Fake Fan Fiction ❯ Valentine's Day Psychology (Series: Multiple Psychology) ❯ Chapter 6

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own FAKE or Sanami Matoh's wonderful characters.

Rating: NC-17 OT+16 (Yaoi, Multiple Partners)
Pairings: Various Pairings of Dee, Ryo, Berkley, J.J.
Timeframe: 1998, approximately 6 months after the end of Volume 7
Series: Multiple Psychology

Summary: Berkley Rose calls in a psychologist to help with some of the interpersonal conflicts around the precinct. In doing so, he gets himself and his detectives involved in a crazy experiment cooked up by a somewhat sadistic lady Doctor. Strangely enough, it all pays off for them when Valentine's Day turns into something far more than a day for treats and sweethearts.
Title: Valentine's Day Psychology
Author: Mori Ryoshi
Chapter 6
14-February-1998 - 20:30
Ryo finally couldn't stand not knowing what was happening any longer. “Dee, Berkley, what is so funny?”
Dee's laughter faded to giggles, “Should we tell him, Berkley?” He gave the blond-haired man laying in his arms a shrewd grin.
Berkley gave him a smug look and snuggled closer, “I don't know.” He was silent for a few moments before continuing; “I think we should put a price on the knowledge.” He looked at Dee and wiggled his eyebrows. “Maybe a price of making it happen?”
“Devious, devious,” Dee began nodding, “I like it.”
“I don't think I want to know that bad.” Ryo turned his back on the two scheming men and pulled J.J. over to him. “You won't torment me, will you J.J.?”
The lavender-haired man gave him a wicked grin, “I'll torment you all you want.” He ran his hands over his chest and twisted his nipples, “If you want, you can torment me instead.”
“Hmm, I like having choices,” Ryo pushed the smaller man back on the bed and kissed him deeply. “Yes, I do like having choices.” He grabbed J.J.'s wrists in one hand and braced them above his head before kissing him again while he tickled along J.J.'s very sensitive collarbones. “I wonder.” The chestnut-haired man studied the smaller man's face a moment then asked, “Are you serious about letting me torment you?”
“I trust you, Ryo,” He said in a soft whisper, “You can do whatever you want to me.”
“Then close your eyes and stay right there.”
J.J. did as he was told. He did trust Ryo… “Maybe I should have found out how kinky he is…they say you have to worry about the quiet ones.
Dee and Berkley were curious, too. Dee knew that last night had been the first time Ryo had taken the dominant role in their relationship and he had no idea what his lover could or would come up with now that he'd had the experience.
Ryo climbed out of the bed and walked over to his dresser. He dug into the top drawer and pulled out a pair of wide leather wrist cuffs and a length of soft rope. He walked back to the bed leaned over Berkley and Dee to whisper in his lover's ear, “I'd originally planned this for you; but I think you'll appreciate watching it.” Dee couldn't keep his mouth shut; he just laid on the bed gaping. The chestnut-haired man smiled and walked to the opposite side of the bed were J.J. still lay with his eyes shut.
After laying the cuffs and rope on the nightstand, Ryo gathered J.J. up and laid him against the pillows. The larger man leaned over him and again extended his arms above his head. “Leave your hands there,” Ryo warned. He wrapped the rope around one of the headboard uprights several times and left the tails long. He unbuckled the cuffs and strapped one around each of J.J.'s wrists.
The smaller man snapped his eyes open in surprise as the soft velvet padding of the cuffs closed around his slim wrists. “What are you doing, Ryo?”
“You said you trusted me,” The chestnut-haired man bent down and kissed J.J., “It's okay. I'll stop if you want me too.”
J.J. craned his neck to look at the cuffs and then looked at Ryo. “Don't stop. You seem to know what you're doing. You're using safe equipment.” He looked back at the headboard, “You do know how to tie a quick-release knot, right?”
Ryo nodded and kissed his lavender-haired partner. “This was originally planned for Dee. You get to use it first.”
J.J. grinned happily, “I like being first.”
“I know you do,” Ryo snapped the cuffs together using the latches on them and pulled J.J.'s arms toward the head of the bed before lacing the rope in the latches and then tying it off with a quick-release knot. He tested the knot buy snapping it open and then retied it. “All safe,” Ryo whispered as he returned to the smaller man.
Berkley and Dee were speechless. They couldn't believe their mild-mannered, naïve Ryo was not only doing bondage…but he seemed to enjoy it. Both men were abundantly aware that Ryo was very turned on. He erection bobbed in front of him and was weeping madly. The way Berkley was laying allowed him to clearly see that Dee's reaction was very similar. His jeans were stretched so tightly that the blond-haired man was positive the zipper was going to burst.
Ryo knelt beside J.J. and while avoiding touching any other part of him began kissing him deeply, seeking out his tongue and playing with it. He alternated between dueling with the smaller man's tongue and licking across his lips. For his part, J.J. was trying to kiss back the best he could. He was used to being able to at least reach out and touch his partner. He wanted to feel more of Ryo than just his lips. He could feel the strength of his body's response quicken each time he pulled on his bonds. “Oh, what a sweet torment!” He thought happily.
From their place on the bed, both Dee and Berkley could clearly see everything happening the short distance away from them. Berkley shifted his position and moved to whisper into Dee's ear, “Would you like to get more comfortable?” He reached his hand down and covered Dee's groin, “These jeans have to be hurting you,” The blond-haired man began barely brushing his fingers over the tight fabric.
