Fan Fiction / Vandread Fan Fiction ❯ KnightDread ❯ Men VS Women ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I'm using my own patented characters. So Vandread belongs solely to the creators of that series. Also characters I used as templates for the heroes in this story from any games mentioned belong to their creator companies. So bother them not me.
< >: Thoughts
< ( )>: Mental Conversation
1st Chapter
Men Vs Women
On the distant, all-male planet known as Talark, the Prime Minister and Supreme Commander of the Talark Space Military forces waited as the video on the massive screen behind him. The video being shown was another propaganda film about their most hated enemies the women of Megele. As soon as the video faded to be replaced by the symbol of Talark, he opened his mouth and began to give his speech to the graduating cadets of the military of their planet. Behind them was the former colony ship, which was now a battleship known to all as the Ikazuchi. (*)
The Prime Minister and his staff were greeted with a roaring ovation by the swarms of raw newly trained cadets before them as the speech was finished. Near the closest crowds was longhaired individual with a calm and collected demeanor about him. His face showed nothing in terms of emotion as he and the rest of the cadets continued to listen to the rest of the Prime Minister's speech. He wasn't alone as another cadet with long raven black, braided hair looked on, showing no surprise at all to the speech of the Prime Minister
However it seemed that the leaders of Talark's space forces were no in the mood to win the war even if they should have waited. This became obvious as the Prime Minister gave the order for all to board the Ikazuchi
The crowds once again gave a massive round of applause and cheering.
In the engineering section of the Ikazuchi…
The engineering staff of the battleship moved with maddened speed as they raced to their respective stations to prepare for the launch of the battleship. The engine room gave the impression of a beehive, where all the worker bees were looking as if hooked on steroids, as the men moved about to fulfill their assigned tasks. Huge mechanisms whined and creaked in the sounds of metal against metal as the massive battlecraft began to power up its internal systems. The ship began to accept the massive stream of cadets as the new recruits of the Talark military began to fill up the barracks as they boarded the ship. In less than fifteen minutes, the ship was now fully prepared to leave Talark as the last to board was the prime Minister and his command staff as they entered the command bridge.
It was then that the massive thrusters that would propel the ship to the void of stars fired up. The entire flagship trembled with massive power and it readied itself to leave the men's home world. Outside the huge crowds cheered and watched in anticipation as the crowning achievement of `manhood' was about to bring the war with women to vast ocean of stars above.
Then the powerful engines kicked in as they unleashed releasing a massive blast of light, lifting the ship off the ground as it steadily began to gain altitude.
On the ground, several miles from the launching site, an old man in the age of possibly seventy-five wiped his sweaty brow as he looked up from the fields he was working on. He was a well-build man for his age and showed a great deal of wisdom in his eyes that were shaded by his glasses. As he watched the ship leave for the heavens above, he felt a certain unmistakable feeling course through his old but very strong body. He felt that soon the Ikazuchi was soon to cast in a role, which would determine the destinies of both his home-planet and that of the women….namely with the three men he had met long ago, before they left for the ship. A moment later he went back to work on the sterile, dry and almost desolate soils of Talark.
Deep within the belly of the Ikazuchi, a trio of powerful space warriors were still busy doing some data collecting on a nearby access console in the Vanguard hanger when they felt the ship take off, they had woken up earlier and decided to just gather some information. The vibrations roused them from their data collection plans as they quickly looked about in casual but wary glances. The large room they were in was still dark, with only the indicator lights providing scant illumination, there wasn't anybody else with them as far as Jin, Tanaki, and Kazuki could see. Jin decided to check out what happened through an observation porthole and looked in slight surprise to see that the ship was rising.
“What's up Jin?” asked Kazuki as he quickly wiped away any possible traces of sleep from his eyes.
“From the looks of things, the ship took off.”
“And two hours earlier too.” Tanaki replied as he checked his chronometer. The three guys decided to leave the room, but made it a point of avoid any guards as the last thing they wanted was to be caught by the Talark soldiers. They then made their way to another section of the ship while avoiding detection, namely the room where the Ikazuchi's power source was housed.
Inside the main reactor room, Jin, Tanaki, and Kazuki were crossing over a high catwalk, their travel backs on their left shoulders, and their weapons beside them, ready to be drawn to battle anyone who halted them. It was then that they looked over to see the Paeksis reactor, which was humming with power.
Jin was about to continue but then, a jolt of awareness hit him, that jolt made him look back at the reactor. Tanaki and Kazuki were about to ask what was the holdup for when they too felt the jolts hit them. They all directed their attention to the reactor and a foreign yet strangely familiar sensation washed over them. It seemed that the reactor was… calling to them. They knew that machine used a massive crystal for power to run the ship by collecting the large amounts of minute but powerful photon energy charges that were given off when the Paeksis expended excess energy within itself. That meant that the thing wasn't alive in organic terms, but somehow…
Jin looked further and without any hesitation walked over to the reactor; this one headed for the reactor. Without any protest the two other Sorcerer-Knights followed their leader. As soon as they came close to the reactor…
Jin snapped out of the trance-like state he found himself in. “WH…what are we…?” It was then that he heard a voice in his mind, and it didn't belong to his comrades.
< (Who…are you?)> The new voice asked him. It was then joined by other voices, vague yet present but none threatening, all of them repeating the same question.
Jin shook his head, and turned to his team.
“Did you guys hear that?”
“Yeah we did, but where did those voices come from?” Tanaki asked as he also answered for Kazuki, since both of them had questioning glances.
“It came… from the reactor in front of us.”
“What?! That's impossible!” Kazuki exclaimed. But he then heard the voice call out to him this time.
< (Who are you?)>
Kazuki felt that the voices were not malicious and had no evil intent, he gazed at Jin and Tanaki, their expressions told him that they heard the same thing, but then Jin gave a look of surprise.
“Guys! Those were the same voices that told us to come to Talark!”
“They ARE?!” Kazuki and Tanaki exclaimed. They all gave looks of awed curiosity and decided to touch the reactor's main wall. Once they did so, they felt a strange yet familiar power flow into them… it felt somewhat similar to the energy they used to activate the Sorcerer-Knight Power Matrix.
They were so wrapped up with the sensations, that they nearly didn't spot a nearby Talark patrol. They recovered from their trances, but only after…
“HEY! What are you three doing here?! This sector's off limits!”
The three men looked and groaned, they however didn't wait and took off in another direction, with the Talark patrol behind them.
“What?! A trio of Third Class trash are on the ship?!” The security chief roared as he was contacted on the bridge. The glorious day of the Ikazuchi was about to be ruined if the crew found out they had stowaways on board, and his head would be on a platter if it was blamed on him.
“Yes sir! Patrol team 3 found them in the reactor room near the Paeksis Power Reactor, they escaped the patrol and are now loose on the ship!”
“Find them! I don't care where they go! Get them and place them under house arrest, If you don't, not only will you dishonor yourself and your Alpha and Beta, you lose you job…and I'll have your head on a platter! Is that understood?!”
“Yes sir!” The security officer said with a bit of sweat on his face.
Little did he know that he wasn't to only one running the risk of being sacked from a job if the three men were not caught.
Several hours later, in orbit around the planet of Talark…
The liftoff came without a single problem and the mighty battleship was now in synchronized orbit over the men's home world awaiting their escort/support fleet to join them in their glorious crusade against the monsters of Megele. On the ship's main hall, the cadets of the Talark Space Forces were rather busy enjoying the inauguration ceremonies as they drank their wine and began conversation with one another.
“I can't wait to go into battle!”
“Neither can I!”
“When can we see those new weapons we heard so much about?”
