Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Uncertain Future ❯ New Duties ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or any of the characters in this story… blah blah blah… don't sue me.

Uncertain Future, Chapter 4: New Duties

Bulma sat in her quarters alone. She had been on the ship for a week and was completely bored. She had already taken apart every single appliance in the tiny apartment to see how it worked, and then put it back together. She hadn't left the place at all because she didn't know if she was allowed. She didn't want to get on anybody's bad side just yet… The blue haired woman sighed. She was so bored, and extremely curious to find out what else was on the ship. She was also extremely lonely. She hadn't had any contact with anything living for a whole week, and had even tried to strike up a conversation with the Saiyan equivalent of a toaster. Needless to say, it didn't talk much. She was learning how to cook though, the Saiyan appliances were much easier to use than their Terran counterparts. She sighed again, maybe if she just took a little peek… maybe nobody would notice…

"That is it! I am sooooo bored and I refuse to be kept cooped up in this room for one more minute!" She walked swiftly over to the door and pushed a little button. Taking one last look at the little apartment she headed out the door, only to bump right into two towering Saiyan guards.

"Come with us." Said the bigger one. His voice was harsh and throaty, his eyes hard. He took her by the wrist and pulled her out of the room, dragging her down endless corridors with the other guard marching behind.

"Do you have to be so rough with her?" The smaller one asked. "The King might not like it, after all, he did pick her personally. He might have some reason behind it we don't know about."

"Shut up! You should know better than to talk like that to your superiors! Third class BAKA!" Bulma was very confused by know. Why was the big one so mad? The little one hadn't even been disrespectful as far as she could tell. She started to get worried. Was Keront lying? Was she meant to be someone's slave for the rest of her life? She pulled her arm against the strong grip of the big Saiyan. He only pulled her along harder though, down some more hallways until they reached a huge set of doors.

By now, Bulma was panicking, and she pulled harder, trying to escape her ruthless captor. "Please," she whimpered, "you're hurting me!" The smaller guard sent the struggling woman a sympathetic look as the big one growled. He pushed open one of the big doors and practically threw her into the large room beyond, Slamming the door behind him. "JERK!" she cried, unable to hold her tongue any longer. "Bastard! My wrist's probably broken or something you ASSHOLE!" She growled angrily and spun around the room, taking in her surroundings.

She gasped as she felt the air leave her body. This room was the most extravagantly decorated place she had ever seen. Thick red plush carpets covered the floor from wall to wall, and heavy embroidered tapestries hung from the ceiling all the way to the floor. Most of them were battle scenes, but some were happier, romantic scenes of the tailed creatures, most in beautiful, extravagant clothing, well the women at least. The men depicted in the tapestries wore heavy looking armor, much like that of the guards, but fancier, like what the King Vegeta had wore. White vest-like armor, with a little blue symbol over the heart, and a heavy red cape attached to the shoulders. Underneath the armor was a blue battle suit, white boots, and a blue medallion to finish off the ensemble. Come to think of it, the men in these tapestries bore an eerie resemblance to the current King of Vegetasei.

"Do you like them?" came a rough voice from behind. Bulma spun around to see the King descending from a set of carpeted stairs. Atop the stairs was a platform, holding a large throne. "In case you haven't guessed, these tapestries depict great moments in Saiyan history, and the men and women in them are my ancestors." Bulma nodded, her mouth dry. She was completely captivated by the sight before her. Vegeta looked as if he had just stepped out of one of the beautiful tapestries himself, except he was much more lifelike. She stared at his moving form, noticing for the first time all the rippling muscles and the perfect build of his body. He had been sitting down the first time they had met, and when he had been in motion, she had been too dazed and frightened to pay attention to her surroundings. She could see the fluid grace with which he moved, and the way his muscles flowed and flexed under the tight fabric of his battle suit as he came towards her.

Vegeta was not so unaffected as he pretended to be as he observed the little female's reaction to him. She was even more beautiful than he had remembered. Her long blue hair was left unbound, and it cascaded down over her shoulders like a shiny silk waterfall. Her large aqua eyes looked at him with mixed emotions, fear, gratefulness, curiosity, and a few he could not quite place. The way she stood spoke of pride, her head held high and her back straight. And the curves! Oh the curves of her luscious young body. How old was she? Surely not more than twenty.

Bulma could feel his eyes on her. She blushed slightly, trying to figure out what he was thinking. Hoping that it was good…

"What is your name girl?" The King broke the silence, his gruff voice echoing in the large room. Bulma suddenly felt very self conscious, as if she were naked. Her face became redder and King Vegeta smirked.

"Bu..Bulma…..Bulma Briefs." she stammered, toying with the hem of her T-shirt while trying to avoid his gaze.

"Look up here," he commanded. "at me." She looked up into the King's deep black eyes. "Now," he said, "how old are you?"

"18, two weeks ago." The King stroked his chin. 18 eh? Not bad, compared to his 24 years. She looked much older than she actually was, the poor little thing, Yran must have been a total hell hole for her.

"S…Sir," she stuttered nervously, "If I may ask a question?" The King nodded his head, and she continued. "What am I to do here?"

King Vegeta smirked. "That eager to get to work eh? Well, I was thinking that you should probably become a housemate to some high class soldier or another." He walked over to a desk and picked up a piece of paper full of odd little symbols. "Hmm, who to send you to…?" Just then he heard a pounding on his door. "Enter." he called.

A young looking Saiyan entered and bowed respectfully to the King before handing him a small disk. "I have been instructed to inform you, your highness, that your housemate, Anelita, has passed away. The details are on the disk if you wish to know more."

"Alright, you are dismissed." The soldier bowed once more and exited the room, closing the heavy doors behind him. "Well little one, it looks as if I need a new housemate." the King said. "You will start your duties as soon as we get to the planet. You will be taking courses until we land on how to properly speak, read and write Saiyago, Vegetasei's language. Once we land, we will stop speaking Japanese altogether, but until then, you are dismissed. A guard will be waiting outside to take you back to your quarters." He escorted Bulma to the door, where the smaller of the two earlier guards was waiting to take her back to her small apartment.

Well, that's it for now! Please drop me a line and tell me whether or not you're enjoying my story! Bye-eee for now!