Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Vampire Prince ❯ The Brides ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 3

The Brides

Lemon lime in this chapter so be warned.

Disclaimer: I do not own DBZ or any of its characters; this is purely for my entertainment.


Vegeta let out a growl of annoyance as he climbed the building with ease. He was trying to get to the skylights. He was not about to have every person in this City to discover them for their stupid mistake. This would be their last mistake. Vegeta leaned over the window and peered in. People were scattering. The doors were blocked by them with metal rods. At least they kept their game inside the building. Vegeta raised his foot and smashed through the skylight dropping gracefully on top of a table crushing it. The humans covered their head as the glass shards showered over their heads.

A blur brushed past Vegeta barely ruffling his loose shirt. His eyes tracked the blur as it slammed into the woman trying to climb out one of the broken windows from a chair. The creature yanked her down and instantly latched her razor sharp teeth on the human’s throat. The Vampire licked her lips and grinned in his direction.

Vegeta's black eyes blazed red as his teeth bared at the woman. He let out a loud growl and shifted ever so slightly catching the second blur and throwing her across the club watching her catch herself before colliding with the stone wall and coward closer to one another . They let out soft mewls of defeat and submission and clung to one another knowing they displeased him.

"What the HELL were you thinking Nora?" He screamed at one of his brides. His eyes still burned red and he was baring his teeth at them. His breathing was rapid he willed all the humans in the room to pass out. They were all in a calm state. He closed his eyes getting ahold of himself. The smell of the fresh blood in the club made its way to his nose. Her felt his fang pulse with need. In his heightened state of annoyance he could easily ripe someone to pieces. He opened his eyes seeing the women moving closer to his side showing him respect and submission

“I am sorry my love, please don’t be angry. We wanted to come out and play a bit. We were bored without you…” she trailed off glances to Rosalie while running her hand on his arm only to have him flinch away from her. She whimpered softly in defeat once again.

"Yes we couldn't help it and besides, I was hungry... you do worse thi-." Rosalie cried out hearing his dominate voice shake their very core.

"SILENCE!" He roared, and the girls then coward once again. He looked down at them and started to feel guilty for scaring them like this. He knew they loved to hunt and so did he, but he was still angry about how public it was. They usually weren’t this careless. "I am sorry... I shouldn't have overreacted. You can have as much as you want. But be sure not to puncture the flesh of the blue haired, blue eyed beauty.” Vegeta caressed their faces with each of his hands.  He moved away from the women and moved through the rooms to see the damage done.


Bulma peeked through the crack of the door. She opened it ever so slightly as her curiosity got the better of her. She saw the quick movements and people being flung across the club. Bulma’s eyes quickly searched for her friends frantically. She had the strong urge to hope the door and run in to find them to make sure these demons weren’t hurting them. Bulma paused and gasped seeing a frantic woman trying to climb to safety was yanked roughly to the ground and came to her end from the creature’s deadly fangs. She reached for her neck and gulped.

Just as the creature was done feasting on the person Vegeta came crashing down on top of a table from a skylight. Bulma covered her mouth keeping herself from screaming from fear for this man. Why would she be scared for the vampire? I mean he could hold his own against two of them right? Just as Vegeta landed on the table and started to snarl the vampire’s coward quickly and surrendered to him. Bulma’s hand dropped from her mouth and her eyes furrowed some as she studied the clear forms of the women and their reactions to this man.

Vegeta called out to one of them by name. He knew them! She was very beautiful she had reddish brown hair and her eyes were a chocolate brown. Her wavy hair flowed down to the middle of her back. Through her silken dress she appeared thin but curved in the right places and her lips were full and red and covered in blood. This Nora looked like a goddess and moved gracefully like one.

She really wished she could hear what they were speaking about and really wanted to know how she was going to get out of this one. The people of the club lay motionless on the floor. She really hoped they weren’t dead. Bulma closed her eyes and prayed silently to herself. She hoped she wasn’t going to be dessert. He then looked away and walked into a different room, leaving the two women alone.

The Goddesses moved gracefully toward the door she hid behind. Their hair flowed and their eyes glowed like Vegeta’s had when he revealed himself to her not too long ago. She let out a small gasp when the women blurred, moving too fast for Bulma’s human eyes. “Where did…” she spoke softly shifting her eyes about the room looking for these beautiful demons. Bulma backed away from the door slowly. The door burst open and slammed into her face hitting her nose. Her hand immediately came up to hold her aching nose and tried to catch her feet as she felt her body falling from the strong hit in the face. A soft but strong hand came in contact with her arm and yanked her to her feet holding her closely.