“Those new Vanguards will surely put those women in their rightful places!”
“Say, after all this is over, do you want to make a kid?”
“A kid with you? That's not a bad idea.”
As the various tidbits of conversation waved through the air and the celebration continued, a certain cadet by the name of Duero McFile with three other cadets. The third of their company being the one with raven black braids.
“Hey, Duero. I heard that you made the top of your class.”
The individual named Duero simply gave a nod as he took a slow small sip of his wine. He was a rather tall individual and had long black hair with one bang covering the right side of his face. He carried the demeanor of an educated and yet creative person of mind.
“Yeah, congratulations are in order you know… hell, you could be assigned to head-quarters.” Another cadet spoke out as they approached the four men.
“I hear that when he took the qualification exams he left the position line of his submission entry form completely blank.” Another cadet chimed in as he came to the group.
The other cadets then directed their attention to Duero's companion.
“Kyle also did real well as part of the Vanguard pilots. Hell, we hear that he graduated from the Ranger Division School back home before becoming part of the Vanguard pilots."
“No kidding, only a few pilots could ever graduate from that elite school. I think he'll be assigned along with Duero at head-quarters."
The young man in question by the name of Kyle Mirano looked at the other cadets and nodded, he and Duero had been good friends in their academy days. Kyle was just the same height as Duero but had his long hair in an array of elaborately made braids all formed to a tail behind his back, while his remaining hair was in a stylish but simplistic disarray in front of him..
“I hear that his parents were also good soldiers, but they're kind of eccentric."
Just then another cadet came in carrying a box filled with pink and white colored pellets.
“Hey guys! Everyone having a good time now?”
The group turned to see another newcomer arrive; he also wore the same cadet uniform as they did, but totally looked out of place in the atmosphere of a military ship. He lacked the build of a soldier, as he was somewhat skinny, with a shock of blonde hair. His voice was somewhat whiney and seemed to too full of himself. That didn't stop to guy however from offering the group the nutrition pills.
“Here! Take some of this; this stuff is a lot better than those you get in the factories are. I got them through some good connections. Think of these as free samples since I'm handing you some.”
The cadets each gave a rather nervous look at the newcomer before handing out their individual replies to the guy in question.
“Thanks for the offer. But no thanks.”
“Yeah, I'm rather full right now.”
“Same here. Sorry.”
“Thanks for the offer anyway.”
Their answers acted like nails, slowly flattening a tire. As was evident at the slight look of dejection on the blonde man's face. Bart showed briefly his somewhat hurt look and shrugged his shoulders. “Okay if you insist, but know that you might never get another chance to eat good ones like these again.” He moved to another batch of cadets, going through the same selling routine.
“Who was that guy?” one of the cadets asked to his fellow crewmembers.
“His dad owns the Garsus Foods Cooperation. In simple terms, his family feeds us, so let's keep it at that.”
“Geez. The thought of that gives me heartburn.” One cadet said as he thumped on his chest in exaggeration.
Before his comrades (minus Duero and Kyle since they didn't that too funny) could laugh at that, the lights then switched off. They along with every other cadet in the room as another video screen lowered down in front of them. An announcer came to the podium and addressed the assembled personnel. The screen flickered and began showing combat images of the military's latest weapon the Van-type fighter suit. The announcer then made a brief but stunning summary as the images played out.
“Stab! Pierce! Crush! And Slay! With these various weapons and built-in abilities the Tsukumo Van-Type Fighter is a weapon unto itself! It is the new frontline weapon of our glorious Empire's military! Be it the land, the sea, the air, the mountains, the flatlands, or even in the dark void of space! There is no terrain our proud weapon cannot traverse! The new Vanguards are the guardians of our glorious empire and our future. Let us welcome the weapons we shall use in the war against our empire's enemies and the guardians of the hope of our people! Give the Vanguards a round of applause!”
There came a standing ovation as the cadets cheered for their latest tools in their war against the women of Megele. Then the lights were switched back on and a large section of the floor opened up. A large elevator platform rose up with more than two dozen newly completed Vanguards on it.
The applause and the cheering stopped as the assembled men saw… them
Jin and the others had been able to evade the guards that were pursuing them and decided to haul themselves into the place where they were before. But when they got there, the door suddenly locked out on them and the floor began to rise.
“What the?!” Jin said in surprise and anger, having realized what was happening.
Before they could do anything they were blinded by the lights that flooded the place when the roof opened on top of them. And that stopped them from escaping quietly as the room rose upwards.
“This is not good!” Kazuki said as his eyes began to adjust to the glare of the lights.
That was when they found themselves in front of a rather large crowd of Talark cadets, who were staring back at them.
“THIS is not good.” Tanaki said as he gazed at their onlookers.
“Who are they?”
“Look at them! Those are third class citizens.”
“What are they doing onboard?”
“Here's a better question. How did they get onboard?”
In the crowds, Duero McFile and Kyle Mirano immediately assessed the strangers. They immediately noted that the three intruders were not like any third class citizens he had ever seen. All three looked in top physical condition, which was difficult to imagine, as all third class citizens were not given proper medical care. Each of them had lean but well sculptured and muscled forms. Each of them wore outfits that didn't match to the clothes worn by third class citizens as the clothes looked well kept and clean. The first stranger wore a strange black body suit with a long left sleeve reaching his wrist, he also wore a fingerless black glove on his left hand, while his right sleeve only reached his elbow, on his right arm was a metallic gauntlet with a crystal beast in the gauntlet, he wore a deep white sleeveless tunic over the body suit, on his waist was a deep blue sash in an intricate knot, he wore black slightly loose pants which Duero and Kyle could tell was of the same fabric of his body suit, Lastly he wore knee high boots what looked like it was locked on by clasps at the back. The second stranger also wore the same body suit, but the right sleeve this time reached his wrist, on his left hand was the same fingerless glove, the same metallic gauntlet was this time on his left arm, he wore a crimson gi top with clasps to keep it in place, he wore the same pants but with strange unreadable characters, he had a white belt on his waist which had a platinum buckle which had a strange beast showing it's fierce fangs in a roar, on him was the same boots. The last stranger also wore the same body suit but now both sleeves reached his wrists, he had a metallic arm-guard on his left arm which had a hand protector on it which guarded the top of his hand and on the other was also a gauntlet with a strange crystal beast in it, he had the same pair of pants, but to Duero and Kyle, they could see that the thigh areas had some padding, he had a green stash and like the first stranger it was also in an intricate knot, lastly he wore an ancient Chinese style shirt in deep blue color. Duero and Kyle also noted their separate appearances. The first stranger had short silver hair; some of which covered his eyes for brief moments; He had the most intriguing blue eyes, which radiated intensity and strength… almost, like a beast. His well-chiseled and featured face made him look rugged and powerful. The second stranger had deep black hair, which to Duero and Kyle's eyes was in a long ponytail held by a long piece of cloth. His violet eyes shined with also a beast like quality and with the calculating look of a strategist. His own face was well featured and had seemingly no flaws. The last had deep ocean-blue hair that reached his shoulders in a slightly messy style, which strangely suited him; his own eyes were of purest emerald color, which radiated intensity and power. He too had a well-featured face like his comrades. On their necks were the ID tags that denoted their ranks as third class citizens, but Duero and Kyle could see them also wearing another chain with a ring-like object in the chain tucked under their suits. Duero and Kyle never believed that the three could be third class at all, in every way they didn't fit the profile of the citizen in that side of the Talark social order.
They also took note that the three men wielded weapons. The silver haired one had a sling on his back, which seemed to carry a staff weapon. The black-haired one had a slightly curved sword-sheath on his left side and Duero and Kyle could see the handle of the sword. And lastly the blue haired stranger had two sheaths on both the sides of his waist no doubt holding two swords.
