Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What If Goku Met Sarra In the Afterlife ❯ What If ( Chapter 1 )

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Disclaimer: Don't own it.
Sarra sighed in frustration. There was nothing to do in the Afterlife after being dead for several years. She had even become the messenger between heaven, limbo and hell, just to relieve some of the boredom.
“Sarra, you're needed to show a soul around,” one of the blue imps called to her in its squeaky voice. She swung her legs around and hopped up from the snake head that she had been resting on and flew to Yemma's palace to report for duty.
“You rang,” she said, ignoring the formalities that were expected of her. Yenma barely glanced at her as he said, “You should know proper titles, after all, you did grow up with Vegeta, the most arrogant of all princes.”
“You grew up with Vegeta?” a second voice chimed in.
“Yes, why?” she asked, looking at the man in an orange gi.
“Because I knew him on Earth after he settled down there and had a family,” the man grinned at her. Sarra ignored Yenma as he said something and instead looked the man curiously over. “How did he end up on Earth, last I knew he was under Freeza's command,” she said mildly.
“I defeated Freeza a long time ago and Vegeta didn't have any other place to go, so he stayed on Earth and had a family,” the spiky haired man grinned.
“I'm so glad to see you two are getting along. Sarra, this is the man you were summoned to guide while he ajusts to his surroundings. You'll take Son Goku wherever he wishes,” Yenma cut in.