Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Trading Places ❯ Something's wrong, Something's not quite right ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Trading Places

Author: J'dee

Rating: NC-15/6 (offensive language)

Genre: Humour / Drama

Idea: DBGT Pleasantville style... Two siblings are switched with the Brief siblings.

Author's Note: I like this idea... so there every so often a reviewer will pop in as a guest star I'm looking for a male reviewer though to come in to the fic to make things a bit more humours and he'll happen to be in a villains body I'm not saying which villain though, but it's pretty predictable otherwise I wouldn't end up being in DarkJourney's fic would I??

The Disclaimer: I own it all MWHA-HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! okay maybe I don't... so I'll just go sulk now...

**Something Wrong Something's Not Quite Right*

Chapter Two

Jeril's face paled suddenly, "Eh... J'dee. What if... what if Gohan starts to... um... you know... I mean, now that I'm Videl, I'm married to him but... uh..."

"Well, deal with it!"

Nick looked at Jeril and he sighed. "Damn you had to be Videl didn't you?"

"What?!" Jeril growled.

"She's so hot!!" Nick drooled.

"Get back pal... I'm after Vegeta." Jeril growled at him.

"Pssh as if I'd touch you now." Nick looked down on her like she had a form of contagious disease.

"Why you little!!!" Jeril grabbed Nick round and throat and began strangling him much like Homer to Bart on the Simpsons.

"KAKAROTT GET YOUR SPAWN'S MATE OFF MY SON!!!" Vegeta bellowed from the top of the stairs charging down it. "I have to strangle him!"

Jeril let go of Nick and handed him over grinning at Vegeta. "Hi Veggie!"

"What do you want, Kakarott's spawn's baka mate?"

"Hehehe... you." Jeril chuckled low and seductive.

Vegeta paled, "Eh... what did you say?"

"Videl. You're not cheating on Gohan are you?" S'rac interrupted.

"Oh, of course not 'Goku'! Why would I?" Jeril snickered.

S'rac put his hand on his head. "Okay."

Nick rubbed his neck and he looked at his hair and he sighed.

"Hey I think I might dye my hair like silver or something."

"No you don't!" J'dee scolded him.

"Pssh you're no fun."

A knock at the door interrupted them and J'dee sighed. "Who is it now!!" She growled then she smiled. "Oooh it could be Yamcha."

"WHAT?!?!?!" Vegeta exploded.

Jeril clung on to Vegeta's arm. "I'm glad you're all better Veggie."

J'dee opened the door and she grinned seeing Goten standing there. "Hey I sensed everyone gathering here for some reason."

"GOTEN!!!" J'dee grabbed his arm excitedly. "Ooooh you're really, really, really cute!! You know that?"

Goten blushed and he looked at J'dee. "Ummmm yea... Paris tells me so all the time."

"Oh forget her how about you and me?"

"BRA!!!! Get off Kakarott's spawn!!!"

"Lets go this way Goten." J'dee grabbed him by the arm pulling him off away from everyone, making it so they were alone.

"Brrrrrraaaa....." Goten whined. "What's gotten in to you?"

"Nothing yet..." J'dee grinned and winked at Goten.

"Gak!!" Goten pulled his arm free and looked at J'dee. "But Trunks might get mad about me getting together with you. After all, you're his little sister and I'm his best friend."

J'dee waved her hand about to wave it off. "Oh believe me, he doesn't care."

"Hey Goten! Hi Bra! What are you guys talking about?" S'rac appeared timing it perfectly much like Goku.

"DAD?!" Goten blinked. "B-b-b-but how?"

S'rac grinned the son grin. "They let me go free."

"Stop grinning like that Kakarott!!" Jeril shouted from the other room. "I can see it from here!!"

"This is great dad!! Mom will be so happy!!" Goten beamed proudly.

S'rac swallowed hard making J'dee smirk a typical Vegeta like smirk.

"C-c-c-chi-C-c-c-chi?" S'rac stammered suddenly.