Dee arched back and groaned. “Yeah. Make me more comfortable,” He whispered back.
Berkley slipped one long finger in the waistband of Dee's jeans and rubbed along the head of the raven-haired man's cock. He could feel how wet the younger man was and how hard. He removed his finger and quickly unbuttoned the tight jeans and slowly worked the zipper down. Dee's erection sprang from the fly on his boxers and stood at perfect attention. “Maybe I don't have to do anything else,” Berkley whispered.
“Don't you dare,” Dee whispered back. The other two men were deeply engrossed in each other and weren't paying any attention to them. “Please, don't do that.”
“I wouldn't,” Berkley whispered. He then worked the tight material down Dee's legs before tossing it to the floor. After doing the same with the younger man's boxers, Rose laid back down the way he had been. He had a wonderful view of what Ryo and J.J. were doing and was within easy reach of Dee's cock. “Very nice, Dee,” The blond-haired man thought as he watched the raven-haired man twitch with each moan that Ryo elicited from J.J., “I wonder if you'd like something else to `twitch' about.” He grinned wickedly and reached out to close his hand around the other man's beautiful hard-on. He felt the hitch in Dee's breath under his cheek as he slowly stroked him.
Ryo pulled away from J.J. and was shocked to see Berkley stroking his partner. He looked at them for so long that J.J. followed his eyes so he could see too. J.J. looked back to Ryo and begged, “Will I get to play with Dee as well?”
“I don't know. It looks as if we're both outranked.” Ryo grinned at Berkley who only smiled back. The chestnut-haired man turned back to the small man and kissed him lightly. “It doesn't matter. You're playing with me now.”
“No, you're playing with me,” The lavender-haired man pulled on the rope. “Really playing with me.”
Ryo smiled, “Yeah. I am playing with you.” Ryo brushed his fingers across the small man's collarbones. He learned that J.J. was as sensitive in that area as Dee was. He watched as J.J. pinched his eyes shut and squirmed beneath the light touch. “Would you like more?” J.J. could only nod in response. Ryo bent in and began licking along the young man's neck while continuing to tickle along the sensitive skin. The combination of sensations had the small man writhing and begging wordlessly for more. Ryo continued his sweet torment and shifted the attention of his mouth from J.J.'s neck to his collarbones…the chestnut-haired man continued licking and sucking the skin. While the skin covering the left side was soft and smooth, the skin of his right collarbone was rough and deeply callused from the hours of practice the young man put in with his rifle. Ryo knew that his own shoulder was a pale comparison to J.J.'s. “He's been shooting longer than I have.
The calluses didn't both Ryo in the least; they weren't even a surprise. He remembered Dee's reaction the first time the raven-haired man had seen his shoulder. Shock was putting it mildly. The chestnut-haired man made another pass over the smaller man's collarbones before rubbing his hands up the lavender-haired man's arms and intertwining his fingers with J.J.'s.
J.J. grasped the other man's hands and rubbed his thumbs along Ryo's palms. “Please?” He whispered in the chestnut-haired man's ear.
“Please what?”
“Please continue playing. You're wonderful…so sweet.” J.J. stared into Ryo's eyes and realized the other man had paused so he could regain a sense of control. With the smallest turn of his head, the lavender-haired man was able to kiss his captor…he brushed the tip of his tongue along the other man's lower lip before pressing forward and kissing the other man as deeply as he could.
Ryo pulled away and took back control. He smiled down as he kneed J.J.'s legs apart. The smaller man began to open them widely only to have his right leg stop when it hit against Ryo's. The chestnut-haired man positioned one leg between the other man's so he knelt straddling J.J.'s right leg. Ryo leaned forward and licked each of the lavender-haired man's rocklike nipples before returning to the first one and nipping it causing the small man to arch off the bed. His thigh brushed Ryo's balls causing him to gasp and catch himself on his arms. “I didn't expect that.” He shifted J.J.'s right leg and himself until he was kneeling with both knees between the smaller man's legs. He didn't want anymore surprises. He'd almost come on the spot with that one.
Dee was fascinated. He never dreamt that Ryo could be this uninhibited in bed. He was working J.J. over like he did this type of thing every day. Between the visual stimulation of watching Ryo's slow and steady torment of J.J. to the physical stimulation from Berkley's hand, Dee knew that he wasn't going to last much longer. He was already shivering in anticipation of what was in store for him. In one way, he couldn't wait; in another, he was a little scared. “The wait is the worst part…and the best part in this case,” He thought as he watched Ryo suck J.J.'s nipples while rubbing his hands over the smaller man's hard, flat stomach. Almost absentmindedly, Dee reached down and petted Rose's hair and tickled along his neck and upper back; he wasn't surprised when he encountered additional scars. “I'll be gentle, Berkley. You don't need to hurt anymore.
Berkley continued to slowly stroke Dee and wondered how much longer the raven-haired man could hold back. His hand and the cock in it were soaked with pre-cum and his hand slid effortlessly. Rose was seriously thinking about sucking the other man off when Ryo shifted down and began doing just that to J.J. Both, Dee and Rose, let out strangled cries as the chestnut-haired man's mouth closed over the smaller man's seeming out-of-proportioned cock. As his head bobbed slowly, pulling away with each stroke to lick the young man's head, the other two men laid frozen, Berkley's hand in mid-stroke and Dee's resting on the blond-haired man's neck.
