Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ White Tail & Angel Wings ❯ Hello and Goodbye ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
White Tail & Angel Wings

--Written by Naki

Chapter 3 : Hello and Goodbye

&nbspTrunks' father, Vegeta, doesn't like me. Or, maybe he's just that way with everyone.

&nbspVegeta was a friend of my father's, many years ago before I was born. He doesn't know me.

&nbspI follow Trunks back outside later with everyone else.

&nbspI hang back as Trunks, Goten, and Bra commence a snowball fight. Snow flies as they pitched it at each other, careful not to hurt little Bra.

&nbspThe mood of the spectators escalates into laughter when Goten intentionally nails Vegeta in the face with a snowball.

&nbspVegeta growls, and chases Goten around the countryside with the threat of a slow and painful death.

&nbspI sit down on a log and Trunks joins me, tossing his arm about my shoulders. I glance at him, with a strange feeling in my stomach that this relationship was going a little too fast.

&nbspA few minutes passed and Vegeta came sauntering back, looking very pleased.

"Where's Goten?" Trunks asked.

&nbspVegeta turned to Trunks and smirked. "Buried."

&nbspI start giggling at Trunks' expression of shock. At that moment, a loud shriek of surprise rang out over the woods and Goten came tearing into view. He ran up to us with snow clinging to his long black hair.

&nbspTrunks stood. "Goten?"

"There's something coming Trunks, and it ain't human!" Goten informed him.

&nbspThe "something" turned out to be a very menacing figure that landed in front of the pair and taunted them with a cocky grin that was ever so familiar to me. I stood. Oh, no…

-- &nbsp-- &nbsp--

&nbspWho is that? I watch as this being, well, I guess it would be a man, walked towards us with long, easy steps.

&nbspBeside me, Goten tensed up.

"Why are you here?" He yelled out angrily.

"Goten…" Trunks laid a hand on Goten's shoulder.

&nbspI observed the man from afar. My eyes stop on a strange yet familiar mark on his forehead. My insides freeze colder than the weather. They've found me…

&nbspI shift my sight to Goten. He is unbelievably tensed. I recognize the problem, but I can't seem to form words of warning. This figure is affecting Goten's mind without anyone else noticing.

&nbspI watch as Goten breaks free of Trunks' grasp and I hear Trunks call his name. That's what he was doing. He enticed Goten into a fight, knowing he will overpower the teenaged boy.

&nbspGoten throws a punch to the stranger's face. He shifts at the last moment and catches Goten's wrist in an iron grip. Before Goten could pull away, his adversary, still holding his wrist, drove his other elbow into Goten's forearm, breaking both bones with simultaneous resounding cracks.

&nbspHe finally released Goten's wrist, and allowed the boy to stumble back a few steps. Goten held his arm and was almost whimpering in a pain.

&nbspIn one smooth motion, his adversary lifted his right arm and back fisted Goten in the face, sending him flying.

"Goten!" Trunks called. Goten laid still in the snow.

"Goten!!" Chi-Chi called, restrained by Bulma.

"Chi-Chi, don't! You can't help him," Bulma advised.

&nbspBra stood behind her father. "Daddy…?" She asked tentatively. Vegeta uncrossed his arms and walked with Gohan up to Trunks.

&nbspBulma held her arms out. "Bra, come here."

"But what about Daddy?" Bra asked.

&nbspBulma held her daughter. "Don't worry about him."

&nbspGoten sat up slowly and groaned. He glances over at me and I see a huge gash on the side of his face. Blood drips slowly from the wound, staining the snow red.

&nbspI shift my eyes to look upon the stranger. Won't he leave my cousin and me alone? He's already caused enough pain to my family.

&nbspThe stranger turned back to Goten and growls in frustration. "Why won't you die?"

-- &nbsp-- &nbsp--

&nbspI saw my opponent growl and ask Goten why he won't die. He raced over to Goten in a blur, but my legs refuse to move.

"Goten!" I call frantically. "Watch out!"