"Wow you better get back there before she finds out and comes after you with a frying pan." J'dee chuckled.

"ANYTHING BUT THE FRYING PAN!! AHHHHHHH!!!!!" S'rac ran off holding his head protectively.

Goten blinked and looked at J'dee. "Bra is dad okay?"

"Oh ya know, he's fine. He's just a bit disorientated at the moment that happens ya know after coming back from a long trip."

Goten blinked and looked at her clueless. "Ummm no I don't know."

"Awww I love that clueless look." J'dee glomped on to Goten knocking him to the floor and pinning him there.

"Riiiiiiiiiiiiiight...." Goten sweatdropped. "TRUUUUUUNKS!!!! YOU'RE SISTER'S ATTACKING ME!!!"

Nick wandered in and he blinked and spun his ball cap round to the side. "Hey Bra this way," then he faced it forwards, "or this way."

"That way most definitely."

"Cool. Hey Goten think Pan will sleep with me?"

"WHAT?!" Goten exclaimed. "Don't you dare touch Pan Trunks!!"

"C'mon Goten she really is hot." Nick smirked at me. "Have fun you two."


Nick wandered off. J'dee held Goten's shoulders down to the ground.



Bulma wandered down the stair with Gohan and Pan following and she nodded slowly talking to them. "Yes Bra and Trunks have been fighting more so than usual it's pretty odd, usually they're really good with there arguments but-" Bulma stopped talking when she heard Goten cry out.


"Oh no what's that boy done now?" she remarked worriedly and ran down the steps and she stopped seeing Bra sitting on top of Goten in a very unwoman like manner holding him down.

"Bra what are you doing?!" Bulma exclaimed and grabbed her by the back of her jeans and pulled her off the very scared looking Goten.

"Hey Pan..." Bulma blinked as Trunks slid next to her and smoothly put an arm around her leaving Gohan gaping in shock.

"Bulma." Gohan began.

"Trunks just what do you think you're doing?"

"Getting a date?" He offered and looked at Pan and grinned. "So how about it, you me, my car, ten minutes?" he asked.

"TRUNKS!!!" Gohan exploded, and grabbed Pan protectively. "That's it we're going. Dad, Videl, Goten c'mon this place is a nut house, lets go." He walked off.

"But I don't wanna go." Videl whined almost like she was some sort of teenager.

"Videl." Gohan growled.

"Kay coming." She rushed outside.

Gohan looked at his father hiding in a corner. "Dad c'mon. mom will be happy you're back."

"Videl said it best when she said. I don't wanna. Chi-chi will hit my with the frying pan of doom."

"Frying pan of doom." Goten repeated. "I'll have to remember that one."

Gohan scratched his head and looked at Bulma. "Sort this out, please and fast."

Bulma nodded. "I'll do my best Gohan you know that."

Gohan grabbed his father by the back of his white shirt. "C'mon dad lets go."

Goku held his head protectively as he was dragged out of the house. Gohan looked at Videl and raised an eyebrow.

"At least I didn't go out like a coward." She muttered.

"I'm not a coward."

"Then why are you clutching your head like that?"

"Frying pans and Chi-chi together are scary..." He cringed thinking of it.

"Goten grandpa and mom are acting really weird."

"What about Trunks and Bra?" He asked shaking his head.

"I think Trunks was nice."

"He was almost sleazy." Goten frowned. "That's really odd for him."

"He could of realised he's like old and wants to settle down." Videl offered.

"Your older than him." Goten retorted.

"Watch it bucko or else I'll make a frying a pan of doom." Videl threatened.


"Bra what is wrong with you?" Bulma scolded shaking her finger at J'dee, who rubbed the back of her neck in a very Son manner.

"Well Goten's cute. It's either him or Yamcha."

"Yamcha?!?!?!" Bulma screeched. "There is no way you are going to start dating my ex-boyfriend young lady."

"So what's wrong with Goten then?"

Bulma blinked. "Well nothing apart from the age gap."

