Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Saber Marionette Fan Fiction ❯ Terrible Things to Waste ❯ Conformity to Reality ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Welp, here's what you've all been waiting for! At least, I hope what you've all been waiting for. What you thought this was a Sailor Moon/Sailor Mars slash fic? Geez, just no pleasing people.
Review if you can, and thanks to Setsu-P, David Johnston, and Elsa Bibat for the edits and comments.

I would like to dedicate this part to a very special lady... Elsa, this one is for you.


Terrible Things to Waste

Part 5: Conformity to Reality


Malance’s lithe fingers danced over his suit’s circuitry like an experienced musician caressing the keys of a piano during a recital. Flicking aside some of the loose strands of his long dark brown hair, he skillfully soldered the last few wires together.

“This will do.” He mumbled.

His eyes followed the mesh of wires criss-crossing each other over the warehouse floor connecting one smooth blue metal piece to another. The suit had been a technical marvel, combining the best technologies from the most advanced civilizations. The fact he had mastered the system so quickly gave him great satisfaction. However, the suit’s various dents and tarnished areas, set aflame by the red neon light outside, filled Malance with such contempt that it nearly negated any satisfaction he could have derived from repairing it.

“Serenity and her soldiers really did some damage to my armor. I think I owe them that favor in return.” Malance’s dry lips creased into a smile. “Silly Serenity, you think you’re so powerful, but you needed a man to rescue you. You stupid wench, you have no idea. How typical. How female. How weak.”

His work finished, Malance reached out for one of the pieces of his armor and snapped the circuit board into place. Standing up, he fitted the armor on his forearm and activated it. A beam burst forth, splitting into many luminescent fibers that frantically knitted a web in front of him until it created a glowing barrier and disappeared. Malance watched as the area where the barrier had been flicker with the movement of his arm. Satisfied, he placed it back where he had found it.

Surveying his handiwork, Malance’s eyes paused upon his reflective visor. His staunch, hollow-cheeked face stared back at him, pale skin glowing against its backdrop of dark hair.

‘I’ve come a long way since I got this armor.’ He thought. ‘Back then I would have let people walk all over me. Thanks to my General, I am powerful and now they answer to me.’

He remembered the first days of his training under the General. The Counsule had just decreed that the orphans of the Great War would be placed in the Timelord Program. In those days, he had been the smallest out of the group and constantly found himself the target of his larger peers.

‘Especially those spoiled brats.’

Memories of their taunts and abuse remained vivid in his mind to this day. He had endured a lot from those spoiled children, children of the influential people of the Community, who were being groomed for commanding positions within the ranks of the Timelords.

Everything changed, though, when the General began their training. A herald hero of the Great War, General Halebit cared not for an individual’s status or pedigree, he cared only for those who showed strength and power.

“Giving up is not an option,” the General told them on the first day, “because if you give up, you have shown me you are weak and the weak will be shown no tolerance or mercy.”

Not many of the spoiled children lasted much past the first few hours of the General’s grueling personal program. Malance, however, had been one of the select few who survived the challenge proving to be among the General’s best and strongest. Malance’s skin still tingled when reliving the moment the General offered him a position in the Society. He would be in command of his own peers from the General’s program and lead them to victory over the corrupt Counsule and those spoiled children supporting it.

“I entrust you will not disappoint me, Malance.” The General said to him when bestowed upon him the armor and the title of second-in-command.

“You will not be disappointed my General.” Malance murmured slipping his pants off his slim hips. “I will do anything for you.”

With the cold air nipping at Malance’s bare flesh, the metal pieces surrounding him came alive. The wires slowly stretched and slithered over to him. Carefully, almost lovingly, the armor fitted itself to his slender form. As the final piece locked into place Malance began marching away, his steps echoing heavily, clanking in the expansive open warehouse. Suddenly, he burst into a full stride.

‘Forgive me my General, I mustn’t keep you waiting any longer.’ Malance’s pulse quickened in anticipation. ‘Tonight I will prove to you how loyal I am and how useless that blonde harlot is. Tonight you’ll see where our allegiances truly lie.’

------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------

“Don’t know who she is, huh!”

Greg had been expecting this. He had spent most of the night watching the Timelord pacing up and down the concrete shoreline grumbling to himself, until the sun began to peek over the horizon and the grey of morning had taken hold. All the while, his eyelids had progressively grown heavier and heavier.

‘Does he always hold these things in for this long?’ The boy wondered. ‘It’s like he’s riding a pendulum. One moment he’s sulking and the next he’s screaming.’

Tracer stomped around underneath the bridge, continuing his rant.

“You have a lot of nerve, boy, lying to my face!” Tracer lurched at Greg. “Bold-
faced lied to me, just like the old man and Cin-“

Suddenly, sharp fingertips flew at the boy’s face. Greg blinked, finding himself looking down the icy metal tips hovering just inches from his face. Tracer remained still, his eyes growing large, scowl fading. For a moment or two, Greg just stared at Tracer staring back at him.

“Um, look Tracer I’m sor-“ Greg began.

The Timelord backed away.

“Go. Just go.”

“Huh? What for? Aren’t you afraid I’m going to-“

“GO! Damn it!”

“Okay.” Greg gingerly rose to his feet.

Halfway up the concrete embankment, Greg glanced back. Tracer still had his back to him regarding the still water.

‘He’s actually letting me go. I don’t get it, why is he letting me go?’

Suddenly, Tracer took off, disappearing into the shadows underneath the bridge. Concerned, Greg slid back down the embankment.

‘He isn’t crazy enough to keep following her is he?’ He thought. ‘The Sailor Scouts aren’t going to show him any mercy when runs into them again. I have to explain this to the girls.’

Then Greg’s memory stirred of the confrontation between Tracer and Sailor Pluto the night before and the look in Pluto’s dark eyes lacked their typical coolness. Her eyes burned for his destruction, not at all cold and meticulous in fights he had witnessed.

