Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Quest to the Gods. ❯ Mixing Drinks ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Greetings mortals, welcome to the third chapter of my dream world. What's happened so far is irrelevant because I've totally switched polls on this one. Welcome to my first Yugioh based chapter. This one's real long, so bear with it.

Warnings: Nothing sexual, except the verbal introduction of my first pairings, Ryou/Bakura and Yami/Yugi. I don't really tell you in the story, but assume that both those pairs are couples. The language gets a teensy bit rougher, but I don't believe in hard core swearing so don't worry. Part way down you'll see a Yami's POV(Point of View) where you see Yami's true rough colours.

Disclaimer: I don't own rights to any characters in this story except one, but you haven't met him yet. I'll tell you when the time comes. Must be nice to be the owners of these stories, I would have a lot of fun with them if they were mine. On with the Chapter.

Chapter 3: Mixing drinks.

Previously, for the Yugioh crew:

"The regionals for Japan this year, are being held in Tokyo. This year's top contenders are the King of Games himself, Mr. Yugi Mouto." Yugi pricked his ears to the TV in the den. "Also Battle City Finalists: Former world champ, Seto Kaiba, and Duelist Kindom's runner up and Battle City Finalist Joey Wheeler. So duelists, get your rears in gear to Tokyo for this year's Regional Championships!" Yugi flipped off the TV. Tomorrow he and Joey would be leaving for Tokyo. He wasn't really excited, and neither was Yami. He remembered the discussion.


"Didn't Weevil win that thing last year?" Tea asked with disgust.

"Yeah, and Yugi wasn't even invited last year." Joey stated.

"But I wasn't in any leagues last year Joey , or had any titles." Yugi said plainly.

"So why don't you sound excited buddy?"

"Yeah, you usually love tournaments." Tristan threw in.

"No I don't! Remember…I only went to Duelist Kingdom to fight for Grandpa's soul, and then Battle City to beat Malik and help my other self find out about his past. Don't you see, Tournaments always mean something before I enter them. Now this has come along, I don't think I'll go."

"Not go!" They all said at once.

"Yugi," Tea said gently, "why wouldn't you? I know that there's no incentive, but you need to start dueling for fun again. This tournament will be fun and the prize money'll be nice too. Common, we'll all go."

"Yeah, common Yug, I've been ichin' to show off my skill since Battle City. I'll enter too, and we'll beat out the usual customers together. Whadda ya say?" Joey prodded his friend.

"I don't have a choice, do I?" Yugi smiled at his friends.

"Nope." Joey answered.

"Okay then. Tokyo, here we come."


Unfortunately, Tristan and Tea couldn't end up making it. So it was just him and Joey. Later that evening, the phone rang.


"Hey Yugi, how's it going?"

"Hey Bakura. I'm good. I'm getting ready for the Regionals tomorrow."

"Cool, I'll be there to. We should get together tomorrow night before the tournament starts on Saturday, I know this great little place down town. How about I get you the address and we'll meet you there."

"I'm assuming that by 'we' you mean you and the other you."

"Yami'll obviously be with you to."

"And Joey."

"Oh good, bring him to."

"Okay Ryou, you email me the address and we'll be there."

"Alright, see you tomorrow then."


Present day:

Yami's POV:

I didn't know Tokyo got so cold this time of year. But there we were, just me, Yugi and Joey, outside in below zero temperatures waiting for the prince of darkness himself, and his girlfriend. I guess I shouldn't be so mean. Ryou Bakura has been a sincere and loyal friend to Yugi. Bakura on the other hand has been such a bitch that I want to give in to my ancient impulses sometimes and take him out with one swat of a butcher's knife. Gah! I'm freezing. Even the fact that I'm not in possession of any physical body of my own and I'm inside a highly powerful piece of gold that doesn't insolate. Never got so damn cold in Domino…although Yugi didn't spend that much time outside if it was. Hmmm, maybe I'm just whining.