"Oh c'mon Bu-ah mom, what's fourteen years anyways I've dated older."

"You've what?!" Bulma yelled "and why haven't I meet these men?"

"Have you seen how you're reacting right now, psssshhhh as if you'd meet them."

"Why you little-" Bulma reached forward to strangle J'dee.

Vegeta walked up dragging Nick by the collar.

"BULMA STOP IT!!" He growled. "Look at them. You see something odd going on here?" He asked motioning to the two siblings.

Bulma blinked and she looked at Nick's shirt. "Where did you get that?"

Nick blinked. "Ummm," he looked at J'dee. "What was the name of the store again?"

J'dee scratched her head. "Buggered if I can remember it was in shades arcade though. You know I wanted that shirt I can't believe you bought it."

"Hey you bought that damn Speed Racer top."

"I'll trade you my Speed Racer ball shirt for your Mirai shirt?"

"Hella no, this shirt is wicked I ain't giving it up."

"Well you can go to hell then."

"I thought you don't believe in hell?" Nick taunted.

"Just cause I'm wiccan it doesn't mean I don't believe in things. I believe that there is more than one religion, I believe in Mary, Diana, God, Lucifer (A.N he was ORIGINALLY known for being the Italian Sun God if I remember correctly before it was corrupted)- heaven, hell, angels, Gods and Goddesses-"

"My daughter's a witch?" Bulma asked shocked then her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she promptley fainted.

Vegeta stood there with his arms crossed and he look at the two of them. "You two better explain yourself."

"Ummmm..." Nick began. "You'll think we're nuts so to put it bluntly..."

"No." J'dee interrupted.

"Yeah what she said." Nick agreed.

Vegeta growled and he picked Bulma up. "I'll sort you two out later."

"Ooooooooh scary..." Nick trembled in mock humour.

"Watch it boy, next time I might actually go beyond a super saiyan and beat you to a pulp." Vegeta threatened and walked out carrying Bulma.

"They make a cute couple." J'dee observed.

Nick rolled his eyes. "Oh puh-lease. I hate Vegeta. I can't believe you're such a freak to know all about him."

"Look lets just sit down and recap what happened okay?"



Chi-chi was as normal standing by the window in front of the sink up to her elbows in the soapy suddy water. When out of nowhere Gohan's car lowered to the ground. She smiled Gohan, he always paid her a visit and she saw Goten jump out of the car and run up to the window waving at her excitedly.

"Mom!! Mom!!! DAD'S BACK!!! The dragon's let him go!!!"

"What?" Chi-chi breathed in the plate slide from her hand landing back in the soapy water as she saw Goku get out of the car and look round like it was his first time arriving. He rubbed the back of his neck and Chi-chi watched as Videl grabbed him by the arm and pulled him off to the side. Videl seemed worried about something and she watched them talk. But that didn't matter. Goku was back!! She dried her arms quickly and ran outside and up to Goku.

"Goku!!!!" She cried and hugged him he fell over and they hit the ground together and he laughed a bit nervous but it was that Son laugh she loved so much.

"Heh... heya Chi-chi..."

"Oh Goku you're back I can't believe this!!"

"Yeah but something odd is going on." Gohan added. "Dad, Videl, Bra and Trunks seem to be acting a bit odd." He added.

Pan looked to the house and noticed everyone was a bit preoccupied and she quickly phased in side and grabbed the cordless and ran in to the hallway. She was excited Trunks was showing an interest in her.


The two siblings wandered in to Trunks room and J'dee began to promptly go nosing through the drawers.

"What are you doing?" Nick asked.

"Trunks is like really cute. Maybe I can get a souvenir. Oooooooooh, a sword!!!" J'dee rushed up to the wall and grabbed it from where it was being displayed and she giggled and held it up. "Thunder, Thunder, Thunder Cats HOOOOOO!!"

