Fan Fiction / Zoids Fan Fiction ❯ Come Back ❯ Leaving ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer-I do not own Zoids,

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City or PS2, X Box, Gamecube

Come Back

"Well by everyone."Bit said to the Blitz team and the Flugel team. He was leaving to become a better zoid pilot. There was a bunch of teams there, the teams that were there were the Champ,Tigers ,Redfire Lightning,even Vega and Pierce were there. Harry was happy that Bit was leaving, meaning that he could bother Leena.

"When are you coming back?"Leena asked.

"I don't know, maybe in 3 months or shorter."Bit replied

At Romeo City 1 month later

"I'm hungry, I should have bought more food at the store."Bit was talking to himself.

Toros Base 1:00 pm

"There is no more food, we have to go shopping."Leena yelled.

"We'll go shopping for food at Romeo City, In a few minutes."Doc said

"Is that Doc's hover cargo?"Bit asked himself.

"Hey Blitz Team."The Blitz Team turned around and saw Bit standing there, holding a bag of food.

"Bit."Leena asked."What are you doing here?"

"Shopping for food."He replied

"Let's go back to the hover cargo."Doc said.

When Bit entered the hover cargo it looked different. They had a big-screen TV and 4 different game console, they were Playstation and Playstation 2, X Box, Gamecube.

"Whoa, you guys have Grand Theft Auto:Vice City?"Bit asked

"Yeah."They all replied at the same time.

2 Hours later

"Better get going."Bit said.

"See ya in a few weeks."Leena said.


"I'm tired, Fury."Vega said.

Vega was on vacation and wanting a rematch with Bit. When the Royal Cup passed Vega quit working for the BackDraft Group, Ever since then he was traveling around Earth.

"Hey that looks like the Berserk Fury, don't you think so Liger?"Bit asked his zoid.

Liger roared in agreement. The two pilots moved their zoids closer.

"How's it going Vega?"Bit asked

To be continued

That was hard to write. REVIEW my story and Email me if you want at

It took me a while to think of a good ending. Hint: if you want to know what happens in chapter 2 Email me