Duero and Kyle knew that this dissuaded the idea that these three strangers were third-class workers, since any third class citizen would have been severely punished for such an act and carrying lethal weapons. He could feel that these men also knew how to use their weapons.
Just then a large number of security personnel arrived wielding stun rods in their hands, the rods would deliver a strong sharp electrical charge, which was enough to stun a person but not kill him. The guards surrounded the three men in the plan of arresting them. But the strangers showed that they had no intention of leaving quietly as they placed their bags to the floor and went into defensive stances. Then the black haired and the blue-haired men moved away from the one with silver hair. Once they were in separate locations on either side of their comrade they waited silently. The guards decided to attack in small groups, one group attacking one of the intruders. That was when the guards and everyone else in the hall including Duero and Kyle were about to see the skills the last of the Sorcerer-Knights in battle.
Jin immediately checked out the battle stances of the men he and his team were about to face against in battle. He immediately assessed that they had considerable experience but not enough to pose a threat to either him or his comrades. He immediately spoke through mental link to Tanaki and Kazuki.
< (They don't have much in terms of combat experience.)>
< (No kidding… their power levels are near to low, they seem to rely too much on intimidation and sheer numbers.)> Tanaki said as he gave his own assessment.
< (Try not to hurt them too much then.)> Jin said as he quickly went into auto-defensive mode.
< (Roger that.)> Both Tanaki and Kazuki said as they too went to auto-defensive mode.
One guard tried to strike Jin at the right temple of his head, but Jin swiftly dodged the attack and grabbed the man's outstretched arm and pulled him forward. Leaping over the guard he sent both his feet on the back of his first opponent and sent the man sliding to the floor. As soon as he landed a trio of men from the group attacking him tried to tackle him with one readying a swipe with his rod. Jin responded well and swept the first man to the floor with a sweep-kick. The second tried to attack Jin was treated to a swift number of jabs to his torso, knocking him flat on his back, the last guard swiped his weapon in a wide arc, but Jin dodged the strike and responded with a series of kicks. The attack ended with an arm grip throw, making Jin able to send his fourth opponent slamming into two others who joined in to gang-attack him.
Tanaki avoided several rod swipes at his torso with casual speed and skill; He then leaped forward, sending his feet into double outward kicks which connected to the chests of the two guards attacking him. As he landed another guard tried to kick him, but he caught the attack and with amazing skill, lifted himself up, and before the guard could respond in any way, Tanaki tossed him over his back. The last three guards charged, as soon as the first came close, Tanaki slammed an elbow strike, that attack, while not too powerful into the first guard's stomach, knocking the breath out of him. The second guard received a powerful sidekick to the stomach, and the last guard was hit a chop strike on the neck as Tanaki easily dodged his attack and appeared behind him.
Kazuki dodged the swipe attack of his first attacker and tossed the man over his shoulders with minimal effort, the second guard received a series of jabs to his torso also knocking him out. The third guard picked up a fallen stun rod and charged swinging his two weapons wildly, Kazuki dodged a downward swipe and caught the other arm before the weapon could hit him and quickly sweep kicked the attacker. The three remaining guards attacked in unison, but in a blinding assault, Kazuki blurred into motion, knocking the first guard aside with a powerful combination of a sidekick and a swipe-punch. The second received a half dozen rapid power kicks to the torso and also dropped like a sack of beans. The last one was grabbed by Kazuki, who flipped him like a flapjack and smacked him to the floor, and Kazuki quickly flipped backwards.
The battle lasted only four seconds in all. In that span of time, Jin, Tanaki, and Kazuki had defeated half a dozen guards each, and still stood in their old positions on the floor. Their potent martial arts skills had been honed by many harsh years of training under their adopted fathers and their long history of exploring the cosmos. These skills were further augmented by their hidden powers as Sorcerer-Knights.
The remaining guards then pulled out long razor-tipped spears as they began to advance towards the three intruders, hoping to gain the advantage of weapons though these new tools were lethal… they were mistaken.
Jin arched his eyebrow as he saw the guards pull out spears. < (They want to fight us with lethal weapons this time, and from the looks of it they won't hesitate to wound us.)>
< (So let's fight them with our own weapons. If it's an armed match they want, then let's not disappoint them.)> Kazuki spoke out his thoughts.
< (True, but let's not kill them.)> Tanaki stressed as he reached for his sword.
< (You heard Tanaki, Kazuki just cut their weapons up, not them.)> Jin said as he reached for his staff.
< (Got it Jin.)> Kazuki agreed as he pulled out his weapons.
Duero and Kyle's eyes widened at the sheer display of physical combat skills that the three strangers displayed, but now they was to be treated to the warriors' armed fighting skills. They watched as the silver-haired one pulled out his staff, which reached the length of 4 feet and 5 inches, but gasped audibly along with the other cadets as the weapon extended to the length of 6 feet and 6 inches. The stranger then went into a fighting stance the Talark cadets including Duero and Kyle didn't recognize. They looked on as the black haired stranger pulled out a single serrated edged curved sword that was 3 feet and 6 inches in length, the weapon had a double handed grip which fitted the blonde warrior's hands well and the weapon had a circular hilt. The blonde warrior held the sword in a thrusting position with both hands on the grip. And the last stranger pulled out two twin edged-swords that were 3 feet in length, and had double handed grips, the hilts were wing like in design, and provided excellent protection. The blue-haired stranger held both swords in each of his hands and placed them in an x-crossed position, blade on blade.
The guards reacted predictably, as some of them moved back, a little bit intimidated by the weapons the strangers wielded. The more thickheaded ones charged.
The battle wasn't long as the Talark security forces who chose to attack were quickly disarmed (not literally though). They looked in shock as their weapons were thrown away in different directions by the silver-haired warrior who delivered accurate and painful, yet non-fatal strikes to make them lose their weapons. The other guards looked in astonishment as some of them held spear poles with the spear tips missing or pieces of the weapons. The parts mentioned were lying around the two who wielded the swords who cut their weapons with the mastery of a skilled surgeon.
As Jin, Tanaki, and Kazuki readied themselves and naturally moved for more fighting room, they suddenly heard the sounds or weapons being activated. They had no problems in recognizing the sounds as rifles being loaded and aimed at them. They turned around and saw another group of security personnel aiming Talark assault rifles at them. More clicks made them look as a half dozen more guards armed with rifles join the remaining ones with the spears. They then were given three choices. Choice one was to fight the way they were in now plus with their powers, choice two was to call forth their power gauntlets and transform, and naturally choice three was to just plain surrender.
Jin, after a long tension filled minute slowly went into a neutral stance and lowered his weapon. The staff retracted back to its original length and he slung it back to its sling. Tanaki and Kazuki gave him a questioning glance.
< (Hey Jin… why are you surrendering?)> Asked Kazuki, and although Tanaki wasn't using his mental communication link Jin could tell he was also curious.
< (We can't use all our powers here, besides I don't relish the idea of killing them since they're no threat to us. Not only that, we can always escape and find out why that voice guided us here in the first place, and I personally prefer not to leave a pile of corpses if the two of you don't mind.")
< (Jin's got a point K…let's indulge them by surrendering. Besides, even though we can defeat them even when they've got rifles. I too prefer to not get caught in a shootout or to explain who we are.) > Tanaki finished his mental speech as he also sheathed his katana and also went to a neutral stance.
< (Alright then.)> Kazuki ended his own speech as he sheathed both his swords and also went into a neutral stance.
