encouraging. Yay! I'm inspired! And hungry. Oh well, so goes life. Ack, and my back hurts…and it isn't even close to next Wednesday yet! Damn…

Review, enjoy, not necessarily in that order. :D

R_R I think my mascara is running! Bwahahahaaaaa!! Of course, I NEVER wear mascara… o_O; Nevermind me, it's late…