Finally…after waiting for like 2 hours, I can hear a certain horrible grown above the normal car noises. And then he arrives on his bloody motorcycle. Whatever…I'm not jealous. What's with Egyptians' fascination with Motorcycles anyway? It wasn't my idea. I'm positive it's him because not only can I see the platinum blond hair peaking out from underneath his helmet, but there's a freakn' huge gold ring sticking out from his leather jacket. Hmm, leather…I don't know if that's practical or sadistic. I love leather.

He takes off his helmet and I feel Yugi sigh with relief when we see that's it's Ryou, not his psychotic other half.

"Hey guys…sorry we're late. Been waiting long?" He apologizes. And we smile…Yugi, why do you always have to have your face exposed like that? A good sneer goes a long way.

"We're? Who's we?" Joey stares for a moment, confused. Even though he's known for a long time, he still insists on forgetting that two people inhabit that head, and Yugi's too. But it's just so convenient to forget. Gods, I hope Bakura doesn't do what I think he'll do. Oh, but he does.

"Don't be stupid, mortal. Your head's empty enough without forgetting common knowledge." Bakura has taken over and given his first bash. I can feel my blood start to boil, and I'm not even physical at this point. Just wait until we have to interact. I can also feel my tender, loving Aibou telling me to calm down. Fine, I'll calm down, but I get Bakura's motorcycle if I do. I get the feeling that Yugi's just shaking his head at me.

Before Joey can even get one stupid word to roll off his his tongue, Ryou comes back apologizing again and again. "I'll try to keep him in check tonight." Joey nodes an-nd we smile again. I can only imagine how much my face would hurt if I smiled like that all day. Ahh, my lovely face…I miss it. Time to show up at this party. Yugi gives me control without question. I know how to act in public. I am a celebrity after all.

"Seeing as Elvis has left the building, I thought I'd say hello before he decides to come back." As soon as I say my greeting and Ryou nodes hello, I realize what a stupid thing this was to do. Now I was stuck.

"You mean you didn't miss me Pharaoh?" Bakura's back with an acid tongue coated in sugar.

"Does anybody ever miss you, Bakura?" I put as much "good nature" as possible into that remark.

"Sometimes. But you're right, I come uninvited, I leave when everyone's sick of me. It's the life I chose." He looks at the fingernails on his right hand. I sigh inwardly, can you be more vain?!

"Pharaoh, you look a little cold. Shall we?" I roll my eyes as he offers an arm to me. I just walk by it. He can mock me all he wants, but I refuse to touch his toxic skin.

"Aww, you hurt my feelings. I'll never find true love." The back of his right hand springs up to his forehead for the dramatic affect. Throughout all of this Joey is just standing there like an idiot. He has no idea of the kind of state that Bakura and I hold each other in. We're like siblings, only I'm the older, cuter one. After my rejection, Bakura goes to Joey and smiles up at him. They stare at each other for a moment. Joey looks so uncomfortable, like Bakura's got bad breath. How about an evil 5000-year-old soul? I bet he stinks up close. After the starring contest which Bakura so obviously wins, he laughs and jests:

"You smell good tonight Joey." And simply walks away. Another sigh from me, and Yugi returns it. It's gonna be a long night.

We find a table in this cool little bistro (fyi: it's not a bistro, it's probably one of Bakura's gay bars, but I don't ask) and sit down with our newly ordered drinks. I wonder if there's anything in the Regional's rulebook about getting hammered the night before the tournament? 'Cause that's what I'm planning if I want to survive this little date. I knock back my drink pretty quick and so does Joey. Bakura just swivels his around in the glass and takes baby sips now and then.

"So..." he starts off. I wonder what in hell we're gonna talk about. Maybe we'll find something good to argue about, then a little dueling or some kind of game, some "I'll send you to the Shadow Realm" threats and we'll call it a night. But nooo…. Bakura wants to talk about something else, something that is (I'm sure) making Joey feel slightly uncomfortable and very left out.