‘So who’s going to be listen to me? A stubborn, hot-tempered, and trigger-happy hooligan or the most unyielding, cold, and knowledgeable woman I ever knew.’ Greg shook his head. ‘Ugh! I wish I had my prophetic visions back and then I’d be able to convince Pluto that Tracer is not our enemy. I mean how else am I going to convince a woman who can see the past, present, and future? Argh, I’ve as blind as a bat since Tracer got here there’s no use in trying to argue with her!’

“Wait a minute. It all makes sense now!”

Greg bolted after the Timelord throwing his legs out in long strides, barely keeping the flapping black hem of the Timelord’s trenchcoat in the distance.

‘I can’t let you confront them, Tracer. If I’m right, you won’t stand a chance.’

------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------

“So I’m walking into the arcade the other day, right.”

Serena leaned in. “Yeah.”

“And there was this really cute guy playing that Formula 1 racing game.” Mina continued.

“Did you make sure it wasn’t Erica?” Lita asked, snickering to herself.

Cindy could hear Erica snort across the bedroom.

Mina crossed her arms. “Lookit, me and Serena make a mistake a few years ago and you won’t even let it go.”

“Hey, when did I get involved in this?”

“Heh, true, there was the infamous sugar cookie incident last week.” Lita smirked.

“Cookie incident?” Michelle arched an eyebrow.

“Ah, nevermind.” Aggravated, Mina went silent.

Fascinated, Cindy watched on. ‘These aren’t the women I read about in my history texts. They sounded so much more reverent and pious. But these people are just-‘

“Ah come on Mina, it was just getting juicy.” Serena pouted.

Cindy tilted her head. ‘Just girls. No different than me when I was a girl. Back when my parents were alive.’

The blonde Traveller watched the bare bony tree branches swaying outside the window. ‘I wonder how my life could have been different if I hadn’t run into those Timelords. Maybe I’d have a mate and maybe some children.’

Cindy returned her gaze to Serena, Mina, and Lita kneeling around the table continuing their friendly chatter. ‘Maybe I would have been happy.’

“Alright, I have everyone’s drinks.” Raye’s voice rang cheerfully through the bedroom door.

The door jiggled for a few awkward moments, the bedroom door finally slid open, revealing a slightly irritated Raye balancing a tray of steaming coffee cups. Facing the crowd, the priestess wore her most perfect hostess smile, though Cindy couldn’t help but notice the twitch in her eyebrow. Waltzing carefully over to the far side of the room, Raye set two cups in front of Erica and Michelle.

“Decaf for Michelle and extra black for Erica.” Raye flashed a smile as both women nodded.

Moving to the other side of the table, Raye served the remaining cups to Lita, Mina, Serena, and Cindy.

“Cocoa for Serena and tea for the rest.”

“Thanks Raye, I really appreciate you doing this for me.” Serena bowed respectfully over the table.

Raye paused. A brief look of suspicion crossed her face before brightening back to her hostess smile.

“Not a problem.”

Cindy watched Raye take her cup and sit at the table. Deep in thought, Cindy regarded the tealeaves swirling around the bottom of her steaming cup.

‘Serena’s been awfully polite to Raye since last week. I had no idea I could have caused them this much turmoil. I just want to get rid of that old man and get out of here before I do some irreparable damage. I hope they can forgive me after all of this is over.’

“Is everything all right, Cindy?” Michelle whispered.

Tearing her eyes away from her mug, Cindy shook her head. “I’m fine.”

“Hey guys!” Reenie came barging into the bedroom and threw off her jacket.

“Where’s Victoria?” Erica asked.

“She’s with me.” Susan’s voice chilled Cindy momentarily as the woman entered the room with the pale child in tow.

“Have you seen Amy, Susan?” Raye knitted her eyebrows.

“Yes.” The tall woman calmly informed. “She was taking off her shoes by the door last I saw her.”

“Late again.” Cindy heard Raye mutter.

“Hello everyone.” Amy stepped inside the room, bowing. “I’m sorry I’m-“

“No need to apologize.” Raye raised her hand. “Let’s just get this started.”

“Ah.” The weary blue-haired girl paused and then smiled highlighting the dark circles under her eyes. “Thank you.”

As Amy slid the door closed, a pair of cats dove through. The felines trotted over to the table and took their place among the steaming mugs.

“I see that everyone has made it.” The black cat announced. “As you all know, Serena, Mina, and Raye had an encounter with an enemy last night at the Juuban Homeless Shelter.”

“You mean a Timelord, right Luna?” Lita asked, thinly veiling her excitement.

Luna’s whiskers bristled. “We don’t know yet, that’s why we have Cindy here.”

“Geez, the thing looked like it came right out of a sci-fi comic book!” Raye slammed her hand on the table, rattling the cats. “What more evidence could you ask for?”

Mina shrugged. “We’ve seen stranger things.”

“True.” The white cat added.

Cindy leaned in. “Was it blue?”

Mina, Raye, and Serena blinked. “Yes.”

The blonde Traveller nodded her head. “I see. Who you encountered is Malance. His suit has some of the most advanced weaponry the dimensions have to offer. He is Halebit’s second in command and as I’m sure you three girls can attest to, he is a force to be reckoned with.”

Lita smirked and punched her fist into her hand. “Then I suppose we show ‘em the Sailor Scouts are a force to be reckoned with too.”

Mina leaned back, her hands behind her head. “Ehh, we’ve fought tougher so I’m not too concerned.”

“Mina!” Amy’s eyes shot open. “Never underestimate the enemy.”

“I hate to admit it, but I kind of agree with Mina.” Raye sighed. “Though this Malance thing isn’t exactly a cakewalk, he’s not any more of a threat than a mindless demon.”

Cindy fidgeted, glancing from girl to girl all nodding in agreement.

“I assure you.” Cindy cut in. “The Timelords are not to be taken lightly; you must be vigilant and strike hard when the time is right.”

