Fan Fiction ❯ Agent 15 ❯ One-Shot

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Agent 15

The year is 2330 technology has been overly used and several top companies have used it unwisely to their own gain. The government has started losing its power. It an attempt to regain control over the mass destruction happening between the company wars they have created the agent company. The agent company work as government mercenaries that have done many missions to destroy the company wars that have happened. That was ten years ago. Now an agent with surprising skill has made it up the ranks and has become agent 15. In the headquarters of the base in the center of the major city Neo Finaria the commander and chief is learning of a new problem that is beginning to appear.

"Where is he!" a man shouts.

"Where is who?" the boss asks.

"I was promised to have a powerful agent work on my problem with this company," the aggravated man said.

"Well the problem with that is that I haven't been informed of what is your problem," the boss.

"My problem is that a rumor has that a company is making a new weapon that will destroy my buildings!" he cried angrily.

"Well I will read your request and get back to you tomorrow," the boss said.

"Thank you," the man said storming out the door. The secretary scurried past the man as he walked out.

"Well that sounded like it went well," she said.

"I don't like it when the president helps out the company by sending them to us but fails to tell us about it in time. Besides I don't even know who to send," the boss responded.

"I know," the secretary said.

"Oh no! Not him I don't care how good he is. I hoped he dies on this mission. We can't afford another one of his missions," the boss said holding his head.

"He always gets the job done. Maybe a bit destructively though," the secretary stated.

"A bit? He destroyed a whole building on the last mission! It cost a fortune to fix it," the boss said wearily.

"So when should I call him?" the secretary asked taking out a pen.

"Oh I know I am going to hate my self for this. Get him as soon as he is done his current mission. Oh and one more thing, how much as he destroyed so far?" the boss asked looking up.

"Just the normal amount of twenty thousand dollars worth," the secretary said smiling a little.

"Great. Dock it from his pay," the boss said dismissively. The secretary nodded walking out of the room and sitting at her desk. She dialed up a person on the vid-phone.

"Hello?" a female voice asked looking up.

"Hey sis. Listen your agent has got a new mission. Tell him to get straight home once he's done," the secretary said to the girl on the other end.

"Right-O. Is that it?" she asked.

"One more thing. Just out of curiosity how much did he destroy?" the secretary asked.

"Oh just the three bottom levels and various equipment sis," she responded looking at some sheets of paper.

"Thank sis. Hope he gets back. Bye," the secretary said.

"Same here. Bye," the girl responded. The secretary turned off the vid-phone.

Some where of the coast of the new USA. On a small island where a company has a new research center. A man runs silently down the hall. He stops at the edge of a corner and leans against the wall. He glances around the corner and steps back to shield himself from the few guards standing near an alarm.

"Why the hell do there always have to be guards by an alarm?" he asks no one.

"Well that's simple. So incase people like you come along trying to destroy the base." A voice commented inside his head.

"Right," he responded pulling out two pistols that he carries. He checks the silencer on it and turns the corner guns blazing picking of the three guards and destroying the alarm. The agent runs over to the door way and looks around. He lifts the pistol again and shoots the lock destroying it.

"You could have just touched the red and black wires together," the voice said.

"And I could waste time doing that," was the response he gave. He looks around and runs to the computer.

"Okay I'm at the computer. Now what?" he asked the voice in his head.

"Well now you put the disk I gave you in and run like hell. Clear enough?" the voice asked.

"Crystal clear. But why is it that I am always running away form the base at the end of the missions?" he asked putting the disk in and running out the door.

"Because the base is usually exploding," the voice stated.

"Oh yeah," he responded running faster. He took out his pistols again and turned the corner. He kept on running down the hall when a door opened and three guards stepped through with rifles aimed. He didn't bother with looking at them and rolled past them turning and opening fire on them. He continued running shaking one of his pistols then putting it back into its holster.

"Just out of sake of my sanity, why is it with all the nano technology to give my guns unlimited ammo do they couldn't figure a way to stop them from jamming up?" he asked the voice.

"I couldn't tell you," the voice answered. He sighed as he ran around another corner and he stopped dead in his tracks.

"Freeze agent!" the leader cried holding a gun at him. There were about twenty soldiers in front of him with seven gun driods backing them up.

"Wow," he whistled, "I feel special knowing you would need this many to kill me," he said raising his hands.

"Drop your weapons!" the guard shouted.

"Uh but I can't drop my body parts," he responded.

"Drop your guns!" the guard shouted.

"Okay," he responded pulling out three pistols and dropping them on the ground with the fourth one that he was holding already resting there. He pulled out a light assault rifle and dropped that too.

"Anything else?" he asked.

"Drop your swords and knives!" the guard shouted.

"Whatever," the agent responded pulling out swords from his back and dropping them on the ground and pulling out the six knives from his wrist, leg and pocket holders. The agent looked up at the guard and put his hands up in the air.

"Drop your weapons other than your body parts!" the guard shouted.

`Well got to give him credit he figured out that part,' the agent thought throwing five flash powders down but not lighting them and putting a small collapsible spear and many, many throwing weapons such as shrunken and other knives.

"And?" I asked. The soldiers were looking at the mountain of weapons on the ground.

"Wow," one soldier commented. The agent smiled. He whipped out the sixth flash powder and slammed it into the ground igniting it and sending a bright light through out the area. The agent knocked out the guards and grabbed his assault rifle destroying the drones before any of them recovered.

"Too bad it wasn't enough to save them," the agent said shaking his head. He grabbed all his weapons and put them back in their spots. The agent then took off running down the corridor to the exit. He stopped at the elevator and kicked the door down. He listened as it fell to the ground. Boom.

"Well that was a long time," he commented jumping to the rope in the center of the elevator. The agent started climbing up very fast to the surface.

"Not to rush you or anything but you have five minutes to make it out of there before the base goes up," the voice in his head said a little worried.

"Well why didn't you say so?" he asked climbing for his life.

"Didn't you hate the rope in gym?" the voice asked.

"Like a bad itch," the agent grunted pulling himself up to the first floor. He punched the door and when it didn't fall he punched off the wall and kicked it with a full force kick blowing it out of he room and into a few soldiers waiting for him.

"Well that was convenient," he said jumping out of the elevator shaft. He took off running with gunfire behind him. He kept running till he got to a fork.

"Go left!" the voice cried. He jumped off the ground and landed on the wall running a bit before jumping to the other wall then jumping and landing on the ground to continue running. He saw a soldier run up with a rifle pointed. The agent kept running and dodged the bullets flying at him and upercutted the soldier running past him. He saw the entrance and jumped off the level he was on and landed rolling. He stood up and continued running jumping out the open window to land on the ground outside the building.

"Where is the jet?" he asked getting away from the building.

"It's to your left," the voice said. He turned to the left and ran into the ship. It almost clotheslined him. He fell flat on his back. He picked himself off the ground and looked at it for a second.

"Thanks for the warning," he said to the voice.

"You didn't ask how close it was," the voice answered in defense. He just shook his head and got in the jet. He lifted off the ground and jetted out of there as fast as the jet could carry him.

"So do I get a vacation now?" he asked.

"Nope new mission you start in two days. So hurry back," the voice said. There was a small click as the receiver stopped receiving information. He sighed leaning back.

-What is it Rick? - The computer asked.

"No rest for Rick," Rick answered leaning back in the chair.

-I am sorry. I can help in only straying form our flight path long enough to give you an extra hour. Will that suffice? - The computer asked.

"No don't bother. Just get us back," he said resting against the chair.

`Why is it that I always end up like this?' Rick asked himself. Rick drifted off to sleep and let the computer handle the flying. He had made it after all. Little did he know but the computer was pulling some strings at his office.

"What do you mean he is on the verge of collapsing?" the girl at the desk asked the computer calling her.

-I have looked at his vital signs and they are slowly dropping. I checked every time he left for a mission and every time he finished one. He hasn't been able to replenish his body's power, - the computer told the girl.

"Well right now there is nothing I nor you can do about it. But I will tell my sister to see if his vacation can be boosted up till after the mission," the girl said signing off.

"He must be low if he the computer was telling me. But he always seems to be ready to go. I wonder why?" she asked herself. She dialed up the secretary to tell her what was up.

Back on the plane Rick wasn't having a good time sleeping because he was just too tired to do anything else. Everyone knows the feeling.