"I was doing a little research on the net last night…" he says (baby sip), "And I came across something of interest for both you and me."

"Why us?" I know I shouldn't ask questions, it only encourages him. But I'm intrigued, not only do I love leather, but I do love the Internet.

"We're the only…oh, what's the politically correct term…spirits trapped inside ancient magical jewelry that I know of."

"Broken souls," I correct him. I love that term, Yugi made it up. "What about it?"

"Anyways, someone did a study on the idea of our situation."

"Someone knows about us?" That would be weird, cause that would mean we had stalkers. I don't like stalkers, they scare the hell out of me.

"Not sure, could be just some freak with too much time on his hands. Let me ask you something Pharaoh" he uses my rank just to tease me. "If you could have your old body back, and separate physically from your vessel, would you?"

I didn't expect anything of that sort to come out of his mouth. Actually, it was in character, him being a "physical" guy, if you catch my drift.

"I don't know, I guess so. I've never really thought about it before." Actually I had. I miss my old body. I was strong and gorgeous and the world was my brothel. Now I just want one for Yugi. I want to be able to touch him, and stroke him and…I giggled out loud at Yugi's hormonal response. I love to tease him.

"Neither had I. But I'm always the one to master the magic tricks before you do, so watch carefully." His ring glowed and then out of nowhere someone materializes out of the shadows. Boy did that make Joey jump. It was non other than little Ryou, smiling from ear to ear.

"Hey Yugi, guess what we learned to do." He smirked.

I totally sensed Yugi's excitement, even over my own.

"Wow, I'm impressed. Now don't pull any other that magician's oath crap, tell me how you did that."

And surprisingly enough, he did. The guy who did the research raised the idea of splitting one's personal energy in half and a physical form would take shape. Seeing as both our vessels had the energy of two people, the idea had merit. And up came Ryou. This wasn't just a neat trick like all the other useless magic Bakura could do, this was making me sweat with anticipation. I wanted to try it. Yugi was already one step ahead of me. It felt kind of like a pushing feeling, like he was trying to move a wall. I saw the puzzle glow just like Bakura's ring had done, but right after that happened, I knew that something was wrong. Yugi couldn't seem to move that heavy wall, so the attempt was aborted.

"Don't worry, Pharaoh, I'm sure you'll both get it before long. I know how much of a treat it was for us." He smiled sadistically at Ryou and I felt sick to my stomach. Yieck! I did not want to know the faintest detail about there newly physical sex life. Eww, the thought. Actually the thought wasn't that bad, and I made Yugi uncomfortable again with my dirty musings, but the idea was the worst. So I stopped. Though Yugi didn't. Gods, I hope we can master this separation thing soon. How I want him.

I glanced over at Joey who had totally zonked out. He was starring across the bar at a table that was kinda loud. I blinked. There were girls at that table. Halleluia, it isn't a gay bar after all! Those loud people were kind of interesting. Locals, I thought. I didn't blame Joey for starring.

The two girls sitting there were normal enough, but the two guys…

One had pretty black hair and was wearing these wooden sandals. His hair wasn't that long, but it was put back into a mini ponytail. He was cute. The other had seriously long black hair and looked real uncomfortable in his own skin. The girls were both giggling and tossing their jet black hair. They were both really pretty too. It was a good-looking group of people. Suddenly, without notice, the guy with the longest black hair spun his head around and looked straight at me. The other guy was pointing at us in question. But I couldn't get over the other guy's eyes. They were yellow. It was weird. They stood up and started walking over to us. Yugi started to panic.

"Someone's coming over here." I said.

Bakura looked back.

"Hmmm, not bad. Wonder what they want."

The four walked right up to our table and the girl in the school uniform handed something to Joey, probably because he was the most normal looking.

"Is this yours? We found it on the ground and my friend smel…thought it was yours." She held out a duel monsters card. Wormdrake to be specific. It was Joey's.

