Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Times of Our Lives ❯ THe Journey Begins ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Do you really honestly think I own Dragon Ball Z?

Okay, I am so sorry that I took so long, but I don't have word on my computer at home, and I saved it in Word, and my computer won't let me open up anything saved in Word on it. Don't know why. And then I was worried that I had to write the entire thing again, because my original copy on my computer got erased, which led to the problem with Word, and … but now I got it finished! And, I also got a beta-reader, Jade Kitten. Thanks for helping me!

I'm also splitting this into Sagas, so it's easier to read… The first Saga, this Saga is called the Space Saga, due to the fact that most of it's going to take place in space, searching for Vegeta…

Anyway, review responses.

RDBRaptor: Thanks for the compliment and the info. And if Videl's going with Gohan? Can't tell. To tell the truth, I don't really know…I'll have to see.

A-Man: Thanks.

CTKelly: Well, I already e-mailed you, so…

Otepoti: Thanks for reviewing, even when ff.net wasn't working.

Nighthalk008: I have a few things to say to you. First of all, I don't enjoy being called an idiot. It isn't nice, and I hope you don't go around calling people idiots a lot. Secondly, is his age that important? Third of all, the American version has the age wrong. In the German version he is nine when he beats Cell, four when Radditz comes, five for Vegeta and Nappa and Freezer too, six for the return of Freezer and Future Trunks and nine for the cyborgs and Cell. In Germany we get the uncut Japanese version, with original script and everything, only in German. And I've also read the German Manga, and they're the exact same. Fourth of all, I know I've explained it in the ending A/N of Chapter 2. Fifth of all, author notes are there for a reason. Everyone else seems to be able to read them, why can't you? At least skim them, so you have an idea about what's important. So, please take all that into account, and I am very glad that I have never seen the American version of DBZ. I have seen the end of the series, it ended the fifth of June here, and GT starts in December. You have only seen to where Vegeta tries to stop Boo with his sacrifice, and that to you is Episode number 222. To me that's Episode 237. Gohan starts school on Episode 185, right? To me that's Episode 200. There are 291 DBZ episodes translated into German, and none are cut. And it's the exact copy of the Japenese, except in German. So don't correct the age, and don't call me an idiot.

To readers: Please excuse that rant up there, it was only directed to that particular reader. So, with further ado, Chapter 5.

Chapter 5: The Journey Begins

The two of them stared at the empty building. The space ship that had resided there was gone, carrying Vegeta off to who knows where. Bulma spoke first. "Well, that confirms where he went."

Gohan nodded. "Right. But how did he manage to lift off, without anyone noticing?"

Bulma sighed. "I made the take off of this ship very fast, noiseless, and meant to blend in. it doesn't surprise me that no one noticed, not to mention that no one was in this particular area, since only I work on it."

"Well, then how are we going to get him back?" Gohan asked, not liking the gleam that suddenly came into Bulma's eyes.

"Gohan, how would you like to visit space?"

He fainted.

* * *

When Gohan awoke, he was lying on a cot in a hanger, where Bulma was talking to a scientist. He opened his eyes, and stared. There was a huge spaceship in the middle of the hanger. Gohan opened his eyes wider. The space ship's systems were on-line, Gohan could make that out due to the computer he was laying next to.

He sat up, and swung his legs off the cot. Standing up, he surveyed the room again. He tried to remember why, when it hit him. Bulma was planning on going to space, to get back Vegeta, and she wanted him to come along. Wonderful, Mom can scream at her this time. Why in the world does she think that Mom's ever going to let me go into space again? Mom only let me got to Namek because it was the only way to get everyone back, to use the Namekian Dragon Balls. But to look for Vegeta?

He sighed, and started over towards Bulma. As he got nearer, he made out their conversation.

"With the HBN3, wait for that, I need to make some tests. Don't tell anyone where I'm going, why, or when I'll be back, I myself have no idea. Just say I'm sick or something. But there shouldn't be any problems, after all, my father's staying here."

"Right. When we need anything, we'll just talk to Dr. Briefs. I hope you find Mr. Vegeta again." The scientist shook her hand, and walked away.

Bulma nodded, and then turned to Gohan who walked up beside her. "Ready?"

Gohan eyed her. "You weren't joking, were you?"

Bulma laughed. Her hair was in her eyes, and she brushed it away. "No. Why did you think that?" She then smiled at him. "You know, it's quite interesting to be able to make the strongest warrior in the universe faint."

He blushed. It was a little embarrassing, seeing as he should be above that. But, she had said something so surprising.

She continued on. "I'm thinking of blasting off tonight, then we should get there in a few days. Unfortunately, Vegeta took the only ship that has a system that can make it to the next space station in six hours, which means he could easily be getting there now. It's going to be hard to catch him. He's going to have a few days head start on us, in a ship that is state of the art; new, fast and can do pretty much anything. Not to mention it's fully stocked."

Gohan shook his head. "You're really planning on bringing me along?"

Bulma consulted a clipboard she held, checking some things off. "We need to get supplies, but luckily I've been having a few workers stock this as we speak. And- excuse me, did you say something?"

Gohan put his head in his hands. It could be so annoying trying to talk to her. "Bulma, you know that my mother's never going to allow me to do this."

Bulma smiled. "Well, I'm sure she will. After all, you are going to be learning about space, it'll be great for your education. And I was planning on asking a few other people to go with. I'm forcing Piccolo, and I'll ask Kuririn, Yam- okay, maybe not him, or Tenshinhan if they'll go with us. I'm sure it'll be fine."

Gohan didn't want to tell Bulma that the chances of letting him go to space, it didn't matter who she brought with, were the chances of Vegeta admitting that he was the weakest being in the universe, and that Kakarotto was so much better than he is.fr Basically, there was no chance.