All three of them after putting away their weapons just said one phrase with a simple tone.
“We surrender.”
They were quickly surrounded by the guards armed with spears on all sides, while several of the guards took each of their individual weapons. They were then bound by wrist restraints, and were quickly escorted out by the guards towards the detention area, where they were to be held until the top brass would decide their fates, which was no doubt execution. Through all this the three Sorcerer-Knights showed no fear or concern.
This lack of fear on the three strangers' faces further intrigued Duero and Kyle as they watched them being escorted. That made them totally deviate from the normal profile of the third class, who had almost no self-esteem and were deeply afraid of their masters. These three carried themselves with an unspoken confidence and seemed to be sure that they could handle any threat thrown at them individually or when they were working as a team. After seeing that amazing display of combat prowess without weapons and with weapons, the young Talark doctor and his Ranger friend began to wonder where could third class citizens, if those three really of that class have such mastery of armed and unarmed combat. If it weren't for those ID tags, the medic and the ranger would have mistaken them for being part of the elite class.
Down at the detention area…
“ Keep an eye on them Cell Unit 6” The guard ordered as a squat egg-shaped mechaniod hovered near the laser bolt grid that served as the barrier to Jin, Tanaki, and Kazuki's cell. The brig was actually nothing more than just a large storage room with piles of crates and spare parts lying around also in piles. It showed that the men of Talark were never planning to take any prisoners in their ongoing war against the women of Megele.
“Beep! Beep! Roger!” The robot replied as it took up its assigned position in front of the cell.
As soon as the guards left, Tanaki took stock of the area they were held in. It was relatively cluttered with boxes, crates, spare parts and the like. Jin and Kazuki likewise took stock of their `prison cell' and found nothing that they could use for their own purposes. The three of them sat on the floor cross-legged with their hands forward which were still bound by the wrist restraints, the three looked at those items with an unconcerned air as they were aware that they could snap the bonds like weak string. They however decided to bid their time, so they then looked at their so-called guard.
The egg-shaped machine was about the size of a small dog, and had a large projection screen of the top half with a small console underneath the lower rim and on the front. The robot floated by means of a special anti-gravity system and remained glued to its post outside of their cage.
Jin heard his comrade and best friend Kazuki give of a slight growl but he still held his peace. He knew that neither Kazuki nor Tanaki had any intention of staying here waiting to be executed. He then called their attention.
< (What's going on in your mind K?)>
< (I don't relish the idea of waiting for those guys to come back later and bring us to be executed. Besides I'm getting a little tired and irritated, with just one fire bolt, I can fry the control matrix for those energy bars.)>
< (K's got a point. Besides with one fire bolt and with proper aim he can take out that robot also.)> Tanaki chimed in as he too was waiting to break out.
< (Let's bid our time guys. Besides that, that little machine is no threat as it's just doing it's assigned program, so no sense wasting power over that. The opportunity will come soon.)>
< (So what'll we do? Talk to the guard?)> Kazuki asked in a curious tone.
< (Sure.)>
Kazuki mentally sighed as he directed his attention to the robot guard and decided to indulge in a conversation with their watcher, no matter how short.
“So… you come down here a lot?”
“Beep! Beep! That does not compute.”
Kazuki turned to face his comrades and said just one word. “Figures.”
Jin and Tanaki just chuckled.
On the main command bridge of the Ikazuchi…
“Cancel the exhibition match.” The Prime Minister said as he and his staff entered the Command Bridge. He then sat down on the captain's chair. “Those third class rejects ruined the entire ceremony.”
“Yes sir!” An aide saluted as he then moved to fulfill that order. On the main view-screen, were the images of several other ships of the Talark Space Fleet were now moving into position with the Ikazuchi. It won't be long before the assembled fleet would be in a position to move out and strike first at its hated and despised nemesis. He had spoken to security chief about it, and nearly threatened to have the man removed to an escape pod and shot back to Talark for this messy breach in security. But for now they all had a job to do, but he promised that when this was over, he was going to have those men shot.
It was then that several small but bright dots of light came streaking out from the deep void of space.
The crew who thought that those were merely shooting stars were going to get a rude awakening.
Jin turned his head, along with Tanaki's and Kazuki's as they felt something about to happen to the ship… they were right on the money.
The floor of their cell shook as a massive explosion rocked the section of the ship that they were in. The impact caused their robotic guard to lose its balance temporarily, the imbalance however was enough to make it pitch forward and slam into the energy grid of the cell, that immediately caused it to short-circuit itself and the grid's systems along with it. The energy bars remained active though now lacking in power and intensity.
Jin and his two buddies stood up and casually headed for a nearby porthole. Once they looked out they saw flashes of light that were none other than laser bolts, and streaks that were cannon fire lighting up the star studded void of space, that along with explosions coming from missiles. Jin nodded as he recognized the Talark Space Fleets' attackers to be none other than the Megele Dread interceptors.
“Not the exact opportunity we had in mind, but this will do. Right guys?”
“True… so those are Dreads.” Tanaki asked as he watched the sleek and well designed space fighters dodged away from the firepower being directed against them by the Talark ships. They all did a comprehensive study of the Megele's main battle fighter, and admitted, that compared to the Vanguard, the Dread was far superior in mobility, range, technology, and firepower. But the Dread was nothing but chicken feed compared to their Sorcerer-Knight bio-armor, and the Vanguards were nothing but junk.
“Cool aren't they? Hey, should we involve ourselves in this?” Kazuki asked as he looked at the battle unfolding outside in space.
Jin and Tanaki gave a rueful look, as they could understand that the desire for battle was in them as well. But they knew better than to involve themselves in such a stupid conflict between genders of the same human blood. It brought vague memories of the time when their real home world had to endure the wars. As they had the stored memories of their ancestors, they were not inclined to fight meaningless and costly wars like the one being fought by the women of Megele and Talark.
“No, we won't get involve. Let's get out of here.” Jin said as he casually pulled apart his restrained hands, and the restraints snapped off like cut thread over a fire.
Tanaki and Kazuki nodded as they did the same thing and snapped off the restraints easily. Kazuki raised one hand and fired a triple combination of fire magic, quantum energy, and bio-etheric energy in a burning red bolt which blew apart the front of the cell easily as the energy emitters were overwhelmed and the beams faded away.
Jin moved forward and checked if any of the Talark guards were around. Seeing none he motioned for his friends to move out. They calmly exited their now ravaged cell, pausing to pick up their travel bags and their respective weapons, which were placed there by the side of their cell no doubt by the guards. Just as they were about to leave, they heard the robot give off sounds of electronic pain and began to contemplate it.
The three nodded, although it was a machine and not a living organism in the biological sense, they couldn't help but feel sorry for the damaged machine. Kazuki decided to pick it up and take it along. Jin and Tanaki knew that Kazuki was well aquatinted with technology along with the two of them. They had no doubt that Kazuki can get it running again. And it with a little reprogramming, the robot could prove useful.
On the main bridge…
Panic and shock ruled the situation at the moment. The Prime Minister looked in shocked surprise along with his subordinates, as their staff tried in desperation to figure out what the hell was going on.
“What's going on?! I thought I ordered the exhibition match to be cancelled!” Shouted the Prime Minister in his shock and confusion.
A lieutenant replied in slight fear as he received data on the attackers. “No sir, this isn't an exhibition! It's the women! They've made a surprise attack!”
The Minister's face contorted with enraged disbelief. “WHAT?!”