“If the best they can do is to fly around and shoot at us, I think we’ll be just fine.” Mina replied. “So don’t worry yourself too much, we have it covered.”

Cindy could feel a dull pain concentrate at the center of her forehead. ‘Why won’t you see?’

“Then there’s the matter of Greg’s kidnapper.” Luna added. “I don’t think his appearance at the shelter was a coincidence.”

Cindy noticed Amy’s solemn expression brighten slightly. “Perhaps Greg had brought him there in order for us to find him?”

“I don’t think so.” Raye answered. “He seemed surprised to see us.”

Luna turned to the sandy haired woman. “Erica, you chased them a good ways. Did you see anything then?”

Erica shrugged. “Can’t say much. I was too busy concentrating on driving to get a good look at them.”

“He did do something strange after causing that pile up in the intersection though.” Michelle recounted. “He turned the bike around and looked over at us.”

Cindy looked down, remembering the Timelord glaring at her over the top of all the twisted wreck of cars and trucks he had caused.

“Have any idea why?” The white cat inquired.

‘He was just taunting me, letting me know he was here.’ Cindy thought darkly.

Michelle shook her head. “We have no idea, Artemis. We didn’t even get a good look at him.”

“Serena got a good look at him.” Mina pointed toward her.

“Uh, he looked foreign and he was rather skinny.” Serena stared at the ceiling. “He had long black hair, kinda curly and a bit greasy, you know.”

Lita tapped her chin. “Hey Cindy, does this guy ring a bell?”

The greasy black locks of hair stirred memories of the sharp silvery tips of the Timelord’s claws aimed at her temple. “Can’t say that it does.”

“Are you sure that it wasn’t another Timelord?” Luna asked.

Suddenly, Cindy became all too aware of Susan’s critical eye studying her intently. At this, a few droplets of perspiration formed on her forehead and cursed to herself for not paying attention earlier.

‘She’s probably watching and waiting for the perfect opportunity to pounce on me the moment I make the wrong move. I need to be strong, decisive, and above all attentive or else my mission will fail.’

“Yes.” Cindy answered finally.

“Right.” Luna nodded. “Okay, I suggest that we take turns over the next few days combing the city. These Timelords have to be staying somewhere; like an empty building or warehouse and once we find them we can coordinate an attack. Plus it would give us an opportunity to track down Greg.”

“Um, can I request you let me search tomorrow?” Serena chuckled, steepling her fingers nervously. “You see I kind of have plans tonight.”

“What could be possibly more important than locating these Timelords?” Raye arched an eyebrow.

“Um, Darien is sorta taking me out tonight.”

‘No, no, no, no.’ Cindy’s mind reeled.

“What?” The priestess bolted to her feet. “What in the world is that pea-sized brain of yours thinking? We have a crisis here!”

“I don’t see the big deal or anything, Raye.” Mina reasoned. “We’ll take turns doing patrols like Luna said. I can’t see why Serena and Darien can’t go out tonight if she does patrol tomorrow.”

“But still-“

“Maybe if one of the Scouts tagged along with her?” Cindy suggested.

Serena crinkled her nose. “No I’m sorry, but I’m going to need my privacy. Besides, I think both me and Darien can handle whatever the Timelords can dish out if we run into them again.”

“I can pass by and check on you when I make my sweep of the city.” Amy offered.

“No.” Susan’s voice silenced the room. “No one will be going out tonight. I don’t think it would be wise to be separated like that. I am not as confident as the rest of you about these Timelords. I think we’re going to need everyone if they decide to attack Serena tonight.”

Cindy noticed Susan glancing at her as she continued. “So it would be best if all of us stay here until she returns.”

Mina pursed her lips. “Don’t you think that’s a bit of an overkill?”

Suddenly Mina bore the wrath of Susan’s gaze. “When it comes to the safety of my Queen, no.”

Amy began to open her mouth when Michelle added.

“Eric and I agree with Susan. I think it would be wise to follow her orders.”

Cindy watched the other girls consider Susan’s plan, but could see Amy staring at Susan, Michelle, and Erica. For the first time, Cindy noticed the dark circles under the Amy’s eyes and the rather dazed expression on her face.

‘Poor girl. She must have been missing sleep over Greg’s disappearance.’ Cindy stared again at her mug of tea. ‘But I wonder how that Timelord ended up kidnapping Greg? Did he know I would be around Serena? How did he survive the explosion? Why couldn’t he have died and stayed dead? Why did he have to complicate things? Why did he have to spare my life?’

“It’s settled then.” Luna’s announcement shook Cindy from her thoughts. “We’ll hold off on the patrols tonight and stay alert in case there are any attacks on Serena tonight.”

Serena bowed. “I’m really sorry for the inconvenience, everyone. I promise to make it up to you in the future. And I’ll be sure let you know if anything happens.”

The pit of Cindy’s stomach began to churn and twist. ‘Why can’t I speak up? She’s making a big mistake, I know it, but the moment I do they’ll want to know why. Especially the Time Guardian, she’s looking for any reason to get rid of me and she’ll be more than happy to pounce on this opportunity. As much as I want to, I can’t reveal anything. There’s too much at stake now.’

Melancholy took a firm grip of Cindy as Serena raised herself from her knees.

Before Serena could excuse herself, Susan snatched her arm.

“Remember, once you call us we'll teleport to your location immediately. Do you understand?”

“Yes, I understand Susan.” Serena smiled. “However, I do have one question.”

“What is it, you Highness?”

"Do I have a curfew or do you want me to call if I'm going to be late?"

------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------

“I’m coming, Halebit. There’s nothing you can do to stop me now.”

Halebit remained still, concentrating on the darkness cutting through the soft waning sunlight that painted the walls a mixture of orange, red, and white.

“Your meditations aren’t working and you’re down to the last of your precious red crystals.”

The old man’s set his eyes forward on the black shadows creeping against the smooth concrete walls trying to soak in the solitude of the warehouse.

“It’s nothing. Nihil. Nothing at all.” Halebit mumbled to himself.