"Bulma, fine. Just call my mother, and ask her. She's already expecting us for dinner, and she's probably worried because we're late."

Bulma nodded, and flounced over to the phone, punching in an access code, and dialling a number. She put it on loud speaker. "I want everyone to witness that Chichi will allow this."

Gohan eyed her sceptically. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, now be quiet." Bulma waited for the ringing to stop, and soon someone answered the phone.

"Good evening. Son residence, Son Chichi speaking."

Bulma smiled. "Hi, Chi, it's me, Bulma. I-"

"Where are you two? I've been waiting an hour for you and Gohan to come home for dinner! Send Gohan home right now! And you better come as well! Dinner's getting cold, I've already put Goten to bed, and if you aren't here in the next half an hour, you'll be getting no dinner. Gohan, that goes for you too!"

Bulma held the phone away from her, realised that it wasn't helping any since the phone was on speaker, and turned off the speaker.

"Chi, look, that's why I'm calling. We can't come, and I also need to ask you a question."

Chichi's voice grew suspicious. "What is it?"

Bulma sighed, and drew a big breath. "We found out where Vegeta went, I want Gohan to come along and help me find him. I'm also taking Piccolo, and I was going to ask Kuririn or Tenshinhan to come as well. Can Gohan come with me? It'll be very educational, and I really need his help and-"

Chichi interrupted her. "And where is Vegeta?"

"In space."

A few minutes of silence reigned, and then- "Absolutely not! He is not going into space with you! He's eleven years old, and needs to finish his education! No!"

"But Chi, please, I really need him. He's the only one of us that speaks galactic and Inter-galactic. He also will learn a lot, I'm sure, about other planets, and aliens, and please!"


"Please! I really need his help!"


"Chi, he's the only one who can help me. Think about everything he'll learn! And I'll take all his school supplies with, and make him study."

"No." This time the 'no' was more hesitant.

"Chi, please?" Bulma pleaded.

"He needs to study."

"And he can bring all his school stuff with him, and study there. I'll make sure he does." She countered.

"He's only eleven."

"He was five the first time he went into space."

"That was an emergency."

Bulma felt like screaming. "And this is too. There's a furious Saiya-jin running around in space as we speak, capable of destroying planets with a mere blast. Tell me that isn't an emergency."

"I don't want him to go." Chichi's voice was hesitant.

Bulma sighed. "Please? Chi, I really need his help. He's the only person alive that's stronger than Vegeta. If we need to force him home, I need someone who can do that."

Chichi was silent, then- "I don't know..."



Gohan sighed, and picked up an extension of the phone. Due to his excellent hearing, he could hear every word his mother said. And he did want to go with Bulma, it sounded like fun. "Mom, please, can- I mean may I go? I'll study, I'll obey Bulma, and I will be learning a lot about other cultures and stuff."

Chichi sighed on the other side of the line. "Well, I guess you may go, if you really want to, Gohan."

"Thanks, Mom!"

"Thanks, Chichi!" Bulma made to hang up the phone.

"And when are you leaving? And he may only go if Kuririn goes too, he's responsible. And I'll pack his clothes and books."

Bulma shook her head. "Chi, I'm going to call Kuririn, and then as soon as he agrees, and gets here, we're blasting off."

Silence on the other side of the phone.

"Chi? Are you there? Chichi?"

"Mom? Are you okay?"

Bulma sighed, and turned to Gohan. "I'm assuming she fainted."

* * *

After waiting for Chichi to wake up, which she did shortly, Gohan was to go home, pick up clothes and schoolwork, and fly back to Capsule Corps. By that time, Kuririn should have arrived, and they could blast off, eating dinner on the way there. Piccolo of course still had to be notified…

Gohan watched Bulma wipe down a counter, shoving the appliances to the side. "Um, Bulma, you said that Piccolo was coming with us, right?"

Bulma nodded, shoving papers in drawers. "Right. He owes me."

"Does he know?"

Bulma turned to Gohan, hands on hips, rag in hand. "Of course he does, as soon as I tell him. PICCOLO!"

A few minutes later, Piccolo appeared. He was holding a piece of wood. "You called?"

Bulma smiled. "Of course. We're going to space to look for Vegeta, and you're coming with."

Piccolo stared at her. "No."

"Yes, Piccolo. You owe me, and you have to come with us." Bulma glared at him, an expression she got from Vegeta.

Piccolo met her glare back, but then had to look at Gohan. "Who's coming with you?"

Gohan shrugged. "Me, Bulma, Trunks, you, and Kuririn, we have to ask him."

"And why does Kuririn get a choice?"

Bulma cut in. "He gets a choice because he didn't destroy my house!"

"Oh." Piccolo fell silent, and then found away out. "I have to ask Dende if I can, I mean maybe he needs me." Dende? Hear me? You need me. You need my help. I can't go to space…

* * *

Dende was busying lounging about at the Palace. He knew he should be surveying the world, but he was bored. Being a god got boring after awhile. That was probably how he fell in to jokes. He sipped his drink, and sat up suddenly as Piccolo's voice came into his head.

He smirked as he heard the message. Great, a joke I can play so easily!

* * *

Bulma eyed Piccolo suspiciously. "And why do you need Dende's permission? Aren't you older?"

Piccolo shifted. "Yes, but he's god, and I often have to help him out, when he needs it. Not to mention when I'm not there he always plays pranks on people. Such as the hail storm last week."

"The hail storm that followed you around for a week?" Gohan asked, remembering how wherever Piccolo went, a small storm cloud that hailed followed him everywhere, even inside. He smiled at the thought. It had been partly his idea, he and Dende had been brainstorming together.