In the deep vacuum of space, the battle was now one-sided, that meant that the battle lay in favor of the pirates. The sleek Dreads of the pirate group dodged and ran rings around the technologically inferior ships of their enemies. The slow moving pulse cannon turrets of the male ships tried in desperation to lock on the nimble fighters but due to their slow traversing rate were unable to do so. The nimble fighters dodged each barrage, so the men's ship suffered the effects of friendly fire. This made things for the men even more difficult.
However, most of the damage to the Talark Fleet came from the Dreads and their pilots as they systematically strafed at the escort vessels as they made their way to the main flagship. One after another, each of the smaller vessels were either destroyed or disabled, leaving the Ikazuchi to defend itself from the incoming attacks.
Some distance away was the sleek cruiser that served as the main pirate vessel. It stood poised and ready, and though everyone onboard were ready to intervene they could already see that the Dread squadrons had everything under control. On the cruiser's command bridge, an extremely old woman in robes smiled as she and her second in command witnessed the one sided battle.
“It seems that we've come across a big one.” The second remarked with a smile.
The captain nodded. “Yes, it seems to be our lucky day.”
(Ladies… you have no idea what or rather who are onboard that target of your little raid.)
On the Bridge of the Ikazuchi…
The Prime Minister gave a deeply fierce glare and gritted his teeth in deeper frustration as he got wind of the fact that two more escort ships were destroyed, while the others were either under fire or were disabled, meaning that he had no support fleet.
He then ordered all Vanguards and pilots to be unleashed, this didn't appeal to his second in command, but he was in no mood to listen.
The scramble order was released as the cadets who were graduates in the Vanguard pilot tests rushed immediately to the launch areas. Some of those cadets also rushed to the Vanguards at the main hall. It was then that a speaker blared out.
“Switching to sub-zero gravity to prepare for Vanguard deployment!”
In that moment all the tables, chairs, and any other items that weren't nailed down to the floor floated to the air. Under one particular table, a certain heir to Garsus Foods also became airborne.
“Sir! Some of the Vanguard launching platforms are offline or disabled!”
“I don't care!” The Prime Minister roared in anger. “Launch every available Vanguard!”
Emerging from different areas of the Ikazuchi, several of the humanoid battle machines managed to make it into space. However with just raw recruits with little to no combat experience outside of the simulators for pilots, the highly vaunted Vanguards were nothing more than animated debris flying out in space uselessly and were of no threat to the Dreads. Some managed to latch on to some of the Dreads as the interceptors passed by, but without the proper training and experience, they could do little to stop the attacks.
“Eeek! What are these things?! They're getting in my way!” One Dread pilot shouted out as she spotted several of the humanoid mecha pound their fists on the canopy of her Dread.
The Dread team leader kept her focus and calm as she replied giving new orders to her squadrons. “Don't worry about the Vanguards. Focus all your attacks on the main enemy flagship.”
A trio of the Dreads accompanied their leader as they made a long strafing run at the Ikazuchi. A section of the outer hull was blasted apart by the attack and with that the fighters dashed straight into the opening.
“Hull breach in sector five! Repeat! Hull breach in sector five! Requesting full re-pressurization!” a petty officer shouted through the emergency line as the anti-breach walls locked in to prevent the loss of needed air, which would escape to space.
The Dreads barreled through the corridors of the ship and landed in the main cargo area. The canopies opened and out came the Dread pilots along with a small team of their comrades, once the disembarked from their craft; they moved to secure the area. They were dressed in formless space suits and facemask/helmets with fierce monster designs, made solely to instill fear in their enemies, the men.
Bart tumbled out of his little hiding place, which rather incidentally was inside the hollow base of the statue of Grand Pa. He cried out in terror as he saw for the first time the enemies of his race.
It was just then that he caught sight of another ship that came barreling through the hull breach at breakneck speed. But in this case, the fighter seemed to be piloted with less skill than the others.
“AAAAAAHHHHHH! I DON'T WANT TO DIE!” Bart shouted as he scrambled back into his little sanctuary under the statue. The ship flashed by him, missing him but not without carving off the head of the statue, and like a comic jack-in-the-box, the cowardly cadet's head took the place of the statue.
Inside the main reactor room, Jin, Tanaki, and Kazuki who was carrying the robot under his right arm were crossing over a high catwalk, their travel backs on their left shoulders, and their weapons beside them, ready to be drawn to battle anyone who halted them. It was then that they looked over to see the Paeksis reactor, which was humming with power. This was the second time they had done through this place. As they ran to a possible area of escape, they looked at the reactor to see and here if they were going to hear those voices again, but the voices were silent.
It was then that they felt their danger senses go on full alert. It was then that they each summoned their gauntlets and immediately broke their study of the reactor.
The Dread fighter that decapitated the statue Bart was hiding in was careening out of control as the female pilot inside tried in desperation to control her craft as sped through the corridor.
“AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH! I CAN'T STOP!” The pilot cried out in fear as she found herself rushing headlong to the wall in front of her. In her desperation she activated her Dread's blasters.
In the reactor-room…
Jin, Tanaki, and Kazuki were about ready to activate their transformation in anticipation of the threat heading for them. But before they could do that however…
Jin quickly deactivated his transformation and activated his energy barrier, so did Tanaki as he too stopped his transformation and erected his own barrier. They managed to avoid the blast as a nearby wall exploded; Kazuki as well activated his own barrier. The three were flung from each other at least forty feet away; each of them lost their grips on their bags, but retained their weapons. Kazuki however lost his grip on the robot. As they were flung by the powerful blast, they saw something massive plow through the wall.
Everything went black a few seconds later.
The Ikazuchi's main Command Bridge…
“Minister! Please! You mustn't do this!” The second in command begged.
The supreme commander of the now decimated Talark Space Fleet shook his head as grabbed hold of the large lever designed to separate the old colonial ship section with the new sections. “We can ill-afford to let this entire ship fall into the hands of those pirates! I must at least save the new sections of the ship! Before all is lost I will separate the old from the new!”
With that and with no hesitation, he pushed the lever forward.
Throughout the whole of the Ikazuchi, several chains of explosions were heard as explosive charges were detonated, causing the new sections to be detached from the original vessel. The cadets who were still in the barracks of the old colonial section watched in horror as they were abandoned by their leaders. The only cadets who showed no surprise or fear of this event were none other than Duero and Kyle. As they knew that for all their talk of bravery the top brass were nothing but cowards and hypocrites.
Back in the Paeksis chamber…
Kazuki slowly began regaining consciousness as he slowly came around. His vision was rather blurry, but despite that, he could tell that something was on top of him. He reached out with his hand and felt around and determine what was on top of him. It was then that he encountered something that was round, warm and… rather firm yet pliable.
His eyes recovered instantly as a light blush stained his face. < Oh no. If this is what I think it is…>
He immediately threw off whatever was on top of him, but he knew instantly that what or who he had thrown off him was human and no doubt a female and he scrambled back.
He took stock of the stranger, and found the female to be wearing some sort of humanoid space suit and had on some scary looking mask/helmet. No doubt to hide her real appearance, as soon as he moved away, part of his battle reflexes made him reach for his swords when the person moved.
He stopped immediately and let go of the handles of his weapons. The voice carried the tone and feel that told him that the owner of that voice was sixteen years old… at least one year younger than him. He then watched as the stranger began to remove her face mask/helmet.
Dita Liebely felt so much excitement, more than she had ever felt in her life as she removed her helmet. Her bright blue eyes twinkled cutely as she then shook free her long mane of deep crimson hair. On the top of her head was a strange golden headpiece that had the resemblance of a tiara.
“Wow! It's a real live alien!”
