Fan Fiction ❯ 5 Years Later ❯ Chapter 3

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

“Nicole… could I make your wedding dress,” Melika asked (Melika took on Tria's job after she passed away)
“And I will make the cake!” violet said (she was an excellent cook)
“And I can phone the church!” Kigo said.
“I thank you all but it's not necessary, I couldn't ask you to do that.” Nicole said to her friends.
“Relax we are your friends and that's what we are meant for. Besides it's your special day. Enjoy it!” Kigo said hugging her friend.
“Well, it's settled then I want all of you at my wedding… all of my best friends… except for tria…” Nicole said as Yuki approached Ben and asked him a question.
“Ben, I would be my honor if you would be my best man”
“Absolutely” Ben answered. Their friends made all of the arrangements. It was the day of the wedding and Nicole was at the church getting her hair done by the girls.
“ I am so nervous! I might mess up or-or trip!” Nicole said nervously.
“Relax you will be fine besides even if you do no one will laugh its all of your friends,” Kigo said. Nicole had her hair done and a BEAUTIFUL wedding gown.
“Nicole! Its time” Kigo said.
Nicole slowly walked down the isle, Kigo's father silently holding her arm, as the music played she eased her way down. She came to the alter and Kigo's father lifted her veil.