Ryo had closed everything out except for the cock in his mouth. He slowly worked up and down the thick shaft and licked the velvety head for all his was worth. With one hand, the chestnut-haired man massaged J.J.'s balls, gently pulling them down each time they tightened against his body to stave off the smaller man's orgasm. Every down stroke of his mouth, he would reach lower and press his thumb against the ridge of skin between his balls and anus, applying gentle pressure to his prostate without actually penetrating him. Ryo was trying to hold his lover off for as long as he could and continued the slow strokes until his jaw muscles were beginning to get tired. He pulled his mouth away and worked his mouth a few times to relax his muscles again.
J.J. writhed and begged Ryo to continue…to end his torment, “Ryo, you're torturing me. Please make me come. I can't take this any more. Please. Please.” He continued asking please until Ryo leaned back forward and sucked down on the other man's shaft until his nose was buried against the smaller man's hard abs. The tip of J.J.'s cock struck the back of the chestnut-haired man's throat and Ryo swallowed hard to stop his immediate gag reflex. “God! Ryo! Do that again! Please!” J.J. jerked hard enough on the ropes to rock the headboard and writhed and struggled in an attempt to grab his tormenter's hair.
Ryo, for his part, calmly pulled back and sucked hard on the head of the young man's cock before plunging forward again and swallowing. He was rewarded by another series of writhes and struggles. “I love being in control. I wonder if Dee would ever permit me to do this to him?” When he heard J.J.'s strangled moan of frustration, he decided to end the torment and take him over the edge. He focused his attention on the cock in his mouth and began increasing the speed and intensity of his sucking and licking. With each upstroke, he sucked as hard as he could and ended the movement by catching his lips on the ridge surrounding the head of J.J.'s cock and licking at his slit. On the down stroke, he concentrated on taking all of the young man's cock into his mouth; making a special effort to have the tip hit the back of his throat before he swallowed hard to constrict his throat around the velvety surface.
J.J. felt his stomach almost burn as he got closer and closer to coming. He pulled hard against the restraints and tried to pump his hips…with no leverage he couldn't do anything but writhe under his chestnut-haired lover's assault. He felt his balls tighten and he knew he was close. He was shocked by whatever Ryo was doing with his throat. The constriction was like nothing he'd ever experienced during a blow job.
Ryo slid back down the hard shaft and felt the tip of the cock hit the back of his throat a moment before he felt it expand forcing his mouth open a little more and gagging him further. When he swallowed that was all it took to set off the small man's orgasm. J.J. came hard and he bowed his back and tested his bonds to the limit. After what seemed to be minutes, the lavender-haired man laid gasping. He was breathless and spent and wanted nothing more than to do it all again.
When Ryo had continued his assault after J.J.'s begging, Berkley and Dee had unfrozen. Berkley began working Dee's cock a little faster and a little harder. The raven-haired man shivered over the powerful sensations and knew if the older man was this talented with his hand, he had to be spectacular with his mouth and cock. The younger man fought to decide if he wanted to be sucked off or if he just wanted to bury himself in the older man…or have the blond-haired man buried in him. He still hadn't come to a decision when J.J. came with a loud cry and fell breathlessly to lie on the bed gasping. The small man's orgasm was almost enough to set him off as well…but it also made his decision up for him. He reached down and stopped Berkley's hand from moving. In explanation to Rose's silent question, he whispered, “I want you next.”
For a moment, Berkley felt a sense of fear. That fear faded to anticipation as he nodded to the younger man. He took his hand away from Dee's cock and ease up to lie next to him. Rose laid his head on the other man's shoulders and whispered, “Please be gentle.”
Dee could clearly see a hint of fear in the older man's eyes and almost said that he'd changed his mind…but he also saw the sense of anticipation and decided to push forward. The two men looked over as Ryo released the rope and then the cuffs from the smaller man's wrists. He flipped the rope behind the bed and laid the cuffs on the nightstand. Then he lay against the headboard and gathered the lavender-haired man into his arms.
Ryo looked over and smiled, “It's your turn now.”
“Top that!” J.J. managed to laugh out. “That was awesome, Ryo.” With his arms finally free, the smaller man reached up and pulled the chestnut-haired man down for a fierce kiss. He stroked his tongue along Ryo's lips before searching out the other man's tongue to play with.
When they broke apart, the two men were smiling widely. J.J. rolled over onto his side and Ryo spooned in behind him holding him tenderly in his arms. “Before you guys start,” Ryo said to Berkley and Dee. He turned to the smaller man in his arms and whispered a question to him. The smaller man nodded in silent agreement. Ryo turned over and reached into the nightstand to pull out a bottle of lubricant. Dee and Berkley laid and watched as Ryo opened the bottle and slowly rubbed a liberal amount over his hard almost purple cock. He watched the other men's reactions as he did it. He admitted to himself that he loved the way both men's cocks jumped as he stroked himself. After stroking himself a few more times, he laid behind J.J. again. The lavender-haired man raised his right leg and rested it on top of Ryo's. The larger man squeezed more lubricant into his hand and after giving it a chance to warm in his palm, started rubbing it along J.J.'s crack and around his puckered hole. The larger man's sizable erection rested against J.J.'s left thigh. He stopped his movements and said in an innocent voice. “You're turn.”