"Why can't I sleep? I am so beat it hurts," Rick commented trying to fall asleep. The computer doesn't respond because it would irritate him more. Rick finally starts to doze off when the ship is attacked by some security forces.

"Oh lord kill me now. This is so unfair," Rick says taking Manuel control and starts to do a dogfight with all of the planes. He shoots them down and gets more tired than before. Rick falls back asleep right when he lands back at his base.

-Sir? Please get up I am afraid we are at the base- the computer tells Rick.

"Okay thanks computer," Rick responds dragging himself out of the cockpit and hopping down out of the jet.

"Man you look like you need a vacation," an engineer said.

"No kidding," Rick responds heading up to the elevator. Rick reaches the elevator and punches the door. Then hits the button to call it down.

"Why can't I ever go on a vacation? I mean I haven't done one in a year. Why is it so hard to take one now?" Jack moaned stepping into the elevator. He hits the button for the top floor and rests against the elevator wall. He starts to grumble to himself about needing a vacation and his boss can shove it.

-Ding ding. Top floor. Thank you for traveling Rick- the computer in the elevator says.

"Yeah your welcome," he grumbles walking out. The secretary waved to him.

"Hi Rick how was your trip?" she asked.

"Oh more guys shooting me. One group even got me to drop all my weapons for a minute," Rick commented smiling.

"You look beat. Maybe you should just go home till tomorrow," she suggested.

"No thanks Ricky. I will just do that after I leave," Rick said walking into the door.

"Rick what took you so long?" the boss asked. Rick sighed and stood where he was.

"Listen boss can I take my vacation now?" Rick asked exhausted.

"Man you look like you need it. I am really sorry to say this but the government ordered, not asked but out right ordered, you to take this mission. I am really sorry but you vacation will be after this mission. But you start in two days. Go home sleep and don't worry about the paper work," he said. Rick cracked a smile. Boss always looked out for his team.

"I appreciate it," Rick said.

"But since you won't be at work. You won't be paid for the two days you take off," he said looking down at his work.

"Call them vacation days," Rick called out leaving the office before the boss could say something about it. Rick starts to walk by Ricky then stops.

"Hey Ricky could you tell your sister that I am fine and I am going to be at home for a while?" Rick asked.

"Sure. Did you get your vacation?" Ricky asked.

"I wish. I just got two days off," Rick said waving to her. He stepped back on to the elevator and hit the button for the employee garage. Rick leaned against the wall of the elevator and sighed.

`For a second there I almost considered quitting,' Rick thought to himself. The door opened and someone got in. Rick didn't look up.

-Hello Maria, how was work? - The computer asked.

"Oh same old same old, I still didn't get my vacation or my promotion," Rick heard her say. Rick smiled. Same thing with him.

-Well hopefully it will happen soon- the computer said hopefully.

"Yeah I hope so," Rick heard Maria say.

-Rick we are at the garage. You may get off now- the computer said.

"Thanks. Have a good day to the both of you," Rick said walking out the door into the parking lot. He looked around and around till he saw his bike. He cracked a smile and walked over to it.

-Rick! What took you so long man? - The computer asked.

"Aww the stupid machine gunners never quit," Rick responded getting on the bike as the canopy closed around him.

"So where are we going and how fast?" it asked inside the canopy.

"Home and lets give the cops something to chase," Rick said powering up the motor.

"Now that's what I am talking about!" the COM said cheerily and mechanically. Rick keyed in the program to take off the brakes and security.

"Let's ride!" Rick cried taking off out of the garage. The hovers kicked in and the bike took off into the sky and sped up to maximum speed of over three thousand miles-per-hour. The bike shot passed a cop drone so fast that it fried its processor.

"YEEHAA!" Rick cried out dodging traffic and streetlights as well as electronic billboards.

"Wahoo!" the computer joined in. They got home in a matter of minutes.

"Well buddy take a good rest and recharge the batteries with what's left for light," Rick said heading inside his condo.

-Ten-four good buddy- replied the computer shutting down. Rick walked into his condo and flicked on the lights. He looks around his room and starts putting weapons on hooks and hangars. After five minutes he finishes and starts to throw his clothes off heading for the shower. A vest on the couch, shirt, pants, several holders for guns and his headband goes off last. He turns on the hot water and just relaxes in the hot flow. Off in the distance a toilet flushes in his building. Rick's eyes shoot open as the water goes boiling and then ice cold in a mater of seconds. Through out the building the words "AAAAAAAAAAAEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!" are heard. Rick jumps out of the shower and starts to rub warm water from the sink onto his burning skin.

"Ooh boy do I think technology is overrated. I mean seriously they couldn't stop that from happening but they made a base on mars and a skyscraper on the moon. I mean seriously," Rick ranted trying to cool his red-hot skin. After a minute he jumped back in the shower and cool off a bit more.

"A wonderful start to my brief vacation," Rick said climbing out of the shower and wrapping a towel around his waist. Rick walked out to the kitchen and started to cook some food.

"You know what? It's strange a seventeen year old cooking and living on his own," the condo's computer said.

"Nice to see you to Rachel," Rick commented putting the finishing touches on his spaghetti.

"Humph. I could have done that," she complained.

"Yeah I know Rachel. Listen I have two days off to rest and relax. I want to use them fully so warn me when someone comes that I know and when someone tries to break in," Rick said sitting down to eat.

"Well to let you know someone is coming and you should get some shorts on. Not that I don't mind you walking around in just that while your alone, but please be decent for guests," Rachel said.

"Yeah, yeah I am going," Rick said pulling some pants up and tossing the towel into the dirty clothes. He then went to the door as it buzzed through out the house that some one was there. Rick went to the door and opened it.

"Yes?" he asked.

"Hiya Rick!" was the cheerful reply.

"Yes nice to see you to Helen but I am trying to enjoy my vacation," Rick said.

"Yeah my sis told me," she said walking in.

"Well really I would like if I had time alone," Rick said knowing it was futile.

"Oh come on," she said with a puppy dog look.

"Don't give me that!" Rick said angrily. She continued staring at him.

"What do you want anyway?" Rick asked moving to his spaghetti.

"I just want to help you enjoy your vacation," she wined.

"Okay then. Leave," Rick said pointing to the door. She looked at where he was pointing and then stared at him blankly.

"What's leave mean?" she asked. Rick fell over in a comical way.

"GO AWAY!" Rick yelled at her.

"NO!" she yelled back. Rick glared at her then stopped.

"Okay what ever as long as I get some sleep and you don't bother me you can stay," Rick said pissed off and tired. Rick stuff the food down his throat and stumbled off to bed.

"Just to let you know! You look real handsome with out your shirt on!" Helen called out to Rick's retreating form. Rick's response was slamming the door.

"Why do I have to have friends that do this so often?" Rick asked him self, crawling into bed and falling asleep. Rick slept for three hours when he felt something warm press against him. He opened an eye and looked at what was happening. There was Helen holding him and stroking his back. Rick jumped out of the bed and slammed into the wall behind him.

"What?" Helen asked him.

"What were you doing?" Rick asked a bit mad at being wakened.

"Just making sure you were sleeping good," Helen said getting up.

"I was fine until something started to rub against me," Rick said relaxing a bit. Helen walked towards him.

"So are you going to go back to sleep?" she asked.

"Yeah when you leave my room," Rick said pointing towards the door.

"I don't know what leave means," Helen said smiling.

"Now that is an outright lie. You have read more books, including dictionaries, than most people read in a life time," Rick said pointing at her.

"So I know what it means…but I ain't leaving," she said moving very close to Rick. Rick starts to move back to his bed.

"Why not?" Rick asks lying back down.

"Because I like you too much," she responded sitting next to him.

"Well good for you," Rick said heavily on the sarcasm. Helen started to rub Rick's back again. Rick groaned in anger.

"Why am I pestered by you girls all the time?" Rick asked yawning.

"Well too bad if you are trying to get rid of us. My sister should be here in an hour to help you out too," Helen said rubbing his back still.

"Oh greeeeaaaaat," Rick said sarcastically. Rick rolled over to make it harder for Helen to rub his back and fell asleep. An hour went by and Rick was fast asleep.

"Too bad he doesn't realize what he is getting into," Helen said leaving Rick's room to let her sister in.

"So how is he?" Ricky asked walking in.

"Full, asleep and cranky," Helen said grabbing the small bag that was outside the room.

"Well he hasn't had a vacation in over thirteen months. That would make him cranky," Ricky said putting her bag on the couch.

