Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Got ❯ You better buck- buck- buckle up ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
What You Got
Timeline: AU - After Buu Saga
Rated: R (NC-17 for some later lemon yaoi chapters)
Warnings: yaoi, male pregnancy (briefly), language, yaoi scenes, incest
Pairings: Goku/Vejita, Gokou/Raditzu, Gokou/Bardock, Goten/Trunks
Summary: Another Saiyajin lives somewhere out in space, and needs the help of Gokou and Vejita… but out Saiyajin end up back in time, serving Frieza?
Author's Notes: This story was the answer to Scott's DBZ challenge at fanfiction.net (penname: Cathowl)

Chapter 1: You Better Buck- Buck- Buckle Up

Currently -

Perfect images of each other, as if one of them was sitting beside a mirror. The only thing that separated them, made them different, was their gender. The eldest child was the male, but only older by a few moments. Their hair cascading past their shoulders, darting in all directions as if they'd only just woken up from an awkward slumber. The hair was a perfect combination of their mother and father.

The twins sat together amid the tall strangely colored ground of the ancient planet that had only a handful of occupants, the majority mindless animals that would serve as food when their time came. The sky was somewhat dark, clouds slowly overwhelming the bright suns that floated above. They played together happily, their Saiyajin tails twined together in a semblance of affection and their tight bond. They spoke words of gibberish that only twins could understand. Some of the words held faint meanings, spoken in a variety of languages that their mother was teaching them as they grew in age. They were only a few weeks old, but already were moving about franticly, their proud and eagerness for battle shinning. Their tails were constantly battling for dominance, struggling for their end to reach the top of their counterpart's, and the mother was amused to learn that the female always won that small and insignificant battle.

The mother rested on the ground a few feet away from her playing son and daughter. Pleasure and happiness filled her heart as she heard their giggles and struggles in their play. In her eyes she saw their father, but love didn't fill her heart as she thought about the man who had fathered the twins. What had occurred between them had occurred for only one reason, and it was over. She missed him greatly, but the feeling of longing, grief, and loneliness was nothing new. She'd suffered through it a great majority of her life.

The twins she had now. They would fill that void that had been in her heart since she'd been sent away from the one place that she could never return - not because she'd been banished, but because it no longer existed. A boy and a girl, all that was truly left pure of the Saiyajin race. They would be taught everything that their father had forgotten. They would be more Saiyajin than the Saiyajin no Ouji had been, him and all the other survivors of the race. She would see to it, and make sure that the only pure children of the Saiyajin race became something that all Saiyajin would be proud to call their own.

A boy and a girl, long black hair, large black eyes, curly brown tails that were constantly moving - they had no names at the moment. The mother didn't have a name either. Long ago she had, but it had been forgotten with the memories that time had taken away. Perhaps one day in the future the boy and the girl would be given a name, though the mother hadn't the faintest clue what it would be.

So beautiful… so pure… if only her youth had been such. She missed her childhood… of course it was hard to miss something that she didn't know existed.

Their power, though, was not something to be forgotten. Bred from two Saiyajin, two of the last - one that had bred the Densetsu no Super Saiyajin, the other who might as well been titled the Goddess of the Mind. Saiyajin had called her things equivalent to freak, using many words in many languages that she was not fluent in.

With a mother and father such as that, what future did the children hold? It wasn't important. All that mattered was they existed - her precious children, boy and girl, son and daughter. The mother allowed her eyes to flutter closed, warm sunshine playing across her cheekbones. A peaceful faint breeze played across the valley. The echoing of water striking water was heard within the sensitive ears of the three, just barely over the children's giggles and laughter.


Months Prior:

"You're what?" roared the voice of the Saiyajin no Ouji as he stared down at his lavender-haired son. Goten ducked behind the teenager, using him as a shield for when Vejita attempted to kill him. A few feet behind the duo stood the Saiyajin Kakarrotto, known more casually as Gokou among his friends and family. The dark black eyes of the man who had screamed darted towards the youngest Son male with the lust for murder.

"Come on, 'Jita!" exclaimed Gokou as he scratched the back of his head with a chuckle. "I think it's nice! I mean, they're in love… and they've bonded and mated and all that Saiyajin stuff that you wanted them to do…"

"NOT WITH EACH OTHER!" roared the inflamed man as he turned to his rival, ki flaring as his firm and subtle body was engulfed in gold. Gokou stumbled back, a little shocked. Trunks cried out for his father to clam down, hand pressing against his rather round stomach. "Tousan! Kami-sama, Tousan! Calm down! Goten and I are in love, and we will love our baby!"

