Fan Fiction / Zoids Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Kiryu ❯ massacring the Champ Team Pt 2 ( Chapter 9 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Matt: “OOWW!”

Matt got off the Gun Sniper and walked over to Harry.
Matt: “Who are you and why are you here?

he was rubbing the back of his head. He looked at his hand but saw no blood.
Harry: “My name’s Harry Champ, I’m a man destined to be a king and I came to see Leena.”
Matt: “Ok....Well next time, don’t yell when you come into the hanger. The Gun Sniper’s weapons aren’t exactly soft.”
Matt: “I told Leena I’d increase her Gun Sniper’s ammo capacity.”
Harry “Oh, yeah, sorry.”
Matt: “Fine, I was done anyway.”

Harry “So, where’s Leena?”
Matt: “she’s in the living room watching TV.”

Harry: “thank you”

Matt: “whatever.”

Harry dashed to the Living room. Bit walked out to Matt. Who was wiping the grease off his hands.
Bit: “So how did your first meeting with the “King” go Kevin?”
Matt: “Ok, I guess. He’s a little odd.”
Brad “Get used to him, he comes by and calls a lot.”
Matt: “Right...”

Matt, Brad and Bit helped Harry to the living room, they entered
Matt: “Yo, Leena, you’ve got company.”
Leena: “Well, who is it?”
Harry: “Hi, honey!”
Leena: “Oh, Harry, it’s just you.”
Leena turns around and goes back to watching TV.
Harry: “But aren’t you happy to see me?”
Leena: “No not really.”
Matt: “Same goes for me, Harry.”
Harry “WHAT??? You don’t think I’m good enough to have around don’t you?”
Matt: “Yup” he shot back.
Harry: “FINE! I challenge the Blitz Team to a battle!”
Leena “What’s the point? Your only in class B.”
Harry: “I’ll pay triple the normal amount of prize money.”
Matt: “You know what Harry, I’ll take on your entire team by myself.”
Harry: “Your kidding, right? One Zoid against three?”
Matt: “Yup”
Harry” “Ok, but your not going to win.”
“We’ll see about that.” Matt mumbled.
Harry: “What kind of Zoid do you pilot anyway Kevin?”
Matt: “Go to the hanger and look for the silver Zoid.”
Harry, Leena, and Matt walk into the hanger.“THAT’S YOUR ZOID???”