"Well you watch him. I am going to get something to eat," Helen said walking towards the kitchen.

"Hello. How my I help you?" The computer asked.

"Yeah can I have a soda with some hot tamales and a side of French cries," Helen said sitting at the table.

"My, my aren't we watching our weight," the computer said sending the food out of the food processor.

"Shut up," Helen retorted.

"Well I never!" The computer said angrily.

"Well there is always a first," Helen said.

"I see why Rick didn't want you here," the computer taunted.

"Hush up or I rip out your memory chips," Helen growled.

"Good luck finding them. Rick built the system himself," the computer taunted still.

"Would explain the bad behavior," Helen commented eating the hot tamales. A sound like a computer's hard drive burning up sounded in the background.

"Some one needs to work on their attitude," Ricky said walking into the kitchen.

"She started it," Helen said.

"Uh huh. I guess you continued it too," Ricky said stealing some soda.

"Hey get your own," Helen said grabbing the soda back.

"How about you do the same. This isn't your house," Ricky said taking it back.

"It isn't yours either," Helen replied angrily.

"How about both of you leave?" Rick said standing at the doorway to the kitchen. Both girls look at a ticked off Rick standing in the doorway.

"Heh heh," Helen laughs nervously. Ricky just smiles.

"How about no," Ricky said.

"Give me one good reason that I shouldn't kick the both of you out," Rick said a bit more ticked off.

"How about losing your job?" Ricky said holding up a piece of paper.

"Let me think. A job that drives me to the ground and two annoying friends that won't leave me alone or a nice peaceful extended vacation," Rick said holding up one hand and thinking, "Tough choice," Rick says walking towards the girls.

"Okay how about your health?" Helen asked.

"How about I don't care?" Rick said standing before them.

"Go Rick!" The computer cheered on.

"Well how about a vote?" Ricky said.

"All that can raise his or her hand please do so now," Helen said looking around.

"I say we out number you," Helen said looking around.

"I didn't want to do this but…" Rick says turning around and grabbing the assault rifle that was near the door, "Get out."

"No need to be pushy," Ricky says walking to the door. But at the last second grabs the gun and punches Rick in the gut.

"Ouch," Helen said picking him up off the ground and setting him back in bed.

"He needed it," Ricky said rubbing her fist, "Man he has rock solid abbes."

"I wouldn't be surprised the way he trains," Helena said closing the door behind her.

"Why did you have to hit him?" The computer asked.

"Because he needs his rest and we're here to make sure he gets it," Ricky said grabbing some ice.

"Then why don't you just leave him alone?"

"Because that wouldn't help," Helen said.

"No wonder he says girls are difficult,"

Meanwhile Rick is sleeping, or unconscious, whatever way you want to look at it. Till he awakens to the sound of the door knocking. That and the sound of his computer complaining about cleaning up after two disrespectful females. Rick got up and walked out of the room and to the door.

"Hello?" he said opening the door.

"Hi. You must be Rick, I am your partner for you new mission," the young lady said.

"Cool come on in. I got a question though. Could you help me with something?" Rick asked.

"Sure what?" the young lady asked.

"Some how make it so I can sleep for ten hours with out a noise," Rick said yawning.

"Huh?" she asked confused. There is the sound of glass breaking in the background. Then a few curses and the sound of a pounding fist.

"That should be enough to explain," Rick said walking into the kitchen to see the damage.

"Why are you here anyway?" Rick asked the two girls in the kitchen.

"We were sent by your job to make sure you got rest," Ricky said.

"Well you aren't doing a very good job of it," Rick said.

"Well too bad," said Helen.

"Do you have a sheet of paper saying that you were sent here?" Rick asked.

"Yep right here," Ricky said handing Rick the paper.

"It says you were to check on me and give me my orders then leave me to my sleep," Rick said pissed off.

"Oh well," Ricky said smiling.

"THAT'S IT!!! OUT, OUT, OUT, OUT, OUT, OUT!!!!!!!!!!! NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Rick screamed pointing to the door.

"Make us!" Helen yelled back at him. Jack grabbed Helen and Ricky ran to the door kicked it open and set them out the door. Went back inside and grabbed their stuff then dropped it outside. Turned locked the door and barricaded it with chairs.

"Man they are so pushy," Rick said sighing.

"Some serious weaponry here," the young girl commented looking at the weapons on the walls.

"Yeah I use it all. I just hope that Ricky gets back to boss and doesn't lie and that Helen doesn't screw around with my contact," Rick said sighing.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"Well Ricky is my best friend and the boss's secretary. She is a bit over protective and stubborn at times though. Helen her sister is my contacts boss. She is just like her sister," Rick said sitting down on the couch.

"Man that has to be a pain after a while. Oh here is the mission orders and stuff," the girl said putting a folder in Rick's lap.

"I need to ask you this but who are you?" Rick asked.

"So you didn't read the mission?" she asked.

"No. I went home after I was told of my vacation," Rick said shaking his head.

"Names Ruby. I am agent 3," Ruby said smiling.

"Then why didn't they just get you and another agent to go? Like agent Fourteen?" Rick asked ticked.

"Well…you so far are severely overdue to a promotion to agent 2 maybe even agent 1," Ruby said smiling.

"So I need to be paid more?" Rick asked.

"Well…uh…yeah," she said.

"That's it I am going to quit after this mission," Rick stated getting up. Ruby paled suddenly.

"No! No! Don't do that!" she cried out stopping him.

"Why shouldn't I?" Rick asked looking at her.

"Well…err um…because I said so?" she suggested weekly. Rick rolled his eyes and went into his room. He changed into some workout clothes. He stepped out of his room and went to the upstairs hallway. Rick went to the second door on the left. Opened it and flipped two switches on the wall next to him. The first one turned on the lights to reveal a large training room and the second to gets some music going in the room.

"Aaahhhhh," Rick sighed looking around the room. Rick walked to the punching bag and started to punch fast and hard. He went to each training exercise and did each one for twenty minutes. He stopped and wiped his forehead to get rid of the sweat.

"Computer go to training skill three," Rick said.

-Increasing heat, gravity and pressure- the computer responded. Rick started to do push ups.

"490…491…492…493…494…495…496 …497…498…499…500 good enough," Rick said finishing his pushups.

"Hey Rick you up here?" Ruby called out.

"Yeah," Rick answered. Ruby opened the door and almost fell down.

"What's…with…this…room?" she gasped from the heat and gravity. Rick got up and walked over to her.

"It's just ten times normal gravity and one hundred and ten degrees in here. Nothing major," Rick said turning off the gravity and heat. Then the pressure followed the heat and gravity.

"You train in here?" she asked skeptical.

"Well yeah. I need to strain myself by doing pushups in that environment or I could be here all day," Rick said picking a towel up off the wall. Rick put it on his shoulders and closed the door, turning off the lights and music as he did that. Ruby stared at him as Rick went to take a shower. Rick rested in the shower and then turned the water off and wrapped a towel around him self. Rick opened the door and walked to his room then through off the towel. He grabbed a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and some gloves. He put on his clothes and the gloves. Grabbed his headband and walked out of the room.

"Where you going?" Ruby asked.

"Mall," Rick said going to the door.

"Mind if I tag along?" Ruby asked grabbing a jacket.

"If you can keep up," Rick said opening the door. He stepped out and walked to his bike. The cover popped up and waited.

-Mall? - The bike asked.

"Yep," Rick responded. He sat on his bike and waited. Ruby came out and walked to her car. Rick pulled out a small laser and hit a button locking his door. He closed the top and waited for her to start her car.

"So should we smoke her?" the computer asked.

"Not badly but put some speed on it and keep ahead of her at all costs," Rick said starting up the engine. The engine roared to life and the hovers automatically kicked in. Rick lifted off as Ruby's car lifted off. It kicked into gear and shot out of the parking lot.

"Whoa!" the bike said.

"Well, well. Looks like a challenge," Rick said hitting the bike into gear and shooting off after her. Rick caught up with the car fast and was flying beside her leisurely. Rick waved to her as he flew past at not too fast not to notice badly but fast enough to see him fly away. Ruby put the car into high gear and passed Rick.

"Not so fast little lady," Rick said putting the bike into third gear. Caught up with her and passed her again. Waving again as he passed Rick then put the bike up to fourth then fifth gear.

"WOOHOO!" Rick shouted taking off to the large mall filling his view screen. Ruby watched him take off.