The woman known as Nora had a hold of her arm and shifted her blood red eyes to the woman next to her. Rosalie’s petite form moving gracefully toward Bulma and stood in front of her tracing her fingers over Bulma’s cheek. Bulma’s eyes started to water from fear. She felt the warm trickle of blood down her nose and over the swell of her top lip. The taste of her own blood scared her. Their eyes darkened and their fangs seemed to lengthen at the sight and smell of it.

"Mmm, Rosalie smelt that fresh blood. I think you broke her nose.” The woman chuckled darkly and traced her finger over the blood and placed the index finger covered in it into her mouth. The woman moaned in delight as if that was the first taste of blood in years. “What should we do with this little thing?” She looked at Rosalie who was playing with her long locks of black straight hair that flowed over her shoulders.

"You shouldn’t have had first taste, I found her. I want a taste, but from a freshly opened vein." She said smirking wide enough to show Bulma her deadly fangs. Rosalie shuddered with need for the woman’s blood. Bulma shrieked in fright as the woman lunged forward and opened her mouth wide enough to take a good chunk from her.

Nora reached out and yanked back Rosalie’s hair. “You know better. This must be the blue haired woman he spoke of. An odd color to have for a human, don’t you think? A defect maybe?” Nora said in a snotty tone. Nora has jealousy oozing from her very core as she looked this human up and down. She was a beauty she would give him that. Vegeta couldn’t help it at times. The beautiful ones were his favorite. These toys usually didn’t last too long. But she sensed his obsession with this one. She would not be second best. Rosalie was chosen by her and him. She was always the one that he came to before anyone. His first woman that died long ago wasn’t even higher than her in status even though she was second to come to him and be known as a ‘bride’ as the hunters refer to her as. Nora looked around with her vampire eyes and finally decided. She let go of Rosa’s hair and sneered at the blue haired whore. ‘You are a threat to me, you will die’ she thought darkly and leaned in letting out a demonic growl.

"Nora, you will do no such thing." Vegeta said plainly as he walked out of the shadows. His stance was neutral as his hands were hidden in the pockets of his pants.  

"What are you talking about, my love?" Nora blinked rapidly and looked around. Her eyes faded from red to their beautiful light brown. She lets her hands drop to her side and she stood up straight holding her head high.

"You know damn right what I am talking about...?" He growled lowly and his eyes flashed red momentarily, “We are bonded you remember…?” He spoke in his deep tone and tapped his forehead letting her know he heard her dark thoughts.  

She didn’t need to speak she knew she had once again displease him. She didn’t want to fall from grace. She lowered her eyes and moved away from the blue haired human. Bulma shifted her gaze from Vegeta to the women. She felt her body uncontrollably shake from fear.  “Off with you now…I will speak to you both later.” Vegeta made his way up to Bulma and gripped her arms. Rosalie listened very quickly and she was off quickly. Nora however hesitated and sneered letting him see her anger before she blurred and was gone. Bulma slumped in his grasp and started to cry, “Who were those beasts!?” Bulma said loudly her eyes rose to meet his dark eyes. Her eyes filled with tears. She was so scared and angry. “My friends…did they kill them?” she asked him and punched at his chest, “You monster…” she whispered.

"Those are my women." He said plainly, "I love them deeply. They are a part of a collect. I found their beauty and bodies pleasing at one point and spared them a horrible life from the fear of death and sickness.” He explained and walked away from her letting her stand before him. He looked around not fazed by anything that just happened. He didn’t even seem too concerned with her bloody nose. “As for your friends, they are just fine. They are in the bathroom hiding. Of course they are sleeping because I willed it. I won’t let anything happen to you or your family and friends” He glanced over to her frightened form and smiled innocently, but she knew not to trust it.

“I wish you to become what I am. I will give you this beautiful gift Bulma. No more death or sickness.” He moved to the table and sat upon it, and laced his fingers together. “There is a world of us. This gift is fun and offers….many pleasures” he offered a playful grin and licked his lips.

“I wish to go home Vegeta. I want to go home and just live my life as a fucking college student. I wish to just forget about this…this is crazy. But I don’t know what to do now. You are very convincing believe me. I can see what you can do.” She motioned her hand to the open door and bodies scattered all over the club floor.

Vegeta stood and moved close to her. She could feel and smell how close his body was to hers. She stood up straight looking him in the eye. Vegeta quickly reached into his hand and pulled out a cloth and handed it to her. She quickly placed it to her bleeding nose. “Bulma…think about it. I will not just disappear. I will have what I want. I will get you someway and somehow” , he seemed to promise her. She gasped softly. His hands rested on her shoulders and he leaned in to kiss her cheeks. “No, off with you. Go home and sleep. I will see you soon my princess.” He said to her caressing a finger over the cheek his kissed. Bulma turned and ran from his grasp. He watched her run into a very confused Chichi and Eighteen. They left the club even though Bulma had to drag them to the car. She would be thankful he made them think they just got very drunk and had to be escorted out of the club. As for the mess he would get rid of the bodies that were dead and those asleep would just think the mess was from a fight and forget about anything that happened. He would meet up with her once this mess was cleaned. No one would tell him no.