"Yeah, thanks, that is mine. I need it for tomorrow." Joey took out his deck and slipped the card in.

"Can I see? I've never seen these kinds of cards before. What are they for?" Joey promptly handed her his deck, she shuffled through them. "Wow," she breathed, "These look just like…" The girl looking over her shoulder nodded.

"They're duel monster cards. Me and my buddies are playing in the Regionals tomorrow." Joey watched as several of his cards were shown to the guys. They seemed to be amazed by the cards.

"Duel Monsters? Is that a game?" The guy with the tiny ponytail asked.

"Uh huh." The other three people were still mesmerized by these cards. Maybe they weren't locals and had never seen colour printing before, I don't know.

"See, it's just a coincidence. It's just a game." Ponytail guy said to his friends.

"Excuse me…" I spoke up, "What are you talking about? Have you seen these pictures somewhere else?"

"Actually yes, but it doesn't matter." The uniform girl answered. She handed the cards back to Joey.

"I'm Kagome. I've never seen this game before, and I've lived in Tokyo all my life."

"I don't think it gets around everywhere." Ryou said, drawing attention to himself and Bakura, whose arm was wrapped around his waist.

"Ah, so there's a tournament here? Who are you, are you guys any good?"

"Are we good? Hah! You're talking to the Battle City semi-finalists here, and one King of Games on my left." Joey needs to learn when to keep his mouth shut. "I'm Joey, ranked third in Battle City."

"What's Battle City?"

"A huge world wide championship tournament held awhile ago to crown the number one duelist. I won that. I'm Ya…I mean Yugi Muto." I could feel Yugi mentally kicking himself laughing. I should bring him out, I hate meeting new people.

"You're the Game King then?"

"If you're into titles." I responded, not to mention Pharaoh and messiah of the world, twice! I added in thought.

"That's cool." The girl said. The one black haired guy with the yellow eyes hadn't said a word since they came over. He had a glint in the yellow eyes that kind of reminded me of Bakura. Kind of a 'Mess with me, I'll kill you' kind of look.

"These are my friends: Sango," she pointed to the other girl. "Miroku," she pointed to mini ponytail guy, "and Inuyasha. You must excuse him, his bedside manner needs a little work." They all smiled good-heartedly except this Inuyasha fellow. He flashed them all a glare but said nothing.

"S'okay. This is Ryou and Bakura." I said, and pointed to each of them. "Bakura's got the same problem."

"Do I? I daresay I'm a little more dangerous than this guy if you get on my side, wouldn't you agree…Yugi?" I just rolled my eyes, and Inuyasha huffed.

"Whoa, you guys look almost exactly alike," Kagome said suddenly. "Are you guys brothers?"

"People always ask us that but no, we're not related." Ryou smiled, hoping Bakura wouldn't say anything. No such luck.

"We're lovers, actually." Bakura snaked his other arm around Ryou's shoulder and stared longingly into his eyes with a goofy grin/sneer.

"I see." Kagome didn't look very miffed, but Miroku and Sango looked surprised, even if they didn't comment. Inuyasha didn't change his expression.

After a bit more vague conversation, we found ourselves having drinks with these people. Joey and Ryou had invited them to sit with us. Apparently, Kagome was the only local, and the others were from far away, whatever that means. After awhile, we got back on the topic of duel monsters. I had gotten out my deck to show them. More oooing and ahhing.

"You guys sound like you've seen them before." I pointed out.

"They look like demons." Inuyasha voiced. It was the first thing he had said all night, and his voice sounded tough, but soft around the edges. I guessed that that's what summed this guy up ultimately.

"Inuyasha!" Kagome warned, like he was revealing some secret. I was interested now, and so were Bakura and Ryou. Joey as usual seemed oblivious.

"What do you mean, Demons?" Ryou asked.

"Demons…Monsters…you know, same thing." Kagome laughed sheepishly.