"Wow, he can take that speed so easily. No wonder they think he's the best there is," Ruby commented trying to keep up with the rapidly fading bike. Rick dodged the police drones trying to stop him. Smiling Rick put the bike on autopilot to find a parking spot and jumped out when they went around a curve. Rick calmly walked to the entrance and waited for Ruby. She showed up a minute later looking a bit miffed.

"I said only if you could keep up," Rick said holding his hands up. Ruby walked past him with little more than a harrumph. Rick followed her inside and walked to the teleported.

-Where to sir? - The computer asked Rick.

"East wing, store 120," Rick replied as Ruby stepped on the transporter. They were teleported to the east wing and put down in front of a store.

"Why are we here?" Ruby asked standing in front of a junk shop.

"Checking up on weapons," Rick responded walking into the entrance.

"Sorry closed for today. You come back tomorrow," the storeowner said in heavy Chinese accent.

"Afternoon Chan. What have you got today?" Rick said bowing.

"Oh Rick-san. You welcome here anytime. Best stuff available what you want?" Chan asked.

"Hey listen got any new weapons or new stuff for flash powders?" Rick asked looking around the store. Ruby stepped in and looked at the stuff around the room. Most of it looked like junk but Rick looked like he knew what he was doing.

"Pretty girl with you?" Chan asked looking at Ruby.

"Well sort of. She is partnering with me for the new mission I am on," Rick said looking at her.

"Should I get her weapons?" Chan asked Rick stepping aside.

"Not yet," Rick said shaking his head.

"Well good news! I got new shipment form homeland that do extra good," Chan shouted walking to the back of the shop.

"Whatever you say Chan," Rick called out to him as he left.

"This stuff is junk," Ruby said looking at an old vase.

"Well your looking at his antique store part. His weapons are in the back," Rick said pointing to the door.

"Well let me see," Ruby said walking to the door.

"Unless you want to have your head blown off I wouldn't go in there," Rick said catching a hold of her shoulder.

"What do you mean?" Ruby asked turning to Rick.

"He has a few driods decked out with more weaponry than a army and they sit right behind the door. They don't shoot Chan but everything else is dust before they even see what's behind there," Rick explained. Ruby visibly gulped looking at the door. She backed away and went back to looking at the antiques around the shop. Chan walked back in with a few weapons and stuff. He set them on the table and put them in a displaying manner.

"So what are they?" Rick asked.

"A rapid fire automatic loading rifle with a laser sniper scope and a grenade launcher with optional parachutes for long range," Chan said pointing to the one on the left, "Destroyer level assault laser gun with a small proton generator with enough power to melt titanium in three seconds," pointing to the gun next to the other one, "New light shield with unlimited protection, lasts one minute every charge," he said pointing to the small round shield, "Levitation device that keeps you suspended with no charging or power," pointing to the backpack, "Small extendable sword with grappler function to get you out of tight spots. An upgraded version of the one I sold you last time," Chan said displaying the last item.

"Nice assortment," Rick said whistling. Ruby stood there slack jawed.

"Is this even legal?" Ruby asked disbelieving.

"You okay Ruby?" Rick asked concerned.

"Of course legal!" Chan said mad, "Chan no smuggler. Each weapon was let in here lawfully." Rick looked at him with a knowing look.

"Did they know that these were weapons of mass destruction?" Rick asked.

"Depends on what you mean by knowing," Chan said.

"Ruby this is legal enough for me to use them with out being fired," Rick said picking up the laser rifle.

"But…it doesn't seem right," Ruby said looking at the weapons with an excessive wanting. Rick and Chan look at her as if she just walked on to the planet.

"You sure she an agent?" Chan asked.

"Yep. She out ranks me too," Rick said shaking his head.

"You need promotion," Chan said shaking his head.

"How much do you want Chan for the whole set?" Rick asked before he got side tracked.

"50,000 for you Rick," Chan said.

"All of it?" Rick asked.

"All you see here for 50 grand," Chan said seriously. Rick seemed to think for a while.

"Throw in a slight armor upgrade and you got a deal," Rick said.

"No armor upgrade. Weapons only," Chan said angry.

"Chan…" Rick said staring at him.

"How much slight?" Chan asked. Rick grinned.

"Fix the holes I got from my last mission and then you got a deal," Rick said handing over his protective vest.

"Be back in hour with money," Chan said handing weapons over to Rick. Rick nodded and put the items in a bag. Ruby stared at Rick.

"Ready to go?" Rick asked looking at her.

"How do you expect to get out of here with those weapons?" Ruby asked.

"There is the genius part," Rick replied walking to another store across the hall.

"Hi, I would like seven doughnuts, three coffees; one with cream and sugar, one dark and the last with honey in it. Could I have that to go? I would also like an apple strudel with the white frosting on the top," Rick said to the attendant in the restaurant. He quickly wrote it down and then left to the back.

"Would you mind grabbing three newspapers? Each from a different company please," Rick asked Ruby.

"Only if you explain what's going on," she said going to get them. Rick picked up the order and took the newspapers. Rick left the store paying for the stuff and walked down the hallway. Rick turned into the security building and knocked on the door.

"He Bill. I bought some food and coffee for you if you guys can do me a favor," Rick said setting the stuff on the table in front of the guard.

"…The same thing?" he asked.

"Yes, seven doughnuts and an apple strudel with three coffees with cream and sugar in one, dark, and honey in the last one," Rick said looking around.

"…Business stuff right?" Bill asked not looking up from the security camera tapes.

"Yep, some new equipment for the bis. But they docked my pay again for destroying the lower level," Rick said shaking his head.

"…How much?" Bill asked.

"20 thou," Rick replied looking at the pictures on the wall.

"…Who's the girl?" Bill asked.

"Ruby is my partner for my next mission," Rick said still looking at the pictures.

"…Get the stuff to the back," Bill said.

"Thanks a lot brother," Rick said leaving the security place with Ruby standing there in shock.

"What?" Rick asked walking back to Chan's place. He stopped at an ATM to get the cash then stepped in to Chan's place.

"Here you go Chan," Rick said placing the money on the counter.

"Be good," Chan said waving. Rick left the store waving and put the bag on the conveyer belt at the security place. Then left the store.

"Where did they go?" Ruby asked.

"To the back of the store. Don't worry they will be at my bike with a note saying thanks for the coffee. I do this every weekend that I am not on a mission," Rick said walking back to the teleporter. Ruby ran over to where he was and got on the teleporter as Rick was put over to the parking garage. Rick walks out to the road and hits a button. A large flash signals over to the side. He walks that way to see his bike with a large bag sitting by it with a note saying thanks for the coffee.

"Told you," Rick said to Ruby. Ruby looked at the package then glared at Rick with as much hatred as she had.

Across town there was a meeting at Rick's work,

"So where is the agent?" the man asked.

"He is right now resting up. He is overdue for a vacation that I am going to give him. But I can show you information about his skill. This shows all he did and you will hear all the communications he had with his outside team," said the boss.

"Well what are you waiting for?" the man asked.

"Right away Mr. Ruman. Miss please hit the lights and turn of the movie," the boss said motioning to the girl in the back.

"Now this was from two missions ago. He needed to set a bomb in a building and get out before it blew," the boss said standing back.

The movie starts with Rick riding his bike full speed towards the building. He lined up the front gate in his sights and fired two missals at the gate. The gate blows up and Rick rides through. Bullets and lasers fly at him as he drives the short distance to the door. The bike gets hit hard and it flies into the doorway breaking the glass doors and crashing at the front desk. Rick crawls out from under the bike and stays low. Rick pulls out two pistols and looks around. He then stands up shooting out the door destroying any remaining glass. Running and shooting he gets to a stairway in the room and runs upstairs. He turns at the top and opens a door. He steps in with his guns up and looking around. Rick slides up against a side cabinet. Rick looks around the side to see a few soldiers searching around. Rick pulls back and puts both weapons away. He reaches down and grabs a flash powder and throws it into the area. He then runs out from behind the cabinet as the smoke goes up and takes down two soldiers in one flying tackle. Rick rolls getting up and slamming his shoulder into the last guard. He hears a couple of more guards coming in. Rick jumps behind the sliding door and waits. Four guards run in and look around at the smoke filled room. Rick pulls out his sword and gets behind them. He slices through the armor and they fall down unconscious from the pain to their spine. Rick runs out the door and is shoot at by several guards on other levels. He jumps behind a column and takes a deep breath and taps his ear.