Bulma was at the girls Eighteen’s house. She obviously didn’t want to drive her friend’s car home and most likely wanted to look after her friends until they came out of their little Trans. It should be worn off by the morning light. Vegeta watched from the dark areas away from her friend’s parents’ house. He noticed Bulma come out onto the porch of Eighteen’s parent’s house. She was on her phone. The glow illuminated her face.

His quick speed landed him against the wall of the house. He was quiet about it. Before she knew it Vegeta was behind her and had his hand wrapped around her waist and a hand over her mouth. She was screaming against his hand. He whispered into her ear, “Bulma hush you’re screaming you will wake everyone.” He tried to calm her, but that just made her scream louder.

Maybe this was a bad idea to come get her this soon. Vegeta sighed softly and waved a hand over her eyes willing her to sleep. She slumped against his chest and he blurred taking her with him. She wouldn’t wake until he needed her to. She was quite annoying when she disobeyed his wishes.


Vegeta got her to the cemetery quickly and safely. He was glad it was a quiet journey home. He was welcomed back by the women. He was in a mood because of their little display of ignorance earlier. Even though he was angry he couldn’t help but allow Nora to make it up to him somehow.

Vegeta sat on the top of the coffin and Nora sat with her legs straddling his hips. Her hands trailed up his bare chest and her lips brushed soft kisses over his jawline, “Vegeta?” she said ever so softly into his ear.

Vegeta grunted in response. His jaw tightened and a loud hiss escaped his lips as he ran a hand over her full breast to her silky exposed leg. Vegeta buried his face in her neck and pulled her body closer to his.

“I don’t think this girl is good for us. I hope she is just a passing interest and will be disposed of soon enough?” she inquired. Nora tried to look innocent enough as she was fishing for information.

Vegeta grew annoyed with her poking and pulled away from her. Nora’s hands clung to his neck and pressed her body closer to his. His eyes flashed up at her, “You know better than to assume my intensions, Nora.” He warned her.

“You have been keeping me in the dark for a while now Vegeta, why?” she shook her head. “You have always come to me about everything and now something has changed. Ever since you obtained this silly obsession to replace Clair you have become really boring.” She moved to get off him his lap, but was quickly slammed against the cool stone wall of the tomb. Nora cried out loudly feeling his strong hand come in contact with her neck and squeeze.

"I could pop that pretty head of yours right off your fucking shoulders if you don’t learn to hold your bloody tongue” he screamed into her face. “When I first found you, I intended to kill you. I was going to take my pleasure in your sorry excuse for a human body of yours and let leave your for the wolves.” He was nose to nose with her. “You do not know my intensions and you will not control me. What I want I will get.” He promised her. “You do remember that night don’t you Nora?” he chuckled evilly to her before allowing her to slip from his grasp.  

"Yes I remember..." she whimpered softly. Blood tears trailed down her cheeks from her brown eyes as she listened to his painful words.


~Flash back~


It was a humid night and the small town was coming to life because of the taverns. She had been taking care of her grandmother who was ill. She was lucky she only lived with aunt a couple blocks away. Her parents died when she was young and she was lucky to have family close by and willing to take care of her. She stepped out of her grandmother’s house and put her gloves. Her hair was tight to her head and she had a small little hat on her head. Her corset was tight to her body and the dress was just plain ridiculous in this heat. Nora lifted her dark eyes to see a man leaning against the outside of the home.

"Hello Mr. Ross, how are you this evening?" Nora smiled at the man as he looked around wondering where the voice was coming from.

"Well, beautiful as ever Miss Nora. It is always a pleasure to see your beautiful face." He smiled showing her a mouth full of gums.

"Now Mr. Ross how much have you had to drink tonight?" She smiled at him knowing what the answer was going to be.

"Well... A little too much I must say." He said stumbling down the road trying to get to a carriage.

"Well, have a good night Mr. Ross." She waved and continued to walk down the dark street. The lamps were lit and the cobble stone walk way was hard on her feet. She had been standing all day in these shoes.

She looked around and could hear the soft clicking of feet behind her. She turned around to see who it was, but no one was there. Nora lifted a brow and then paused a moment looking into her handbag. Her eyes lifted to see if she could possibly get a carriage ride to her house. She was so tired.  As she turned back around to the direction she was heading she stopped to see a gentleman standing at the dark street corner.

"It is a fine night isn’t, Miss?" He came up to her a smile on his face and he was dressed as a proper gentleman should be. He must come from money. She had never seen his handsome face in this town before he must be a rich and from out of town. She wondered if he was married.

"Well I am going to a place down the street and—"She was cut off by the sound of his voice.