"Kagome look, that looks exactly like Ryuukotsusei! Look!" Inuyasha pointed at some random dragon in my deck. Joey beamed proudly.

"That's a Red Eyes Black Dragon, pretty cool eh?" Joey interrupts them.

"Kagome, this isn't just a coincidence…" Inuyasha shows the card to the others.

"Who's Ryuukotsusei?" Ryou asks.

"Oh my God!" Inuyasha pulls out another card, I can't see it. I'm totally confused. I keep thinking that maybe these people are into another game that has similar looking monsters.

"Oh, Inuyasha…" Kagome takes the card and shows it to me. "What's this card?" she asks.

"That's a wolf's bane card. Look familiar?"

"Father…" I think that's what Inuyasha said, he was very quiet about it. I couldn't put two and two together, I snatched up the card, growing a little heated.

"What the hell is going on?!" I cried, standing up. "Why are you gushing over these cards, and why did you…" I pointed at Inuyasha, "say father just now?"

"I'm with the midget king," I know Bakura's not talking about my gaming title. "I want some answers to. It sounds as if whatever you're talking about is important."

"Bakura, stop it." Ryou begged, remembering his babysitting promise. Bakura gave him a look that only they understood.

"Fine, but I'm outta here. See you mortals later." And with a flash, he was gone. Gods, after all that, he just gives up the secrets and deceit and disappears. Now the four are starring at where he used to be.

"Where did he go?" Miroku asked, panicked.

"Yeah, you want answers, this is creepier, you first." Inuyasha almost sounded threatening.

I sighed, and with a go from Yugi, I decided to tell them and be blunt. Whatever, if it gets answers out of them, I'll do it, not like it'll really matter anyway.

"He's in the Millennium Ring hanging around Ryou's neck." Their eyes darted to Ryou's chest and saw that grand piece of jewelry.

"How did he do that? I'm assuming you know that too."

I sighed again. Might as well tell them everything.

"Bakura's not really human. And frankly neither am I." I saw Inuyasha perk up for some reason when I said that. "We're ancient spirits that where trapped in our Millennium items thousands of years ago. Now we've been revived and bonded with our vessels, Ryou, and my vessel, the real Yugi, who's not present." My voice was weird. Like I was explaining something obvious.

I heard a "are they demons" from Sango. I didn't respond to that.

"I know you probably think we're crazy, but it's true." Ryou said.

"No." Said Kagome, "Actually, we've seen weirder."

"Is this where you tell us about your fascination with these cards?"

"Um, yeah." Kagome looked at her friends, who all returned her gaze except Inuyasha. What's with this guy? It's like he's not even here, not fully anyway.

"Where should we start?" Sango asked. "Do we want to tell them everything."

"We sure did." I couldn't help myself. I wasn't used to this kind of attention.

"I'll start. I'm the reason behind all of this anyway. Sango, Miroku and especially Inuyasha aren't from this time either." I didn't want to interrupt them by responding, so she kept talking. "They're from 500 years in the past, in feudal Japan. I guess it's our turn to be crazy."

"You don't sound crazy. Remember, I've got an evil spirit inhibiting my body, nothing surprises us anymore." I actually flicked a smile at Ryou for saying this. He's a good guy sometimes.

"Uh, my family and I are caretakers of an ancient shrine not far from here. There's this old well on the grounds and one day I fell in. I woke up in feudal times."

"So what does this have to do with my duel monsters cards?" I was kind of getting impatient.

"Back 500 years ago demons ran loose in Japan, demons that look like the pictures on your cards."

"What? I know that these monsters were real at some point, but I thought they were all sealed in stone tablets thousands of years ago?" I looked at Ryou, who, as expected, had changed into Bakura. Bakura gave me a wide eye expression, and shrugged.

"Stone tablets? So they were real in uh, your time too?" Miroku said.

"Yes, it was in ancient Egypt where I assumed all the conflict happened. Obviously there were monsters here to." Now my mind was completely focused and trying to sort out this mystery. I urged Kagome to keep talking.

