Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Vegeta Wins! ❯ Vegeta Wins! ( One-Shot )

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Vegeta Wins! *Disclaimer* I don't own DBZ. I kinda wish I did. Don't hurt me for just playing with it.

In the driveway of the Capsule Corp. Compound, a car door slammed shut. The sound echoed through the area, ricocheting off of the buildings. Neither Vegeta nor Goku so much as twitched at the sound, intent on their targets.

Bulma and Chichi chattered happily as they wandered up the walkway, staggering under the weight of their packages. "Oh, nothing like a good shopping trip!" Bulma giggled. "Almost makes me forget what a pain Veggie can be... Speaking of whom..." she paused, glaring at the door. "HEY! VEGETA!" she yelled. "Get your high-and-mighty Saiyajin Prince ass out here and give me a hand!" She blinked when there was no reply, not even a scathing "You bought them, woman, you carry them! I'm a Prince, not a pack mule!" Bulma turned and raised a questioning eyebrow at Chichi.

"You know those boys," Chichi shrugged in reply, her tone clearly irritated. "They're probably out blowing each other up, again. I know you complain about Vegeta, but Goku could at least stop encouraging him!"

Bulma frowned her agreement as she juggled her armload into position so that she could open the door. She turned back to Chichi to comment further on Vegeta's less-than-desirable behavior when out of the opening door drifted the sounds of yelling, explosions, and Vegeta's unmistakable maniacal laughter.

"HA HA HA HA HA! I've got you now, Kakkarot! You never had a chance, you 3rd rate, brain-damaged sorry excuse for a Saiyajin! I WIN!" He went on in like vein for a few minutes before the girls got over their shock. Dropping their packages, they ran for the room Vegeta's voice seemed to be coming from.

"I'm not giving up that easily," Goku replied, his voice low, tired and intense.

"Bring it on!" Vegeta chortled maliciously. "If you want more, I'm happy to dish it out! Prepare to be obliterated!"

"Vegeta!" Bulma yelled as she ran. "Don't you touch him! Don't you hurt Goku! And if you've wrecked the house, I SWEAR..." she skidded to a halt in the door way with Chichi right beside her.

"What do you want, woman?" Vegeta growled from his place on the couch, hunched intently over the Play Station console.

"Hiya Chichi, Hi Bulma!" Goku smiled happily and waved from his seat next to Vegeta. "How was your shopping trip?" Over their shoulders, Chichi and Bulma could see Mortal Combat playing. Goku's character was standing quietly while Goku smiled at the girls. Vegeta's character was taking the opportunity provided by his inattention to beat the snot out of him.

"Nevermind," Bulma said, rolling her eyes.

*note* I have now heard twice that there exists a comic somewhere that tells this same story. I have never seen it, and am not trying to steal anyone's idea here. This came from my own head.