Fan Fiction / Zoids Fan Fiction ❯ Love,Zoids, and Battles ❯ Chapter 2

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

"I just might be the luckiest girl in the." BlueRay spoke to herself before going back to sleep. Ervine walked down the hall in deep thought. Until he bumped into Van how was on his way to the hanger to cheek up on his zoid. "Sorry about that Van." Van looked at him worriedly about confusion soon took its place. "What's up with you I heard you yelling at Herman earlier." Ervine made a face before he spoke. "He was in my way when I was tiring to see BlueRay." Van looked at him little skeptically but nodded his head. "Why do you have to look like that." Van got a little nerve. "No reasons really don't kill me!" Ervine rolled his eyes and walked past him. "And you're going?" Moonbay came out of her room just as he walked past the door. "Nune of you biss go check on BlueRay." Moonbay was confused. "She's sleep isn't she?" Ervine then dismissed what she said and went into the hanger. "BlueRay be ok I'm sorry but when you wake up it just wont be us."