Piccolo just looked at him.

Gohan shut his mouth.

Bulma kept staring at Piccolo, but then sighed. "Fine. I'll ask Dende if you can go. Now I have to call Kuririn."

Piccolo flew off as soon as she turned around to dial. Bulma sighed. "He'll be back. I'm convinced the stuff about Dende was a bunch of bull."

Gohan shrugged. "But shouldn't you be calling Kuririn?"

She nodded, and dialled. The phone rang a bit, and then someone picked it up. "Kame House, Turtle speaking."

"Hi, this is Bulma. Is Kuririn there?"

The turtle seemed to think. "Yes. I'll go get him."

Bulma waited on the line as Kuririn came on a few minutes later. "Hi, Bulma, what's up?"

Bulma smiled into the phone, as if Kuririn could see her. "Well, Vegeta ran off, and I need to go find him. Gohan's coming too, and Chichi said he was only allowed to come if you did as well. Not to mention we could use the help and company, and Piccolo's also coming."

Silence on the other side, then, "I thought I felt Vegeta a few hours ago. So, where is he? And is it far? But count me in, there's nothing else to do here."

Bulma started to dance around while she was on the phone, causing Gohan to hold back his laughter. "Wonderful! Can you get here in half an hour? We're leaving as soon as you arrive."

"So soon? Where are we going?"

"Space." Bulma hung up, missing Kuririn's shout of surprise.

*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+* +*+*+*+*+*

Videl sighed. She had been waiting at the spot for hours, and Gohan still hadn't shown up. She knew he wouldn't show up after six, his comment on dinner time yesterday had told her that much. But the fact that he hadn't shown up yet, well, that worried her.

She felt like she needed him, which in all honesty, she did. He was going to be her salvation, after she broke down his defences, and became his friend. She swung a bit, and jumped off. She was getting worried.

She started to pace around the pond. It was five-thirty, and he still hadn't shown up yet. Is there something wrong? She never came to the idea that he might just be busy, and not able to come. Where is he? She threw some stones into the water, trying to skip them, but not succeeding. She was bored, and she wanted him to come.

She looked at her watch, and realized that it was six o'clock, and he probably wasn't going to come anymore. She sighed. She'd just have to try tomorrow. Of course, she would spend her night searching for him. She did have his disk after all.

She started home, not caring about where she was going. It was too early to go home, Babsy was coming over again for dinner, and there was no way Videl wanted to be there. Of course, that meant amusing herself for about an hour, when it was a school night, and she was only eleven. At least she had some money with her. She could easily buy something to eat, and maybe she could go see a movie or something. There was a movie out called 'The Aliens Have Come' by Waves and Rocks. It looked interesting, but Erasa had no interest in it, and neither did Sharpener.

Videl decided to look for the nearest movie theatre, there was one on Main and 23rd Street. She started on her way. Another way to find out more about Gohan is to ask Bulma Briefs. By his computer, it seemed like he knew her personally. The only problem is that she lives in West Capital, and I live in Satan City, and they're hundreds of miles apart. But still…

She walked around, decided to skip the movie, and decided to go straight on home. Tomorrow after school she'd try to call Capsule Corps, and ask about him. Maybe if she acted like she had to do a report, or something.

She continued on home.

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Vegeta glared at the line. There were several people in front of him, and he didn't feel like waiting. And it certainly wasn't his fault the woman hadn't put in any galactic currency. Even an idiotic Erdling like the woman should know that a space ship needed galactic credits. He waited for is turn. There were three people in front of him, and the person at the counter was trying to ask some question in very awful galactic. If they're bothering to come to space, they should at least speak the language. He scowled.

He was wearing his normal spandex body suit, and his gloves and boots. He had found them in the space ship. And he had other interesting things. For instance, he had no idea that the woman had transferred every Saiya-jin article he had into the space ship. And she had also included his Scouter. As soon as he saw it, he slipped it on. On earth, it wasn't necessary. He spoke the language, knew the customs and the species. But in space it was a portable dictionary, kept track of life forms, and recorded everything.

It was a sight to see, if someone would walk by. A short man in spandex, boots, gloves and a Scouter standing in line. If you looked closely, you could argue that the style was probably during the Freezer Era, and that they were in good shape. And the man, if you looked closely, could probably be identified. So went the thoughts in a spectator's head.

But, let's get back to Vegeta. He was standing in line waiting patiently, or as patiently as he could be. He was tapping his foot, scowling, crossing his arms over his chest, and muttering under his breath about how the people in front of him would pay. "Damn alien…can't even speak Galactic…comes from a weak planet…too stupid to even know that 'si' means 'yes'…taking forever…deserve more respect…Prince of Saiya-jins…blow this space station up…" And so went Vegeta's mumbling. Which was in a way true. Not all of it of course, the people here didn't care if Vegeta was the Prince of a planet which had been destroyed, nor that he could blow up the station, or the fact he deserved more respect. It was common knowledge that in a space station, only the very influential aliens, the rich, in other words, were the only beings that gained respect from most parties.

But what Vegeta had said about the alien obviously coming from some dilapidated planet was true, as long as one inserts the 'dilapidated' in for 'weak'. And the alien probably wasn't one of the smartest in the bunch. Galactic was the main language for the entire galaxy and Sector of the Universe, in this case the Northern Sector, watched over by Master Kaio. It was taught on almost every planet in the entire galaxy, and was known by almost everyone in the galaxy. There were only a few planets, which didn't teach galactic, and they were primitive, dilapidated, small, and far out in the All. And earth of course. Doesn't say much for earth, now.