"What is it Rick?" a voice asked.

"How the hell am I supposed to get by all these guards? I was supposed to be able to get up a few more level before security got a good clue of where I was," he said to himself as it looked like.

"Security got tighter than our last scout report. That's all I can tell you. Sorry," the voice replied apologetically.

"That helps," Rick said pulling out his assault rifle. He turns around from behind the column and opens fire on the guards above him. He whips back behind the column the fire is returned.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. Nine guards with military class multi purpose laser assault rifles. Just my luck," Rick comments to himself. The fire stops and Rick takes off running to the elevator. He shoots as he runs past. Killing seven of the nine guards. He gets to the elevator to find it disconnected. He looks to the stairs to see a few guards lining him up. Rick fires a grenade out of his Rifle to kill them.

"Well scratch the elevator. Where can I get up?" he asks himself tapping his ear.

"There our seven stairwells through out the area. But the problem is that each stairwell has a certain area destroyed. That means that none of them go straight to the top," the voice said.

"Just what I need," Rick sighs running up the stairwell. He hears gunshots up a head and bullets land a few inches from his head. Rick rolls forward running as fast as he can up the stairs. He finds the door at the next level as more gunshots ricochet away from him. He slams into the door shoulder first to brake down the door. The door burst open knocking a guard that was standing behind it, ready to fire on Rick, over the railing down to the floor. Rick pulls out his pistols and fires in both directions killing two guards that were aiming at him. Guns open up from the floor above him. Rick runs around the floor dodging bullets till he comes to a stairwell and runs into a wall on the other side of the door.

"Ow," he comments stepping back and getting his bearings. Rick shakes his head and looks around.

"My kingdom for some aspirin," he murmurs heading up the stairs. He stops at the next door and thinks. He pulls out his rifle and steppes to the side of the door. He pushes the rifle against the door. Bullets shoot through the door. Rick smiles and aims at the gunfire's central point and opens up. He hears a person fall. He opens the door shooting the rifle down the hallway. He steps still firing at all the guards there. He gets behind a column as more guards file out of doors. He places the rifle back and pulls out his snake sword. He changes it to a whip and shoots it at the wall across the center of the gaping floor. It catches against the wall as he pulls out his pistol. He jumps off the edge retracting the sword. As he was flying across he fired at the guards killing a few and wounding the rest of them. He landed on the other side and rips out the sword point. He runs down the hallway slashing the guards on his side. He put his pistol away as he went a door. He leaned against the wall and rested. Rick tapes his ear and sits down.

"Yeah?" a voice asks.

"Why am I doing this again?" Rick asks breathing heavily.

"The good of your job," the voice answered.

"You mean the one that owes me a promotion and a raise?" he responded taking a drink from a small water bottle he had.

"…That may be so but you are where you are because of it," the voice said.

"And I ain't liking it one bit," he responded. He stood up and looked out the door.

"Any reason you contacted me?" the voice asked annoyed.

"Yeah…where is the ammo refiler? I am getting really low," Rick said checking his pistols. Rick hears cursing on the other end.

"YOU HAVE NERVE!" the voice yelled in his head.

"Nerves of steal," Rick replied opening the door and shooting the guards that were preparing to go after him. He started backing up shooting. He got to a corner to see many guards at the other hallway. He thinks in a split second. Everything seems to slow down. Rick ducks and throws his gun to the ground. It goes off firing madly at the guards. He rolls forward pulling his rifle out and coming up kneeling and firing all the guards that were in the first hallway. He turns and rolls forward coming up still firing. He stands up moving real fast runs forward pulling out his large sword and cutting across horizontally. He turns picking up his gun and ducks as more bullets fire. Rick gets up and starts deflecting the bullets with his sword. He then slices the guards that were shooting at him. Everything seems to go back to normal.

"I just got a reading that your pulse went sky high. Are you okay?" the voice asked.

"Peachy," Rick replies looking around.

"The ammo should be on a door to your left," the voice said slowly. Rick turns and walks in the door.

"Thanks," Rick replies stepping in.

"My sensors were going crazy. All things were off the walls…you're sure you're alright?" the asked. Rick looks at the wall of lasers in front of him.

"Not anymore," he replies sighing heavily.

"What's wrong?" the voice asked sounding concerned.

"C4 mixed with that new formula I think it's called Trininnium. Will sensors all around surrounding the ammo depot," Rick said looking at the wall of sensors around him. Rick checks his ammo to see twenty shoots left.

"How about I get those new unlimited ammo upgrades?" he asked glancing around.

"Why?" the voice asks.

"Because of situations like this," Rick responds. He looks around and focuses on the blue lights. He pulls out his snake sword and takes careful aim. It launches at the light and destroys it. A few lasers got out. Rick looks around and destroys a few more. He walks as far as he could towards the depot. Rick looks around to see a hold in the lasers.

"Hmm," Rick says thinking. He steps back and jumps through the hole and rolls forward and lands on the other side of the lasers. Rick turns and bows to the camera in the corner. He turns and walks through the door to the ammo depot. Rick stops and looks around. Rick whistles looking at the store of stuff in there.

"Wow. I could service an army here," Rick comments heading to an ammo crate and stocking up. Rick fills all the ammo he has and hears soldiers coming his way. He jumps behind some crates as weapons go off and bullets hit crates nearby. Machines are laser targeting him. Rick activates his visor and puts it on. He turns and looks through the crates looking at his enemies.

"Seven on the left eight on the right," he says to himself. He pops up shooting. He drops down when the machines starts retuning fire.

"Six on the left and five on the right," he mutters to himself reloading. He looks around and sees an open crate. Rick crawls over and opens it to reveal a rocket launcher.

"Nice equipment here," Rick says smiling. He lifts it up and loads it. He gets up and launches it ducking once he was done. A large explosion follows. He looks around with his visor.

"Score one for me," he comments discarding the rocket launcher. Rick stands running through the smoke back out to the hallway seeing that the lasers were destroyed in the blast. He stops to look at one of the explosives to see it was only a façade.

"Figures," he says running out the door and to the next stairwell. He starts cautiously walking up the stairwell. He gets to an armored door at the top.

"Computer room," Rick says grinning evilly. He pulls out one of his pistols with his rifle. He cracks the door to see a large machine standing there. He shoves the door open and is almost shot several times by the machine. Rick leans aback as the bullets whiz by. Rick shoves against the wall to move him out of the way. Bullets stop once he is behind the other half of the door.

"Okay…this is going to hurt," Rick says to himself. He whips around the door shooting his rifle and launching a grenade out of it. He runs by as bullets pelt the ground and wall where he was just standing. He stops behind a wall as more bullets break parts of the wall off. He waits then starts running down the hallway firing as fast as he could. He jumps up landing on the catwalk above still shooting down at the machine. The machine tracks him and returns fire. But it is apparent that it moves very slowly. Rick runs by the main computer still shooting at the robot. He stops and waits. No fire is fired at him when he is hiding behind the computer. Rick smiles and turns the corner shooting everything he has at the robot. The robot starts falling backwards from the onslaught. Rick leaps down landing on the robot still shooting. His pistol runs on empty and he throws it aside. He picks up is snake sword and rams it into the eye of the robot. He lets it loose into the main parts and the robot convulses and dies. Rick pants heavily and pulls out the sword.

"Rick are you okay?" a voice asks.

"Just…fine," he answers panting. Rick gets off the robot and picks up his pistol and reloads it. He hears a noise as he does this. He turns around to see the robot aiming its cannon at him. It fires and everything goes slow. Rick moves to the right and the shot goes by. He moves closer lining up the robot in his sights and fires his pistols as fast as the bullet could be loaded. The cannon moves slowly as it tries to re-aim. Rick jumps up and throws his weapons in the air. He pulls his sword out as he is about to land and points it forward. He spears the robot and then everything goes back to normal speed as the robot is pierced through. He with draws his sword and puts it back. Rick turns walking towards the computer. He catches his pistols as he walks. He looks at the computer and pulls out the bomb he was carrying.

"Set the timer for twenty minutes and I'm out of here," Rick says as he does it. He takes off out the door and runs up a flight of stairs. He looks at a door labeled express elevator.

"My day," Rick says getting in. He goes up twenty flights then it shudders. Rick looks at the number at the top of the elevator and compares it to the buttons.