“Heh.” The old man felt a warm breath caress his ear.

Halebit jerked his head to confront the voice only to see movement out of the corner of his eye. Jerking his head in the other direction he could hear more laughter echo down the length of the bare warehouse.

“Halebit, Halebit, Halebit. Why must you insist on calling me that? Actually, now that I think about it, it’s not fair that you have a name and I don’t. Heh. Besides, I kinda like the title. Nihil. Hehe.”

Hot oily beads of sweat began to push down Halebit’s temple. “Focus. I must focus on the coolness. I must empty all emotion.”

“Yes, give them to me.”

“Will you shut up!” The flooring around Halebit burst open with cracks.

“Oooo, is big bad Halebit getting mad? There’s nothing you can do because I am Nihil! Hahahahaha! You’re going to fail Halebit. One way or another you’ll fail. Deep down inside you know that to be true.”

Halebit’s nails dug into his palms as the cracks continued to spread. “Never. I have planned for every contingency. Everything will go according to plan.”

“Hardly, I bet all it will take it one shake of that tart’s rump and you’ll fall to pieces. I mean that’s how she ‘rose’ the ranks, right?”

“She has no sway over me.”

“From the way you hungrily eye her swaying, I’d say she does.”

“Lies! She will never tempt me! The moment she fulfills her purpose, she will be of no use to me.”

“Just like the others, right?”

Halebit smiled. “Right. No matter what her plans I will be prepared to deal with her.”

“And if she shows up with Serenity and her soldiers?”

“I’ve already planned for that.”

“Or if she brings along the Timelord?”

“That too.”

“What about Malance?”

“What about him?”

“What if he decides to betray you?”

Halebit’s smile vanished.

“Heh. Fool. I bet you he’s just waiting for the right moment. He’s been around you long enough, he knows your weaknesses.”

Nihil’s laughter echoed once again, mixing with a distant rumbling from above. Now bathed in the neon sign’s red glow, the old man searched the darkness. Seeing nothing stir, Halebit set his eyes forward again and listened to the growing rumble in the sky.

‘Here comes your loyal servant, now.’ Halebit ignored the fading echo of Nihil’s voice while the beads of sweat dried as they trickled down his back.

The cool blue flame of Malance’s engine sliced through the darkness as the mechanized suit gently touched down. Halebit watched his soldier slowly walk across the warehouse floor, the red neon light flowing around the contours of his metallic form. The many dents swirled and twisted the light distorting Malance’s silhouette. “Report.”

“The attacks have gone as planned. We have more than enough of Serenity’s attention now.”


Malance paused. “In my last attack, I had to confront Serenity and a few of her soldiers.”

“They saw you?”

Malance shifted his feet. “Yes. They somehow disabled my cloaking device, but I did collect very crucial data from the battle. I hope that it will please you. I’ll be better prepared to handle them next time.”

‘That fool.’ Halebit’s temple throbbed. ‘He’s jeopardizing the entire mission!’

‘Maybe you’re the fool and Malance is playing you like a fiddle.’ Nihil breathed into his ear. ‘Now do you see the folly of trusting someone? I thought you learned that lesson long ago?’

Halebit glared at Malance’s armor and saw his own features twisted across the uneven surface like a screaming inhuman creature. Quickly, Halebit glanced up at Malance’s smooth reflective visor seeing his own cold, emotionless face. Suddenly, a blue flash of lightning revealed a young man with long brown hair kneeling next to him. The old man recognized the large, toothy smile.

Halebit averted his eyes into the darkness. ‘It can’t be!’

‘Oh yes it can be, Haley me boy.’ Nihil replied.

‘I have control!’

‘No you don’t and he can see it. He’s fooled you, old man.’

“What are your orders, sir?” Malance asked.

'He knows you are weak.' Nihil continued.

“Go follow the princess-" Halebit replied.

'He knows all your weaknesses.'

"Look out for the Timelord, he should be nearby-"

'His loyalty is only a ruse.'

"Dispose of him."

'It won't be long before he destroys you.'

"And bring me back the Silver Crystal."

"Any particular way, General?" Malance inquired.

'So send him to his death.'

In his reflection, Halebit could see the dark red light deepen the cracks on his hard face. "By force."

------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------

Serena stared in awe. Her eyes followed the large red velvet drapes billowing from the center of the vaulted ceiling to each wall of the large restaurant. Each swath of fabric flowed smoothly down the walls like a waterfall of red wine all the way to the floor. Large windows dominated the spaces between the drapes, displaying the night sky alive with blue flashes of an approaching storm. It looked so -

“-beautiful in that white dress, Serena.” Darien’s voice roused her.

“Uh, thanks Darien.” Serena blushed, averting her gaze. “I had no idea you were going to take me to a fancy place like this. It must have cost you an arm and a leg to get a table here.”

“Now Serena.” Darien winked. “When it comes to you, money is never an issue. Think of it as my way of making up for being in Osaka while all of this was going on.”

Once more, Serena found herself distracted by the flashes of lightning outside which had grown in frequency and intensity. Thunderstorms always made her nervous.

“Listen, uh, there’s something I need to talk to you about. It’s something that’s been bothering me.”

“What is it?”

“It’s just that, ya know with everything that’s happened the last few days. It scares me.”

“What do you mean?”

“They’re all depending on me now. Raye, Lita, Amy, all of them. Even Susan is now looking to me to make decisions. They’re treating me like I’m already Queen Serenity and it terrifies me. I mean, what if I screw up and one of them gets hurt or worse? I don’t know anything, all I know is how to make pancakes and take naps. I still don’t know the first thing about being the queen they expect me to be.”

Serena stared at the dark red tablecloth. “Ever since Pluto took us to the future and revealed that I would become queen of the world, I couldn’t believe it. I thought there was no way I’d be queen, but once I met my future self, I couldn’t deny it. Surely, something would happen and suddenly I would be ready to become Neo-Queen Serenity. But it hasn’t and now it looks like the day has arrived.”