And in Vegeta's opinion, Earth was the most primitive of them all. They rarely went into space, and when they did, they never went far enough to see life. They believed that they were alone in the galaxy! In the universe! And they didn't know anything about Galactic matters. Now, Damatinier was even more primitive than earth, seeing how the people lived in huts, had just discovered fire and wore animal skins, so they not the most cunning example of intelligence. And even Vegeta agreed that Earth was a lot more intelligent than them.

So, Vegeta stood in line, muttered, and waited as the alien finished up his business. From what Vegeta had overheard, the alien wanted a space pass. The man at the counter was busying filling out forms, asking questions, and took a picture of the alien. Vegeta glared and kept mumbling. He was very close to blasting the alien away, and all that kept him in line was the Woman. And then it hit him. The Woman isn't here, she'll never know, I'm free! I can do what ever I want! I can be as evil as I can be, and she can't do anything!

Vegeta stepped out of line, and made his way to the front. The other people in line watched as Vegeta picked up the alien by his vest. "I want to get my credits so I can leave this dump, and you are taking for ever! I give you five seconds to get out of here before I blast you!"

The alien wiggled, trying to free himself of Vegeta's grasp with no avail. "Let me go!"

Vegeta flicked his wrist, sending the alien flying. "Five! Four! Three! Two! On-"

"Wait! Excuse me sir, but you are not allowed to do this. There are rules, sir, and they have to be followed. This alien is almost done, and then I'm sure the line will go quicker." The teller held on to Vegeta's arm. Big mistake on his part.

Vegeta glared at the man, and the teller shied away. "Ego Prince Vegeta der Saiya-jins sum! Nemo me tangit!" I am Vegeta, Prince of the Saiya-jins! No one touches me!

The people in line shied away. The Saiya-jins had been feared through out the entire universe, and most other people had been glad when the planet blew up. Saiya-jin used to be a language that was taught around the galaxy, but it hadn't been taught since the planet blew up. Of course, the older people in space had learned some of it, and could understand it, which is why they shied away. The Prince of the Saiya-jins was being not to mess with.

The teller gulped. He had learned Saiya-jin, due to working at the space station. And he knew the Prince's reputation. "Your Highness, I am sorry. But, rules are rules and-" He couldn't finish his sentence, as he was blasted into oblivion.

The other being in line looked at each other and ran away. Vegeta shook his head. What idiots. "Well? Who's going to serve me?"

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A Turpin, an alien that had light blue skin, grey hair, and was about seven feet tall, eyed the man. He had missed what the man had said, but he had obviously been angry. And the fact that the man had blasted the teller into oblivion said something else.

Stolidus, the Turpin's name, watched the man. He looked human, and it was obvious he was a humanoid. But was he really human? Sure, he was a humanoid, and had human like features. But he didn't act as an earthling would. Earth was a planet that for having technology and intelligence, they knew almost nothing about space, and other things, like magic and energy. Blasting was definitely an energy attack. So how did this human know it? And he had also said something in a different language, though Stolidus hadn't caught the words or the language. And the way the man was dressed. A spandex body suit, white boots and gloves, and a Scouter. Put armour over it, and he'd look exactly like one of Freezer's warriors.

But Freezer didn't employ humans, and neither did Grandinis. He could come from another planet that housed humans, earth was not the only one, but they were farther away. And the way he dressed was interesting. Stolidus adjusted his Scouter, and trained it at the man. He had a power level of about 20000, nothing amazing, but high. And as Stolidus eyed him, the man looked very familiar. Could he have worked for Master Freezer? He must have if he has a Scouter, though he could have picked it up in a junk shop or something. Stolidus was about to search in the memory of his Scouter for any information about the man, when his Scouter beeped.

Stolidus sighed and making sure the way was clear, started to speak into it. "Stolidus here."

"Command Centre 79. Grandinis wishes to talk with you." The mechanical voice of Webben, the Communications Officer sounded.

"With me?" Grandinis rarely wanted to talk with anyone, but when he did, there was something up.

"Yes. That is what I said. Go to a Holoscreen, preferably a private one, and I'll transmit the signals."

"Yes, Webben."

* * *

Stolidus had to wonder why Grandinis wanted to talk with him. The alien who had taken over, or had at least tried to take control over the empire didn't usually speak with him personally. Grandinis gave orders, and Stolidus received them over his Scouter. Efficient, and didn't make unnecessary contact that Grandinis didn't want. He continued to the Holoroom, handed the guard a credit, and walked into his own private booth, flipped on the screen and waited.

Soon Grandinis appeared. Tall, purple, covered in spikes and clutching his tail, Grandinis was rumoured Asu-jin ancestry, the same species as Freezer and his father, King Cold. He wore a golden amulet, and armour. He looked at Stolidus. "How is your mission going?"

Stolidus shrugged. "Fine. Space stations aren't like they used to be. They have rules about blasting and fighting. The only time any form of fighting is allowed is when the space stations hold tournaments, a few times a year."

"But have you found anyone?"

"I'm looking. It's hard, your Excellency. If anyone hears that you're in connection with the Empire, you're automatically thrown out, and banned. That's what happened to Ishi."

Grandinis frowned. "Yes, I heard. At least I didn't have to bother with him, the space station dealt with it. But really, you need to try harder." Grandinis made a fist, showing what awaited Stolidus if he didn't approve.

Stolidus gulped and bowed. "Of course, Your Excellency, of course. I am trying. I have tried to approach people, but they walk away. I'm going to be checking out a few bars tonight. You know that space stations are always receiving and sending people away."

"Yes, yes I know. I have half a mind to promote you to my council, if you bring back someone worthy of our empire."