Kazuki at first didn't pay any attention to the words spoken by the woman, as he was rather busy taking stock of her appearance. Her hair had a deep red shade and looked well kept and silky with two long tails of her deep red hair framing her face. Her face was well featured and very attractive, further enhanced by the fact of her smooth light cream colored skin. Her eyes were of the deepest aquamarine shade and that made her look like a real babe.
It was then, after his quick but focused study of the female, which lasted for just three seconds, that her words came to his attention.
<She thinks I'm a what?!>
“Excuse me! Who are you calling an alien?”
Dita paid no attention to Kazuki's words as she raised her left hand and began making some simple gestures. Kazuki smirked mentally <Okay then, two can play this game> as he moved his own left hand mimicking those gestures. As soon as he did so, the redhead became even more excited.
“I did it! It worked! I made first contact!”
<Oh man! This girl who's supposed to be the `all terrible enemy of men' is a complete ditz! But for idea's sake… she's quite pretty. > Kazuki immediately ended that train of thought and got to his feet. He then looked around for something… namely his travel bag.
<Where is my bag? There it is!> He spotted one of his most treasured possessions lying several meters on another catwalk beside him and the Megele female. He raised his right hand to it and summoned his powers.
Dita's eyes became wider as she watched the alien stand up look at something, she directed her gaze to where he was pointing his hand which had this strange looking metal glove on it with a blue crystal in the shape of a beast. She spotted a sparkle of blue light from the crystal, and she saw the strange alien unleash a tongue of brilliant orange flame that lashed out and caught a bag and brought it back to the alien. Her eyes widened in awe as she saw that the bag was totally unharmed as it went back to it's owner's hands. She began to applaud gleefully.
“WOW! Alien power is amazing! Please do that again!”
The youngest of the Sorcerer-Knights had no time or had any intention of doing circus tricks. He had to locate his two other comrades and escape from the ship. Sweeping up the robot, he leaped to a lower catwalk. “Got to go! See ya!”
Dita quickly removed her space suit, revealing herself to be wearing a short long sleeved cloth jacket which was cream colored with pink outlining. A tank top which molded well to her chest and exposed her slim waist and stomach, a short skirt that had the same cream color and the same pink lining that showed her hips. And lastly a pair of fabric boots that were up to the half of her calves and were on the same color-coding but had the rims of the feet in black. She then rummaged around her suit for her camera. She began chasing Kazuki while calling out.
“Wait! I want to take a picture!”
It had not taken long for the pirates to take over the old section of the ship. They began to round up the Talark male cadets and herded them at gunpoint to the escape pods. Duero and Kyle who were also being herded along with their comrades, they began to listen to the women's conversations as they removed their heavy suits.
“I know that it's a disinfectant, but I doubt that I'll ever get used to that smell.” A tall blonde woman said as she began removing her suit. Her name was Jura Basil Elden, or just Jura to her comrades. She was at the age of twenty. (The same age Tanaki is now) And she was at the height of 5'9. She had a body that would have turned the heads of normal men at least a full one-hundred and eighty degrees at 36-23-35, all the curves and swells in the right places, and her ample bosom added to that. Her face was pretty similar in complexion, which was light cream white, she had deep emerald green eyes and her face was perfect in most aspects of the beauty of the human female. Her hair was long, reaching her thighs and was like golden silk. She wore a very form-showing dress, which had a plunging neckline and had slits that showed her gorgeous legs from lower hip to ankle, and she wore ankle length boots.
Jura however was no delicate rose despite her appearance as she was second in command of the Dreads, and showed skill in the areas of physical combat as she had a fencing sword strapped to her side.
“Has anyone seen Dita?” Another woman asked as she too removed her suit and helmet. The new woman's name was Meia, Meia Gisborn; she was younger than Jura by at least one year, placing her age at nineteen. She was tall as well, though not as tall as her blonde companion at the height of 5'6. Though her physical stats were not as high as Jura's at 30-24-34, her body was completely athletic showing also well defined curves that would have attracted the eyes of men who also knew how to appreciate the female figure. Her hair was cut to a short boyish style, which still suited her well. On the left side of her face, which had, a light cream complexion as well was a strange metal circlet that still didn't mar her appearance nor break away the glitter of her blue-green eyes. She also wore a form-fitting suit that was gray, black, and white that also showed her curves even more.
Meia however, showed a great deal of leadership skills on her face, and from the way she carried herself she also had experience in physical combat. This plus her innate talents had made the Dread squadrons' commanding officer.
Meia then turned to face one of her fellow crew members, “Barnette, have you seen Dita?”
Barnette Orangello or simply Barnette; she was Jura's best friend and wingmate. And like her blonde friend she too had a lush figure that would have made men drool like fountainheads. She wore a dress that showed all of her own well defined curves and swells to the fullest, this dress had an open front that displayed to top areas of her bosom's cleavage. Her hair was dark green and like her commanding officer Meia, her hair was cropped short. Her eyes were of deep violet, which had the look of a field of lavender flowers. She too had skills like her comrades in flying Dreads and was also an expert with guns, namely those of the ballistic nature.
“The last time I saw her, she went barreling in that direction and crashed through that bulkhead… ouch!” Barnette glared at her comrade who was patching up her wound on the arm.
“Watch it Paiway! My skin's very delicate you know.” She gave frown as she watched the injury she had received when she along with the infiltration team entered the Ikazuchi. The burn was caused when one Talark rifle round managed to bypass her suit's armor began to sting in pain and she knew that there would be a scar after the wound would be healed. She then became a bit distraught as she realized that her perfect skin would now be permanently blemished.
“Just try to endure it for a bit longer.” The apprentice nurse replied as she resumed adding amounts of disinfectant to the wound. Nearby, several other pirates were sitting down and awaiting treatment.
“Nurses are supposed to be more sensitive to their patients.” Barnette complained as she gritted her teeth.
“I am!” Paiway assured. The young girl who served at the medical officer as was indicated by her nurse uniform, of the pirates was only eleven years old with long, dark purple hair, which were held in large odongos that framed her head. Duero and Kyle both took stock of her and saw that she wasn't good at what she was doing. They however could tell that she had the talent and promise to become better suited for the job she had, but she lacked the proper training and the knowledge to treat her patients effectively.
Part of Duero's mind halted him as he looked at the injured pirates, he knew what that urge was. As a graduate of the medical academy of his planet, Duero had been trained to follow the medics and doctors of the past. That was to provide medical treatment to any injured person, whether friend or foe. He took that oath seriously like all the medics of the past. So with that in mind he made his move. Kyle watched his friend make his move, thought about it for a minute and decided to follow Duero, he had been an able medic himself, and was one of the best medical officers in his Ranger Team.
As the men were being herded through and forced to enter the escape pods, Meia went towards one of the holes in the walls. She then directed her attention to Jura and called out to her.
“Jura I'm going to look for Dita.”
The blonde sighed. “This is one of the reasons why I didn't want to take a trainee with us on this raid in the first place.”
“We're rather short-handed right now if you didn't know!” Meia shouted calmly and with restrained impatience. “If you didn't want to come along, then you should have said so back at the hideout.”
“Oh all right! I'm coming along!
In another part of the Ikazuchi…
On the old ship three more of the Megele pirates entered a section which was like a sub-command bridge. As soon as they took off their helms and suits, they approached the consoles in front of them and began to attempt a data access.
“Oh my! I can't read a single word of this!” Ezra Viviel or just plain Ezra said in dismay as she looked at the Talark men's language that showed on the screens.. She was a woman with a quiet and gentle demeanor and brown hair. She had the look of a housewife, which was further indicated by her manner of dress, which naturally fit the profile. She served as part of the Bridge crew of the pirates' cruiser, but on this raid the second in command requested her and the chief engineer to be with them.