J.J. grinned wickedly as he watched the shifting emotions on the other two men's faces. Berkley and Dee were trying hard to keep their composure and were fighting a losing battle. They were both so ready that they felt as if they would explode.
Finally, Dee had to move; he couldn't fight the nagging voice in the back of his brain. He needed some answers from Rose if he was going to continue…the man's eyes had reflected fear too many times and he needed to know why. He tapped Rose's shoulder and pointed to the door. The tall man looked confused; but stood up and walked to the door with Dee right behind him. They stepped into the hallway and closed the bedroom door behind them.
“What is it Dee?” Berkley was having a difficult time thinking straight but by not touching the raven-haired man's luscious body and not watching two other scrumptious men making out, he was beginning to regain some control.
Dee wasn't fairing much better in the straight thinking department; but he had to know a few things before they continued. “Berkley, give it to me straight.”
Berkley arched an eyebrow and gave the younger man an amused grin, “Straight?” He started to giggle. “Straight? You saw what I just did and you can say that with a straight face.”
The raven-haired man saw Rose's point and giggled a bit too. “Okay, as straight as either of us can.”
Both men sobered up as Dee continued, “I can see your scars and I know that you've felt flashes of fear tonight. I need to know that you're going to be all right with this. If you're not comfortable with my taking you, we can do something else. You can have me.” He shivered a little inside at that thought. Berkley was thicker than Ryo and he wasn't positive that Rose would be as gentle. “I don't want to hurt you.”
“You won't. I've put these,” Rose indicated two of the scars one on his collar bone and another on his stomach, “Behind me. I wouldn't have stayed if I weren't prepared for this possibility. As I asked before, please be gentle,” He finished, his voice almost inaudible.
“How long has it been for you?” Dee truly didn't want to hurt the older man and felt the frank questions, although possibly embarrassing, were necessary.
“Nine years.”
Shit. My last time wasn't even that long.” Dee let that answer settle in before he asked the next. He wasn't sure how to ask it since it was an intensely personal question. “Were you raped that last time?” Berkley's startled glance told him the answer. “I thought so. Who was it?”
Berkley sighed and seemed to close in on himself, wrapping his arms around his body as if they could protect him. “The man I thought I'd spend the rest of my life with.”
Dee whispered, “James?” The blond-haired man gave him a shocked, pained look. “I over heard you Friday afternoon. I'm sorry. I'm sure that you thought I was asleep.”
Berkley nodded. “Yes, his name was James. I'll just say that I was ill at the time. Sick enough that I was unable to keep my end of the relationship and when he became angry, I didn't have the strength to fight back.”
Dee wondered aloud, “Physical strength or mental?”
“Physical mostly. By that point, it was the mental strength as well.” Berkley couldn't meet the other man's eyes and chose to stare at the baseboards instead. “I had almost given up.”
“Yet, now, you're willing to let me make love to you,” Dee whispered, “Why?”
Berkley looked up at the softness in Dee's voice, “Because I trust you,” He answered simply.
They had both deflated over their line of questioning; but with Berkley's answer, Dee felt himself coming back to life. Trust was something precious to him and to have it from a man that he'd often told that he'd hated, even to his face, was amazing to him. He stepped forward and took Berkley's face in his hands. He held the other man gently and kissed him before gathering him against him in a hug. “I trust you too, Berkley,” And he found as he said it, that he did, indeed, trust the older man. “I'd rather not be the first to have you after what had happened; but if you do trust me, I'll make it wonderful for you. I promise that.”
Rose sighed and sank into Dee's comforting arms. This was what he'd missed… he'd searched for it for years and never found it. Now here he was finding it in the arms of someone who'd told him more than once that he hated him. The blond-haired man relaxed enough to unwrap his arms from his own body and enveloped the younger man, instead. He turned to look into Dee's green eyes and pressed a gentle kiss to his mouth. “I trust you, Dee.” He gave the other man one of his sly grins, “Do you think we can do better than Ryo and J.J.?”
Dee swallowed hard, “That's going to be difficult to top isn't it?”
“Maybe not.” Both men were regaining their composure and their desire was beginning to build again. For the first time since he was raped, Rose felt a true sense of lust to be made love to by another man…not simply kiss him or dominate him; but make mad passionate love in every way possible. As his thoughts traveled through his mind, he could feel his body responding simply because of the other man's presence. “Make love to me, Dee,” He whispered against the other man's lips before licking his lower lip and kissing him almost violently.
The raven-haired man had felt the shifts in body language as Berkley had focused on and then shattered his demons. He knew deep down that Rose was going to be okay and that the man was going to be able to handle anything thrown at him tonight. When the blond-haired man kissed him, he was ready and returned the kiss with a vigor that he hadn't realized that he's possessed. He knew that the older man was passionate; his dance floor performance had proven that…Dee also realized the other man was skilled in making love. When their kiss broke, he whispered against Rose's lips, “After I make love to you, I want you to have me. How soon can you be ready again after I fuck you blind?”
Berkley had to laugh at the other man's bravado and some of his customary dominant arrogance crept back into his voice and expression. “I can be ready as soon as you are. I have no problems getting it up.” As if in answer, he pressed his hips tightly against Dee's and rubbed their erections together. Both men had to gasp at the powerful sensations. “If we don't watch out, Ryo and J.J. aren't going to get a show…and we're going to have to see if we can both get ready again.”