Tears formed in the corners of her eyes. “Darien, I don’t know if I’m cut out for this yet. What if I let them down? Will they still listen to me or will they feel betrayed? I mean, I’m not perfect yet, Darien.”

“Nobody’s perfect Serena. You know that.”

“But out of everyone I’m the most imperfect. I mean how do you do it?”

“Do what?”

“Be so perfect. I mean how do you stay so strong and self-confident?”

Darien chuckled. “Serena, I appreciate the admiration, but believe or not it’s the other way around. Out of all the years we’ve known each other, you were always the one guiding the way. Keeping steady no matter how bad things got in all of our battles. During those dark times, when I thought I couldn’t take it anymore, I only had to take one look at the determination in your eyes and I knew we could overcome it.”

“Oh Darien.” Serena sighed. “You really do know how to say the right thing at the right time.”

“Too cliché?”


Darien smiled. “Cliché or not, it’s the truth. Whether you feel ready to be Queen Serenity or not, your time has come and you need to embrace it. You can’t deny that you’ve changed over the last few years. You’ve come a long way from when I first met you.”

“And how have I changed?” Serena leaned in, a smile teasing at the corners of her mouth.

“Let’s see. When I first met you, you were very whiny. Very immature.”

“I… see.”

“If I remember correctly you cried over the simplest things. You were always late and you were an incredibly lazy student-“

Serena grabbed her fiancé’s hand and squeezed hard. “Okay! I get the picture now, Darien dear.”

“Err… Oooo, hey, tonight’s special is Kobe Steak!”

“Heh.” Serena smiled once more and opened her menu.

As she did so, a bright flash of lightning and a loud clap of thunder startled Serena nearly throwing her from her seat.

Darien dropped his menu. “Everything okay?”

Serena waited for her heart to stop racing. “Ye-yeah. I guess lightning still makes me jumpy.”

“Heh, I suppose some thing’s never change.”

Serena shook her head and returned to her menu. Braving one more fleeting glance toward the window, Serena watched another bolt of lightning illuminate the night. Briefly, Serena could make out the outline of a humanoid figure swaying in the window watching her. Her heart racing, Serena quickly grabbed Darien’s hand.

“Come one Serena, it’s just lightning.”

“It’s him.” Serena whispered.


Serena grabbed her communicator. “Malance”
------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------

Raye watched the flames happily dance and swirl to the rhythmic crackling and popping of the wood burning below. The flames reminded Raye of very young children frolicking around a playground, except these children teased and taunted her.

‘Oh Hinokami, why can’t I reach you?’ She thought as she continued her chanting. ‘I’ve never had a problem reaching you before.’

Over the last few weeks, she had been unable to make any kind of connection with the spiritual realm. At first, she thought her difficulties were tied to her recent frustrations clouding her mind with idle thoughts that prevented her from reaching a meditative state, something not totally uncommon. As the days passed, though, her worries grew as it became more evident that she couldn’t make a connection with the spiritual realm through her portal, Hinokami, the fire god. Her difficulties couldn’t have occurred at a worse time.

The spiritual realm offered her a wealth of information. Sometimes spirits would assist her in locating enemies or offer her premonitions. More importantly, however, her only outlet of her frustrations now had become a source of worry.

Raye shifted, the joints in her knees ached and her head began to pound weighing on her neck. ‘Geez, meditations should relax you not tire you out.’

Determined, Raye continued her chanting, hoping to find resonance with the spirit of Hinokami. Hard as she tried, she couldn’t find it. Years of training as a priestess had heightened her awareness of spirits yet she couldn’t even get an inkling of any spiritual presence. It was as if the whole realm didn’t exist.

Raye sighed and bowed to the fire. Gingerly rising to her feet, she dusted off the ash that had collected on her robes. Slowly, Raye made the cool short trek across the courtyard between her home and temple. Gusts of wind swirled her long black hair about, tickling her face.

‘There’s a storm coming.’ She thought observing the flashes of lightning rolling in the clouds. ‘That’s a bad omen if ever I saw one.’

As Raye dragged herself into the living, she noticed Lita dangling her legs off the arm of the sofa.

"Yesterday was really nice."

She watched her friend twirl the phone cord around her finger.

‘Oh, she’s still talking to Ken.’ Shaking her head, Raye wearily flopped down on the nearest chair. ‘What’s it been, an hour? And she’s only been on one date with this guy? Doesn’t she have any shame? Geez.’

Not even bothering to adjust her ceremonial robes, Raye leaned back and took a sniff of her sleeve. ‘Ugh, that was pretty strong incense I used tonight.’

“Tonight!” Lita sat straight up on the couch. Raye nearly hurtled from her chair.

Her senses rattled and frayed, Raye’s eyes bore into Lita as the tall girl cautiously continued her conversation.

"Umm, I can't go out tonight. I'm at a sleep-over at Raye's house. I'm sorry, Ken."

Raye could hear the boy on the other side of phone talk before Lita sat up again.

"Would it be okay if you came over?" Lita’s eyes darted back to Raye.

Raye’s eyes popped wide open and she quickly mouthed a silent ‘no’.

Lita looked away conspiratorially from Raye’s gyrations as she clung to the phone with both hands. "Uh, well, I guess you could, for a little while."

Lita batted away Raye’s sandal and continued. “Uh-huh. Yeah. See you then.”

Raye could feel her face burning as Lita beamed at her, hanging up the receiver.

“What in the heck is wrong with you!” Raye hissed. “We’ve got Cindy and Susan here. And we’re on alert with these Timelords running about with Greg in tow while our fearless leader is having a night out on the town! Tonight is not the night to be bringing your boyfriend over here!”

Unfazed, Lita crossed her arms. “Come on Raye, he’s just a really good friend. It’s not like he hasn’t met Amy, Mina, Erica, and Michelle before. It wouldn’t be a stretch to introduce Cindy and Susan as friends. Anyway, I’ll make sure he doesn’t stay long. Plus don’t you know, boyfriends make waiting so much more tolerable.”