“No problem! I can fix that easily!” Said the second woman who had already removed her suit from which she extracted a device. The woman's name was Parfet Balbair or simply Parfet to her fellow pirates. She wore large oversized glasses and had her dark brown hair contained in two large braids and had on a jump suit. She served as the chief engineer of the pirate fleet as she was the most technically proficient of the pirates and was in command of the engineering staff that kept their pirate fleet working in top shape. “I knew something like this would happen so I made this Inter-Pricko device!” She handed it to Ezra.
“What does this do Parfet?”
“It helps translating all known languages and dialects into a tangible form of words we can understand.” She turned to their third companion. “I'll make one for you also Commander…”
The woman in question made no reply as she focused her attention at the screens in front of her, reading the data and downloading all the worthwhile information she could see. Buzam A. Calessa or just BC as she is known by her fellow crewmembers served as second in command of the pirates. She was a tall and statuesque woman with tanned yet attractive skin and long silver-blonde hair (though not as silvery as that of a certain Sorcerer-Knight), and she wore something similar to and old Arabian harem's outfit though very futuristic. As she continued her downloading of the data, she spoke to her communicator.
“Have all the men been immobilized? Good, then dump them.”
“Huh? You already know how to read the language of the men?!” Parfet gasped at her commanding officer.
“That's the elite for you Parfet.” Ezra shrugged her shoulders.
“Darn! And I worked so hard to make this device too!” Parfet sighed in disappointment.
(Don't worry though… she'll have some things that will be worth studying soon enough.)
On another catwalk at the reactor room…
Jin shook his head to clear out all the little white dots in his head. He had recovered shortly a few minutes ago and quickly began to search for his teammates with his own travel bag on his shoulder and his staff at full length in both hands.
“Tanaki! Kazuki! Where are you guys?”
“Jin! I'm over here!” Tanaki's voice called out from a nearby wall that had one huge hole in it. Jin reached it and saw his comrade walk out of the hole with his katana in his right hand with his left clutching his chest.
“Tanaki! You okay man?” Jin asked as he reached his blonde companion.
“Yeah, I'm still standing and breathing aren't I? Though I did get the wind knocked out of me a little.”
“Good then, we'll have to look for Kazuki… I saw him hurdled by the blast at that direction.” Jin pointed with one end of his staff.
“You think that dude's okay?”
“Yeah I do, he got his barrier up just in time like we did, let's not waste time though, who knows what's happened to him.”
Tanaki nodded as he reversed the way he held his sword and quickly followed his silver-haired comrade in search of their youngest companion.
At another area…
“Hey! What are you two doing?” A guard shouted out as she spotted two men break from the line and headed for a series of lockers.
Duero ignored the guard and reached for a particular locker, and pulled out his trench coat which was issued to all medical experts in the Talark military. Kyle did the same and took out his Ranger uniform, the Ranger uniform was similar to a long sleeved jacket but had the mark of a Talark Ranger on it's back. The symbol was the same as all Talark uniforms but had a tab on it that said… 'Ranger'. His coat also had the symbol of the Talark Medical Corps.
“Get back in the capsule now!” The female pirate demanded as she came closer and readied her weapon, which was a laser rifle.
“There's time enough for that later.” The young yet extremely talented medic replied as he and his best friend turned around to face the female.
“Do as you're told, or I'll shoot you both!” She replied and to further prove her statement, she leveled her weapon at them.
“I'm no threat to you.” Duero spoke as he directed his attention to Paiway and the other pirates who awaited medical treatment. “I happen to be a doctor. And so is my friend here.”
This made the guard lower her weapon slightly and the other pirates turn and stare at the young Talark medical graduate and the ranger graduate. An expert physician was something lacked and therefore sorely needed by the female corsairs, as they knew that despite her inner talents, Paiway was still an apprentice nurse. However that didn't erase the fact that they felt uneasy of having a male touch them. Let alone two males.
At the other side of the reactor chamber…
“Leave me alone.” Was all that Kazuki said as he went in search for his comrades, while trying not to look back at the female following him. He made that mistake of looking at the young woman in her clothes earlier, and he turned away immediately as he felt his face blush slightly. The woman paid no attention to his words at all as she still followed him like a bloodhound.
“Wait! Let's sit down and have a little chat!” Dita called out as she continued to snap a few more pictures of Kazuki.
The youngest of the Sorcerer-Knights and seasoned martial artist groaned inwardly at that, as he still went on looking for his teammates. Once they caught up, they would have to leave the ship via the nearest airlock. He thought of blasting the walls to make an escape route once he found his fellow teammates, but considering the close proximity of the reactor, that was definitely out of the question. So he thought better that as soon as he, Jin, and Tanaki met up they would find an exit and leave. But it wasn't going to be easy as he had this girl who was following him and pestering him. He thought of activating a firewall barrier behind him to block her path, but that didn't agree to him, as she was not an enemy. And something about her…
“We're really a peaceful race!”
< Yeah I'll bet you are… arrghhh! I don't have time for this, Tanaki, Jin! Where the heck are you guys?!>
Some distance away…
Several hundred meters away from the old section of the once mighty battleship, the newer section was in orbit above Talark. On it's Command Bridge, was a VERY pissed off man! The Prime Minister gritted his teeth in anger and hatred as his pride had taken a severe beating and was badly bruised at the moment. This was supposed to be his greatest moment, but those bastard female pirates had made a mockery of both him and his assembled Space Fleet. They were even letting go of their male prisoners through the escape pods; he however wasn't fooled by their so-called act of pity. However a thought clicked in his head as he recalled that this section had a pair of weapons he could use against the women.
“Prepare to fire the space torpedo Muramase!”
The second in command looked shocked by that declaration by his commanding officer. “Minister! You can't be actually going to destroy the old section of the Ikazuchi?”
The Prime Minister gave no reply, but in his mind he gave his answer. < I would rather let it be destroyed by my own hands, than let it belong to those women! >
On the underbelly of the new section, a large door opened and a massive cylindrical object came out was lowered.
On the old section…
A warning siren blared out; Ezra using the device Parfet made used it to determine what was going on. Once she deciphered the data, she gave out a gasp of dismay.
“There's a missile being locked in onto us!”
Buzam immediately relayed the information to the captain onboard the pirate cruiser. The aged woman nodded as she replied.
“We see it too BC. I'll admit that losing this ship would be a complete shame, but let's get out of here!”
The order to evacuate was given and the pirate ship came close to the Ikazuchi and began laying down cover fire as it moved closer to retrieve it's crewmembers onboard the old colony ship.
Meanwhile, Duero had just finished his treatment to his last female patient and so did Kyle who's last patient happened to be none other than Barnette.
“There, that should do it.” He replied as he used his thumb to secure the bandage on Barnette's arm and nodded with satisfaction of his work. With added medication there wouldn't even be a scar.
The Ranger medic then took the time he had earned as he decided to contemplate Barnette with a natural curiosity. As a man of Talark, He had never seen a woman in person before in all of his life on his desert home world, except for the images shown in the propaganda films. She definitely didn't look like those monsters he had seen in the films and she was definitely human, despite some… physical differences on body structure.
Barnette however noticed the studying look the male doctor was giving her and became extremely agitated at it… “What? Do you find something interesting about me?”
“In truth… actually I do.” Kyle replied.
“Don't expect any thanks from me!” Barnette retorted hotly.
“I don't actually. I suppose I should be leaving now.” Kyle replied as he went over and talked with Duero.
Duero and Kyle weren't aware that behind him, Paiway was also observing him and writing note on her trusty notepad. “They touched a total of five girls.”