“I don't mind,” Dee moved his hands to hold the older man's hips and held him in place as he ground himself against him.
Rose moaned at the sensations and captured the other man's lips for a brief kiss before he pulled the other man's head back and gave his Adam's apple a gentle bite. He held Dee's head so his throat stayed bare and began dropping gentle kisses along each side of his neck before licking the indentation between the man's collarbones.
The raven-haired man's hips had frozen in mid-movement when Berkley had pulled his head back…he was extremely turned on by the older man's dominance. After Rose licked the base of his throat, he whispered, “I can't wait to find out what you're like in bed. If you can turn me on this easily just doing this,” Dee's words disappeared from his mind as Rose stroked his hands down his sides, stopping at his waist.
The blond-haired man only paused a moment before he knelt down in front of his speechless partner and placed a tender kiss on the head of his cock. His own erection was just short of being painful and he knew that Dee had to be hurting by now. “You're so hard,” Berkley whispered letting his breath tickle the raven-haired man. “I want you.”
That was all Dee needed to hear and he reached down and pulled Rose up so their mouths met in a crushing kiss. “Let's show those two rookies how to make love.”
Berkley's sly grin crept across his face.
Dee shrugged with his hand on the doorknob, “Think you can come four times in a row?”
Rose's eyebrows disappeared into his hairline at that thought, “I don't know; but I'll try like hell.” He caught himself and touched Dee's shoulder to bring his attention back, “Damn Dee, this is fun!” His tentativeness and initial reluctance were gone and he was getting into the excitement of the night.
When Dee opened the door and they walked back into the bedroom, they were giggling like a pair of schoolboys. Between the fact, of getting the demons out in the open and then buried and their sexual energy, the two men were on a natural high. Strangely enough, their dancing from the club had been the perfect foreplay to tonight's sexual encounter and with their experience, both men knew how to put on a show.
“Shit,” Dee whispered at the sight they walked in on, “Now I feel like an amateur.”
Rose almost walked into the raven-haired man but stopped at the last moment. “Wow,” He whispered before wrapping his arms around Dee from behind. “I wonder if they'd even notice us.”
“I don't care,” Dee turned in the older man's arms and kissed him. “There's plenty of room.” He backed up, pulling the blond-haired man with him and when the back of his knees touched the bed, reversed their positions so Berkley landed on his back. “Let's drive them to distraction,” He whispered in the other man's ear.
Rose closed his eyes and sighed before grasping Dee's face and reeling him in for a seriously erotic kiss. He gently licked the center of the raven-haired man's lip before slipping his tongue between them without waiting for the invitation. As Dee slowly opened to the gentle assault, the blond-haired man brushed his tongue over the roof of his partner's mouth before capturing the man's tongue in a duel…nothing sweet and playful, the two men were vying against each other struggling for dominance. Berkley conceded victory to Dee for the time being and withdrew his tongue; but before going down quietly, he sucked the raven-haired man's lower lip into his mouth and gently bit it, then licked the faint teeth-marks. When their lips parted, Rose whispered, “Get me ready; I want you now.”
Dee gave the older man a deep kiss before moving aside so Berkley could find a more comfortable position than lying half-on the bed and half-off. While Rose was moving to lie against the pillows, the raven-haired man reached into his nightstand and withdrew a bottle of lubricant. He climbed on the bed and laid the bottle near Rose's right hand. “I'm going to take it slow, Berkley. You know why.” Berkley nodded silently in reply. Dee leaned forward to place his mouth right next to Rose's ear. He said, “Don't be afraid,” Right before he licked the sensitive shell. “I'll be gentle.” The younger man licked along the other man's ear shell again before sucking on his sensitive earlobe.
He shifted his attentions to Rose's other ear and then began slowly working down the side of his neck, alternating between gentle kisses and hard sucks which left deep red marks in the sensitive skin. The older man was already writhing beneath his ministrations and he'd only started. Dee wanted this to be the perfect experience for his blond-haired lover…that meant he'd take it slow and allow each sensation to reverberate through the commissioner's body. He thought about how the other man had reacted in the living room and used that limited knowledge to focus his attention.
Rose couldn't believe how aroused he was getting by Dee's gentle kisses and sucks…he knew that he'd probably have a few bruises on his neck in the morning; but the amazing sensations were worth it. He wanted Dee to move more quickly; yet he also knew, that the other man wouldn't go any faster. They were new lovers and like any caring dominant, the raven-haired man was seeking out what pleased him…exploring each inch of his body so he could bring him the perfect pleasure. As Dee brushed over an especially sensitive spot on his left collar bone, Berkley reached up and captured the other man's shoulders; he couldn't stop himself, the stimulation was overwhelming and all he wanted was to feel more. “Please.”
Dee smiled over the quiet word, “No. I'm not speeding up. Lay back and enjoy this,” His words were soft and calming. They forced Rose to lie back without the slightest touch…as he relaxed; the raven-haired man continued his exploration working his lips and tongue along Rose's right collarbone. This skin was unmarred by scars; but bore a similar rough texture to Ryo's, clear evidence that the blond-haired man was a rifleman. The contrast between the callused skin and the smooth was an erotic treat for Dee's tongue…just as the contrast in intensity of sensation was for Berkley. The younger man kneeled next to the other man and began using his hands to explore the other's body more thoroughly than he had earlier. He had largely skimmed over Rose's torso before… preferring to head to the main event of enjoying the taste of the man's large cock; this time he refused to miss anything.
