Fan Fiction / Zoids Fan Fiction ❯ Keaton ❯ The answer and sweet bliss for now ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hiya everybody it me the Little Kitsune. Thank you a whole lot for reviewing that's why I'm doing this. Yup, yup, yup. I'm going to try to update sooner sorry for the wait I have to take the stupid WASL test at school and crap like that but I promise to try to update during summer, right now I just got a lot of crap on my plate. Yeah, yeah I know don't complain but CURSE YOU SCHOOL, CURSE YOU ~ Shakes fists at sky ~ School: HAHAHAHAHAHA. LK: Ack didn't see that coming. Anyways on today issue some new battles and new romances, yes I know there isn't really a plot yet but there will be soon I hope. anyways on with the story.

Disclaimer: Jamie: Do it. LK: I ain't doing it. Jamie: Do it LK you have to it's the law. LK: Noo ~ continues to whine ~ Make Hiei do it. I do wanna. ~ Hiei wanders in ~ Hiei: That's it woman go to your room and don't come out till I say so! LK: ~ Chibi eyes ~ WAAA your mean. ~ Runs off to room crying. ~ Jamie: She's right that was kind of mean. Hiei: Quite you. Anyways Little Kitsune does not own us just her original characters so don't sue or steal. I'm done, can I go? Jamie: Yeah sure, I got to get back to the story. I'm in it anyways. ~ Runs off ~ Hiei: Whatever ~ takes out a bowl of sweet snow ~ Hehehe sweet snow. MMM!


Jamie had woken up kind of early that morning. The morning mist had not yet risen from the sand that covered the ground. He sat down in a soft chair waiting for the others to get up. But mostly Link. He was anxious to hear her answer. `I really hope she says yes' he though to him self. He reposition him self after a few minutes. "Arg I can't take this waiting I'm just going to go into Links room and ask her." He said to him self as if to make him self believe it. He got off of the chair and marched to Links room, shaking a little as he entered her room.

The door swooshed as he entered he looked around, looking for his fairy teammate. The shelves were covered with picture frames of people from the sister to her parents to friends. Jamie walked quietly over to shelves and looked over the pictures, he stopped on one picture inpaticular of a woman that looked like Link and what appeared to be a little Link. The little kid in the picture looked like Link now except shorter and was carrying a doll that was almost as tall as her. The girl wore her hair the same as Link, she wore a dark green kimono. `Wow Link was cute as a kid.' Jamie thought a he took the picture off the self. He studied the other person in the picture. She was tall and slender. Her bangs were short and only reached her eyes. She had the same blondish; orange hair, Link and her dad had but she had ice blue eyes. She wore a pleasant smile on her face and she wore a white kimono with a few flowers at the bottom of it. The two of them stood in front of a large cherry blossom tree. `Wait a minute.' Jamie though as he looked closer at the picture, `that's the same cherry blossom tree I saw in Link's room.'

A light yawn caught Jamie's attention toward the bed where a sleeping figure moved. The sheets few off of the bed, and Link sat up and rubbed her eyes sleepily. She wore a yellow silk string top; that was falling off. She stretched her legs, which were covered by a pair of black spandex shorts. On the end of her slender legs was a pair of baggy socks. Her long hair fell over her slender shoulders. She peered around her room, her eyes coming to rest on Jamie. "Yawn morning Jamie." Link said as she stretched. "Um hi Link I was just um just." Jamie said as he fumbled with the picture frame and tried to find the right words. Link looked at him with confusion and got out of bed and walked over to him and looked up into his eyes, she tilted her head. "You were just what, exactly?" Link asked. "Uh n-nothing. Nothing at all come on lets go eat breakfast." "Yea." Link said as she jumped into the air and floated around for a little bit as she celebrated for breakfast. "Can we have waffles and bacon?" Link asked as she got close to Jamie's face. "Um." He looked into her forest green eyes. "Heh, sure Link what ever you want." "Yeah waffles, waffles, waffles!" Link exclaimed as she marched around Jamie and then out the door to the kitchen. Jamie stood a little shock. `Hehehe she sure is perky in the morning ain't she? Jamie though to him self. "Sigh what have I gotten my self into?" He asked the room around him. "I don't know what?" a voice from the door way asked. "Ack Bit how long have you been there?" Jamie asked rather annoyed. "A little while she really must like you. Hehehe." Bit chuckled. "Arg shut up Bit," Jamie shouted as he stormed out. "Waffles, waffles." Link shouted as she marched back in and around the boy. Bit groaned, "How can you be so full of energy in the morning?" he asked the parading girl. Link stopped for a moment and looked Bit straight in the eyes. "Um no clue." She said and resumed her march back toward the kitchen and Jamie who was preparing waffles and bacon.