"Give me that." Nick snatched the sword back and he put it back on the shelf where it had been displayed. J'dee went back to the drawers. "Look you're suppose to be Trunks sister so stop riffling through that." Nick scolded. "Act like an adult."

"I'm suppose to be eighteen so I'm acting it. Oooooooh, boxers!!!"

"That's just gross." Nick grabbed her by the arm and pulled her away from the drawers and sat her on the bed. He grabbed the swivel computer desk chair and sat on it and spun round in a circle.

"If you start impersonating Babity I will thump you."

"Ahhhhh-babid-ahhhhh..." Nick did the motions as well that made J'dee laugh. "You moron..."

"That's Maurice..." He said impersonating Maurice from Romeo Must Die.

"Mmmmm Jet Li... now there's a bedroom I'd riffle through..."

Nick looked disgusted. "Okay recap now."

J'dee nodded. "Right. I went to college I did my lecture and tutorial for the day. I came home found you'd chucked out my notes that I so needed for my big test I dragged you to the refuse station (A.N: Basically the city dump) to look for them-"

"You danced among garbage for three hours." Nick added.

"I didn't dance." J'dee protested.

"You found a purple gameboy thing amongst a bunch of busted electrical equipment." Nick continued.

J'dee nodded. "Yes.... it looked spiffy so I took it."

Nick rolled his eyes. "You took it home."

"And you opened it up to play round with it." She added.

"Pssshhhhh- whatever." Nick waved his hand about to show he didn't care.

"And you put it back together wrong and boom here we are. Along with two others, who live on the other side of the world!"

"It's not my fault." Nick protested. "You pushed the big red button."

"Yes fine I pushed the button but that's what you're suppose to do on GAMEBOYS!!! You push buttons to play a game!! Not taking it apart like you do to everything else."

"Look shut up. It's your fault if we hadn't of gone to the dump in the first place-"

"Nah-uh your fault for THROWING OUT MY LECTURE NOTES!!!!"

"Your fault 'cause you pushed the button."

"Your fault for taking the thing apart."

"Your fault for wanting it fixed!!"

"You're fault cause you're a stupid immature kid!!"

"Hey at least I'm not eighteen!!"

"Oh I'm going to strangle you!!!"

Their argument was interrupted by the phone ringing and both siblings looked at each other. Then at the phone.

The speaker phone answered after the fifth ring.

"Hey this is Trunks extention I'm not in right now, leave a message after the beep."

"What a really unoriginal message." J'dee remarked. "If I had my way I'd go the Will Smith way." J'dee grinned she liked that message.

Then the voice on the other end of the phone spoke in a hushes whisper. "Hey Trunks... it's Pan... are you there?"

Nick leapt on the phone and he picked it up. "Hey Pan I'm here."

J'dee rolled her eyes and Nick waved shoo at her to leave.


Jeril watched the scene before her and she covered he mouth from laughing. 'Poor, poor S'rac...' She thought with a mental chuckle as he tried to sit up but Chi-chi held him to the ground hugging him tightly.

Jeril then felt a pair of strong muscular arm slid round her waist and she eeped with a jump and looked at Gohan standing behind her and she mentally gulped.

'Stuff S'rac what about me!! Gohan's stronger than I am!!'

S'rac managed to stand up and Chi-chi was still hugging.

"Goku I've missed you so much."

S'rac blinked and he looked at Jeril and she mouthed out to him.

'Help me and I'll help you.'

"Bwha-hahahahaha... Never!! I am GOKUU!! I need no help! Bwha-hahaha-"

"Uh... dad?" Goten looked at him and blinked.

"Huh?" S'rac looked at him then smiled and rubbed the back of his head the Son smile plastered on his face and Jeril felt like strangling him.


"Owwww!!!" S'rac rubbed his head and he saw Chi-chi with the frying pan of doom.

"Goku!" She scolded him.

"Heh... sorry I always wanted to try my hand at evil laughing."

"See." Gohan said to his mother as if his point was made that Goku was a bit off.

"Oh yeah! Bwahahaha!"