Our baby…

Vejita exploded.

Gokou went flying through many walls of Capsule Corporations until they were outside. Fists connected with the poor Saiyajin's face as he was beaten like a rag doll by his grandchild's other grandfather. Bones cracked beneath the flurry of fists that connected with his face and midsection, the goal: to destroy Kakarrotto once and for all.

Goten wrapped his arms around his mate, hand running against the large semi-circle of his stomach as he rested his cheek on the pregnant man's shoulder. Trunks sighed in frustration at his father's stubbornness. "I knew he wouldn't take the news of the baby well… but this is ridiculous!"

"Ah, Tousan can take care of Vejita," Goten muttered, pressing his hand in the small of his lover's back to guide him away. They met Bulma as she moved down the hallways. "Ossu, Trunks, Goten," she greeted with a smile, holding a large sheet of paper in her hand. Bulma had been told days ago about her new grandson or daughter and she was extremely pleased. She hadn't been so happy that her son was gay, but now that she was going to be a grandmother anyway, the thought had quickly been dismissed. "Where's your fathers?" she questioned as she reached the bottom of the stairs, happy couple standing before her.

"Trying to kill each other," Trunks muttered in annoyance, ripping himself away from Goten. He'd been pregnant for a few months now, and Saiyajin pregnancy took half the time that human pregnancy did, so the mood swings, cravings, and hot flashes were in full swing.

"Again?" Bulma sighed with a smile. "Oh well. Goten, why don't you run Trunks a hot bath, okay?"

"I'd love to," he responded with a smile, trying to reach for his lover again. Bulma chuckled and moved away towards the holes in the walls as she listened to her son unleash a string of curses at Goten for being responsible for the child, his father, and everything unholy and evil on Chikyuu.

Ah… the joys of breeding…

Stepping through the newly created doorways, courtesy of a homophobic Saiyajin no Ouji, Bulma managed to make it outside without collapsing on her face. In the air, Gokou was getting the beating of a lifetime and seemed to already be defeated. The air whipped madly as the earth beneath Bulma's feet began to tremble in fear of being destroyed. "Vejita! Gokou! COME DOWN HERE RIGHT THE FUCK NOW!"

Both Saiyajin paused at the unholy roar of Bulma's voice, looking down as if they expected Cell to stand in her place. Bulma smirked, hands on her hips, and watched as the limping Gokou descended, followed by a grumbling Vejita.

"Ossu, boys," she greeted with a nod, handing Vejita the thin sheet of paper between her fingers. "I was skimming through the systems in space and I came upon something strange. I thought you might now what it is. It seems to be in that strange language you speak."

"Saiyago," Vejita muttered in annoyance as he skimmed through the oddly shaped letters that would have taken Bulma months to decode. Gokou snuck his way behind Vejita's shoulders. "Oi, it's a distress letter!" he exclaimed with a gasp.

Bulma's wide blue eyes darted towards him. "Gokou, how do you know?"

"Baka," Vejita muttered, folding the paper into a perfect tiny square. "All Saiyajin infants learn Saiyago before they are sent towards these worthless planets. He just forgot he knew it when he decided to jump off that cliff." Vejita smirked, hands on his hips. "If I'd was stranded here, I would have attempted suicide too."

Bulma snarled. "You are stranded here, Vejita!"

"No, I just didn't have anywhere else better to go!" he retorted with a devious grin that screamed he had an evil plan. Bulma rewound his last spoken sentence in her head and her eyes grew in size with fear and shock. "Didn't?"

"Hai, didn't," Vejita chuckled madly. Gokou looked at the Saiyajin. "What, are you going to help those people that called for help?"

Vejita turned to the clueless Saiyajin with a chuckle. "Sure, I'll help the people that need help, considering that the person that needs help is a Saiyajin." His gaze turned to Bulma. "I'm sure you won't mind me borrowing that gravity spaceship of yours, would you, honey?" The nickname came out coated with what Bulma could only identify as loathing. Tears were slowly filling her eyes. She should have known! To Vejita she wasn't anything more than his next meal and lay. "Bulma, what's wrong?" the clueless Gokou asked, stepping forward. She ripped herself away and stormed back into the semi-destroyed house in sobs.

Chuckling as if he'd just found a way to defeat Gokou, overtake the world, and achieve the next level of Super Saiyajin all in one simple move, Vejita's dark eyes, ablaze with evilness, turned to Gokou. "Care to come, Kakarrotto?"



