Fan Fiction / Zoids Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Kiryu ❯ the battle ( Chapter 13 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Matt: “Me and Kiryu are good, but the Lightning Saix speed could be a problem, Kiryu isn’t the fast machine in the world so it‘ll be hard..”
Jamie: “But you’ve got an Ultimate X, you shouldn’t worry that much.”
Matt: “I’d expect to here something like that coming from Bit.”
Jamie: “Guess your right.”
Matt: “It doesn’t matter, we’ll still probably win.”
Judge: “This area is now restricted. All others leave the area Battle mode 0982, Ready??, FIGHT!!!”
Matt: “Brad, Leena, break off and give them a reason not to stay together.”
Brad: “Right”
Leena: “Gottcha”
The Saix stayed together despite what the Blitz Team did.
“Not good...” Matt mumbled.
Jack: “Stay with me you two, we’ll hit the silver Genosaur last. Lets get the Gun Sniper first.”
Chris: “Got it Jack.”
Kelly: “Right”
Leena: “It didn’t work Matt.”
Matt: “I noticed Leena. Brad, shoot in front of them so they run into your shots.”
Brad: “How far?”
Matt: “A good distance in front.”
The Fox and Kiryu fired well in front of the Saix, but they still avoided it.
Leena: “What?!?! I didn’t think they’d be able to use each others slip stream’s if we did that.”
Matt: “Apparently they can.”
Leena: “GUYS.....a little help!!!”
Brad: “We’re comin’ Leena.”
Jack: “To late.”
Leena: “Nooooo...”
Brad: “Got it.”
The Fox and Kiryu disappeared behind a cloud of smoke.
Leena: “You two better get them for me.”
Brad: “No prob Leena.”
Matt: “Where are they Brad?”
Kelly: “Right here.”
“WHAT?!?!?!?!” shouted Matt and Brad at the same time. The Fox was knocked off it’s feet as the Saix sped , but Kiryu had block the attack with his arms but was blown back a few yards.
Matt: “Brad, you ok?”
Brad: “Yeah, I’m fine.”
Kiryu had ran out of the cloud of smoke and smack dab into Kelly’s Saix.
Kelly: “Hey, watch it!”
Matt: “Your fault, that’s one down.”
“There’s still us.” said Jack as he and Chris ran by Matt at full speed.