"Ten floors. Looks like climbing time," Rick said hoping out of the top of the elevator. He looks up to see several machines cutting away at the rope. He pulls out his snake sword and launches it at one. It locks in and he pulls himself up. Rick gets to the bottom of the robot and pulls out his pistol and shoots it several times in the main control panel. He aims at the other robots as they try to cut loose the other robot. He fires at all of them knocking them down several hundred feet down. Rick reaches into his small pouch and pulls out a small tube. He sprays a substance on his hands and waits a few seconds. Then sticks his hand to the wall. He starts climbing up the side of the elevator shaft. He gets up nine floors before more robots start crawling up the shaft.

"Yep my luck is holding out," Rick says opening the elevator door and getting through it. He sees many guards standing above him looking at him and their guns were looking at him as well.

"Up," he said. Rick stood up.

"Hey guys I would say that in about five minutes," Rick said glancing at my watch, "this place is going to be toast so I would start running." A few guards looked like that they were ready to run. But their captain looked at them and they stood their ground.

"You're bluffing," he said.

"If you say so," Rick said holding my hands up. The captain looked at the other guards. It was all Rick needed. He ducked down tripping them all and took off running.

"Hate to bother you but I need to know where the stairs are," Rick said over his COM.

"Door to your left," the voice responded. Rick blew through the door and ran up the stairs as if hell was chasing him. He opened the door to the roof and looked over the edge. Many helicopters were there.

"Yep luck is with me today," Rick grumbled. He heard the guards coming up firing. Everything slowed down again. Rick kicked a box at the door as it started opening to hit the guards down the stairs. He jumped off the edge of the roof and fired a few shots at the helicopter he was falling to. He landed on the center of the rotors and fired a few more times into the helicopter engine destroying it. The helicopter started descending. Rick pulled out a pistol loaded with a grappling hook. He fired it into a building next to the helicopter. It connected and dragged him across the gap. As he was flying he touched a button on his watch and his bike started up. It drove out of the front area and to the building that Rick was going into. Its tires started to glow and it drove up the side of the building. It drove over to where Rick was unlatching his grappling hook. Rick got in the bike and drove off the edge. The hovers activated and flew him off. Rick landed the bike on the ground road and drove off to the building exploding. The movie ended.

"So what do you think of the agent you have?" the boss asked looking at him.

"He's a Cyborg right?" Ruman asked.

"Nope, straight one hundred percent human. You specifically asked for it is what I'm told," the boss said giving the man a folder.

"Then how was he able to do all that?" the man asked suspicious.

"I wouldn't know but he has been scanned several times and he shows nothing abnormal and no metal in him. Well except for the occasional shrapnel," the boss said sitting down across from the man. Mr. Ruman looked at the folder, specifically the chart showing Rick's skills. The chart showed skills far surpassing most agents.

"If he is so good why is he agent number fifteen?" Mr. Ruben asked curios.

"We have yet had time to promote him or give him a proper vacation. He is in high demand for solving government troubles," the boss answered with out hesitation. Mr. Ruben seemed to look through the folder some more. Then stopped and almost paled.

"His damage prices are considerably high for an agent," Mr. Ruben said catching his voice.

"He is the best and everyone is flawed in some way. But he still gets the job done and no one is sure that an agent, a single agent, was able to do that amount of damage so they doubt that any corporation did it," the boss said shrugging.

"I would like to test him myself before the mission. Send him over to my corporation and tell him to bring all that he has. I will test him to the extreme," Mr. Ruben said confidently.

"I think you will have to talk to him about it. He is on a short vacation right now," the boss said handing Mr. Ruben a slip of paper.

"What's this?" Mr. Ruben asked.

"His card," boss replied simply. Mr. Ruben left then heading down the elevator. The boss sighed looking at the wall.

"Should I tell him to except?" his secretary asked.

"How bad did he look?" he replied.

"He looked a little worn down but he was ready," she replied truthfully.

"It's his choice. Don't tell him just let him decide," the boss said getting up and heading to the next room.

Rick is on his bike driving fast, back to his condo. Ruby was behind in her jeep trying to keep up. She was failing miserably and she knew it. She looked at him and gunned her motor as fast as it would go.

`Damn it! What is with that guy? He always seems to have me beat,' she thought as he pulled into his condo. He stopped and got out. He picked up his package and turned to see her just drive in.

`Jerk,' she thought getting out. Rick walked to the door and opened it. He then stepped aside and waited for her to go in. She smiled at him and shoved her elbow into his stomach.

"Ooff" Rick said rubbing his stomach.

"Ha," she commented walking in. She stopped dead when she looked in. Rick saw her reaction and pulled out a weapon and pointed it at the many people in his condo. He was met with many rifles in return.

"Relax agent fifteen. I am only here to offer you a chance to prove yourself to me. I am your employer for your mission and I want to see how good you really are," Mr. Ruben said.

"Many do," Rick responded still holding the gun up. Ruby looked around with concerned but not frightened eyes. Rick looked over to the rack of weaponry he had.

"Please I would like to have you come by my building at ten tonight. Bring all the weapons you can carry. You will need them," Mr. Ruben said walking out the door. Rick looked in thought then turned to look at him.

"I hate to blow your building up!" he yelled out closing the door. Rick looked around his condo searching for something.

"What are you looking for?" Ruby asked.

"Corporations always leave some kind of listening device behind," Rick said looking around. Rick stopped and looked at his weapon rack. He looked closely at a weapon that was there.

"This isn't my weapon," Rick said looking at it. He picked it up and looked at it. He took it and ripped it open. Inside were a camera and a transmitter. He threw it out the window and shot it.

"Well that is one way to get a company mad at you," Ruby said.

"Give me a minute to put on my caring face," Rick said dismissively. Ruby frowned and looked at him cocking her head to one side.

"So you going?" she asked.

"Of course. I want to see how long it will take to blow up the building. That and I need the workout," Rick said with some cockiness in there.

"Oh great mercenary," Ruby said sarcasticly.

"Thank you everyone for this great award!" Rick cried out in mock appreciation. He put his combat suit on and started loading weapons up. He walked to the door.

"Don't bother keeping dinner warm I'll pick something up," Rick said closing the door. Something hard slammed into the door and Rick smiled. He got in the bike and drove down the road.

"All the weapons I can carry huh? Better watch out mister cooperation man. Better have insurance and hope it covers acts of Agent 15," Rick said turning.

-Does that mean what I think it means? - The bike asked.

"Yep. I'll going to spend my pay check," Rick said.

Three hours later the clock rang ten o'clock.

"Sir I have yet to see him anywhere on the premises," a soldier said saluting to the man in a white suit.

"Well wait. It just turned ten," the man said uneasy.

"Sir…what?" the soldier cried out holding his headset closer. A large explosion went off outside.

Rick drove through the now dismembered gate and drove right up to the front door. He opened the capsule and stepped out. All over him was a metal suit. Several guns also were around him and in the suit. Rick walks forwards walking through the steel blast doors that settled down.

"Some one call for a demolition man?" Rick called out holding up two guns. He starts firing at the robots and stars walking forward. He turns a corner and a robot jumps out clawing at him. Its claws snap off trying to scratch the armor. Rick looks at the robot and kicks it in half.

"Man, Chan sure knows his stuff. This stuff is so powerful no wonder it cost so much," Rick said softly and walking into the elevator. His HUD started showing elevation. He went up and waited. The stupid elevator music played at it was starting to get on Rick's nerves.

"Shut up already," Rick said. The door pinged and he shot the sound speaker. He walked down the hall and kicked the door open.

"You called?" Rick asked with guns out.

"I'm impressed. Now to begin," the man said hitting a button. The floor collapsed and Rick fell like a pile of steel. He ignited the jet pack and slowed his decent and landed on the floor like a feather. He looked around as smoke poured in.

`This trick?' Rick thought as the helmet's HUD cycled through different rays of light to see through the darkness .He aimed his guns and men filed out. He didn't fire right off until they got close enough to not be able to dodge. He opened fire and took off running through the men. They fell dropping their weapons. Rick kept running and jumped up in the air as the ground split. He landed on the other side and destroyed cameras looking at him. He shot down many machines and men till he reached a door. He set his rifles in their holsters and shoulder tackled the door. It fell down and Rick calmly walked through not drawing guns. He stood in a large arena with solid titanium walls. Rick looked around and saw a viewing area where men in black suits stood watching. Rick walked in to the center and stood there looking at the viewing area with a look of disappointment.

"Is that it?" Rick asked into the mike. The man on the other side of the glass frowned and walked to the window. He pressed a button.