"Turns out I had this powerful jewel in me and that I was some re-incarnation of a powerful priestess who looked after the jewel and prevented it from falling into the wrong hands." I nodded.

"So, your demons…were they ever dealt with?"

"Dealt with?"

"You know, killed off, or controled."

"Not up to the time that we're in. Obviously they went somewhere because there are none today. Except…"

"Except what?" I urged. If there were monsters running around, I needed to take care of them.

She looked at Miroku and Sango and last Inuyasha whose eyes were huge and threatening.

"Except Inuyasha. He's a Demon, or half demon anyway." That caught me off guard. I looked at Inuyasha. Sure he was odd, but he was no monster, and had no powers about him that I could detect.

"You're a demon? You don't look like a monster to me."

"Not all demons are ugly monsters, okay." He spat.

"I know that. But you look completely human to me." Bakura nodded along with me. Joey kept quiet. He did know when not to interfere.

"That's because I am, at least for tonight." He starred straight into my eyes, daring me to ask for further detail, I did. Kagome elbowed him before he would answer me.

"Once a month on the night of the new moon I am completely human. I'm only half demon. My mother was human. And my father…" he hesitated and grabbed at one of my cards. "My father looked like this." He pointed to the Wolf Bane card. The picture was a huge white dog or wolf. "My father was a huge dog demon, so I inherited some of his uh, traits."

"Inuyasha has an older brother who's all demon and when not in his human form looks like that too, only not as big." Kagome added.

"So you're a demon. But not an evil one obviously. And you two, what are you, if you are from that feudal age." Bakura was taking lead now from my silence. Yugi and I were both taking this in.

"We're both human." Sango said, "I am a demon exterminator by trade."

"And I am a Monk, with some interesting powers of my own." He cast a sidelong wink at Sango.

This was so weird. I just told my history (summarized) to a bunch of weirdo strangers who are connected to the past to. I need to stop drinking so much. Though I felt connected to these people, like I felt connected to Kaiba. They were involved in the past, and though I didn't know them, they were part of the ancient wars, or still were. I starred at Inuyasha for a second. He was a half demon. It was weird to think of one of my cards being part human. And then there was this story about some magical jewel, but I didn't want to get to deeply into details with them.

"So, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Well tomorrow," Kagome started, "we're starting on a quest. A very long quest. I thought that we should all come and have some futuristic fun while everyone's human."

"What kind of a quest?" Ryou was back. They didn't seem to notice the change in his voice.

"A quest to destroy the evil demon Naraku." Inuyasha told him.

"Naraku? What does he look like? Is he strong?"

"Naraku isn't a monster type demon, he looks human enough, though all of the most powerful demons look more or less like people. Naraku is evil to the bone. He's destroyed all our lives one way or another and we're all in for revenge." Inuyasha clenched his fists.

"But he's too strong." Said Miroku the Monk. "We cannot defeat him by ourselves. So we're following an old legend about Lords in the West that can do away with him."

"So you have a demon problem. How did he destroy your lives?"

"He killed my entire village including my family, and has my brother, awakened from the dead, enslaved." Sango said bitterly.

"He cursed my father and now the curse has fallen on me and the only way to be rid of it is to defeat him." Miroku said, starring at his hand.

"What kind of curse?"

"A gaping hole in my right hand. When open, it sucks in everything around it. As I age it gets bigger until eventually it will suck me in. I keep it closed using prayer beads." I starred at his right hand to, which was covered with cloth and a string of beads. I was amazed.

"Inuyasha?" He was starring off into the distance behind Kagome.

"He killed Kikyo." He said, without any shame. Kagome gave a little queer gasp, but said nothing.

"Who was she?" I asked. Inuyasha didn't answer me.

"He was in love with the priestess Kikyo, who I am the re-incarnation." Kagome said sadly.

