Fan Fiction / Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ The Ones ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 4
“What the hell do you mean protectors?” Kyo shouted, slamming both hands on the broken table. “No one knows about the Zodiac.” Yuki said, shocked and confused. “Except for Tohru, and what now seems like you, Uo and Hanna, no one knows about the curse, so who is there for you to protect us come.”
Zaron laughed coldly. “You fools,” He said loudly, still laughing. “Akito was right, you did believe every lie you have been fed.” He stopped laughing suddenly, now staring at them with mocking eyes. “Oh, that little curse of your is now secret, far from it actually. It would terrify your little minds how many people know about your curse. Why do you think” Tohru whipped around, starring at her brother. Kyo, Yuki, and Shigure could not see her face, but she had made Zaron stop cold. “Everyone,” Tohru said quietly, still not turning around. “I would like everyone to please go to bed. It has been a long day; we will talk more in the morning. Uo, Hanna, please go up to my room.” Her voice was so cold and hard, no one dare argue.
Shigure starred out his bedroom window to a cloudy sunrise. Down below him, Tohru's room had finally gone quiet. Ever since Tohru had sent everyone off, a great ruckus had been coming from her room. It seems like Uo, Hanna, and this Zaron boy had been fighting like cats and dogs; or more like cats and rats.
Shigure gave a sigh and took a long puff from his cigarette. All this new information spun around in hid head, making him feel dizzy. Who could know about the curse? Who was this Zaron boy? Had Tohru really been sent to guard them? That last one made Shigure shiver. How could Tohru protect herself, let alone them?
A sudden movement from the tree line made Shigure look down. Standing there in the pale light was a small boy. He had light brown hair, and was wearing long white robes, making him look like a ghost. He was starring at the house, almost unseen in the shadows. Shigure leaned out the window, trying to get a better look at him. What was going on now?
The boy's head spun upward suddenly, making Shigure almost fall out of the window. The boy's hazel eyes seemed to stab like daggers into Shigure, making him shiver with fear. They starred at each other for a long moment, not saying a word. Then suddenly the boy turned away, and was gone into the shadows.
Shigure leaned on the windowsill for a moment, then turned and walked out of his room. With light feet he raced down the stairs and out the door with no one noticing. He had to know who that boy was. Shigure had a feeling the boy played a big part in the story
For almost an hour Shigure searched the forest, but with no luck. It seemed as if the boy had disappeared without a trace. Finally Shigure stopped and feel against a nearby tree. He was cold, wet, and his feet were so from running around barefoot. “Why am I doing this?” He whispered to himself, putting his head in his hands. “Because you though if you found me, your questions about my sister would be answered.” A sudden breeze picked up, and Shigure jumped to his feet.
No less then three feet away, bathed in dark shadows, was the boy. His deep hazel eyes held a mocking, knowing look that Shigure had seen so many times in Akito's eyes. “Who are you?” Shigure said shakily, feeling suddenly weak. The boy smiled, his hazel eyes dancing with a dark flame.
“My name is Sin, youngest sibling of the Honda family.” The boy said quietly, still staring at Shigure. “And you must be the dog, the mutt, the creature of tricks and lie's I have heard so much about.” Shigure forgot to breathe for a moment. It was scary how much the boy sounded like Akito. “What do you want with us?” Shigure panted as he felt his knees suddenly gave.
The little boy laughed; the sound as harsh and as cold as Zaron's laugh had been. “What do I want with you?” The boy said mockingly, walking toward Shigure. “I want nothing to do with your scum of a family, but I have no choice in the matter now do I?” He stopped just in front of Shigure, level with his eyes.
Shigure felt the world spin around him as everything dropped away, except for those eyes. I want you to take this book to my brother and sister. A dark voice sad in his head. Tell them I shall not see them for a while. They are to watch over you, and wait for my commands, and the return of the bear.
Shigure nodded as the eyes fell away as he rose to his feet. He saw no reason why not to listen to the voice…
Author's note: Read and review please