Stolidus looked up. Grandinis offering to promote him? He tried to not show his excitement. If he were to show it, Grandinis would never promote him. "Of course I will. I think I found a likely candidate. A man, short, wearing a blue spandex body suit, white gloves and boots, and interestingly a Scouter. I know he isn't already recruited, for his information didn't immediately appear as it should. He had wild black hair, standing up straight. He spoke in another language, it wasn't Galactic, Intergalactic, or English, as is commonly here spoken. I could have sworn that I've seen him before."

Grandinis yawned. "Power Level?"

"20000, but he looked stronger than that. There are stories of being beings that hide power levels."

Grandinis thought for a second. "Fine. Observe him, speak to him, and then bring him to me. He sounds like he'd be an asset. Oh, figure out where you know him from. Succeed, and I will promote you."

Stolidus bowed. "Of course, your Excellency, of course." The view screen went blank. Time to find this man again. Stolidus left the room.

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Gohan stood in front of the space ship, eyeing Bulma. She was dressed in a space suit. "Is that really necessary?"

Bulma shrugged. "I think so." She picked up Trunks, who was wearing the same thing.

"But, when we went to Namek, you only wore it until we were in space, and then wore something else."

Bulma shrugged. "So? I wear it for the lift off, and then change. Quite simple." She checked her watch. "When are Kuririn and Piccolo going to get here?"

"I'm here, I'm here! I just had to find my hat." Kuririn came running up, and then stopped as he saw Bulma. "Why are you wearing that?"

"Because I felt like it. I'll change out of it when we get into space."

"Then what's the point?"

"Because I want to." Bulma put her hands on her hips.

"Fine…" Kuririn set his bag down. He then turned to Gohan. "What's up with her?"

Gohan shrugged. "I don't know. I pointed out to her that on Namek she wore something different, and then she said how she would change."

Kuririn chuckled. "Right. On the way to Namek she wore her underwear."

Bulma unfortunately heard that, and slapped Kuririn so that he was caught off guard and went flying. "Shut up."

Kuririn rubbed his cheek, where her hand had left a mark. "What did you do that for? I was telling the truth."

Bulma shrugged. "So? Be quiet. It wasn't like I asked to go parading around the universe in my underwear. I was resting, and then there were those kids, and then we were suddenly there, well, we got stuck on that desert planet when you guys got tricked-"

"What? We got tricked? You did as well! You just can't blame everything on us!" Kuririn burst out.

Bulma stared at him as if he had grown another head. "Of course it was your fault. When you're as beautiful and smart as I am, you can't be tricked."

Gohan shook his head. He didn't really want to have another argument. "Whatever. When are we going? I'm getting hungry. Mom fed me a snack-"

"Big enough to feed four people." Kuririn cut in.

Gohan glared at him and continued. "But I'm still hungry."

Bulma smiled. "As soon as Piccolo comes, we're lifting off. Then you can eat. I'm guessing it'll take us two days to get there. Hopefully Vegeta won't have already left."

"Really, two days? I don't think it should take that long." Gohan said, reaching into a backpack and bringing out his computer. "I did the calculations, and if you did improve the velocity, then it should take us a day."

"Let me see that." Bulma grabbed the computer away, and typed in the formula, codes and numbers. "Oh, oops, I doubled the resistance by accident. You're right."

Gohan shrugged. "Thought so. But where's Piccolo?"

Bulma sighed. "Apparently he's trying to hide. We'll have to go to Dende's Palace, he's sure to be there. Can one of you carry me?"

Kuririn and Gohan shared a glance. After a silent war, Kuririn gave in. "I'll do it."

Bulma jumped into his arms. "Great! Now let's be off!"

* * *

Arriving at Dende's Palace, they were greeted by Popo. "I am very glad to see you."

"Is Piccolo here?" Gohan asked, looking around.

Popo continued to water the flowers. "Yes, is he. He's with Master Dende."

"Thanks, Popo." Gohan led the way to the other side of the Palace. There stood Dende and Piccolo. Piccolo was waving a letter, and yelling.

"What are they yelling about?" Kuririn asked.

"I don't know. Let's move closer." Gohan started to creep up to where they were, and was able to hear.

"How could you do this? It could be a hoax!"

"But it had the seal of the Other World Gods Association!"

"But that still doesn't mean it's dangerous! And the fact that we can't-" Piccolo stopped as he sensed the others. "What are you guys doing here?"

Bulma stood up. "You're supposed to come with is, or have you forgotten?"

Piccolo looked at Dende. " I can't, Dende needs my help."

Dende snickered. "Well, I'm going to a meeting for godly training after the prank I pulled a few weeks ago, but that's only for tonight, and Master Quitte already said he'd watch the earth for me, as well as Popo. Other than that, I wouldn't need any help."

Piccolo glared at Dende. "Remember? The letter?"

Gohan cut in. "What letter?"

Dende and Piccolo shared a glance. "Nothing. Just something that I need to take care of. But I really don't need Piccolo's help. I'm sure he'd love to go with you. He really needs a vacation, and was just telling me how much he wanted to visit space."

Piccolo glared at Dende. "Thank you so much, Dende."

Dende gulped. "No problem." He really had to ask Master Kaio if he could find a new god for earth after Piccolo was through with him. He decided to put it on his agenda for after the meeting.

"Well, then, let's go. I left Trunks at Capsule Corps with a technician, and we have to go to the space ship anyways." Bulma started off towards the ledge of the Palace. "Have fun Dende! Kuririn? Let's go!"