"So…" Bakura was back again. All of this flip-flopping must be annoying for little Ryou. "…You two are together now?" He questioned Kagome and Inuyasha with an evil wink. Not only was he annoying Ryou, but that question was a little -- invasive.

"No!" He said, and nodded sadly. "We're not together."

"Oh, I just assumed since you were this Kikyo person's re-incarnation…"

"Well, we aren't." I saw his face turn a little red and he cast a look in Kagome's direction.

"Anyway, it doesn't matter." Miroku said, breaking the tension.

"So this Naraku guy is really evil." Bakura, back again( I don't know why he doesn't just materialize again like before), said with a glint in his eye.

"Oh great, don't get Bakura started on being evil." Joey sighed.

The others looked slightly alarmed.

"Don't be scared." Bakura laughed inwardly, "I was pretty bad in my own time. My village was destroyed as well." He said to Sango specifically. "By this guy's daddy." He pointed to me. I just shook my head. If he was going to bring that up now, I wouldn't be part of it.

"Yam…I mean Yugi here was Pharaoh in his former life. I myself was, as you say, king of thieves." He sneered proudly.

"Wow, and Joey, how did you get thrown into all of this?"

"I'm just Yugi's best friend. I don't have anything to do with whatever they're talking about."

"We think." Bakura added. I nodded at that.

"So, you say you fought with the demons too?" Miroku advanced the conversation.

"Yes. But in different ways then you I believe." Bakura smiled evilly.

"What he means is that there wasn't always demons, or monsters as we called them, around to deal with. Back in the time of our fathers, games were played with these monsters, but not in our world. Are you familiar with the Shadow Realm?" I asked.

They shook their heads as I expected.

I turned on my Discovery Channel voice. "The Shadow Realm exists beyond the confines of this world. The powerful would summon monsters, who existed only in the Realm, for battles of power and control. After a time priest discovered how to summon these creatures to earth to do their bidding, but they became too powerful and my father sealed them away in stone tablets. Ever after, we still used them in battle, but only under the control of a tablet or of a person harboring them. That was when I waged war against this little brat over here." I looked at Bakura sneakily.

"That's quite a claim. And you were never bothered by these monsters again?" Miroku asked.

"Not that we know of. I was sealed in the millennium puzzle to end the battles. I don't remember anything after that."

"I see. I'm amazed that you and Bakura remain friends in this day, after all your fighting."

"The Pharaoh and I are not friends." Bakura said flatly.

"What he means is that it is our vessels that are friends. We merely put up with each other."

"Not like we really have anything to fight over anymore. Those ancient days are gone. And my dreams of unlocking my families hidden powers are beyond me now." Bakura actually looked remorseful. Maybe there was hope for his solitude after all.

"I see." Miroku had been saying that a lot. "You were able to defeat these ancient demons and trap them in stone tablets. Do you think, Inuyasha, that they would be able to use this same method on Naraku?"

Inuyasha just shrugged.

"Unfortunately my friends, I doubt that even the High Priest Seto would be able to able to defeat this Naraku. That strength was lost before our time. I am curious however, about him. This Naraku, you say he appears in human form, yet he is so strong." I glanced at Bakura.

"Come to think of it Pharaoh, I don't think I have any memories of monsters resembling humans."

"You're right, even though there must have been, we've never seen them. The strongest monsters we've encountered are dragons and gods. Both that have been effectively sealed."

"Strange indeed, you've never seen such demons. Until now of course." Inuyasha huffed again at Miroku's remark.

"I guess we still have to go on our quest then." Kagome said sadly.

"Only gods can help us now." Sango stated.

"Gods? There you go again. Who are these "Lords of the West" anyways?" Bakura asked.

"I don't think they are talking about Ra do you?"

"You mean the Egyptian god Ra? I doubt it. Egyptian gods are just make believe anyways." Kagome laughed.

Bakura and I starred at her in disbelief. We didn't need some popcorn girl telling us what was and wasn't real. Bakura, I could tell, was holding his tongue for once.