Rose fought against the desire to make Dee move more quickly and instead focused on the wondrous sensation of the raven-haired man's magical mouth. He shivered as each kiss and lick overlaid the ones before it and he felt as if he was riding the edge of a razor…hoping that he could fall to one side or the other…both were waiting pools of fuzzy noise. He could feel as his cock twitched and wept…begging to be touched. The blond-haired man's thoughts fell into disarray as Dee shifted his attention from his neck and shoulders to his chest. The first gentle twist of a nipple made him thrust his hips as the combined pain and pleasure raced straight through his body to his groin.
Dee carefully watched the blond-haired man's reaction to each sensation. He adjusted the next action to elicit ever more intense reactions. When he leaned forward and twirled his tongue around one of Rose's sensitive nipples, the older man jerked in response…his eyes were closed so he could focus completely on Dee. The raven-haired man nipped lightly on the nipple he'd just been licking watched as the other man fought the urge to grab himself, his hand stopping just short of his cock before dropping back onto the bed. All the blond-haired man could do was moan in pleasure as the younger man continued working over his nipples…alternating between the two rock hard nubs. When both nipples were red and looked almost painful, Dee moved on to Rose's stomach. “Damn, he's older than me and he still has a six pack. I'm jealous.” Dee licked along the indentation between Rose's abdominal muscles and felt the powerful contraction the light stimulation triggered, “What an erotic treat!” The raven-haired man repeatedly traced along the muscle definition and discovered that he grew harder with each twitch just as the blond-haired man did.
How much more?” Berkley was gasping for breath. Dee kept tracing his abs and he couldn't remember ever having felt such an erotic feeling before. Each time the raven-haired man backed off, Rose was positive that now the man would move on…that Dee would finally establish his dominance and take him. With each passing gentle investigation; the older man discovered that he was becoming increasingly relaxed. He knew that being taken would still hurt…there was no getting around that, Dee's cock was far larger than he'd expected. However, the blond-haired man was more confident now that the raven-haired man would be gentle…that he'd take every precaution to make this time truly perfect. “Argh,” He cried out in frustration when Dee shifted his attention from his stomach and only blew across the head of his dick to begin exploring his legs. Rose writhed even more and spread his legs in a silent urge for the other man to move faster.
Shit,” Rose's silent urge almost sent him over the edge. His own hard-on was weeping and begging to be buried in the other man…or at the very least, attended to in some way. He struggled to maintain his slow investigation and did his best to ignore Rose's action. As he licked and kissed along Rose's thighs, he noticed the scars that he'd missed the earlier. On the outside of Rose's left leg, there was an especially twisted scar from a cut that must have extended well into the muscle there. When he ran his tongue over the skin, it felt rough…almost like the blond-haired man had a piece of rope implanted there. For a moment, Dee felt a tinge of horror for the other man…then he felt complete amazement that the blond-haired man felt enough trust for him to place himself in his hands like this. It strengthened his resolve to make this one of the, if not the, most powerful experiences the older man had ever had in his life. The shift in his resolve was clearly evident when he continued searching over Rose's legs…whenever he'd discover another sensitive patch of skin, he'd lavish attention on it until it had clearly been stimulated to perfection…only then would he move on.
Dee discovered that the skin on the inside of Rose's thighs was extremely. The lightest touch or puff of air would cause the man to squirm. The raven-haired man wasn't sure if that was because of the stimulation's proximity to the man's groin or if his skin was just that sensitive. Regardless of the reason, the younger man spent an enormous amount of time licking and caressing the skin; watching as each layer of sensation caused the older man's cock to weep even more.
Rose's thoughts were flying out of control. “This must be what a drug high must feel like…as if your entire body was floating on clouds while your feet still rested on the ground.” His entire universe consisted of his cock, Dee's tongue and mouth, and his hands. The only thing he could hear was static…Berkley was so focused on the sensations coursing through his body that the outside world had faded away.
The raven-haired man pulled back and looked at Berkley's face. He was amazed at how relaxed the man appeared…and how much younger he looked when the stress left his face. Dee ran his hands down the older man's long legs and gently massaged his ankles and feet. “He's worked hard in his life,” He thought as he rubbed the callused feet. The younger man bent over and suckled each toe and fought the urge to tickle the other man's soles; instead, he licked up the high arch before kissing the top of each foot. Dee slowly crawled between the man's spread legs and then sat back on his heels.
Dee massaged his hands over the blond-haired man's thighs before gently touching his hips. He tenderly shifted his left hand from Berkley's hip to his cock causing the man to literally jump from the slight touch. “God, he's ready to explode. He won't last long. Truth is I can't believe he lasted this long.” The raven-haired man began moving his hand in slow, gentle strokes being careful to spread as much of the man's pre-cum around as he could so it would act as lubricant. After several strokes, he leaned forward and greedily lapped at the head of the purplish cock…relishing the salty taste.