&nbspThe man let his fist fly towards Goten's head. Goten could only brace himself; he knew he was unable to avoid it.

&nbspSuddenly, the aggressor's fist stopped just inches away from Goten's face. I look at the owner of the hand gripping his wrist. My heart practically stops from shock.

&nbspKaraine thrust outwards with her arm and threw the man backwards and away from the wounded teen.

&nbspKaraine glares at him. "Yearete…"

&nbspThe man smirks, speaking for the first time. "You speak your mother's tongue well, Princess. Such a pity she had to die."

"Don't talk about my mother that way, android!" Karaine spat.

&nbspGohan shifted. "Android?"

&nbspI share a glance with him. Why would Karaine know anything about him? Then again, she refused to tell me about her past…

"My lord has been looking for you," I heard the android say.

"That's his problem," Karaine countered.

"Well then, if you won't come on your own, I'm afraid I'll have to take you by force," the android disappeared momentarily and reappeared directly in front of Karaine.

&nbspIn a flash, Karaine vanished as well, only to appear behind and slightly above the android. Gripping her hands together, Karaine swung her hands down onto the back of her adversary's head; I watched in some amusement as the android flew the air and dug a trench in the snow as he skidded to a stop.

&nbspKaraine appeared to hover in air for a moment before she set down on the ground again. I watch as the android appears behind her, grabbing her from behind and choking her. Anger. That's all I feel.

&nbspPower bursts around me and I subtly tap him on the shoulder. Falling for it, the android turns his head to look behind him. Nearly seeing through his eyes, I know the first thing he sees is a pair of green eyes and a shock of bright blonde hair. The next thing he sees, well, is my fist just a half a second before it smashes into a face, again sending him flying. This guy is going to rack up a heck of a lot frequent flyer miles.

&nbspKaraine falls to her knees, holding her throat with a hand.

&nbspThe android stands and I see his eyes narrow. "Saiyan…" He mutters. He powers up quickly and let's loose with a burst of fire-hot energy. I hold my hand out and stop the energy. I look up at him wordlessly and raise my eyebrows up once in mockery. I send the energy back at him with some of my own. The android attempts to block it, but he is destroyed by the blast.

&nbspI descend out of my Super Saiyan state and I hear Karaine gasp out from beside me, "His head…destroy his head or he'll regenerate…"

&nbspI walk up to the head, his face half gone, exposing the machinery beneath it. Its red eye stares up at me with a dead glare. I hold a hand out at it, and with a burst of energy, destroy it without a second thought.

-- &nbsp-- &nbsp--

&nbspGohan helped me up as I held my throat with a hand. I knew my face was red from shame. I knew I wasn't focused enough to take on that android. Trunks approached me, but I avoided his eyes.

"Are you all right?" He asked. I didn't answer.

"Karaine?" He persisted, tilting my chin up with his fingertips. I jerked my head forcefully out of his grasp, away from his touch. I almost felt his questioning stare bore into me.

"Karaine!" A female voice tore through the air. I knew that voice very well. "Karaine!"

&nbspA figure rounded the corner from the front of the house. She had on an ash-colored dress with amazing white-blonde hair that reached her backside. I recognized her...she's my cousin.

"Karaine!" She smiled and rushed over to me. "Piccolo came looking for you, but I had no idea where you were. He's still looking for you now."

"How'd you find me?" I heard myself ask.

"It's all in the wrist," she said, playing with the pendant about her neck. She took me by the hand. "Come on, Karaine, let's go back."

&nbspI didn't move. It hit me; I don't want to go. "Laurelle..."

&nbspShe realized this and smiled gently. "You'll see them again." The pendant about her neck began to glow softly. "Tropsnart ic ot eht Muuguid." She whispered.

&nbspI picked up my hands and watched as the pair of them began to slowly become transparent. I quickly spun my head around to look at Trunks. His face was the perfect picture of disbelief. Regret rose in me; I suddenly wished I could have told him more about myself. The scene around me faded and was replaced by the familiar surroundings constructed of stone and tile.

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