Link sat at the table and munched happily on a waffle. Jamie soon emerged from the kitchen. He set his plate next to Links and sat down and ate his bacon. Bit soon joined the two youths. He stared at the eating Link; who put another load of waffles on her plate. "You sure got a appetite eh Link?" Link smiled in response and nodded her head yes. `Great I fell for the girl with the cast iron stomach.' Jamie sighed to him self. Link giggled as she ate. `But she's cute and fun to be around. Maybe this won't be so bad.' Jamie thought to himself as he ate. The door swooshed as Leena entered the eating area. "Yawn g'morning guys. Yawn hey Link dad said we got a battle today against the Flugole team. (AN: that's Naomi's team, not sure how its spelled so I took a guess.) Link looked up from her waffle. "Ya don't say. Am I going into battle?" "That's what he was talking about." Leena shrugged. "Well whatever." Link said as she went back to her waffles. The door swooshed as Doc Torso entered the dining hall. "Hey team you ready for the battle today?" "Huh? What battle you never told us about a battle today! We didn't even have time to plan a strategy!" Jamie exclaimed. Link looked over at the spazing boy. She smiled and patted the boy on the back. "Don't worry about it eagle eye, we can handle it can we Bit?" Link said as she looked toward the blonde hared boy. "Yeah we can take them." Bit said as he jumped up and took off toward the hanger. Link and the rest of the team sweatdroped. "Heh and he calls me energetic in the morning."

The Blitz teams hover cargo rolled down the path toward the meeting place against Naomi's team. "So it's me and Link against Brad and Naomi?" Bit asked Doc Torso. He nodded in response. "Yeah I was thinking that Link could go after Naomi and you go after Brad in the Yager. (That's the blue armor for the Liger, with the super speed.) The two teens nodded and when down to the hanger to get ready for the battle. Jamie stood next to the Ghost fox and looked it over. `Where'd Link get this Zoid? I've never seen one like it except for Brad's' Jamie mused to him self as he wandered around the fox Zoid. Bit and Link wandered into the hanger. Bit walked over to his Liger and opened the cockpit and jumped in. Link continued to walk to her Zoid and walked up behind Jamie as he continued to muse to him self. She watched the young teen in amusement. 'He's such a weird guy.' Link thought to her self. `He's so entranced by Zoids, but then again who isn't' "Hehehe what's ya doin eagle eye?" Jamie jumped and turned toward the smiling Link. "Hmm?" Link asked as she got close to him. "Um just wondering something." "Like what? Hmm?" "Like where'd you got this Zoid it looks pretty rare." Jamie said as he admired the fox Zoid. He could have sworn that it puffed it chest out. Link looked toward her Zoid with a far off look in her eyes; like she was off in a memory. "It was my mom's." Link said as she looked away. "Uh Link I'm…" Jamie said as he tried to comfort his teammate. Link wiped her eye and turned back to Jamie with a smile and tears shining in her eyes. "Its ok." Jamie looked toward Bit, he was talking to Liger. Jamie took a step toward the weeping fairy. "Link, what happened to her? To your mother I mean." "She was killed in battle, the strap holding her in broke and she got hit and it snapped and her head smashed through the glass and she fell on the battle field. She was rushed toward the hospital, but it was to late she suffered massive head damage and she died later that night." Link shook badly as she talked. Jamie walked over and held her as she cried. "Link," He said as he held her tight. "I'm so sorry that happened." "It's ok. I'm just glad that I can pilot her Zoid. She was in this Zoid when she meet dad. And she said she fell in love with him from their first battle. I always wished that would happen to me." "I think it did." Jamie said softly as he pushed her against the Zoid's leg. "What?" was all Link could get out be for Jamie caught her lips. He kissed her softly; then nibbled her bottom lip, asking for entrance into her mouth. She stood there; a little shocked about the whole thing. Finally it all sank in. she opened her mouth and allowed him entrance, she griped his shirt tightly as their tongue's entranced each other. "Woo hoo way to go Jamie." Jamie and Link pulled apart fast, and looked toward the grinning Bit and starry-eyed Leena.

