Fan Fiction / Zoids Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Kiryu ❯ And with Death Coms life! ( Chapter 27 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
“Today we have gathered to mourn the death of one of the greatest Zoid warriors in history...” he started.
Amy was having a very hard time controlling herself. She had known Matt only a few days, fallen in love with him, and then lost him. She wondered why this happened to her. She couldn’t believe it when she found out about Matt’s past and his decision about his battle. She knew he had a little mean streak in him, but what happened was totally unexpected.
Jessica glanced over at Amy. He knew Matt’s death had hit her hard, but she didn’t know how hard it hit until she went renegade. Jessica had wanted revenge too, but Amy had pretty much destroyed what was left of the Backdraft, and what was left had hidden themselves as best they could, fearing Amy’s wrath. She felt so sorry for her.
The ZBC Chairman had finished his speech and given the podium to the Republic president. The Guylos emperor was the last to speak. Matt’s casket was being lowered when the Ultrasaurus and 2 Gojalus started a 21 gun salute. As the 21st shot was fired and Matt’s casket was lowered in completely, someone’s voice could be heard in the distance. A Zoid could be seen off in the distance, with someone sitting on top of it.

“Hey, What about me?!” the person shouted.
“That voice sounds familiar.” mumbled Amy.
As the Zoid neared, it started to resemble an extremely damaged MechaGodzilla.
“It can’t be...” said the ZBC chairman. A hushed murmur fell across the gathered crowd.
“What, I don’t get to attend my own funeral?” the man on top of the Zoid asked mockingly.
“MATT?!?!” Amy shouted.
“You better believe it!” Matt had no shirt, in a sense. He had used his shirt to make bandages and a sling for his left arm. Kiryu wasn’t in much better condition. The right arm was gone. Most of the armor was gone, and what was left had been melted backwards, causing spike like shapes all over the remaining armor. The left half of Kiryu’s head armor had been destroyed, revealing the circuitry underneath. Kiryu leaned down so Kevin could get off with out adding to his injuries.

“Matt!” Amy cried running towards Matt.
The entire crowd had stood up and looked at Matt a look of disbelief on everyone’s face. Amy finally reached Matt and hugged him tightly.
“AH! Amy, could ya loosen your grip a little, I think all of my ribs are cracked already.” Matt said, trying very hard to breathe.
“Sorry. How’d you survive?”
“You think we’d go down that easily? You can’t get rid of me Amy.”
Amy started crying with joy and everyone was running towards him.
The ZBC chairman, Helic president, and Guylos emperor walked up to Kevin. The ZBC chairman spoke up first.
“Matthew, you have showed unbelievable skill, not only in battle but also in survival. Your medical expenses and repair expenses will be paid by the ZBC.”
“Thank you very much Mr. chairman.” Matt said, his good arm around Amy’s shoulder.