"Gah! Chi Chi! I didn't mean it!"


"G-g-g-g-Gohan... I think Pan's gone to use the phone..." Jeril stammered struggling to get out of his grasp.

"Mmmm so..." He nuzzled her neck.

'Think, think, think... gotta get out of this situation...'

"What if she's calling Trunks?"

Gohan sighed and let her go- reluctantly. "Go sort her out."

"Right!!" Jeril took off inside hurriedly.

Sure enough in the hallway was Pan on the phone. "Pan." She took on her best authoritative voice.

Pan looked up at her. "Mom!" She breathed.

"Who are you talking to?"

"T-t-t-Trunks..." Pan stammered.

"Oh good."


"Get him to put Bra on I need to talk to her."

"Uh sure..."


J'dee sat in Bra's room rummaging through the wardrobe to find an outfit she could wear to try and paint the town with.

The door opened and Nick handed her the phone. "It's Jeril. She interrupted my call with Pan." He grumbled.

"Yeah go gurl!" J'dee remarked taking the phone and placing it to her ear. "Hello."

"Yello." Jeril's voice greeted her back sounding somewhat relieved. "Look you really didn't mean it about me dealing with it... did you?" She asked.

J'dee smiled. "No of course not it was just I was thinking about Goten..."

"I thought you were a Yamcha fanatic?"

"I am honest!! But Goten is like Goku and Yamcha in one and that makes him like soooo coooool! Hey can you put in a good word for me with him?"

"If you can figure a way to get us out of this situation. I think S'rac's got it worst he's going to be bonked over the head every five minutes if he keeps up that evil laughter."

J'dee sighed. "Evil laughter... great... that's so really Goku isn't it now?" She drooled.

"Look Gohan's getting frisky man, I'm only like fourteen how am I suppose to handle this."

"These aren't our bodied... heck if I were you I'd go for it!! Gohan's a dish!"

"You are such a shameful Veggie fan."

"Ex Veggie fan. I have no loyalties.... ooooh wait 17!! There's 17!!" J'dee began bouncing excitedly.

"Goku killed him I'm sure of it, in the super 17 saga."

"Oh drat!"

J'dee began laughing as she heard the commotion in the background.

"VIDEL, PAN we're going now!!"

"No wait Gohan!!! You can't leave me!!!"

"DAD?!?! What on earth are you doing? Goten will be here. Can you please let go of my leg? Dad I said let go!!!"

"We're meeting up tomorrow in the park okay?" Jeril said seriously, "We gotta find a way round this." She added.

"Gotcha. Give me a call tomorrow morning and we'll sort out a time."

"Right later J'dee."



For a full two hours Bulma remained unconscious and Vegeta sat by her bed rubbing his temples. Something was definitely wrong. Bra confessed she was a witch Trunks beat him at sparring match, Kakarott's mate tried to hit on him and even Kakarott himself was acting a bit odd.

"Is she still out?" Trunks voice asked from the doorway.


"Well I'm going out to get take outs you want anything?"

"Whatever you get will be fine by me." Vegeta sighed.

"Kay. Yo Bra!!! Are you off the phone we're getting take outs!! You coming?!"

"With you DRIVING?! Are you NUTS!!!" She shouted back.

"Don't make me pound you in to coming!!!" Trunks shouted at her.

"Whatever what are we getting?"


"WHAT MEAT?!?! ARE YOU KIDDING?!?! HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN I'M A VEGETARIAN?!?!?!? BAKA!!" Bra screamed back at him.

"Hey I'm not a baka... whatever that is..." Trunks protested.

"You are a baka if you don't know what a baka is." Vegeta grumbled.

"Hey!" Trunks protested.

Bra stormed in and Vegeta gulped at what she was wearing black leather trousers, platform boots, and a one long sleeved white top that was almost see through, half of the base of it longer than the other side and her hair was styled up on top of her head. She wore large earrings and a pentacle necklace. Trunks acted like she wore that sort of thing every day. Vegeta was stunned for words.

