Fan Fiction / Zoids Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Kiryu ❯ brute force when necessary ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Liquid diamond oozes out from its mouth. Its dorsal fins started to spark. The Stormsorter dropped the head of Leena’s Gunsniper in the whale kings docking bay.
Dr. Layon: “good…good now go and get me that silver Zoid!”
Pilot: “YES SIR!”
The Stormsorter blasted out of the docking bay. Kiryu still on the ground. Its dorsal fins are glowing with a dim yellow light. The Stormsorter swooped down and past Kiryu.
Pilot: “this will be a breeze”
The pilot launched his missiles at Kiryu who just sat there. They hit dead on Kiryu.
Pilot: “BULLSEYE!”
A dozen missiles fire from the smoke towards the Stormsorter. It evades quickly. It flies back a few yards and lands on a rock.
Kiryu walks towards the Stormsorter. He arches up and lifts on foot. Then slams it down with both of his arms stretched out and his tail sticking striate up. Then lets lose a victory roar. The Stormsorter lets its own roar be heard. It takes flight. Two blades on the fingers of the wing open and burn with energy. The Stormsorter dashes towards Kiryu. He braces for the impact. The Stormsorter slams into Kiryu. Kiryu holds the Stormsorter’s blades in his hands. His dorsal fin spark a more. Kiryu opens his mouth and a burst of electricity is shot at point blank range. The head of the Stormsorter flies and lands 400 yards away. Kiryu loosens his grip on the headless Zoid. The body falls to the ground. Kiryu turns to the whale king. Who’s guns are pointed at Kiryu and the rest of the blitz team. Kiryu joins Bit and Brad. Brad loads his Gattling gun and Bit loads his missiles with the liger Zero Panzer. Brad and Bit lock on to the whale king.
Bit: “Damn I forgot.”
Brag: “me too.”
Kiryu turns his attention to the transport. he watches as the Raynos is launched out at full speed. He runs towards it. The Doc screams, Bit and Brad turn to see Kiryu climbing the transport and stand on the launch pad. He grips two power cords and jams them in to the launch pad. Matt relays the plan to the doc.
Dr. Toros: “hmmm it might just work.”
The doc press the launch button. Which shoots Kiryu at the whale king like a bullet. Kiryu hit’s the whale king and lands in the bay. He sees Dr. Layon trying to open the Gunsniper but fails when he sees Kiryu and runs. Kiryu grabs the gunsniper and holds it under his arm. He watches as 13 zaber fangs surround him. Two of the Zaber fangs charge at him, Kiryu lifts his free hand and slams in down hard on the zaber fangs head. The Zoid hit the floor so hard it totaled the head and make a huge dent in the whale king. He then swings a round a backhands a another into a wall. Bits and pieces fall from the smashed Zoid. He slams his tail on top of a red Zaber fang. He launches 8 missiles which hit 6 of the remaining Zoids. The last five Zoids try to pile on Kiryu but he fends it for with ease. The Blitz team watch nervously at the hole Kiryu made and hope for the best. The see Kiryu as he appears from the whale King. Kiryu slams on the ground and makes a huge crater and slowly walks out. He puts the gunsniper on the ground gently. Brad, Bit a Jamie and the doc meet Kiryu and Leena who is on the ground puking.