Raye jumped to her feet. “Lita you’ve let that boy go to your head. He is not coming over!”

“You know if you just learned to chill out more often, you’d attract a boyfriend.”

A vein in Raye’s forehead swelled. “What did you just say?”

Lita shook her head. “See this is what I mean. There’s no need to get excited about this.”

The blood in Raye’s head began to boil and pound, and her vision glazed over in a red haze, but looking up at the stern and unwavering countenance of the tall brunette proved to be all too effective in smothering her anger.

Suddenly overwhelmed by exhaustion, Raye fell back into her chair. “Fine. Whatever. Do what you want. I don’t care.”

Grinning, Lita wrapped Raye in a tight hug. “Oooo, you’re the best Raye!”

Raye felt the urge to raise her voice, but couldn’t muster the energy to do so. Instead, the raven-haired girl breathed out a sigh and leaned back in her chair.

“Lita! Raye! We got the call!”


“Ugh. I shoulda known this was going to happen!”

“Do you have a lock on Serena’s location, Amy?”

“I don’t know.” Amy pursed her lips. “Susan is the one with all the details. She’s waiting for us in Raye’s room.”

Entering her bedroom, Raye could see everyone else gathered around Susan as she put a small, thin device into her pocket.

“The Travellers have made their move.” She announced.

“Alright!” Lita grinned. “Time to see some action!”

“I believe the best course of action is to teleport over there immediately.” Susan stated. “I will teleport you all personally to the roof of the building where the Queen is located.”

“You,” Susan whisked around and pointed at Mina still seated on Raye’s bed. “Venus, will stay here with the Traveller and Small Lady.”

“Awww, but Puu you know I can help. I’m not some weak kid anymore.”

The tall woman softened her voice and knelt next to Reenie. “I apologize, Small Lady, but it’s going to be difficult enough to protect the Queen let alone both of you. There’s no telling what they are planning.”

“As for the rest of us,” Susan’s demeanor cooled once more, “we will transform and teleport in two waves. Mars, Venus, Mercury, and Jupiter will go first followed by Uranus, Neptune, Saturn, and myself.”

“Why in two waves?” Raye noted a slight edge in Amy’s tone.

“Because I don’t have the energy to send us all in one shot.” Susan replied failing to turn in Amy’s direction. “Now is everyone clear on our objective?”

“What are our orders when we reach the roof?”

“You will wait until I have properly assessed the situation.”

“Pluto.” Cindy’s soft voice barely registered on Raye’s ears. “Are you certain you don’t want me to assist you? I can help you.”

Susan stared hard at Cindy. “You will remain here, Traveller.”

‘What is it about the Traveller she doesn’t like?’ Raye pondered as Susan motioned all the girls to gather around her.

“Please transform and we will depart.” She instructed.

“I hope we get this over with quickly.” Lita boasted, digging out her transformation pen. “I want to make sure we get back in time so I can hang out with Ken.”

Raye rolled her eyes and raised her own transformation pen over her head. “Whatever. Let’s just get this over with.”

------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------

“How is he able to run so fast?” Greg huffed as he climbed the stairs.

His lungs burned with every breath and his legs reeled with every step. Greg eyed the railing and the cracked concrete that wearily supported it. A single experimental poke sent the railing wobbling and shaking off flakes of paint.

‘Things just don’t come easy to me, don’t they?’

Greg sighed in relief once the rusted metal door to the roof came into view. Carefully, the boy turned the doorknob and pushed on the door. He pushed harder, until the dry hinges groaned loudly.

A strong wind shoved Greg back through the doorway. Clutching the knob, he pulled himself onto the rooftop as the wind died away. Rumbling could be heard in the distance and lightning lit up the rolling clouds. Tracer stood staring down over the edge of the roof appearing oblivious to Greg’s presence.

‘What should I say to a man who was all but ready to kill me this morning?’ Greg carefully closed the door.

“You’ve got a lot of balls to come up here, you know that, kid.” Tracer bellowed.

Greg froze. “Um, I had to know something.”

Tracer sighed. “What?”

“Why did you let me go? Weren’t you worried I’d go and tell Sailor Moon about you and your mission?”

“It doesn’t matter anymore, now that Cindy has gotten to her.”

“You mean the girl in the photo you’ve been carrying?”

“Yeeesss.” Tracer hissed.

“Sorry, sorry.” Greg backed away. “Really, I’m sorry about the whole thing Tracer, especially lying to you about Sailor Moon.”

“What’s to be sorry for?”

“Well, I felt like I violated your trust.”

“What makes you think I trusted you?”

“Weren’t you testing me at my house?”


“When you left your belt with all the weapons on it. I could have run you through with your own sword.”

Tracer smirked. “Heh, kid, you couldn’t have killed me.”

Greg raised an eyebrow. “Really?”

“I’ll give you one clue kid; I don’t die.”

“W-what do you mean?”

“My bones are made of metal and my organs are driven by self-repairing machines. So yeah, you wouldn’t have a chance of killing me.”

Greg stepped back. “You’re a cyborg?”

The Timelord snarled. “I’m human, ya freakin’ bastard! I had these things put inside me!”

“So you volunteered to have this done to you?”

“Hell no!” Tracer turned back to the roof’s edge. “I needed them. Ravages of war and all that crap.”

The rumbles of thunder above roared and shook the ground. Another cold gust of wind ruffled Greg’s short brown curls. Tracer’s trenchcoat fluttered around his waist, revealing his sword.

‘It’s glowing again. Why is that?’ Greg pondered.

“Is it revenge?” The boy blurted.


“You said that you were nearly killed by a Sailor Scout. That’s the only reason I can think of why you’d be going after Sailor Moon.”

“I could care less about her. I’m after someone else.”


“NO!” Tracer growled. “Halebit.”


“Shhh!” Tracer’s ears perked.