Link wobbled and fell backwards. "Whoa, ack. Ow" Link said as she tripped over her Zoid's leg. (AN: Now that takes talent to trip over your own Zoid's leg. Hiei: You should know you trip over air. LK: Quite you! Hmm? `eyes bowl of ice cream in his hands' Hiei: What are planning? LK: Nothing. `Whistles innocently') "Ack Link you ok?" Jamie asked as he helped his teammate. "Yeah I'm fine." She said as she looked into his eyes then turned away; her cheeks blushed pink. Bit grinned and looked over at Leena and placed an arm around her. She looked up at him and smiled and moved closer to him. "Hmm hehehehe" Link giggled as she looked at the two teens. She leaned close to Jamie; who intern put his arm around the girl. "Come on Link we got a battle to win." Bit said as he clenched his free hand. "Yeah!" Link said as she jumped a little and raised her arm in triumph.

* I'm lazy and don't feel like writing the battle, a-choo. Aug I'm sick, I blame you Yasha T *

"Yeah we won we did it" Link said as she ran toward the hover cargo as the door opened to let the two pilots in. As soon as she got in the hanger she jumped out and raced over to Jamie and jumped him; making them both topple over. They both laughed at their clumsiness. Bit jumped down from the Liger and smiled at the two teens as Leena walked over and grabbed his arm. "There a cute couple huh?" Bit asked Leena. "Yup and so are we." She said as she kissed him on the cheek; making it turn a light pink. "Good job team. Lets have a celebration how about we go to the beach?" "Yeah!" was the response of the Blitz team. "Yeah beach, beach, beach!" the happy teens celebrated as they ran off to get their things.

"I wanna sun bath." Leena said as she spread her towel out on the sand. "I wanna swim." Bit said as he charged toward the water. Link walked down toward the water and watched the waves go in and out. She wore a black bikini. The top tied in the front of her chest. Her hair was still in the usual ponytail. She stretched her arms above her head and rocked on her heels as she caste her hands down. Jamie walked down the path with a pack on his back. "Ug why do I gotta carry the stuff?" he whined as he set the things down. He looked toward his fairy partner. He looked her over, a deep blush rose on his cheeks. `She looks really good in black.' He though to him self as he walked over to her. He noticed something on her back though. It was a deep gash, claw like mark's; three of them down the middle of her back, "Ahhh ow!" Bit yelled as a waved crashed into him and washed him ashore. "Bwahahahahahaha have a nice surf Bit?" Link said as she held her sides and continued to laugh, Jamie chuckled and placed an arm around Link's waist and held her close. She tugged at his arm, she lean close to his ear. "Come on lets go for a walk." She whispered in his ear, and slipped out of his grasp. He looked over at Bit and Leena as Leena helped Bit up and he wrapped his arms around her and leaned down toward her. `I can see where this is going.' Jamie though to him self as he took after Link.

"Where's the Doc?" Link asked as they walked along the shoreline. "He's hiding out in the hover cargo, `cause he can swim." Jamie said as he grabbed her hand. She smiled and continued to walk. The walked and talked for a little while, just enjoying each other's company. "Hey Link," Jamie asked as they started to walk back. "What's up eagle eye?" "Well um do you consider us boyfriend and girlfriend?" he asked with a tinge of pink in his cheeks, "yup!" Link said as she swung their hands back and forth. She released his grasp from hers and walked over to a piece of driftwood and broke off a piece. She marched back toward the shoreline with a confused Jamie right behind. She scribbled something in the sand; obscure form his vision till she was finished. It said L+J in a heart with a arrow throw it. Link looked up from her work and smiled. She looked back at the direction they where going and turned back to Jamie, smiled and then took off running. "Hey!" Jamie yelled at the retreating figure. And took off after her. They soon stopped to see Bit asleep on a blanket with Leena nicely nestled in his arms. "Aw how cute." Link said in a silly voice. She giggled and looked toward the sea. "I wanna go surfing." She said and picked up a board and left before Jamie could respond.