"What are you wearing?" He demanded

"I found this in the wardrobe! Isn't it neat? I didn't know I had these kinds of clothes. And I got a figure even Calista Flockhart can't beat!! You know how much this like totally rocks?!" Bra exclaimed happily.

"Whatever you comin' or not?" Trunks asked sounding bored.

"Of course maybe they'll be like some really adorable guy out there..."

"Brat you better keep her well behaved."

"Yeah sure if any guys comes near her I'll punch 'em I know the deal."

"You do that anyway. It's like really embarrassing. That last accountant you punched was so not totally impressed he thought you were like my boyfriend it was like gross."

Trunks rolled his eyes and grabbed her by the arm and pulled her out of the room.


S'rac was hiding under the kitchen table holding his knees.

Goten was sitting on the floor looking at him shaking his head.

"What did those dragons do to you dad?"

"Goku! Come get in bed!" Chi-chi's voice rung out through the house.

"I don't wanna!" S'rac shouted rather immaturely from under the table.

"GOKU!!!" Chi-chi rushed in to the kitchen and picked up the frying pan began to make use of it, threatening him.

"Gak!!!" S'rac bolted out from under the table.

Chi-chi grabbed him by the collar and dragged him off tossing him in to the bed.

Goten snickered. "I'm going out to leave you two alone, if you want me I'll be at Paris's!" He called out.


"Bye dad!!!" Goten shut the door but he could hear S'rac's shouts.

"Chi-Chi! You don't understand!"

Chi-chi slipped in to the bed next to S'rac who started to panic.

"AAAAH!! Chi-chi! Waaait!"


"Oh Videl?" Gohan remarked in a throaty voice tapping lightly on the bathroom door.

"Eh... what?"

"It's time for bed, honey."

"Eh... I'll be out in a little."

"But you've been in the bathroom for an hour! Are you all right?"

"I'm fine! I swear! I'm okay!"

"I'm coming in there!"


"But you've never had a problem with that before."

Gohan opened the door Jeril began shrieking wildly.

"I'm fine!"

"But why are you in here if you don't have to go? Come to bed." Gohan purred seductively, slipping up to where Jeril was huddled holding her knees tucked up to her chin in the corner of the bathroom.

"Uumm... I'm not feeling well! I have a... a headache!"

Gohan looked at her suspicious.


S'rac was huddled on the opposite side of the bed.

"Goku, get over here! I wanna snuggle!"


Chi-chi pulled him over and laid her head on his chest. S'rac suddenly went rigid.

"Goku. You're all tense Ease up honey."


Chi-chi then began to give S'rac a massage to relax him.

"Better now honey?"

"I-I guess"

"Then get ready for bed." Chi-chi smirked at him seductively.


Chi-chi interrupted his stammering by kissing him on the lips passionately.

S'rac's eyes went wide, and he lay still, mentally freaking out.

"Come on Goku! Maybe you'll loosen up if we have some fun"


S'rac felt like he was at the point of passing out. He takes in a deep breath.

"I can get through this. I can get through this."

Chi-chi beckoned him over with a finger even more seductively. "Come over here you animal you!"

"I'm Goku, I'm Goku. Just keep thinking that...."

"Goku! You're so silly! Of course you're my Goku!"

"Yeah. I am......"

"Then get over here and act like it!"

"Okay, I'll make it through this....."

'What am I thinking?! I'm not married!'

S'rac had no idea what to do, mentally he was still freaking out unsure. He was suppose to be fourteen not fifty something or how ever old Goku was suppose to be.

'I guess I'm just gonna have to do this. It's Goku's body anyway......... But why me?!'

Chi-chi kissed him again more passionately.

'Wonder how Jeril's doing at Gohan's....'


"Come to bed!"


Gohan grabbed Jeril and threw her over his shoulder laughing and carried her out of the bedroom.

Jeril started yelling and beating on Gohan back with her fists, Gohan chuckled thinking that she was joking and threw her on to the bed.