“Oh well, I think there is a tavern close by. I am looking for to get a good drink around here.” He flashed her a white smile. “Here allow me to take you home. A beautiful young woman such as you shouldn’t be walking home alone.”

"Sure... I would like that very much Mr...?" She looked at him waiting for an answer.

"My name is Vegeta, just call me Vegeta." He said and offered her his arm. He talked her into a night of dancing and a couple of drinks. She knew her grandma would scold her if she knew she was out with a man doing things like that. Vegeta walked with her down the sidewalk and gripped her hand, “Allow me to take you home.” He held her wobbling body close to his. Her cheeks were warmed by the liquor.  

"Yes that would be very nice of you, Vegeta." She smiled sweetly and grabbed a hold of his arm once again. He got her home safely and because her aunt and uncle were out of the house and visiting over relatives and the servants were sleeping in their rooms away from the main living areas she allowed him in.

"You’re an lovely man I haven’t had that much fun in a long while...will I get to see you again?" She asked him looking into his eyes searching for an answer.

"Yes." He spoke softly to her as he wrapped his hands around her waist and pulled her up against his chest. He kissed her lips softy willing her lips to part and accepts his tongue to enter her sweet mouth. He moaned feeling her body responding to him. This just urged him to go farther with the girl. Nora yanked on his arm getting him up the stairs of the home.

He stripped her clothing from her body slowly and pressed kissed to every inch of her taking in her beauty. "You are so beautiful." He whispered into her ear. Vegeta pushed her back against the soft covering on the bed.  She whimpered and ran her nails up his bare back. He kissed her and softly and continued on slowly allowing his body the pleasure of her. They made love for hours until they finally climaxed simultaneously.

Vegeta rolled off her and she panted trying to catch her breath. She smiled with satisfaction and closed her eyes, “You’re an amazing lover…” she chuckled and waited or a witty reply, but heard nothing. Nora’s eyes opened slowly and she peaked over at him seeing his back was to her. She leans in and touched his bare back, "Vegeta?" She asked and turned to see a hissing red eyed demon.

Nora shrieked and struggled to get off the bed. Her body went crashing over the side as she tried to get away from him. Nora struggled to get to her feet, but she was pinned up against the wall.  Vegeta’s face was close to hers and his eyes ran up and down her nude frame. He ran his tongue down her neck to her jugular vein that was pulsing with every beat of her heart.

"You are beautiful... but how do you taste?" He whispered into her ear. Vegeta ran his fangs to her neck and punctured it. The blood poured into his mouth and he took big gulps. Nora screamed against his hand and feebly attempted to fight him off. Her body slowly went limp in his arms. Her heart beat slowed and her breathing was shallow. Vegeta lifted his head from her neck and licked the blood from his lips.  

“I will give you only one chance. You have pleased me greatly. I will allow you to live only if you agree to be with me for all time, or as long as I wish you at my side." He looked down at her. Her eyes were hooded and she was trying to keep herself from passing out.

"ye..yes." she answered him.

"Smart woman." He answered back and took his wrist into his mouth, biting his own skin. He let the blood run down his wrist, and into her mouth. Nora took his wrist into her mouth and sucked the blood until he took it away from her. Nora fell into darkness and would awake to be a vampire.

Flashback ended


“Yes I see your memories are still fresh. So, with that in mind you better keep your nose out of my affairs if I tell you Nora,” he was growing nasty with her. This was a side of him she was used to. He had a dark side and used it quite frequently.

“It was because I was scared to die. I didn’t want to die. But I am forever stuck to you because I learned to love you.” She spoke truthfully.

“Women as such easy prey, you know that? I love the game, Nora” Vegeta paced the tomb with his fists clutched at his sides.

“You do as you wish, and I will do as I please Vegeta. I will find my own way especially now that you have your new whore! I will not come to be your little toy any longer.” She stomped her foot and flipped her hair rushing from the room.

“Fine, Nora. You were always so damn childish. Run off and don’t come to me when another man claims you. I will not take you back.” He threw up his hands. Vegeta’s eyes simmered and they were back to his normal coloring. He looked over at the corner in the tomb seeing the quiet little Nora sitting biting her lower lip as she watched them fight. He knew it made Rosa nervous when they did this. Her face softened and he opened his arms to the woman. Rosalie stood quickly and rushed to his open arms. “Come Rosa, we will rest. I trust you will not be as foolish as Nora?” He lifted her chin and placed a kiss on her lips.

“No my love, I will not displease you. Let us sleep. Tomorrow is another day.” She smiled and lay in his arms. The coffin lid lifted in midair and closed over their sleeping bodies.


Alright, that was the third chapter that was revised. Do not freak out that there are no chapters but these. I will be working on a couple chapters a day and get them posted. Please review!


Updated: 1/21/2012
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