* * *

When they arrived at Capsule Corps, the technician met them with Trunks. He had a look of pain on his face. "Wow, Mrs Briefs, I had no idea how strong your son is. After he broke that iron stab-"

Bulma took Trunks, cutting off the technician. "I know, he is strong. Is everything ready? I want to leave now."

The Tech nodded. "Systems are up and running, you have clearance, and in five minutes you can lift off, which means boarding now."

"Great!" Bulma started off towards the space ship.

Gohan ran off after her, Kuririn close behind, and Piccolo, after waiting for a few minutes started leisurely towards it.

"Come on, Piccolo, hurry up!" Gohan said, strapping himself in a seat. Kuririn strapped himself in, and Bulma had already strapped herself and Trunks in.

Bulma looked over her shoulder, and turned on the view screen. "Ready?" she watched the Tech wave his hand, and she punched the button. "Lift off!"

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Dende yawned, and sipped his drink. He was seated next to the goddess of Aryain, a planet on the other side of the Northern Sector. Her name was Draina, and she spoke a heavily accented intergalactic, which was used in meetings like these.

"And therefore my planet needs the help of this council. I really need an assistant, and a strong warrior would be nice as well." Epsi, the god of Planet Epsilon bowed and sat down. Master Kaio stood up.

"I have a few questions…what did you say the warriors were dressed like?"

Epsi thought for a few moments. "All sorts of different kinds of aliens, and they all wore this odd style of armour and this thing across their faces." He concentrated, and soon a picture appeared in the middle of the table. A green, tall, skinny alien appeared, with white boots with a yellow braid, gloves of the same fashion, braid around the wrist. He wore armour that was white and gold, shoulder pads extending. He also had a small device that he wore over his left eye.

There were gasps around the table, and Dende was one of them. He wore a Scouter. And it was common knowledge that only beings having to do with Freezer wore Scouters. The Great Kai tapped the table for quiet.

"All right, I'm sure most of you recognize what that means. This alien appears to be from one of Freezer's troops. It's known due to the Scouter, and the armour. What this means is that somehow one of Freezer's people is running around destroying things. Epsi, how many where there?"

Epsi thought. "About ten, maybe more. But who's Freezer?"

Again the table broke out in whispers. A god who didn't know who Freezer was? Unbelievable.

Master Kaio stood. "Freezer was an evil space tyrant, set on controlling the Universe. He was defeated by Son Goku, a Saiya-jin from earth, and then later killed by Trunks Briefs, a visitor from the future, also of earth. He was feared by almost every planet in the universe, and destroyed many of them. He had the Saiya-jins help him, and then destroyed their planet. As it is, there is one pure blooded Saiya-jin left alive, Prince Vegeta, who used to serve under Freezer, and three half Saiya-jins; Vegeta's son, and Son Goku's two sons. Gohan, Son Goku's eldest son is eleven, and was on Namek when Freezer was destroyed. He also fought against Freezer.

"You have asked for help, Epsi, and I say we give it to you. Son Goku is dead, after giving his life to save the planet. But Vegeta and Gohan are very much alive, and as Dende here tells me, both are travelling in space now. I will ask them to help."

Dende stood, as was custom. "Master Kaio, Vegeta is currently missing, and that is why Gohan, Bulma, Trunks, Piccolo and Kuririn travelled into space. But I am sure as soon as they find Vegeta, they will be glad to help. Vegeta always hated Freezer."

Master Kaio nodded. "Right. And that brings another question into play. Not every planet has a god, as you know. And this is only a meeting of the gods in the North Sector. I will contact the other Kais, and ask them to ask their planets if they need any help. We know Freezer is gone, but he did have a father, a brother, and lots of followers, so someone must have taken over."

He looked at the Great Kai, and nodded. The great Kai took his gavel and tapped the table. "Meeting adjourned. I will speak to all the other gods, and they hopefully will have some answers."

* * *

Dende started to walk away. He wanted to take his time. Master Quitte was more than capable of watching the world, and so was Popo. He exited the Great Kai's Palace, and started towards the gardens. "Wait! You! You god, what is it, Dende! Wait!"

Dende turned around, and watched Epsi come running up to him. Epsi wore a long black robe that trailed over the ground, and was hiking it up so he could run. "I'm glad I caught you. You're the god of Earth? You know of people that can help me save my planet?"

Dende nodded. "Right. Gohan's one of my friends, he comes to visit me a lot, and he rumoured to be the strongest warrior in the Universe. And Vegeta, he can be a problem, but he hates Freezer, and Bulma, his mate, is with Gohan. So she can talk him into it if he doesn't want to. You'll be getting help."

Epsi nodded. "Thanks. I really need the help. I'm pretty new to the god thing, and I wasn't that great of a warrior, scholar or wizard. I really need the help."

"Well, I've only been god for two years. Gohan and I met when they were on Namek, Freezer killed my entire family, except for my brother who escaped injured. And there are only about a hundred Nameks that survived Freezer. He totally destroyed the planet. I'd do anything to help against Freezer, and I know Gohan and Vegeta feel the same way. Vegeta used to be a somewhat slave of Freezer's, his servant, and pet. Vegeta hates Freezer, and would do anything he could to destroy him. And Gohan would also destroy him any chance he got. Freezer almost killed him, his father, his friends. Not to mention that anything that is evil Gohan would attempt to kill."

Epsi looked at Dende in wonder. "Wow…how old are you?"

Dende looked down. "Well, we Nameks have a different sense of time for the most part, but I'm twelve earth years."

"And you're already a god? Wow, I had to have my hundredth birthday before I could become god. And you've been through a lot. All I did was train my body, mind and soul. Boring but necessary."

Dende shrugged. "I have been through a lot, and that's how I learned. I had to, to survive. And now my life can be rated as boring for the most part. I like to play jokes, but even then it gets kind of boring."