"Agent 15 you certainly seem cocky for someone stuck underground with no hope of leaving," the man said.

"You know for my employer you certainly don't like the idea of me leaving alive," Rick said looking at the area he had just come through. The door was being celled with more steel.

-This doesn't look good- the computer said.

"Didn't Chan tell you everything about me?" Rick asked looking around.

-That's what worries me-

"…Thanks for the confidence," Rick said but smiled. This suit had everything he needed to win. He just hoped that the money he spent wouldn't only be worth the night. Rick jumped up as the ground started to open up. Many holes appeared with little machines coming out. Rick floated in the air looking down.

"Huh?" Rick asked floating.

-Nanobots. They would be able to get inside normal armor. But this isn't normal armor. It's safe to land- the computer said with the same cockiness that Rick himself had. Rick grinned and stopped the jet pack. He landed on the floor running through the horde of nanobots and not letting many touch him. He ran to the center of the room as pillars started to shoot out of the ground. Rick stopped and was sent up and waited. He looked around at the massing bots.

"Anything electrical in this armor?" Rick asked thinking.

-One electrical melt down coming up! - The computer said. The suit started to crackle with electricity as it flowed around. Rick then raised his hands and threw the electricity into the metal. He watched as many Nanobots fried. More were drawn to the others from the magnet they created. Rick just raised a hand tacking a gun from his back. He leveled it at the ground and hit a button. The gun unfolded and grew. The now large Plasma rifle crackled with energy and fired. A large explosion went off and the room bathed in light. The people watching covered their eyes until the light went away. There stood Rick on the only column left in the melted and mangled arena.

"Remind me not to insult Chan anymore. That is one hell of a weapon," Rick said looking around. When Chan said a boom he meant a boom.

-Duly noted. I thought for sure he bluffed on half of what he said- Rick stood holding his now favorite gun looking for a target. The area where he had fired was now a twenty-foot deep crater. If he hadn't been wearing the suit he might have been fried. The column Rick was standing on started to groan and tilt. Rick jumped off and landed still holding the gun out.

"I know I have a second one. But I don't know if I want to try two at the same time. I might have too much fun," Rick said grinning. He turned and looked up at the window. He bowed and started walking towards the other end of the arena. He fired the gun into the wall and blew a hole through it. Rick calmly walked through the area like he owned the place. He turned a corner and opened a door. He was in another arena that had more complex area. Rick leapt to one swinging platform and put the plasma gun away. He didn't want to vaporize this room. Instead he took out both rifles and looked around. A large amount of little flying insect like Nanobots flew out and started buzzing.

"What I wouldn't give for some heavy duty bug spray," Rick said.

-Fry them! They certainly are annoying-

`Must be a trick,' Rick thought. The bugs swarmed around one platform and went together. Now instead of many little bugs one huge bug stood there with weapons and guns.

-I told you to fry them-

"Sorry for trying to think," Rick said jumping out of the way as bullets hit the platform melting it away. He fired in the air and hit a column jumping off it to the next. He hit the side of it and leaped onto the platform that the large bug is on. He slid underneath it and started firing. Bullets ripped through the bug. He slid out the other side shoving him self off. He landed on another swinging platform. He rolled up and faced his opponent. He takes aim and shoots the cables out of the platform. The bug screams as it falls to the molten ground.

"Guess I didn't need the bug spray," Rick said hoping to the next door. A large screech is heard and Rick turns around. The bug flies up and stares at Rick. Rick grins.

"Hey ugly! Hope you can swim!" Rick called out ducking the bullets and whipping out the plasma gun. He fired a charged blast shooting it down into the molten ground.

"Guess not," Rick said looking down at the flailing bug.

-No big loss-

"Whatever," Rick responded walking through the hole the bug had made. He steps through holding the plasma gun out looking for a target. He put the gun away and pulled out the rifles while the gun charged up again.

`Better safe then sorry,' Rick thought.

-Nice motto-

"Kept me alive," Rick retorted. Something in the shadows ran by. Rick stopped and stood absolutely still. He slowed his breathing and listened intently. Dust moved. Rick threw himself to the side and acid hit the wall next to him. He rolled up and fired into the shadows. Sparks flew up around a scorpion like machine. He jumped up as more acid flew at him. He fired so fast the gun barrel started to turn red. He put the guns away and rolled behind a wall. Acid hit the wall and started melting it away. Rick pulled out the plasma guns, yes both, and rolled out facing the bug. It stood two inches from his face. The face of the bug looked red as the eyes looked at him. The tail pulled back and Rick fired both guns. One into the head, the other through the tail. The machine blew up hurling Rick into a wall. He slammed through it and fell on the other side. He groaned and opened his eyes. The screen fizzed and went statically.

-Ow. That hurt. Sorry to say this but all my sensors are down. Only use I have is to rant and rave. Any ideas? -

"Yeah. This thing cans teleport right? Well go to my house and start working on repairs. I have my usual weapons with me minus most of my throwing weapons but I have those for emergencies. Get out of here and I'll be home late," Rick said hitting a button on his suit.

-Right away- the armor said as it fizzed out of his sight. Rick stood and looked back at the smoldering hole where the bug once stood. The armor had taken its armament so Rick was left with his pistols and blades with one assault rifle. Rick checked himself for major wounds and then nodded to himself that there weren't any real injuries. He took off running down the new hall. His arms pumping beside him and legs moving along with swiftness and a light touch. He moved silently down the halls so fast that the cameras tracking him fizzed out trying to keep up. Rick came to a door and burst through it with a full force tackle. He didn't stop and jumped over a wall and kept running. Bullets flew by him and he pulled out his pistols and returned fire on both sides of him. Each arm outstretched like wings. Rick looked forward calculating extremely fast what was happening around him.

`I better get a paid vacation for this,' Rick thought jumping and sliding down the floor beneath him. He fired at the soldiers before him. He leapt off the ground and kicked a guy knocking him to the ground out cold with a major headache. Rick dropped to the ground and fired more shots. He rolled forward putting his guns away and pulling out a sword. He jumped and rebounded off the wall coming down and slicing a guy down. He deflected a few bullets and sliced a guy across the chest. He back flipped as bullets ripped into the guy he just sliced. He landed on the shoulders of a guy and leaned back till his hands touched the ground. Rick flipped the guy into the wall coming up with his rifle and unloading into the final guys. He stopped and breathed as the echoes died away.

`This bites,' Rick thought sitting down. He rested taking a deep breathe. Then hit a button and got the elevator to come up.

In an office at the top of the building…

"Sir!" a soldier saluted.

"Any news?" Mr. Ruben asked.

"We lost contact with the SCORP infiltrator and with team alpha guarding the elevators. We shut down the elevators and are scanning. We have yet to find him sir!" the soldier belted out.

"Keep looking. I will not have some self respecting agent show my company up," Mr. Ruman said leaning back in his chair.

"Sir!" the soldier said saluting. He turned and walked out of the door. In the elevators Rick was sitting with his goggles and plugged into the sensor control panel. He looks like he is typing on air with his eyes darting back and forth.

"This security sucks," Rick said grinning. He types a few buttons and rumbling goes through the building.

"Huston we have a problem," Rick said unplugging his visor from the control panel. Rick stood and jumped back into the elevator. He hit the second to top floor and climbed back onto the top. Rick looks at the ceiling high above him and yawns.

"Man long nights are murder," Rick says pulling out a small container. He takes out a pill and eats it. Energy runs through his body.

"Ugh…stupid energy pills. Refill your stomach and quenches your thirst. Restores your energy and has a great taste. Yeah to a dog," Rick grumbles tacking a swig of water. Rick glances around and jumps as the elevator bumps and rumbles.

"Well that was a fast response," Rick says pulling out a sword. He grabs the cable and slices the rope beneath him. The elevator comes free and falls down scratching. A cry from a mechanical source is heard as the elevator falls. Rick looks down and hears a crunching sound as the elevator slams into the ground.

"Oh that's going to hurt in the morning," Rick says pulling himself up the rope.

`Damn rope. Curse all ropes from gym. I hate this part of the job,' Rick thinks pulling himself up. He gets to the next floor. Rick looks up at the twenty levels left.

"Big building," Rick says whistling before hand. Rick swings back and forth then kicks the door down.

"Knock, knock," Rick whispers jumping out.



"?" Rick looks around and sees two hall height and width robots blocking both ways of the hall. A red laser comes out of both robots and hits Rick's head.

