Fan Fiction / Zoids Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Kiryu ❯ Chairman issued challanage! ( Chapter 21 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
“It was one of my units form G-force. It‘s called the Shirigashi. That’s why I just had to get it repaired.”
“Mat you shouldn’t of have.”
“but I did”
“So is this why you where in such a bad mood? Because you didn’t want me to know?”
“Sort of...I’ll tell you after the battle this afternoon.”
“What, you plan to use the Shirigashi in the battle?”
“Not really Leena”
“why‘s that?”
“because it has limited ability”
“Oh ok”

After the battle that afternoon everyone was amazed at how well that Jessica had handled the Shirigashi. Later when everyone was in the living room they got a message
“this is the ZBC Chairman specking.”
Doc stood up to answer “what can we do for you mister Chairman?”
“surrender the stolen Zoid!”
Matt stood up “what stolen Zoid?”
“Don’t play games boy the one you stole from the old Tokyo Ruins!”
“if you do not surrender it we will take it be force!”
“I got two words for ya mister ZBC Chairman”
“and those words are?”
“Bring it!”
The Chairman hung up just then. Matt stood staring at the screen with rage. Jessica looked up to him and sighed
“do you know what you just did?”
“and you know there…”
“I’m aware”
“Matt I highly recommend that you NOT use extreme force!”
“they started it…”
“Why do I even bother?”
Everyone left except Leena
“Ya know there use Genosaurs, right?”
“so? I can beat the Liger Zero and the Shadow Fox”
“there use four Genosaurs.”
“I know Matt its there removal team”
“it wont matter…”
Later that night Matt was repairing Kiryu
The hole team entered.
“what are you guys doing here?”
“Well, we’ll help you then. Right guy’s?” said Bit and everyone agreed they’d help.
“No, I don’t want any help, this is my battle. No one else’s.”
“But Matt, you said each one has a Genosaurer.”