"Real or not, I doubt you could find them to seek help. Especially with that attitude." Bakura said.

"I didn't mean to offend you." Kagome apologized.

"That's okay. But I still can't place what Lords you are talking about. Speaking of Gods, I wonder if this Naraku could compete with my gods." I thought out loud.

"Your Gods?" Inuyasha said in disbelief.

"Yes, my Slifer the Sky dragon, Obelisk the Tormentor and the Winged Dragon of Ra. They are the strongest monsters to my knowledge."

"Maybe in a head on battle." Miroku said doubtfully, "But to defeat Naraku, you must also be able to match his sorcery. He has many faces and puppets."

All through this conversation I learned new things and found myself gasping more than I'm used to. I also felt myself drawn to these stories. They were out for revenge, these four, and they had a long quest in front of them. How I longed for something of the same nature. I almost suggested going with them. But I thought of Yugi. He wouldn't want to leave his home, or his friends. But I missed adventure so much at this point. Yugi also felt my anxiousness.

//Yami, you want to go with them don't you. Why?//

/I don't know, I just really want an adventure right now. Of course I wouldn't do it, I just want to./

//I know.//

After our conversation turned to lighter matters, Ryou had returned for longer periods and Joey found himself describing the kind of card Inuyasha would be on.

"He'd be an effects card," Joey said, "and the card would be called "Inuyasha the Half Demon", what kind of pointage do you think he'd have Yug?"

"However strong this card would be, it would have to be able to become stronger in need. Inuyasha is good at that." Sango said.

"I don't know how strong it would start, but I think the card's special ability would be to increase to match the attack points of the opposing monster, if the monster had one star over him. Maybe he'd start out at 2000 attack points." I said.

"Inuyasha always gets stronger if Kagome's around. Why is that anyway?" Miroku asked Inuyasha.

"It's because it gives him more incentive to fight. To fight for humans." Sango added.

"I see, so maybe his other ability would be to raise 100 attack points above the attacking monster if there was a human card on the field." Ryou said.

"Your game sounds very complicated." Miroku said. "Wouldn't you like to be part of it Inuyasha?"

"If you want my honest opinion, no! I wanna know why you're all talking about me so much. I'm no card."

"Don't be so defensive Inuyasha. We're just having a little fun." Kagome said.

"Don't tell me not to be defensive. I live on the offensive, I…" Inuyasha's speech was cut short when Kagome reached up and fingered his beaded necklace.

"Cool necklace, d'you make it?" Joey asked, being friendly.

"No, uh, it was given to me."

"More like forced apon you. That's the necklace that I can control him with." Kagome giggled.

"What?" Ryou said.

"Whenever Kagome wants to, she can say "sit" and Inuyasha will fall to the ground." Sango said, smirking. Inuyasha growled.

Ryou and Joey giggled, I refrained.

"Talk about whipped." Ryou laughed.

"Hey!" I snapped to attention when I saw the bar door open and someone come in. "Look…"

I pointed and everyone looked only I knew only Ryou and Joey would know who it was who just walked in.

"It's…" Ryou started.

"Kaiba!" Joey sneered.

"Who's Kaiba?" Kagome asked.

Whoa, that was long…but it was good. I wonder if Naraku could stand a chance against a god monster? It's an interesting idea, eh? Also, what about an "Inuyasha the Half Demon" yugioh card? I'd buy it, especially with all the special abilities they came up with. He'd have to be equipped with a Tetsuaiga magic card to get that much stronger. Now I've gone and mixed Kaiba in with all of this. Don't think I'd let him off so easily. I've got everything set up the way I want it, all the characters I want to. I got rid of Tea and Tristan on purpose. If you want to know why they couldn't come to Tokyo it's because they had a reunion to go to. I didn't want to elaborate in an overly long chapter, but it's a scouts reunion that they didn't want to miss. If you want more detail, there isn't much, but you can ask anyway. Once again, please review, I get lonely sometimes.