Rose was surprised when Dee finally addressed his cock. He was painfully hard and so ready he was shocked that he hadn't burst at the raven-haired man's first touch. When the younger man began working him with his mouth, he thought that he'd died and gone to heaven. This time was so much sweeter than the first time…he was more relaxed and didn't feel any of the embarrassment that he thought he should have. He opened his eyes a crack and even though his glasses were skewed on his face, he was able to clearly watch himself disappear in the raven-haired man's mouth. Each lick, each stroke, each tiny scrape of teeth sent shivers through his body. In a way, he was fascinated to watch how focused the young man was…he didn't seem to be aware of anything other than the cock sliding in and out of his mouth. Looking past the intensely erotic scene, Berkley could see Dee's erection. The other man's cock looked twice as large as it had earlier and Rose was beginning to realize how turned on the other man really was. “You've held back for so long, Dee. I want to see you in the throes of ecstasy. I want to see the passion spread across your face and feel you come. Best of all, I want to feel you come inside of me.” Berkley moved his right hand and grabbed the bottle of lubricant. He sighed as his fingers closed around the plastic at the same time as Dee did the same thing he had in the living room…what ever it was almost pushed him over the edge into oblivion. “Dee,” Rose managed to whisper as he laid the bottle on his stomach. Dee rolled his stunning green eyes up to look at him, still holding his cock in his mouth, and caught his eyes. Rose nodded, “I'm okay.
The raven-haired man seemed to smile and then reached for the bottle before plunging down the blond-haired man's shaft to the base. At the root, he swallowed several times letting his throat constrict tightly around the head of Berkley's cock. He spared the older man another quick glance and realized he'd fallen back into the pillows with his eyes tightly closed. Dee watched as the commissioner's breath came in short gasps and knew from all the signs that the man was close. He wanted them to come together this time. “I've already sucked him off…now I want him to come while I'm inside him.
Dee switched to lightly sucking on just the head of Rose's cock. He rubbed the edge of his tongue along the ridge and licked along the slit…keeping the other man distracted. He opened the bottle of lubricant and poured a liberal amount into his hand, spreading it over his fingers and warming it. After a moment of contemplation, he added more lube and once it was warm began massaging the ridge of skin behind the other man's balls. When Berkley began thrusting his hips, Dee shifted his finger and gently petted the other man's puckered entrance. The raven-haired man felt when the tight muscle began to loosen and relax and slowly pushed into the other man, hooking his finger slightly to massage the muscle from the inside. At the first push of his finger, Rose had fallen still. Dee could still feel the powerful twitching in the man's cock so he knew that the taller man was still very turned on. He began slowly stroking his finger in and out and sucked the older man's cock in time with each stroke. On one of the in strokes, Dee added a second finger and felt the other man's immediate response. The cock in his mouth twitched madly and Berkley moaned and writhed burying his fingers even more deeply. He continued stroking in time with each movement of his mouth.
The raven-haired man knew the Rose was on the edge…he had been for most of their foreplay; but now felt different to him. Berkley didn't even seem aware of how much he was moving…his hands stretched then closed into fists and back again and Dee could see how the tall man's abdominal muscles bunched and arched his back. “He's enjoying himself.” Dee removed his mouth and shifted back to watch as he slipped a third finger into the other man. He saw the tight muscle tense initially then blossom around the three fingers, almost as if it was reaching to suck his fingers inside. He continued to stroke the three fingers in and out and periodically switched back to two, then one, and back up again until the muscle felt as completely relaxed as it could be. With his free hand, Dee poured lubricant onto his own cock and almost came when the chilly liquid hit him. He flipped the cap on the bottle and tossed it aside, then spread the lube over his hard shaft. He was ready and Berkley was as ready as he was going to get…Dee lifted one of Rose's knees and braced the foot on the bed before removing his fingers and shifting himself up until the tip of his cock rested against the older man's entrance. As gently and slowly as possible, the raven-haired man pushed against the muscle and was relieved when it seemed to stretch to receive him.
Rose had opened his eyes when Dee had initially started stretching him. He'd felt a couple of moments of pain that quickly disappeared in raw pleasure. After Dee had begun massaging him from the inside, he knew that he was going to be all right. He closed his eyes and focused on relaxing as much as possible and enjoying the powerful sensations. He knew the raven-haired man was attempting to stretch him as much as possible so he wouldn't be hurt…the younger man wasn't trying to strike his sweet spot right away. “He wants us to come together,” He thought as Dee's third finger entered him. “Oh, God! If I'm dreaming, I don't want this dream to end.” The blond-haired man kept focusing on the waves of sensation as Dee stretched him and almost panicked when the young man's fingers left him. He sighed when he felt Dee's cock at his entrance and could feel the man's momentary hesitancy before he slowly pushed into him. He felt the moment of pain as he stretched to accommodate the head of Dee's thick cock. As he felt the raven-haired man stop, he opened his eyes and silently begged him to continue. “It doesn't hurt,” He whispered.
Dee heard the soft whisper and pressed more deeply into the other man. When he was about halfway in, he paused to let the other man adjust and was surprised to feel Rose's strong legs wrap around his waist. He took the silent urging to heart and pushed all the way into the older man. He saw a couple of flashes of pain cross the other man's face; but they disappeared as soon as they were recognized. When he was buried to the hilt, he shifted his weight forward and braced his hands on either of Rose's sides. He leaned forward and kissed the other man tenderly and was relieved when Berkley opened his eyes and looked at him without any trace of fear or pain in them. “Ready?” He whispered.