Greg stood quietly as cold droplets of rain began to pelt them, each drop like little icy fingers caressing his face and back. The clouds flashed and rumbled, thunder continuing its drum roll rhythm. Greg peered skyward, squinting between raindrops. The rumble grew louder.

‘That doesn’t sound like thunder.’ A lump caught in Greg’s throat. ‘That sounds like a jet engine.’

“GET OUT OF HERE!” Tracer screamed, diving off the ledge.

Suddenly, an explosion ripped off the edge the roof. Chunks of concrete flew in all directions as Greg covered his head as it landed around him. Without a second thought, he scurried over to the stairway door. He yanked it open and glanced back. The blue mechanical suit hovered over the remnants of the ledge, rasping its sharp thumb across its lithe metallic claws.

‘Malance! What’s he doing here?’

------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------

Tracer burst through the glass window narrowly avoiding the large chunks of the ledge hurtling down the side of the building. Tumbling onto a white sheet, Tracer quickly scanned the room. He spied no furniture, but did find plenty of white sheets draped everywhere. Several tools lay strewn about.

‘This isn’t a great place to have a fight. But a fight’s a fight and I’m not gonna back down now, especially with that Society bastard.’

Tracer aimed his gun at the shattered window. “I do have to hand it to Malance though, he’s awfully predictable.”

Without warning, the ceiling caved in showering Tracer with plaster and water as large segments of the roof came crashing through. Dazed, he stumbled around tripping over pieces of the roof waving away the thick fog of white dust. “Come out here, you freakin’ coward!” He coughed firing his gun randomly. “DAMN IT!”

An engine roared above and from out of the cloud a clawed fist sent the dark-
haired man flying. The Timelord tumbled through a wall before finally sliding to a stop and quickly regained his senses. Frantically, he groped for his gun as he heard the engine roar once again.

The blue mechanized suit slammed into Tracer, sending the both of them smashing through several more walls. Tracer grunted with each impact until his body slammed against a thick steel girder. Malance’s engine continued to roar, pushing the Timelord harder against the groaning metal girder. Spitting the taste of dust and blood from his mouth, Tracer ignored the stinging on his cheek and struggled to keep the sharp claw tips away from his face. He could hear Malance’s low chuckling through the helmet.

“You are so dead.” Tracer spat between gritted teeth.

“You’re one to talk.” The deep synthetic voice replied. “Urk!”

Suddenly, Malance’s knees buckled and the mechanized suit toppled over like an empty can. With his engine at full blast, Malance propelled himself back into the building with a loud crash. Turning slightly, Tracer could make out Greg in the darkness struggling to heft a sledgehammer.

“Gimme that!” Tracer wheezed snatching it away.

“You’re welcome.”

“Listen.” The Timelord barked wagging the hammer at the boy. “This is my fight and you’re not goin’ to get in my way! Now get the hell outta here before I toss you down those stairs!”

Tracer could hear the engines roar once again and chased the boy into the stairwell. “Go!”

Returning to the hallway, Tracer could see the glow of the engine light up the other end of the floor. A lightning strike briefly illuminated Malance and a small cannon protruding from his forearm.

“Crap!” Tracer broke through a closed door as several shots obliterated the stairwell entrance.

“You’ve caused the General enough problems with all your drama, Timelord.” Malance announced flying down the length of the hallway.

Tracer scrambled through a partially demolished wall, dodging volley after volley of cannon fire.

‘Damn it, he’s firing too fast for me to do anything.’ Tracer thought as he jumped from room to room avoiding the deadly projectiles. ‘And damn it how does he know where I am?’

“Damn it! He’s got a heat sensor.” The Timelord hissed, narrowly avoiding another blast and nearly losing his grip on the hammer.

Tracer stopped in mid-step. ‘Wait a minute.’

“There you are, my little rat.”

Tracer froze as the synthetic voice buzzed just a few feet behind him. Glancing over his shoulder, he noticed the blue flame of Malance’s engines.

“Your little drama is about to come to an end.”

Tracer gripped the hammer’s handle as a flash of lightning reflected off of Malance’s armor. “Then let’s bring on the drama!”

Launching himself at Malance, Tracer swung the sledgehammer over his head and into the suit’s visor, cracking its smooth surface. Using their momentum, Tracer pulled back and slammed the hammer into Malance’s armored abdomen knocking him to the ground.

“I won’t let you defeat me!” The man in the suit groaned taking a swipe a Tracer with his claws.

Jumping back, Tracer dropped the broken wooden handle and immediately ducked as a shot from Malance’s cannon flew wildly over his head. More shots followed, all well off of their intended target.

Tracer hastily retreated into one of the rooms as more blasts shook the building.

Running from room to room, Tracer stopped in his tracks when his ears picked up the distinct sound of water pattering and splashing. Quickly surveying the room, he immediately noticed the large hole in the wall Malance had launched him through earlier. Looking inside, he could see the tangled mass of mangled metal and piles of jagged concrete being doused with streams of water from the roof. Tracer ducked through the hole, but paused.

“Can’t forget my gun. I’m gonna need that.” He mumbled to himself ducking back into the room.

No sooner had he picked up his weapon, another round of blasts shook the building.

“Where are you Timelord? Come out here and face me!” Malance screamed as he burst through the wall.

Tracer rushed out of the room and propelled himself from the pile of ruined concrete to the jagged ledge of the floor above. Streams of cold water doused his face as he frantically pulled himself up. Several more volleys exploded around him and Tracer leaped to the next ledge and continued clawing his way up until he reached the roof.

More explosions rocked the roof. Fearing it would collapse, Tracer dashed toward the ledge and jumped down to the neighboring restaurant. He watched as he flew over the gap between buildings and eyed the fast-approaching edge of the restaurant’s roof.

‘Yeah, this is going to hurt.’ The Timelord thought idly, as his body tumbled gracelessly across the rooftop.

Groaning, Tracer raised himself to his knees, letting the blood trickle from his chin. ‘But at least I bought myself some time.’

