Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Unlikely Battles ❯ Breakfast with the Brief Family ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
When Bra awoke, she found the sun shining on her face. Not really willing to get out of bed, she moaned, turning over and placing her pillow over her head. But… she was half-awake now, meaning she'd never get back to sleep now. Moaning and stretching one more time Bra removed the pillow from her head and took a deep breath, smelling the pancakes downstairs. She smiled.


So, she sat up in her bed, stretching her arms over her head and yawning at the same time. Finally, after a few moments, Bra stepped onto the floor, wobbled around a little, and padded down the stairs to see if her Papa had left her anything to eat. She expected little. As she reached the last step, her papa looked up from his meal and half-smirked at his daughter. "Good morning, Useless the Young. So you decided to grace us with your presence, did you?"

Bra returned her father's half smirk, "Yes, I did. Isn't it grand?" Bulma, her mother and best friend, laughed, "She's inherited some of your finer traits hasn't she, Vegeta?" Vegeta narrowed his eyes at his wife and just shut up. Bra smiled. She'd defeated her father… for once.

With that, Bra walked over to the stove and helped herself to a stack of pancakes and two fried eggs. Eggs? Why eggs? She hated eggs.

Because you're sparring with Juuhachi-gou today and you need stamina.

Bra, in her surprise at the voice in her head, nearly dropped her plate. Vegeta glanced up from his food, shrugged, and went right on eating. Bulma, on the other hand, frowned at her teenage daughter. "Is there something wrong, Bra?" Bra stood there a moment and finally shook her head. "No, there's nothing wrong. I just felt dizzy all of a sudden."

"Too much sleep, that's why you feel dizzy. Maybe if you woke up at a decent time, you wouldn't feel like that," Vegeta snickered. Bra threw her father the 'I'm-not-amused-and-you-know-it' look and sat down at the table. She was determined to ignore the fact that she had a voice in her head until she could find time to analyze how it got there.

In the meantime, Bra had to focus. If she were to survive up against Juuhachi-gou's sparring techniques she was going to have to eat first and think later. Yet, as soon as she began cutting up her pancakes and chowing down on her eggs, Son-Goku burst through the door with Pan at his side and Chi-Chi on his arm. "Hey 'Geta! Morning Bra! Hiya Bulma!" Bra smiled as Goku planted himself right next to Vegeta and grinned stupidly at Chi-Chi as she went over to give Bulma a hug. Bra giggled out loud (she thought Goku's grin was hilarious).

But instead of Vegeta getting mad at Kakarotto (that was the name he preferred to call Goku by… personally, Bra preferred Son-Goku), he ignored him and kept on eating. Taking her father's example, Bra smiled and went back to eating. After all, her spar with Juuhachi-gou was NOT going to be easy and she did need to eat, company or no company.

"Hello all! So why are you all here this morning? And…" Bulma looked behind them, searching for Videl and Gohan, "where are Videl and Gohan?"

Chi-Chi smiled, "We just wanted to visit. Videl and Gohan went out on a romantic getaway thing and Goten and Trunks are out and about, probably off sparring somewhere and well, we were bored. It gets too quiet when the boys aren't there. So, naturally, Goku decided we were going to take a trip over to his good friend Vegeta's and hang out. Hope we're not intruding."

Bulma flicked her wrist at Chi-Chi and smiled, "Oh Kami no. Vegeta and Bra are just finishing up breakfast, aren't you?" Vegeta looked up from his food and glared, "Baka woman. I'll be finished when I'm finished and not before." Almost by reflex, Bulma whirled around and retorted, not caring if there was company or not.


Vegeta just smiled and went back to his food, munching away idly. Goku nervously swallowed and smiled, "Ehee. Perhaps we did come at a bad time, 'Geta."

"Kakarotto, every time you come around is a bad time as far as I'm concerned."

Bra half smiled as she began to clear her dishes from the table and wave over her friend, Pan. "So what's the plan for today, Bra? I heard that you were sparring with Juuhachi-gou. You're going to get hurt, you know." Bra nodded and considered this for a moment, "Yes Pan, I know I'm going to get hurt. I just hope that Juu will be kind enough not to kill me."

"Don't expect too much from that Jinzouningyou," came the nagging voice of Vegeta.

Does he ever shut up?

Not likely. You know that; he's your father.

And then came that damned voice again. It sounded like a mix of Vegeta, Pan, Bulma, and her brother; Trunks. Bra growled at the voice, unfortunately she forgot that no one else could hear that little voice except her, which made her look like an idiot for growling out loud. Pan raised an eyebrow to her friend, "Uhhh… what was that for?"

"Ehee… sorry. Spontaneous growling runs in the family."

Vegeta growled.


Pan giggled, "Ok, that's clarified. When are you sparring with Juu?"
Bra scratched her head thoughtfully, tousling her blue hair in the process, "Pretty quick. She said as soon as I was done breakfast I was to go to her house and find her. But you know what's been bugging me, Pan?"

Pan shook her head, "Nope, what's been bugging you?"

"I haven't seen Kruillen for the longest time!"

Pan nodded and frowned, "Yeah, I've noticed that too. I wonder where he is… I mean, Marron hasn't said anything to you has she?"

The blue haired girl shook her head, "Nope. She hasn't said anything to me. I wonder though. Maybe I'll ask Juu after we spar; that way I'll have a direct source. In the meantime, I've gotta roll! Pan, call me later and we'll go shopping or something ok? Bai!"

Bra ran upstairs, leaving a perplexed Pan in the kitchen to deal with the rest of the company.