Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Got ❯ And I think you're gonna get... ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 12: And I think you're gonna get... -

He felt Zarbon's ki die. Satisfaction filled him. That green alien had done nothing but torment him throughout his entire life beneath Frieza's service. Somewhere in the back of his senses he also felt Bardock and the Prophetess fleeing the area. 'Good,' he thought silently. He had become fond of the female Saiyajin. She was powerful, and could possible also become a Super Saiyajin. What was more important was she was his ticket home. If she died, he'd be stuck in this timeline, where there was no Chikyuu, and he didn't have a wife and two beautiful children.

As he expected, Frieza wasn't a challenge, and wouldn't be a challenge unless the alien was aloud to transform. Vejita knew what the transformation held, and didn't want to risk the possibility that Frieza's planet would be destroyed. If that happened, the remaining Saiyajins would die, and if the Prophetess didn't get off the planet, than so would she. He wasn't going to allow the demon to reach such power, even if it made the fight more interesting. Temptation was something he had learned to deny, especially what happened with Cell.

Frieza was going insane as he fought Vejita. Every move he pulled, every word he uttered, was mocked, blocked, retorted, and ignored. It was as if Vejita had done all of this before, and was accustomed to it. He had tried to ascend to his other transformations, but each time Vejita stopped him, knocking him to the ground, sending a blast. He'd lost use of his right arm, and skin and veins only still connected it. His tail was broken in many places, but that wasn't because of Vejita's ki blasts, that was for revenge of all the times he'd done it to Vejita. Of course, pleasure had accompanied that pain, but Vejita was not so merciful. Frieza snarled and blocked the oncoming blow. The Saiyajin no Ouji was playing with him, mocking him. How had Vejita obtained this much power in only a month? Why was he so sure of his victory? Damn it! Why wouldn't he allow Frieza to transform!

"What is it, monkey. Are you afraid if I transform you won't be able to defeat me?"

"Not at all, Frieza," Vejita retorted with a chuckle, falling back as he allowed Frieza to gather his breath. He hadn't even broken a sweat, and Frieza was exhausted, sweat rolling off his face, blood pouring from wounds all over his body. Vejita only had two cuts that had already healed, one on his hand from when he'd knocked aside a ki blast, and a small wound on his cheek from a sucker punch Frieza had managed to achieve. "In fact, I'd greatly enjoy the challenge, and the amusement of your inevitable defeat, but I can't take the risk of you destroying the others."

"Since when did you become a sentimental fool, monkey king?" Frieza snarled before rushing forward in an attack. When the demon finally reached Vejita, he was gone. Frieza spun with a growl, but only received a blow to his spine, sending him soaring towards the ground with a violent thud. Vejita landed a few feet beside him. The two were just outside of the castle. The docking bays were on the opposite side. Vejita knew, though, that even if he wasn't transformed, Frieza could still easily destroy the planet. "You've never been one to care for others."

"You're right, Frieza, but the thing is… things aren't as they seem. I need the Prophetess."

"My Prophetess? For what?"

"None of your concern, LORD Frieza," he snarled, ki blasts appearing in his palm. Frieza managed to dodge one of them, but the other turned sharply and struck him in the face, sending him flying backwards. Frieza landed nearly a mile away, sliding to the ground in a small curved ball, his knee now shattered. He winced in pain as he tried to rise to his feet, only to see the smirking Saiyajin no Ouji hovering above him. There was a new emotion running through Frieza's cold veins - fear.


The corpse was smoking faintly. Raditzu watched in silence as Nappa danced with Zarbon, twirling the dead body. The Saiyajin's tail was looped around Zarbon's waist, holding it closely together as they spun in an ancient fashion. Kakarrotto stood against the far wall, laughing his head off. Zarbon's feet didn't even touch the ground. One of the green man's arms were missing, probably laying in the wreckage around them. Raditzu glanced towards the hole in the wall as worry filled him. "Shouldn't we check on Ouji-sama?"

"He's the Densetsu no Super Saiyajin, Raditzu!" Nappa exclaimed as he paused in his movements, allowing Zarbon's body to fall to the ground with a sickening thud. The echo of breaking bones was heard in everyone's ears. Raditzu glanced back towards the hole. "I know, Nappa…"

"Just stop!" Nappa growled faintly. "You know the legend! The Densetsu no Super Saiyajin CANNOT be defeated!" He paused, eyes skimming across the damage they had created in the short battle. Zarbon hadn't had a chance. Against one Saiyajin he would have been a great challenge, but against three Saiyajin who knew that their freedom lay just inches away, his struggle had been fruitless. "Where are Bardock and the onna?"

Kakarrotto gave a careless shrug and reached down towards the body, ripping off the scouter. He turned the detector on. "Heading towards the docking bays," he muttered quietly as his angered eyes turned towards his brother. "That traitor," he snarled.

Nappa growled faintly. "What about Vejita? What does the scouter say about him?"

Kakarrotto turned towards the hole, but the very second that something appeared on the pale pink screen the object exploded. He gasped, stumbling back. The smoldering scouter fell to the ground. "Whoa," he muttered, blinking away the smoke. Nappa laughed aloud. "That crappy thing can't even detect Vejita's power!"

"What about Tousan?" Raditzu muttered faintly.

