Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Vegeta and the Great Shopping Adventure ❯ Prologue

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't have to take this crap! I refuse to stand here and have this rubbed in my face! I'm leaving damn it! Well…after I start this fic but after that I'm outta of here!

AN: (looks at disclaimer above and sweatdrops) Got a little carried away, didn't I? Sorry but I'm soooo excited! Not only did my team just win and we're now on our way to the State Tournament but I also have a great new fic for you guys (I hope). Anyway, this is installment number three and I'm feeling hot, so sit back and enjoy! Oh, and this one is for Susan. Thanks for the great idea!

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All was peaceful and the sun was shining. The birds were singing and things had never been better at the Capsule Corporation…

"So what are you trying to say woman?" Vegeta asked the agitation obvious in his voice.

"What I'm trying to say is that I am one pissed-off, overworked, under appreciated wife and I'm not going put up with it anymore!"

"Is that so?" Vegeta said in a mocking tone.

"Yes that's so," Bulma responded in the same tone.

"So what's that have to do with me?"

"Oh, believe me it's got a lot to do with you, because you're about to fix my problem," Bulma answered.

"Me?" Vegeta said in mock surprise.

"Yes you! I've had it up to here," she made sure her hand came no higher than his forehead, making Vegeta growl at the short joke, "with your crap. I'm tired of doing all the cooking and cleaning and shopping and baby-sitting. All you ever do is eat, sleep, train, and screw me! Well, my friend, your easy life has come to an end. From here on out we are equal partners. Everything will be fifty/fifty. Now," Bulma said walking over to her dresser and picking up a sheet of paper, "I have made out a list of everything you are going to do today…"

"You must be out of your mind," Vegeta started.

Bulma ignored him and continued, "You are to get everything on this list. No exceptions."

"Now look here woman, I am not going to let you run over me…"

"And last but definitely not least, I am through with being the only baby-sitter in this family. I am not the only person in this house with two very hyper, half-Saiyan children. So, on your little shopping adventure today you are taking either Trunks or Bra."

"If you think I'm taking one of those two little hellions anywhere with me you really are crazy!"

Bulma only looked at him as she crossed her arms. "Since I'm such a generous person, I'll let you pick which child your going to take for the day."

Vegeta didn't know how he got himself into these situations. He honestly did not know why he didn't just tell her fuck off. Maybe it was her angry stance or the blue fury that flickered in her eyes. Whatever it was he knew she meant business.

He began considering his options. If he took the girl then he'd have to listen to her constant chatter. Not only that but she would probably ask him to buy her stuff…then with great horror he remembered the last time he took her somewhere. The pet store. That tantrum had left its mark. He would never put himself through anything like that again. If he took the boy at least he knew he'd have silence and obedience.

"I'll take the boy," he mumbled.

Bulma smiled. "Good. You have a long list so I suggest you get Trunks and be on your way," with that she turned and left. Vegeta sat on the bed with his head in his hands and wonder for the millionth time why he hadn't been on Vegetasei when it was destroyed.

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Trunks and Bra pulled their ears away from the wall. They had been using their Saiyan enhanced hearing to listen in on their parent's `discussion'. Not that one needed special hearing to get the conversation.

Five-year old Bra looked at her brother with pity.

"Tough break, Trunks," she said.

"Man this sucks," Trunks said crossing his arms.

"Yeah, sucks to be you," Bra said pointing out the obvious.

"Shut up Bra. There has to be a way out of this. Mom loves me, after all. She can't do this to me." Trunks quickly left the room to find his mother.

Bra followed him. As sorry as she felt for him, she hoped their mom would make him go, because if she didn't then she would be stuck with daddy on his great adventure.

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Okay guys please review and tell me if you have as good a feeling about this fic as I do.