Epsi shrugged. "I know what you mean. I've been a god for five years, and all I do is watch over the planet, and when someone prays to me, or asks a question, I answer, or try to help. Not very exciting, except for lately. And lately, there's been nothing I could do, the invaders are too strong, and magic also doesn't seem to work against them. I can only do what's in my power, and that hasn't been much lately. That's why I needed your help."

"Well, I'll be glad to give it to you. There isn't much else I can do, though. I'll send Gohan and Vegeta to you, and then they can do the rest."

Epsi held out a hand, and Dende grasped it. "I have to go now, my planet needs me. But so long, and thanks for the help." Epsi soon disappeared.

Dende sighed, and watched the spot from which Epsi disappeared. "Hopefully I can help, and they get there in time."

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Kali yawned. Her job was really quite boring. She signed a letter, and then set in on its way.

"So? Have you sent the request?" She jumped up, and then glared as Shin pulled out a chair, from thin air, and then sat down.

"Yes, I sent it out last night, and already got three responses back." She blew a lock of hair out of her eyes, and sat down again, putting her feet on her desk, shoving papers to the side.

"Three?" Shin raised his eyebrows. "Why three?"

"Well, the first one I got back was from the god, Dende. He said yes, he saw no problem, and I may. The second letter was from someone named Piccolo. He wrote that Dende had misunderstood, and that I may not borrow him. The third letter was from Dende again, and said that I should ignore Piccolo's letter, but could I explain it better to him, because he wasn't quite clear on what it said. I'm going to send him another letter."

Shin nodded and leaned back in his chair. "Ruling over the Universe is hard work."

Kali shrugged. "I know. What's happening now?"

"Remember Freezer?"

Kali thought a bit. "Right. That kid I let through the times finished him off, along with his father, right?"

"As far as I know, yes. It was Son Goku, a Saiya-jin who defeated him, but then let Freezer flee. But, no one took it as necessary to destroy Freezer's bases and followers. And, now it seems that they're beginning to start purging planets again."

Kali raised her eyebrows. "Oh, bad news."

Shin stood up. "Right. And Epsi, the god from Planet Epsilon, has already asked for help from Son Gohan and Vegeta."

Kali jumped up this time as well. "We might have a problem there."

Shin started to pace, his hands folded behind his back. "My sentiments exactly. This could turn everything out of the loop."

Kali sighed, and sat down, clapping her hands. A screen appeared, showing several different lines in different colours. "This is going to be so much work. Not every dimension is going to have this happen, and if any other people wish to travel the time lines, or dimensions…I have so much work to do!"

Shin studied the screen. "These are the different time lines?"

"Yeah, they all start the same, but they've changed so much, and separated, and everything…it isn't fair." She pouted from underneath her hands, head on her desk. "Why? Why did this have to happen?"

"You shouldn't whine." Shin reprimanded.

"You shouldn't reprimand me, Shinny." Kali raised her head. "All this, on top of the preparations for the journey. Gods, this isn't fair!"

Shin chuckled. "I am a god, and so are you, and we know it isn't fair. Is there really any point in saying that?"

"Yes, there is. I have a year to complete every preparation, find suitable dimensions, and to top it all off, I have to pay attention to this whole Freezer affair. I have a right to ask why you did this. I have a right to complain, whine, scream, yell, strangle you, because this is your fault, and do anything else I want to do at the moment."

Shin shrugged. "Well, I just thought I'd tell you. I must be going now, bye!" He ducked quickly out, dodging the paperweight that had been thrown at his head. "Kali, it isn't good manners to throw things at people!"

"It isn't good manners to be the most pompous fat a** in the universe either, is it?" She went back to writing a letter, mumbling the entire time.

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"A suit? Dress shoes? Where does she think I'm going, to a ball?" Gohan held up the suit, staring at it.

Kuririn looked up. "What?" They had been flying for four hours, and were a fifth of the way there. It was ten thirty p.m., earth time, and Bulma was trying to get Trunks to sleep, while Piccolo meditated, Gohan went through the stuff his mother had packed him, and Kuririn glanced at a magazine.

Gohan showed Kuririn the suit. "I asked Mom to get stuff ready for me, so I could leave quickly. Well, Mom did, but I don't think I'm going to need a hair dryer, a suit, a cheese cutter, three different shampoos, or anything else that she packed me."

"I see. So what are you going to do?" Kuririn scooted closer.

"Oh, I figured she'd do that. I packed my own bag, a gi, my computer and other stuff that I'd need, but I knew she wouldn't pack. I wanted to take Extending Pole, but I couldn't find it. I hope she packed it."

Kuririn shook his head. He knew how Chichi could be. "At least she let you come."

Gohan nodded. "Right, but it took a lot of convincing. And I have to do tons of school work everyday. I should probably get started."

"Now? It's after ten thirty. I'm going to bed at least, and I suggest you two do the same." Bulma stood up, holding Trunks. "I have one room, Kuririn, you have the one on the other side of the hall way, and Gohan, you have the one next to mine. Piccolo sleeps here, because he doesn't sleep." She exited the main room, and Kuririn stood up yawning.

"I agree with Bulma, Gohan. I'm going to bed. See you in the morning." He followed Bulma out.

* * *

Gohan was almost finished with all of his homework. He yawned. At two in the morning, he was quite tired, but the fact that he had slept in yesterday morning made him not so sleepy. He had also found the Extending Pole, his mother had packed it, accidentally sticking it into a suitcase she had packed for him with different clothing articles.