"You little minx."

"Eh... Gohan... It's not a good time of month for me..."

"But that was last week! Besides, I can deal with a little bit of blood!"

"Eep!" Jeril backed away to the other side of the bed as Gohan crawled in

"Get over here, my lovely lady."

'My Kami! I don't wanna do this! I'm ONLY 14!!'

"I said get over here!" Gohan mock growled and grabbed Jeril and dragged her over to him. He then kissed her.

'Oooo... that feels soooo goooood...' Jeril paused for a moment

'Wait! What am I thinking come on Jeril! You're in Videl's body!!'

'So you should! It is her body after all, and her husband! You shouldn't deny him the pleasure of his own wife!'

'Eh I'm thinking to myself! Man this is nuts!!'


"SLOW DOWN!!!!" J'dee screamed and she covered her eyes as Nick spun the wheel round and performed a perfect dowwie. "AND YOU WONDER WHY I NEVER GET IN A CAR WITH YOU?!?!?!?!?!?!" She screetched.

Nick let out an evil chuckle. "This rules!! Man hover cars are so sweet!!!"

"I hate this!!!" J'dee whinned.

Suddenly Nick floored it then the car took off at a tremendous speed. J'dee let out another scream and clutched on to her belt and squeezed her eyes shut.

The car pulled up in to a take out joint and Nick parked it perfectly. It was the only thing he could do right in cars and he jumped out and J'dee got out her legs shaking and she grumbled to herself. "If I knew how to fly I'd fly back to Capsule Corp."

"Pssssh you'd get lost, you have a lousy sense of direction."

"Yeah thank you oh so much Boxer boy."

"Hehe at least my name isn't after woman's lingerie." Nick chuckled.

"Oh go jump off a cliff."

"Hey I can but it'd be pointless after all I can fly." Nick grinned like he'd won some big competition. While J'dee fumed silently to herself, and followed Nick, in to the take out place.


Chi-chi climbed onto his chest and put her hands behind his head "Time for some fun Goku" She kissed him passionately.

S'rac shrugged and thought to himself. 'What can I do?'

S'rac wrapped his arms around Chi-chi 'I am in Goku's body after all'

"See Goku. You know you love this."

"Yeah Chi-chi!" S'rac said trying to sound convincing.

"Now where were we? Oh yes" Chi-chi smirked at him and start kissing him on the neck, he sighed and did the same.

"Oooh Goku. I love you!"

"I-I love you too Chi-chi...."

"I know!" She hugged him to her. "I'm so glad the dragons let you come back."

"Me too......"

"I miss having a little kid running around the house Goku. Let's fix that....."

"L-l-l-little k-kid...."


Jeril's face heated up faster then a toaster.

"Hmmm... I can't reach anything. Let's fix that..." Gohan tried to take off Jeril's shirt but she held it down stubbornly.

"Nuh uh!"

Gohan grinned at her evilly. "So you wanna play that way, huh?" He grabbed Jeril's hands in his and held them above her head. Then he switched the grip so one of his hands is holding both of hers up. With his free hand he began to pull off her shirt.

'Oh Kami, oh Kami, OH KAMI! WHAT AM I DOING?'

Jeril felt her stomach twist and turn in knots. 'I don't feel so good!! Hoo boy! I hope I don't upchuck over him!!'

Gohan pulled off her shirt.

'Kami, I feel exposed!'

Gohan started kissing her collarbone.

'Fight back, Jeril! FIGHT BACK!'

'But it feels so gooood....'

"Now for the pants." Gohan started undoing Jeril's belt.


"No, no, no! I want to get a chance at you!"

Gohan let go of her hands and smirked at her.

'I hope I know what I'm doing...' Jeril helped Gohan get his shirt off. She ran her hands over his muscles. 'Oooooo... Whoa... they feel soo good...'


"Mr President! I didn't know you ate here!" a voice exclaimed the minute Nick walked through the door. He blinked and looked round.