Rose could only nod, the feelings coursing through him were making him mute and the small nod was the best he could do. He couldn't believe how grounded he felt; yet at the same time he felt as if he was flying higher than he ever had before. The only thing similar to it had been when he'd been put under for surgery; those first minutes after the anesthesia had been administered. He'd felt very heavy but he didn't feel like he was still in his body. He braced his hands on Dee's forearms and let his fingers drift over the tightly corded muscles.
I love watching the play of emotions. What is he thinking, I wonder?” When Dee felt Berkley's hands and fingers on his forearms, he shifted his hips slightly and watched the other man's face for the slightest hint of pain…when all he saw was the gradually widening smile, he pulled out leaving only the head of his cock inside the other man and pushed forward. He continued at a slow tempo.
Berkley opened his eyes and saw the look of concentration on the younger man's face. “Faster, Dee,” He whispered. When Dee didn't look convinced and withdrew at the same slow pace, the blond-haired man took matters into his own hands and used his legs to force the other man to move faster. “I don't mind it hard and fast.”
Dee took the hint and increased his pace. He wasn't slamming into Rose; but he was now catching the older man's prostate with each thrust. Rose's eyes clamped tightly shut and he reached down to stroke himself in time with the raven-haired man's thrusts. He pressed hard against the tip of his cock and tightened his hand just short of the point of pain. Noticing Berkley's straining hand, he reach between them and pushed the other man's hand out of the way so he could stroke the older man's cock himself. Only a couple of strokes later, Dee could feel the internal constrictions starting in the other man and began thrusting harder and faster…the slight friction felt wonderful on his cock and he began pumping the blond-haired man almost frantically. He closed his eyes to focus on the combined sensations…those in his hand and those constricting around his cock. He was so close that he couldn't believe he hadn't already come.
Rose opened his eyes and watched the young man move above him. His orgasm had been held off for so long, he was having a hard time coming…when he did, he knew it was going to be huge. He could see similar signs in the desperate expression written on Dee's face. His movements were becoming irregular and his breath was more a gasp. He watched as his raven-haired partner's eyes opened.
The two men stared at each other, the violet eyes and the green ones spoke silent volumes and their orgasms were reflected there a moment, before they burned within the pits of their stomachs. As one, they pinched their eyes shut and slammed against each other. Dee thrust as deeply as he could into the other man while his hand spasmed around the older man's cock triggering the man's release. The deep thrust rubbed Berkley's prostate and seemed to set off a second orgasm a moment behind the first. Dee pulled out and slammed deep again and came with a force he didn't know he had. He cried out wordlessly as his cock seemed to catch fire only to have it quenched instantly by the blond-haired man's velvety core. His seed poured into the older man and coated his insides before finally overflowing to gush from his entrance. Dee felt their cocks deflate and released Berkley's cock to brace himself with both arms. Slowly he disengaged himself from the other man and shifted until he could lie beside him.
Berkley curled onto his side and snuggled against the raven-haired man who immediately gathered him into his arms. He reached over and wrapped one of the sheets over the older man. Dee wasn't surprised when he felt the other man's shoulders shake with silent tears. He cradled the blond-haired man against his chest and whispered for his ears only, “The demons are gone. Forever.”
Rose nodded against his chest and was thankful for Dee's thoughtfulness in insulating him from any other prying eyes. During their love making, he'd forgotten about Ryo and J.J.; but after starting to cry, he remembered them and wondered how they would react. It wasn't until he'd felt Dee shift him in his arms that he'd realized that he'd been covered…even if it was only a sheet. It was enough that the others wouldn't see his emotional weakness, regardless how justified it was. The two men lay there for a long time. Dee let Rose's emotions run their course while gently rubbing his cheek over the other man's soft hair.
Berkley shifted in the raven-haired man's arms so he could look at him. He whispered, “Think we showed them up?”
Dee gave him a confused look, “I don't know. They're not in here.”
“Huh?” Berkley moved to sit up and winced slightly. Dee had been extremely gentle; but he still felt a twinge of pain.
“Are you all right?” Dee had noticed the wince and was worried that Berkley had torn. Rose nodded that he was all right; but the raven-haired man wasn't convinced. “Lay back down. Let me check. I didn't notice any blood; but I wasn't looking that closely.”
The older man looked a little uncomfortable; but did as Dee asked. He laid back and let Dee spread his legs to check him over.
“Shit,” Dee said as he frowned at Berkley.
“That bad?” He asked although he didn't feel any intense pain…in fact, he felt like doing it again. His cock had already started to reawaken while he was lying next to Dee and the initial thought of Ryo and J.J. having watch them, had turned him on.
“No,” The raven-haired man shook his head.
Berkley did a sit up and straddled the other man's hips; his new hard-on stood happily at attention and was already begging to be attended. He reached out and gently gathered the other man into his arms, “Then what's wrong, Dee?”
“You're already getting hard again and I'm not,” Dee answered in a soft whine.
That fact made both men laugh. “I told you I don't have any problems getting it up,” Berkley choked out. The shared laughter felt good after the intensity of their lovemaking. Rose finally suggested, “We should try to find Ryo and J.J. You don't think we made them feel so bad they left, do you?”
Dee's eyebrows disappeared. “I hope not.”
* Rose's back-story will be included in Battle Scars. Even though my lemon editors wanted it written here, it would make this story just too long…it's already longer than I'd originally intended it to be. I just wanted to assure you that the threads will be picked up and woven into something useful.
Valentine's Day Psychology 1 Chapter 6