Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Harry Potter and the Prophecy of Shi ❯ Summaries of the Past and Foreshadowing of the Future ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Harry Potter and the Prophecy of Shi.
A Harry Potter Crossover Fan-fiction by Sheya.
Chapter 00
Summaries of the Past and Foreshadowing of the Future
Disclaimer:::: I own neither Harry Potter or the Two Anime that I'm Crossing this over with. I will enhance my Disclaimer in chapter02 and then I will no longer put Disclaimers in this fic... After all if you start from the beginning you will know there is a disclaimer on the fic.

In England there lives a normal family on a street called Privet Drive- wait this family is not as normal as they would like one to believe. One of the members of this family is a wizard, not that the rest of the family is happy with that fact.... His name is Harry Potter and up until two years ago he his life was mostly miserable when with his relatives, however two summers ago he found out that he had a Godfather who everyone thought was a murderer, he was in actuality framed but no one believed him. When Harry mentioned him to his family, intentionally forgetting to mention the man was framed, they started treating him much nicer- fear does that to a person, especially a fear of someone who could hurt them.

Well, the rest of the family would rather forget that Harry existed; and this summer they almost got the chance for just before school ended young Harry's Godfather fell through a strange Veiled Portal in the wizards department of Mysteries, and everyone agrees that to fall through that portal is death. The reason for this is because 1) no one has ever come back out, although there are rumors, and 2) you can hear Voices if you get close to the portal, people have ascertained that these are voices of the dead. But, before the family could even find out about Harry's Godfathers death their future hopes were squashed by Friends of Harry's who would protect him in his Godfather's stead.

Therefore, even without his Godfathers protection Harry is having a fairly good summer, his only problem being that his enemy, the man who killed his parents has returned with a vengeance. Once this man had been reduced to a barely alive thing but a year before he came back to full power. His name... Lord Voldemort. He was attacking frequently, and just because Harry's family was treating him well doesn't mean his enemy was. During his fifth year at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry Harry found out that he was connected to Voldemort far more then anyone had anticipated, and the Dark Lord now controlled that link.

The Headmaster of Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore, was working with Harry to reduce or eliminate that control, however, because of experiences the process was slow. School had only been out for three weeks; Harry would collapse at odd times with sendings from the evil creature that had once been called Tom Riddle. Most often the sendings were about Harry's Godfather, because Harry partially blamed himself for what happened, Voldemort was wearing Harry's defenses down little by little.

Harry's summer could have been worse but it also could have been better. His summer would have stayed in limbo if not for an urgent meeting with his school Headmaster. He appeared one day when Harry was at the local park and brought him to the home of Harry's old babysitter Ms. Arabella Figg. Harry could not figure out what was wrong but he knew it had to be bad.

AN::: I revised this chapter- got rid of some mistakes.
Revised 1/25/04