"Well, we'll have to teach that Saiyajin a lesson. Kakarrotto, go after your father. Raditzu, come with me. I want to see that bastard die." He ignored Kakarrotto's cry of protest as he darted into the air, Raditzu at his side.


"I know thou loves him," came a quiet whisper as the Prophetess came to an abrupt halt outside the doors that would led to the docking bay. Bardock skidded to a halt, turning to glare at her. "We don't have time for your ranting!"

"No need to worry," the Prophetess said faintly, falling against the wall. She allowed her eyes to fall closed. Bardock looked fretfully back down the hallway. Could she possibly be right? Could Vejita be winning? It seemed like something that could never happen - Frieza's demise.

"It's all fading away," she continued softly, her tail waving carelessly in the air as if the wind was trying to carry it away. Bardock frowned and stared at her. "Would you speak sense, onna?"

"Floating away," she repeated, smirking, knowing she was mocking him. Bardock growled faintly, but paused as she rose to her full height and stepped forward towards him, wrapping her arms around his neck. She reached up and pressed her lips gently against his, eyes fluttering closed. The kiss was brief, and she pulled away almost as quickly, large black-less eyes watching him curiously. "I know thou loves him. I do not love thee, but we have to stop it from floating away."

Somewhere in the twisted way her eyes saw, Bardock understood. He reached forward and hit the button against the doors, watching as they slid open. He stepped inside and pulled the Prophetess with him. As the doors swung closed, his arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her against his body in a passionate kiss.


An explosion that seemed to vibrate throughout the universe erupted on the peaceful plains of Frieza's self-titled planet. The sky darkened as a golden blur flashed across it. When that golden blur paused, another dark blast exploded in the heavens. In silence, from the safety of the castle, Nappa and Raditzu watched in silent awe. Frieza was at Vejita's mercy, and was even slowly begging for his life. The white and pink horned demon crashed to the ground, creating a crater that seemed to nearly reach the core of the planet. The ground beneath them shook with each blast, whether it connected in the air or against the ground. The fireworks created a beautiful lightshow that would make the gods on high sigh with wonder.

Vejita's mocking laughter sung through the skies like the song of a bird at dawn. He darted down from the black heavens and landed at the fallen Frieza's side. Slowly he stepped forward, shoving his heal in the crotch of the Icejin. Frieza snarled out in pain, arching his back. With a dark chuckle, Vejita leaned down and grabbed the tail, breaking it off. Blood poured from the wound, dampening the brown mud beneath them. He held the disconnected appendage above Frieza's face, allowing the blood to drip down and stain the white skin, before tossing it over his shoulder and sending a ki blast after it. It exploded in ashes, floating to the ground like thrown sand.

"I could do this all day," Vejita chuckled softly as he watched Frieza try to regain some dignity and pride. Vejita dug his heal further into the changeling's pelvis, breaking the bones beneath. A high-pitched shriek caused the Saiyajin to wince. "However, I'd rather not look at that ugly mug for a second longer."

"Coward!" Frieza shrieked, arching his back as his nails clawed into the mud. Vejita looked down with an amused expression. "You dare call me a coward, after all the horrors you put me through?" For some reason, there was little rage within Vejita any longer. Pity had overwhelmed him somewhere within. It could have simply been the knowledge that Frieza, in his timeline, had been defeated again and again, but not only Gokou, but also Mirai Trunks. In his own timeline, in the area of victories and defeats, he and Frieza weren't much different. Their victories had been endless, but when one defeat came, a thousand more unbearably shameful ones followed. For that, and just because of the pathetic state of the Icejin beneath him, all the rage had left him like a switch had been flipped. Frieza was suffering beyond words. His tail was gone, and that in itself was something that Vejita couldn't even look at, the memories of the misuse of his own tail far to vivid for his liking. Frieza's arms were completely out of use, and the demon was nearly in tears with the pain. If given a moment to recover, however, Frieza would be able to draw on his powers, heal, and transform. Vejita wasn't merciful, though at the moment he didn't doubt that he'd like to show the creature some mercy, if just for the pure joy of putting him down again.

There wasn't time, however. Well, honestly, there was plenty of time, but Vejita was sick of this world, and his worries for Kakarrotto were slowly overwhelming him. Would he be able to have his own Kakarrotto restored? Was there a way to send them back and reconnect the old Kakarrotto? Until he was able to find the Prophetess he wouldn't know.

"My entire youth I served beneath you, suffering every torment you could imagine for me, bearing your mockery, and your torture, and you dare call me a coward?" Vejita sighed. He didn't care anymore. Too much had happened in the time between his youth and… this. The cyborgs… Cell… Majin Buu… it was all just a pathetic waste of time.

"Hai! You are a coward! A pathetic monkey that was only created to please me!" Frieza snarled, struggling to rise to his feet. That broke the momentary peace Vejita had felt. He spun around, darting into the air as his golden hair firmed and darkened. A blast twice the size of any Kamehameha that Gokou or Gohan had ever thrown exploded above his head. With a violent roar, Vejita threw it down, engulfing Frieza.

The planet seemed to tremble, struggling to hold together, and for a brief moment Vejita felt panic as he thought he'd unleashed too much power. He calmed almost immediately, watching as the blast slowly settled and the world beneath him remained. His eyes drew over to see Raditzu and Nappa slowly struggling to their feet. Dark black eyes drew back down to the crater that rested beneath him. Nothing but ashes remained…


