Fan Fiction / Realism Fan Fiction / Role Playing Fan Fiction ❯ The Suttonator ❯ The Suttonator ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The bell rings and the fight begins the first one to act is James picking up a computer and busting it over Brent. Steve comes running up and kicks Brent into the door and starts beating on him while everyone laughs. On the other end of the room Drew is jumping off the top of a table and drops kicks Derek in the jaw knocking him out instantly (oh well)
Lucas rams into Alisha and kicks her in the shin and knees her in the face breaking her nose. And hits her on the neck with a yard stick snapping it. Cole puts Katie and Brittany in a bear hug and tries to suffocate them but Brittany bites his ear off. Cole falls to the floor with blood coming from what were was his ear. Stacy belly flops on Sam and kills her (shit) Brandy pulls out three pencils and throws them into Amanda. Steve finally turns his attention from the knocked out Brent and clothes lines James causing him to do a back flip onto a table. Suddenly everything goes dark and the lights quickly turn back on and Mrs. Sutton is in the middle of the room with blood red eyes. She runs at Derek and actually picks him up and throws him through the closed glass window into the bushes out side. Lucas and Brandy jump on her back and attempt to knock her out but she simply falls back and smashes them to death. With a horrifying scream from Sutton's mouth she pulls out a large sharpened #2 pencil and stabs Cole in the hole were his ear once was. She leaves the pencil in his ear and continues on to her next victim. Steve and Drew tried and hurt her by kicking her in the face but she felt no pain! Sutton turned around and picks Steve and Drew up by their necks and starts slamming them into the ground then tossing their heads into the ceiling making them stuck. Mrs. Sutton picks Alisha up by the neck and feet and rips her in two!!!!!! Suddenly Drew and Steve fall from the ceiling and have spiked up hair and glowing red eyes. Now with two of the strongest in the junior high there was no one to stop them.