Even though Gohan was tired, he knew he didn't need to go to sleep. Saiya-jins only needed a total of five hours of sleep, because they slept so deeply. A Saiya-jin would automatically wake up in five hours after going to sleep, and were awake for the rest of the day. Gohan had inherited the five hours of deep sleep, but he continued to stay asleep, until he was woken up by someone, or if he woke up for some other reason.

Gohan began to meditate, and sat himself in a comfortable position, when Piccolo's voice stopped him.

"Remember to keep your mind open."

Gohan nodded. It was nothing new, and it was something that kept him from falling asleep. He closed his eyes, and opened his mind, expecting to see darkness, and different glowing objects, which were different forms of energy. Then he jumped. After closing his eyes, he did not see the different energies, but saw something different, mainly what the Main Control Room of the space ship looked like, if his eyes were open. Gohan raised his arms, and confirmed that his eyes were closed. And to make it even more odd, every object had a thin purple aura around it. Piccolo?

Piccolo looked up, stopping his meditation. What, kid.

Umm, I think something's wrong with my meditation… Gohan said, trying to keep a lock on what he saw.

Piccolo frowned. How can there be something wrong with your meditation? Meditation is something you do, and once you learn it, you can always do it.

Gohan shrugged. When I tried to open my mind, it didn't work. Well, I guess it did, but different than it should.

What do you mean?

I'm seeing something different; I'm seeing the room, just like it would be if my eyes were open, but everything has a purple aura around it.

What? Piccolo's mind voice was confused. There should have been no reason why this was happening. Not to mention that seeing the room was something he shouldn't see. Let me into your mind.

Okay…how do I let you into my mind? Piccolo almost hit his head purposefully on the floor. It was amazing how after so much training with Vegeta and him, Gohan still had some of Goku's naiveté.

Empty your mind fully, and then I will link my mind to yours.

Gohan did so, or at least tried to. Is this right?

No. Empty your mind fully. Then I can enter.

Like this?


Like this?


Well then, HOW?

Piccolo shook his head. Now Gohan was starting to sound like Vegeta. Concentrate on nothing. Clear all thoughts out of your head.

After Gohan did so, Piccolo continued. Now I will concentrate on your mind and energy. You must always concentrate on the person you are linking to. Then after I establish a connection, I can push my self in your mind. Do you understand?

I guess so… Gohan gasped as he felt Piccolo enter his mind.

I am there. Now, concentrate on what you saw before.

Gohan did so, concentrating on the purple auras, for they seemed the most important. It was Piccolo's turn to be surprised.

This is really what you're seeing?


Piccolo thought for a moment. Try touching one of the auras, and see what happens.

Gohan did so, and was surprised to say the least, when the pen, whose aura he had touched, flew to him. How-how did it do that? I can move things through ki, but that takes a lot of concentration and time. And I just had to tap the aura, and it came right to me.

Piccolo meanwhile was standing there, being confused. He had an idea of what it could be, but Gohan's lineage didn't make sense. Saiya-jins certainly didn't have this power, and though a few humans did, not many. Did you want the thing to come with you?

Well…I was thinking of moving it… Gohan said hesitantly. Piccolo? Do you know what it is?

Piccolo snorted and looked around. Try willing it to change colours.

To change colours? Why?

Just DO IT!

Fine, Piccolo. Gohan did so, willing the pen to change colours from black to blue. Gohan froze as he saw the pen do so. Piccolo? It worked…

Piccolo nodded. I thought it would. We need to talk. I'm getting out of your mind now, and you stop your meditation.

Gohan opened his eyes, finding the black, now blue pen sitting in his lap. "Piccolo, what happened?"

Piccolo thought hard. "I'm not entirely sure, but I think I know what it is. The only problem is that it should be inherited, and I know that Saiya-jins don't have that trait. And since your mother hasn't shown any signs of it, nor your brother, then I don't know what to think."

"But Piccolo, what is it?"

"Shush. You have a very strong aura of it around you, which means that you can probably do anything, once you learn how. If you didn't already know how to fly, or shoot blasts, then you'd be doing so, now. Still, you're going to need a lot of training…and I'm not much of a trainer. I know basic laws and properties, and so does Dende, but none of us know much, not as much as you're going to be able to learn."


"Don't interrupt. I can teach you the basics, and, we'll have to look in the Palace Library to find more books that you can learn out of."

"But Piccolo, what can I do? What's so special?" Gohan was getting quite impatient. Piccolo wasn't telling him anything.

"Fine, I'll explain. You have an additional power inside of you, that isn't part of your energy. It's a different form, so to speak. It's what Ginyu had to be able to switch bodies, what Guldo had to be able to stop time. Actually, you could now stop those attacks from ever happening. With this power, you have the ability to become the strongest warrior in the entire universe."

"But Piccolo, Vegeta already said that I'm probably the most powerful warrior in the universe." Gohan said, hesitantly. He really wasn't sure anymore.

Piccolo shook his head. "In a way yes In pure fighting strength, you're unstoppable, and I don't think many would live if you went against them. But, what I'm talking about is this power. If Ginyu managed to switch bodies with you, you'd be in trouble, and you couldn't stop him. But, after I teach you how, any form of an attack like that wouldn't hurt you, it'd be useless. Not to mention you could also do attacks of that calibre."

"But I don't understand." Gohan was now most confused. It was three in the morning, and he was getting to be tired.

"Do I need to spell it out for you, kid?" Piccolo was getting quite exasperated. "It's quite simple. What you can do is known as magic."

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AN: Okay, finished. Let me apologise again for taking so long. I'm not going to write a long note, because I want to get this out quickly, so just please review. And really, I do enjoy constructive critism. It helps. And let me thank Jade Kitten for beta-ing. Thanks! And please review.