"Awe this is just like homes beach, except with out all the monsters." Link said to her self as she paddled out in the water and laid down on her board. "Hey cutie how `bout you and me go for a swim?" Link looked next to her board to see a boy sitting on a black surfboard. He was a tall trim and muscular. He had short green hair that was kind of spiked but sort down because of the water. He had chestnut brown eyes that lingered on Links top half. "Um no that's ok." Link said as she turned her body away from his penetrating eyes, "why not you all alone and I'm all alone how about we keep each other company?" he asked as he shifted his board toward hers. "No because one I don't know you and two I'm here with my team which I should be getting back to." She said as she lend down and stared to paddle toward shore. `Oh crap why did I where the revealing one?' Link though. Then her thought's recollected and remembered. 'Duh I wore it to impress Jamie, bad way of doing it though.' She though as she looked toward the boy leering at her. "Well my names Jacob. Now why don't you tell me your name and we can go for a swim. Hmm?" he said as he paddled closer to her. "Link and no I'm kinda hungry and my boyfriend is waiting." And with that she paddled on wards and away from the perverted boy. He was not satisfied with the answer and followed her to shore.

"Hey Link you want a burger?" Bit asked as his fairy teammate, "that'd be great." Link said as she walked over to her teammates. "What about your friend?" Bit said and jestered to the boy on the shore. "Huh?" Link said as she sat next to Jamie and looked toward the shore. "Oh crap why doesn't he get the message?" Link mumbled to her self, but Jamie heard. He leaned close to Links pointed ear. "Everything ok sweetheart?" he whispered. "No," she whispered back. "This guy was leering at my chest and asked if I wanted to go for a swim, when I declined he still persisted. I really don't like that type of attention." Link said as the boy sat next to her. He grinned and took a burger offered to him. "Did you tell him you had a boyfriend?" Jamie asked. "Ya, but he still doesn't get it." Link said as she looked over to the staring boy. She shivered as he winked at her. Jamie glared at him and wrapped a protective arm around Links waist. She smiled and moved closer to his protective body. Jacob scowled and ate his burger in silence as the team chatted about the day's battle. "So you guys are a Zoid team huh? Must be pretty exciting." Jacob said as he finished his burger, "yeah my Zoid is the Liger zero. Leena's is a gun sniper and Jamie flies a raynous (That spll right?) and Link's is one I've never seen in my travels as a Zoid parts dealer, what was it called again link a ke-ke-" "a Keaton is what its called where I come from but here its called the Ghost fox." "Why's that Link?" Jacob asked in a somewhat seductive voice. "Because they say it disappears after it's owner dies or sells it. It chooses it's own master." Link said as she ate the last of her burger. `I must get that Zoid and Zoid pilot for the back draft.' Jacob though to him self.

"Yawn! Man I'm tired lets hit the hey." Bit said as they entered the base. The other teens agreed by yawning. Link trudged toward the both room still in her jeans and tee shirt, (you know the one's from the first chap her clothes won't really change cause I'm to lazy to make new one's up) she closed the door and turned toward the mirror unaware of the shadow behind her. She brushed her teeth and spit. And washed the remains down the drain. In one swift movement a cloth was placed around her mouth. She struggled to scream but passed out into the arms of her capture. Jacob dawned in black smirked at his captured victim. "Heh it would have been easier on you if you had come swimming with me, but this works to." He said with a fanged grin and hosed the body of the unconscious fairy onto his back and passed the unconscious bodies of Doc, Bit and Leena. "I would of loved to get that boyfriend of yours but I can't seem to find him. Oh well I came for what I had to get." He said as he hosed him self into a raptor. And took off. Unaware of the eagle eyed boy sitting in his raynous. "No one takes one of my team mate's as long as the wild eagle is around," he said with an arrogant smirk. And took off after the raptor and his new love.

Owowowowowowowow my fingers hurt and I'm sick. A-choo. `Blows into tissue.' `Hiei looks over' Hiei: you better not infect me girl or you will pay. LK: you know you luv me. Anyways oh no Link's kidnapped but she's the main character with out her there is no story. But wait what's this? The wild eagle to the rescue and Link finds out about Jamie's other half? Shocker two boys for the price of one. And what's this? Link's dad and Jamie's dad find them dating and now its an all out war between the dad. What? Link and Jamie can't be together? Will their love concur their dad orders or will the lose each other? Find out on the next issue of KEATON which will be posted in summer or when I get another bright idea, LK: give me some of that ice cream. Hiei: no my sweet snow. `Runs away' LK: yarg `tackles Hiei for the ice cream and falls and smashes the bowl in the process' Hiei T-T my sweet snow wah a-choo and now I'm sick and it's all your fault. Wah. LK: `blows nose and hands a tissue to Hiei' deal with it I have to. `Plops down on couch and watches Yu Yu Hakuso'