"Huh? Who's president?"

"That's you." J'dee hissed and elbowed him. "You have a nice cushy office job."

Nick blinked. "I do... oh man anything but an office! Great!"

"You run Capsule Corp."

"I do." Nick blinked. "Sweet. Ya know I'd like to change things and make it like a fast food business."

"Hey Bra!! Trunks." marron waved as she roller bladed past them and out the door to a car. Nick watched her roller blade past.

"A blonde... sweet!"

J'dee smacked her forehead. "That's Marron baka."

"Whoaaaaaa baby-"

J'dee sighed to herself. "This is going to be torture."


S'rac's was backed up against the headboard of the bed.

"Come on Goku. Take off those boxers!"

"But Chi-chi! These are...uh....clean! It'd be a waste to take them off!"

'Lame excuse!' he thought to himself.

"Goku. Don't be silly. You can put them back on in the morning. Or do you just want help taking those off?" Chi-chi smirked at him.

"No that's okay! I'm fully capable of doing that myself. It's just, uh, I....."

"Goku, quit acting weird!" Chi-chi pulled out the frying pan from beside the bed.


"OW!" S'rac felt his boxers being pulled down. "WHAT?! AAAH!"

"Don't you feel better now Goku?"

"It's.......uh, drafty in here. I need my boxers on!"

"No you don't. Get under the covers, and I'll keep you warm." She gave him a seductive smile.


Jeril ran her hands over Gohan's chest 'Wooow... so... nice... I wonder....' Jeril shook her head and thought 'No! Gotta stop now!! Or else...' She quickly climbed under the covers.

Gohan climbed under the covers also. "What's the matter, Videl?"

Jeril flinched at the use of the name "Nothing... it's just I don't feel good right now."

Gohan sighed "Okay..." He pulled Jeril over to him and engulfed her in his arms, holding her too him. Jeril stiffened.

"So I guess we'll do it another time?" but she mentally added. 'Not if I have anything to do with it...'

"I guess..."

Jeril wriggled around until she found a comfortable position and waited until she's sure Gohan's asleep. Then, fell asleep herself to the beating heart of the man sleeping next to her.


Nick and J'dee were seated in a booth and Marron was sitting with them in her break. Nick was obviously oogling her and J'dee looked out the window bored.

"Can I take your order?" A waiter asked J'dee looked up at him and grinned suddenly.

"Oh yes you can!! I order you to take me away from these two!!!"

The waiter laughed. "I mean for something to eat."

"Get me something greasy and I mean so greasy that you can see through the paper greasy five double meat double cheese burgers and a little dunkie thing of barbecue sauce." Nick remarked.

The waiter wrote it down and looked at J'dee. "You miss?"

"Something Vegetarian please?"

"Ummm we have a salad?"

"It doesn't have bean sprouts does it?"

"Ummmm, no." The waiter replied.



"You better check for bugs I had this salad that once had like several slug pieces in it. So I've become weary of salads..."

"Sure thing Miss Briefs." He smiled at her and walked off.

"Why don't you eat bean sprouts?" Nick asked.

"Bean sprouts grow in a perfect environment for bacteria, you see they need a warm, moist place to grow and a food substance. Everyone always thinks meats are bad, but bean sprouts are just as bad." J'dee explained.

Marron looked at Nick. "Bra's acting a bit off today Trunks is she okay?"

"Oh she's fine in fact we're all a bit weird since Goku came back."

"Goku came back? Oh wow!! Dad'll be happy to hear that. Where is Goku?"

"He went home to see Chi-chi." J'dee giggled. 'Poor S'rac, Chi-chi is one terrifying lady. I hope he's okay.' She thought to herself and chuckled.


To Be Continued....

Mwha-hahahahahahaha!! what will happen to poor S'rac?!?! Guess you'll have to wait till the next chapter...

Thanks to Jeril and S'rac for the inspiration!!! You two RULE!!! This chappie was much longer than I intended thanks to you two!!
