Fan Fiction ❯ A Raven's Feelings ❯ A Letter and An UnsuspectingVisit ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Ch. 9: A Letter and An UnsuspectingVisit
It was a beautiful spring day. The wind was a carefree spirit, stopping whenever it pleased. On the roof of the tower, Raven listened to the music box that Skai gave her. It had a relaxing tune and the holographic dancers were amazing. But it reminded her about the events of Christmas day. It replayed in her mind; Skai going in for a kiss. She felt her face go red and tried to shake it off. Was she falling for him?! Nah, maybe it was the fact that he was the first to try and kiss her.
The wind blew a bit harder and something appeared out of nowhere hitting Raven in the face. “What the hell - ?!” It was a letter. Raven looked up at the endless sky. She looked back at the letter with its entire symbolic letters and the only thing she could make out was a name. To: Namuriko Skai Hitari
Location: hallway
“A letter?!” the surprised boy said.
Raven handed the letter to him. “It just came out of the sky.” He opened the letter and read it. A shocking yet upset expression crawled up Skai's face. “So, what is it?” Raven asked with a hint of impatience. “It's just an idiotic challenge from a rival of mines after he found out where I was... I'll go tell the others we will have a visit-”
All of a sudden, the alarms went off. Cyborg ran pass them, “Hey get a move on y'all!” They nodded. “Well, let's go.... Namuriko...” Raven teased as she ran off. Skai blushed a light pink. “D'Arvit!” he cursed following her.
Location: Downtown Jump City
Crash! Robin had plummeted into a wall.
"What's the matter birdboy? Can't handle little ol' me?"
Johnny Rancid laughed his head off. "Guess again!" He was hit surprisingly by Skai's jump kick. He flew straight toward Cyborg who threw a small sphere. It hit Johnny causing it to activate restraining ropes like the ones Cyborg had on Skai. He was struggling but gave up as they tightened.
"Hey nice going ace!" Beastboy congratulated him with a slap on the back. Robin dusted himself off and smiled. "Good job." Cyborg gave him a slap on the back too but Skai fell this time. "I think we need to celebrate!" Raven and Starfire helped him up. "I guess but I feel like going home and rest. Shall we?" Skai suggested. "Yes, we shall! We shall celebrate our glorious victory at home!" "YEAH!"
(I know, I know... It's been a long time since I wrote something but this was the only thing I could think of.)
Location: Back at the Tower... again...
"Last one to the gamestation, eats nothing but earwax!" Beastboy shouted, running to the living room. Cyborg ran after him and the others followed. As they entered the room, a couple of unusual looking knives flew past Beastboy's ear grazing him slightly. Blood trickled down his neck but he wasn't concerned about that but at the sight of a beautiful yet deadly girl. She was leaning against the couch and was smiling.
She had long beautiful brown hair and hazel eyes. She was wearing the same armor that Skai had worn when they first met. She looked at Skai then at Raven. She threw more knives toward her direction. Raven gasped but a sudden shadow loomed over her. Skai had intercepted the knives and caught them before impact. She screamed in delight.
The titans suddenly took a defensive position as she ran toward Skai. "Titans g-" Robin words faded as the strange girl embraced Skai. "Skai! I miss you so much! You're skills haven't softened a bit!" she hugged him tighter and Raven felt some jealousy rising in her but showed no sign of it. Skai had no expression on his face but it was turning blue. "O-ok! I miss you too, Eri! You're as strong as ever, now I can't breathe! Let go!" She loosened her grip but didn't let go. The others were still speechless.
An hour of explaining later...
"So let me get this straight. You know her, she knows you. She came to see the challenge, which is taking place in two days that you were going to tell us before Johnny-talks-a lot came along and we went to action?" Cyborg said rubbing his head. "Yeah, that pretty much was the whole story." Raven answered sarcastically. "Ugh... My brain is beginning to hurt..." Beastboy announced as he developed a headache. "What? Too many words for your tiny little brain to handle?"
"Shut up, Raven!"
"Please, tell me who is this Johnny-talks-a lot. Is he who seeks a challenge with Skai?"
Robin shook his head and explained it to her. "Oh... As you say, my badness."
"It's my bad, Star..."
"But you did no such wrong deeds."
Everyone shook their heads and sighed. "Never mind, Star..." Robin continued, "So, where's your ship, Eri?" Eri giggled, "Actually, the ship I was in, is hovering in space right now with Skai's challenger aboard."
"What?! They're here already?!"
"Who is this challenger anyways?!"
"Well, according Heliopolis' unwritten code of honor, a challenge is to take place in two days after arriving to their destination." Eri explained, "The two contestants cannot see each other until the appointed time. In the meanwhile, I can brush up on my skills and magic."
Skai became silent. Everyone but Eri was surprised when he had said magic. The expression on his face, told them he didn't want to say anything about this magic stuff. He began to think his friends wouldn't accept his, as the humans say, freakish ways. But it was a different kind of reaction.
"Cool! You know magic?!" Beastboy said.
"And you didn't tell us?! We thought Raven was the only who could do magic." Cyborg added.
"I only know a few elemental spells... mostly fire, wind, and dark." he said timidly.
Skai twiddled his fingers and Eri rolled her eyes. Raven was the only one who noticed that and knew what it meant. What a liar... she thought. Skai told them when he had began to use his weapons on earth.
Location: Kitchen
POV: Skai's
I volunteered to cook for my new found friends. I looked at the cooking machine my friends are used to. I was very confused and the only things that were familiar to me were the cooking utensils. I put the pan on the range and looked at the knobs. I turned on one and it nothing happened to the pan. There was no heat emitting from under the pan either. It was coming from the other one.
I had forgotten that my hand was on the range beside the pan. I burned my whole hand and I let out a growl. I soaked my hand in cold water, and wrapped my hand in clean dry bandages. I tried to turn off the burner but it just caused the fire to grow. I put the pan on that range anyways and grabbed the cooking oil.
Again, I became clumsy. The cooking oil slipped out of my hand and spilled right on top of the stove. The fire had spread as sparks began to fly. Luckily for me, the others were in the training area outside the tower. I did a hand gesture like how Raven does her incantation because that's what I was about to do.
(Note: I do not own these spells, they come from Negima! Magister Magi! I have trouble thinking to write now... especially when my P.E. test is coming up and so is the standardize test crud too. Damn! All I could think about write now are studies! Beastboy: Dude! Shut up, already!)
"Nivis casus! (ice explosion!)" I shouted.
The large volumes of ice melted in the heat but caused the water to put the fire out. Then I realized something and slapped myself on the head. Idiot! I could have just used my fire spells to control it...
Two hours later...
"Amazing! This is good."
"Good? Man! This food is great! Why don't you cook everyday, for us?" Cyborg insisted.
"I would be honored. Especially because you're allowing me to stay here."
"This tofu really does go down easy... Seconds please!"
Raven began to stare at me who was actually eating.
"Is something wrong?"
"Yeah, where did you get that burn on your hand?"
"Oh... it's nothing..."
Raven rolled her eyes and took a sip of her tea.
End of Flashback:
"Great... Now I'm hungry..." Beastboy wondered.
"Yeah let's take a break."
"I'll make some lunch and some tea." Skai smiled.
"Yes! Raven and I shall help our new friend into some comfortable clothes!"
"Wait me?!" Eri asked. Starfire grabbed both Raven and Eri and left the room. Robin, Cyborg and Beastboy had nothing else to do so they played a multiplayer game of NINJA MONKEY HYPER FORCE FOUR!
[continued in chapter 10! sorry!]

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