The pirate ship arrived at the extraction point, which was the underside of the Ikazuchi and connected a special boarding tube to its side. The crew extraction was going rather well, but time was running short for them.
On the new section of the Ikazuchi, the Prime Minister was already inpatient as he was informed that the Muramase torpedoes were still being fuled, so like any impatient man in his place… he ordered the missile to be fired.
At that command, the Muramase was launched at the pirates, followed by another torpedo like it.
“What's the status of the evacuation of the crew, BC?” The pirate captain demanded from her second in command.
“Crew extraction is nearly completed Captain.” Buzam replied. “I'm the only one left on my team. Three under Meia's team haven't reported in yet however.”
“We'll let them return on their Dreads. Get back here on the ship on the double!”
Back at the reactor room…
Meia looked around in desperation as she looked for her apprentice pilot. “Where is she?!”
Jura, who was nearby looked at her commanding officer as she checked out Dita's Dread. “At least we know she's here in the reactor room, we found her Dread at least.”
“True, but she's not at the cockpit! She's probably wandering about again.”
“She may also be doing something she isn't suppose to either.”
“What do you mean?”
On another side of the reactor room…
“Where is that guy?” Tanaki asked in slowly boiling impatience.
“Don't know, but I'm picking up his energy signature at least in that direction.” Jin pointed with his right hand at one corridor.
“What do you think is he doing? He knows better than to wander about!” Tanaki said as he looked in that direction.
It was at the shout of a VERY irritated individual that each pair got their answer.
Jin and Tanaki immediately ran to the sound of their comrade's voice.
Meia looked down and saw a tall man with ocean blue hair moving at a rapidly increasing pace. Her eyes widened as she spotted a certain redhead following the stranger.
“DITA!” She called out.
Jura looked and gave her commander a sidelong glance. “See what I mean? She's following a man.”
Both females rushed to the place where their comrade was, which was at a juncture point in the reactor room.
Kazuki was nearing the limits of his patience. He had tolerated the redhead's pestering for too long already. He suddenly stopped that train of thought as he felt a pair of energy signatures that were very familiar. He ran at a faster rate and ran around the corner.
Dita arrived there, a bit winded but still determined to know more about her Mr. Alien. “ Wait up Mr. Alien!”
Kazuki was happy to meet up with his comrades. “Guys! Where have you been?!”
Jin gave a pained look along with Tanaki. “Looking for you! That's where we've been!”
Tanaki went over to his youngest fellow Sorcerer-Knight caught him in a headlock. “Just what the heck were you doing anyway?”
Kazuki broke himself free as he pointed at the back. “I was being followed by someone.”
“Really? By who?” Jin and Tanaki asked.
They then got their answer.
Dita turned around the corner and smiled even more as she spotted Jin and Tanaki.
“Huh?!” Was all the two other Sorcerer-Knights could say as they were suddenly blinded by the flashes coming from Dita's camera.
“What the?!”
As soon as the two looked at the newcomer they each gave a knowing smirk at their young comrade. “We were looking for you and now we found you being hounded by a real cute female… what have you been doing?” Jin asked with a slowly conniving grin on his face. The same look was on Tanaki's as well.
Dita could see her Mr. Alien suddenly blush as he spoke out. “It's not what you think you two!!” < Mr. Alien looks really cute when he looks like that! > Dita thought as she gazed at her first alien.
It was then that another voice joined in, as another pair of individuals arrived.
Dita turned as her commanding officer arrived; Meia then grasped her shoulders and spoke sternly to her.
“Dita, what are you doing here?! You know better than to wander off on your own!”
Dita looked saddened, and for some reason Kazuki felt rather saddened, as the girl looked very downcast. “I'm sorry Meia.” Dita apologized as she took one last look at her first live alien and his comrades. She wasn't aware that her comrades were giving the once over on the men, the two others in particular.
Jin gave the women a quick glance, but he knew that now wasn't the time to indulge with the opposite gender, they've got other things to worry about, though the women in front of him were VERY attractive..
“We don't have the time for this guys. Let's get ready to evac!”
“Understood!” was the response of his comrades as they about-faced and headed to another direction. Tanaki gave a quick but intense glance at the women and shrugged as he followed his other companions.
Jura and Meia looked at the men and were confused, for some reason, they felt…curious about them. The two then decided to throw away those thoughts after a few seconds.
Meia then ordered her team to head for their Dreads as they had to escape.
“All three are now accounted for. We're leaving now onboard our Dreads!” Meia called out to her communicator as she and her subordinates ran towards their respective ships. However, just as soon as Meia and Jura were lifting off, Dita discovered that she had a slightly tiny problem.
That statement was right on the money. With the walls blasted areas and edges, the Dread as effectively trapped as part of its front was wedged tightly against the sides of the bulkhead. On the other side of the Kazuki spotted the danger, so did Jin and Tanaki as they were about to transform. They had two choices, transform and escape leaving the young redhead to die or rescue her despite the time limit…
Kazuki made the decision and so did his comrades. No one who was young and innocent deserved to die and the redhead had the full qualifications of one of the innocent. They fired a concerted energy blast at the parts holding the Dread and Kazuki finished off the weakened alloy with a tightly focused fireball.
In her cockpit, Dita gasped at the combined power of aliens and the powers they displayed. Her heart throbbed a bit faster as she gazed at her first alien who freed her from her predicament. She called out to them. “Wow! You three are really COOL aliens! Thank You Mr. Alien!”
Kazuki again gave a slight blush and a small smirk and shrugged his shoulders. Jin and Tanaki smiled and waved at the redhead Dread pilot. They then activated their power gauntlets.
Meia and Jura breathed a sigh of relief as they saw Dita's dread move back out of the hole it was stuck in. Since they were on the other side, they didn't see how her ship had gotten loose from its bonds. Not that there was time to think about that at all. They had just started to make their escape when they realized that had run out on them.
The pirate ship…
“We can't avoid a direct hit!” One of the Bridge crew declared as she tracked the missiles aimed at them.
“Hit or miss, it's our destiny.” The old captain said as she prepared for the worst to occur.
Just as Jin, Tanaki, and Kazuki's individual transformations were activated, the missiles hit, causing a massive explosion the engulfed both ships.
On the new sections of the Ikazuchi…
“Minister! We are losing mass at a rapid rate!” An aide called out as he spotted the readouts on his console.
The commander of the Talark space Force nodded with satisfaction as he witnessed both ships being swallowed into some massive vacuum and disappeared from his field of vision.
“I hope you enjoy the taste of defeat, you vile women pirates!”
Jin, Tanaki, and Kazuki found themselves falling into a deep sea of greenish-blue light. Their bodies felt like they were on fire as massive waves of energy flooded them. The sensations were indescribable, as they had never felt it before. But somehow it felt familiar and comforting making them feel more relaxed.
As the three men fell, they became aware that there were three others with them, the same women that they met at the reactor. And as soon as the darkness was about to engulf them, each of them spotted glowing dots on the foreheads of the women, they saw images that would change their lives forever and shape their future. The images resembled their bio-armor forms but larger and more impressive looking. That last image faded as they heard one certain female's voice call out to Kazuki…
To be continued…
Author's notes:
Yes, I know that it's somewhat similar to TekkaDread if you guys have visited, but let me assure you that this story is completely of the beaten path, even more so with the introduction of Kyle Mirano, who happens to be Duero's best friend back in the academy. There of course will be more changes once we move to the other chapters of the first installment. Like I said before… the boat's going to get real crowded now!
I haven't worked on this story for over three years so it's still going to need some serious updates and revisions so this will be the only chapter out.
(*) Decided to cut the speech short.