From out of nowhere, a rose embedded itself in the roof between his hands. The Timelord snapped his head forward. He immediately locked in on the shimmering blonde ponytails of a girl dressed in a short blue skirt and a rather tight fitting naval sailor’s uniform. A man wearing a black tuxedo and top hat stood next to the girl cautiously reaching into his jacket. Springing to his feet Tracer fixed them both a glare.

‘Sailor Moon.’ Tracer flexed his hand and felt the silvery liquid ooze from his forearm.

"Hold it right there!" The girl pointed a gloved finger at him. “I am Sailor Moon, and I protect those who are innocent and punish all those who wish harm upon them! We know you’ve kidnapped Greg, so tell us where he is and no one has to get hurt."

Tracer continued glaring and waited for the silvery liquid to solidify around his hand.

“Nice Serenity. So you’ve decided to take care of me personally rather than have one of your goons do it for ya, huh?”

“Huh?” The girl lowered her arms, surprised. “What are you talking about? You sent your goons after me!”

Sensing an opportunity, Tracer lunged at Sailor Moon with his clawed hand extended.

The girl gasped as the sharp metallic tips came towards her. Unexpectedly, Tracer felt his momentum stop and found his clawed fingers tangled with a black cane.

“A cane?” Tracer murmured.

Out of the corner of his eye, Tracer could see the man in the tuxedo holding the black stick. In a flash, the man flipped up his cape and before Tracer could react he felt the cane slip from his grasp and strike his face. Staggering backwards, Tracer quickly snapped out his clawed hand and deflected several more jabs. The man’s attacks became more aggressive and sent Tracer reeling back in surprise. In desperation, the Timelord threw his other fist out and connected with the man’s jaw. Both men took several jumps back and put some distance between them.

“Tuxedo Mask! Are you alright?”

The man nodded, rubbing his jaw.

Tracer wiped the blood away from the corner of his mouth. “No uppity speeches, huh? Just cheap shots, eh? Well one good turn deserves another, bastard”
Tuxedo Mask tossed his cape out of the way, revealing a fist full of roses. “One can never be too cautious when dealing with a Timelord.”

Wiggling his silver talons, Tracer slipped his other hand to his holster. “Heh, so Cindy told you about me?”

“Yes, she told us all about your plans, Halebit.”

Tracer’s fingers stopped mid-wiggle. “What?”

Before Tracer could utter another word, a great flash of light flared between them. “Now what?” Tracer groaned as he shielded his eyes.
From the glare, he caught a glimpse of a green boot flying at his face. Tracer barely had time to block as the force of kick sent him tumbling toward the stairwell entrance. Stumbling to his feet, Tracer spied a tall brunette poised ready to strike again. Tracer narrowed his eyes at the brunette in the green skirt smirking at him.

"Celestial Fire Surround!"

Suddenly, Tracer sensed movement behind the girl and rolled out of the way as several disks of fire careened past, leaving scorched streaks where he once stood.

"Ice Storm Blast!"

Tracer could feel a chill spreading around him and saw the flurry of ice and snow blowing toward him. His clawed hand began to throb. He remembered the dull sensation as it had been frozen to the bone. Chills filled his abdomen where the icy spikes had impaled him all those years ago when he confronted Serenity’s Royal Guard. He remembered the laugh of the ‘Ice Queen’ as he watched her approaching blue bow sway to and fro before she snapped off his frozen hand and shattered it on a stone floor.

“Not again, Ice Queen.” Tracer murmured.

Tearing off his trenchcoat, Tracer threw it into the path of the oncoming blizzard. The coat fluttered in the air briefly before quickly stiffening and falling frozen onto the roof.

Putting some distance between him and the girls, Tracer aimed his gun at his three new opponents.

“I see how it is Serenity.” He shouted. “You’ve brought the Ice Queen just to finish me off.”

With the memories of the cold spires shearing into his stomach still fresh in his mind, Tracer eyed the blue bow on the Ice Queen’s chest.

“Ice Queen?” The blue-haired girl paused.

Not wanting to give the Ice Queen another chance to finish him, Tracer launched himself into another attack. As he did so, a second burst of light intervened. Before he could swing his gun at the source of light, a female voice boomed from the fading flare.

“Deep Submerge!”

Tracer rolled away as a ball of water exploded upon impact with the stairway door flooding the roof. Tracer hastily rubbed his eyes until the red glare no longer pulsating in his view.

Now he could see three more girls had joined the battle. All three girls wearing the same style of Sailor Soldier uniform stood before him; a blonde, a teal-haired girl and a much younger girl clinging to a menacing looking glaive twice her size. Tracer narrowed his eyes when he noticed a tall, dark woman towering over the three holding a key-shaped staff.

“I see, so this is your game, Time Guardian!” The Timelord growled. “You’re going to regret-“

“World Shaking!” The blonde woman slammed her fist into the roof sending a glowing ball rumbling toward Tracer.

“Crap.” Tracer eyed the ball carving its way around the roof, its path too erratic to dodge.

Tracer’s body shook violently, propelled through the stairway door and railing by the blonde’s attack. Tracer became vaguely aware of the severed handrail and reached for it. The Timelord tightened his grip as the rail slipped slightly in his grasp. He clung desperately to the metal vine, he looked to the bottom of the stairwell where the jagged collection of concrete and metal waited for him. The railing creaked and moaned under the strain loosening its hold on the severely cracked concrete, threatening to given way at any moment.

“Great. Just great.” The Timelord muttered.

End of Part 5

Sorry this took so to get out here, as you can see this is rather extensive... which may explain the lack of reviews. Anyway, thanks for reading and I hoped you enjoyed it.
I'm gonna to try to get the next part out in less than a year. --;;;;

Ah well, see ya!

All original characters are owned and copyrighted by Bastion (c) 2004.
And Sailor Moon is owned by Naoko Takeuchi and in America by DIC and Pioneer and ADV, etc, etc, etc...

Bastion Rev 09/06