Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Who Are You People?? ❯ Content With Watering Plants ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Dragonball Z or any of it's characters.


`What is that sound?' Vegeta wondered as he slowly emerged from his long sleep.

After some intense training he had fallen asleep and that was all the Saiyan no Ouji remembered. His head felt unusually light this morning…

Wait. Morning? He pulled himself up and surveyed his surroundings. A ship…he was in an unfamiliar ship. The humming he had heard was apparently coming from a large metal box-like object. He went over to it and the LCD read, "456 G"

`What the hell is that?' he wondered.

He noted that his tail was gone. Probably a prank by Nappa…Yes, in his sleep, the oaf had cut it off. Well, the ouji would teach Nappa a lesson later.

Then he noticed the hole in the wall. It was near the humming machine and Vegeta could peer through it. Whatever bakayarou did this probably owned the ship and would come back to fix it. Until then…the ouji would wait. When the owner came back, Vegeta would kill him and report back to Frieza. Yes, that was the plan.

So he stood there. And stood there. And stood there.

An hour or two later, the Saiyan decided to just leave….But he didn't know how this ship worked. Vegeta found the control panel and studied the buttons and knobs. They all seemed so….familiar. He saw a button labeled `Chikyuu.'

He snorted. "What a waste…This must be a human ship…Well.." he peered out the hole again. "Since I have no idea of what planet that I'm on, it would be the smart thing to go to Chikyuu and find Frieza's ship from there.."

Yes, that was the even better plan. But first he needed to patch up the hole in the ship. Feh. Simple enough for him. Now, to find some material for it. And some adhesive.

The material he needed he found in a secret compartment in the side of the ship. So he went to work.

All it took was about an hour and a half. Then Vegeta locked up the ship and pressed the button on the control panel. The ship was efficient enough for his tastes. It ran smoothly. Though after a while, the ouji grew bored. He studied the humming machine for a bit, and discovered that it changed the gravity in the ship. How very interesting…very advanced for ningen technology. So did that mean that he was standing in 456 times Chikyuu's gravity? Hn. Vegeta had never been on Chikyuu before, so he wasn't sure how to react to this.

After further investigation of the ship, he discovered that there was a `training mode.' Vegeta knew it was a foolish idea to mess with areas that he knew very little about, such as ningen technology. So he wondered why his fingers started pressing buttons and pulling knobs like they knew what they were doing.

`What am I doing?' he wondered, pulling his hands back. The lights dimmed. A red light flashed and a siren went off. "BEEEEERRRRBEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRBEEEEEEEERRRR"

Vegeta covered his sensitive ears. "Ugh!"

Suddenly small crudely shaped robots dropped from the ceiling. They moved quickly for bots. He smirked to himself. They must have been for training. Heh. They attacked.

With more skill and agility then the ouji knew he had, Vegeta dodged, blasted, and kicked his way through the crowd. In less then 5 minutes, he had broken every little robot into bits.

"Ore? How is this…" he edged away from the mess of parts and leaned on a wall. "What has…happened to me?"


The ship was coming into orbit. It was amusing…of how little Vegeta knew about Chikyuu. He only knew what he had heard from his long deceased father, Lord Frieza, and his comrades Nappa and Raditz. And they weren't exactly goldmines of information in the 1st place.

He could now see many little ningen in their transportation devices and their buildings…The similarities were astounding. Other than lack of tails, ningens looked very much like Saiyans. He could see one particularly large building that the ship was nearing. It was vaguely familiar, as everything around him now seemed. He wondered if the owner of the ship was still on the unknown planet, or just some random person of lower class. He hoped that it was the latter, so he could get information out of the creator.

The ship finally landed outside the large building, and the hatch opened. Vegeta floated out, letting himself slowly lower to the ground. The planet was grassy enough. And it certainly had an acceptable climate. Maybe later he would capture this planet for Lord Frieza.

The building had the same logo on it as the ship did. "Capsule Corp."

Hm…A dominant company, perhaps? Feh…What did he care? He was here to find his way back, that was all. He walked down a small path that led to a sort of house made of glass. A greenhouse.

He could see a variation of plants and animals ranged far and wide through the glass. Then…a blonde woman. She was watering some of the smaller plants in the far side of the greenhouse. She wore a happy expression and Vegeta couldn't help but be fascinated with the way she was so….content. Content with watering meager plants.

It might've been hours…or maybe minutes, but the next thing he knew, the woman was looking right at him through the glass. "Hi Vegeta-chan!"

She called in a nasal voice.

He stumbled back on his underside. `Who the hell is she? And how the hell does she know my name?'

Blood: and that's all I want to type right now. So please R&R!!