"Uh oh," Rick gulps. The bullets fire and missals launch. The bullets slow and everything slows to a crawl. Rick jumps into the elevator shat and times restarts and the bullets hit the other robot. Rick swings back in and looks back and forth.

"That is the oldest trick in the book. How stupid," Rick says quietly. He pulls out his sword and cuts one in half then pulls it forward to get it out of the way. He jumps on it and walks around. He walks down the hall. He comes to a door marked stairs.

"…Yeah," Rick says kicking the door open. It hits the wall flies back and slams into Rick. He pushes the door away with a large red mark on his nose.

"Ow," he said. He walks forward holding his nose and walking up the stairs.

Up at the office.

"Let me get this straight. After all we throw at him the only thing that really hurts him is a door?" Mr. Ruben cries out.

"Y-yes sir," the soldier responds saluting.

"…You are all idiots. Kill him. I don't care what you do just kill him!" Mr. Ruben yells out kicking his desk over. The soldier scurries out of the room as fast as human legs can. Rick resting in an infirmary. Looks around with a questioning look.

"I could have sworn someone just told someone to kill me. Man that's like talking behind someone's back and them sneezing," Rick said angrily. He gets up and walks out the door. The doors swing open and bullets hit the door. The doors swing shut.

`…Um okay,' Rick thinks before he opens the door again. He pulls out a small grenade.

"Old safety," he says pulling the pin and tossing it out the door. He then runs and jumps behind a metal desk. A large explosion goes through the halls and blows the doors off the entrance to the infirmary. Rick calmly waits till the explosion dies down.

"Chalk up one floor down," Rick said getting up. He walked to the door and looks left and right to see large holes in the wall revealing open sky. Rick walks to the edge and looks out. He pulls back and hits a button on his watch.

"Freeze!" a soldier cries out. Rick turns holding up his hands. He looks to see a large man with a gun the size of Rick pointing at him.

"Damn. That's a big gun," Rick said paling a little.

"How about I give you an easier death, eh? Just jump out the window," the soldier said. Rick got a good look at him and he looked like a modern day Rambo.

"But," Rick starts.

"Just do it," the soldier replied angrily.

"Okay your call," Rick said stepping off the floor. He fell down with out a scream.

"Sir," the soldier says into a communicator, "The agent has left the building."

"Good. Make sure he doesn't come back," a voice responds.

Yes sir," the soldier replies. He puts the communicator on the floor and walks to the window. He falls back in disbelief as Rick floats up riding on his bike.

"I tried to tell you," Rick said. The soldier brings his gun up. Rick fires two missals into him and shoots him out the other side of the building with a loud bang. Rick rides the bike in and gets off. He looks down and picks up the com. He activates it and waits.

"Harry I told you to kill the agent!" a voice roars.

"I'm sorry but Harry is permanently indisposed. Can I take a message?" Rick asks leaning against his bike.

"What did you do to him Agent?" the man snarls.

"Well lets just say he went out with a bang," Rick replies.

"…You will die," Mr. Ruben said angrily.

"Of course. No one can escape old age. But some don't live that long," Rick replied. The man cries out and slams his fist down.

"Temper, temper. You should watch your blood pressure. Don't want you dieing form a heart attack," Rick told Mr. Ruben over the COM before throwing it out the window. Rick gets on his bike and drives up the stairwell. He reaches the top floor and rides out of the door. Men shoot at him but Rick just opens up the Vulcan cannons and rips them to shreds. Machines jump out and Rick just fires a few missals making some room. He rides up a ramp and jumps over a few robots driving down the hall. Bullets and lasers whiz by. He hits a button on his right handle and an auto cannon opens up on the rear end and fires in a sweeping motion destroying the robots easily. A soldier jumps out and Rick just rides past shooting a flare out as he does. He slams through a door stopping. The flare goes off as the doors close and a few screams go up.

"Hello mister employer. I think you don't want me on the job so I'll just leave now. But I wanted to tell you directly that I quit," Rick said blowing a hole in the wall.

"I'll have you arrested," Mr. Ruben said.

"With what evidence? I have destroyed all your cameras and wiped your database with a nice little virus of mine. Hope you had a fun evening. I sure did," Rick replies riding out the window shooting another flare up. Soldiers burst in aiming their guns and get met by a nice little surprise. Rick aims his bike to the ground and lands it. Rick drives off into the night with a smile and a sense of accomplishment. He arrives home and walks in.

"What took you so long? I was worried sick!" Ruby cried out standing in front of Rick. Rick sweat dropped and scratched the back of his head.

"Um I didn't know you cared," Rick said laughing nervously. Ruby punched him in the gut.

"Get some food and hit the sack. NOW!" Ruby nearly shouted into Rick's ear. Rick nodded and went into the kitchen. He wolfed down his food and started putting his weapons up on the racks. He threw off his armor and protective clothes walking into his room. He grabs a shirt and shorts and put them on. Rick then crawled into bed and wrapped himself in blankets and fell asleep. He slept soundly. Next morning he woke up late and looked at the calendar. He put some normal clothes on and grabbed his guitar. He walked out the door waving to Ruby and got in his bike. He started up and flew to a small park. He landed hi bike and walked up to his friends.

"Hey guys," Rick said.

"Morning," Greg replied pulling out his electric guitar. Rick set his guitar down and got behind the electric keyboard that was set up. He stretched out his fingers and smiled.

"Well guys time to play," Shiris said. (I don't own cosmic castaway. Don't know who does though) People started to gather as the group of relative armatures started to play a popular song that was relatively old. A few hours went by and several songs had been done the band thanked the audience and closed up. Rick put his guitar away and waved to his friends. Rick walked back to his bike and got in. His last day off he wanted to be ready for…or if he was actually in a mission. He drove home and got out. He put on his armor and grabbed his weapons. He looked around trying to find Ruby but found a note.

`Party tonight with other agents. I'm going to get ready. You better too,' it said. Rick shook his head and drove to his office. He drove up to the garage parking lot and got out. He walked to the elevator and got in.

-Where to? -

"Top floor," Rick said leaning against the wall. The elevator started moving and Rick just thought about the night before. Rick was still a little tired but he was good to go anyway. The door opened and he walked to the door not even bothering to knock and just walked in.

"Rick how are you?" Rick's boss asked not even looking up.

"I feel used," Rick said sitting down.

"By who?" his boss asked.

"Just about everyone," Rick retorted string directly at Boss.

"…Well what does that have to do with me?" Boss asked looking up.

"My employer tried to kill me last night. I don't know if my mission is a trap or the guy just doesn't like me," Rick said still staring at Boss.

"Well you are obligated to do the mission even if he doesn't like you. That's in your contract," Boss said.

"You know why I am here so just spit it out already. What stupid reason do you have for not giving me a vacation, promotion and a raise?" Rick asked leaning back.

"The government doesn't want you to be number one. If you are you would be targeted by everyone to either join them or have you killed. You stay agent fifteen and you don't have the suspicion," Boss said getting back to his work.

"That answers one thing. What about the other two?" Rick asked pressing further.

"Are you trying to get yourself fired?" Boss asked.

"What have I got to lose?" Rick asked. Boss looked at Rick for a long hard moment before sighing. Boss sat up and looked at Rick with a serious look.

"The president doesn't think you deserve any of the ideals. He thinks you got up here by luck. That and the expenses you do are starting to get on his nerves. `Nothing you have done suggests that you have the skill it takes,' he told me last time I saw him," Boss said. Rick just stared at Boss before nodding.

"I thank you for your truthfulness. I'll do this last job and take my vacation time as money and leave," Rick said getting up. Boss looked pained but didn't say anything. Rick turned and left after waving and walking out the door as he did. He walked to the elevator and hit his office button level. He stood in the center of the elevator and thought about his cursed luck. He walked to his office and grabbed his stuff packing it up. He removed all his things and sent them to his house. Walked down the hall with his walk fast and head low. He walked back into the elevator and went down to the garage. He got in his bike and sighed heavily.

-Got canned? - His computer asked.

"I quit after this next mission. The president doesn't think I am worth the trouble," Rick said driving out of the garage.


"Head to Chan's. I got to find a new job and then head home for the final agent party I am going to go to," Rick said revving the motor. Rick pulled into the Mall parking and got into the transporter. He walked down the hallway till he got to Chan's. He walked in and looked at Chan's face.

"The government sucks," Rick said right out.

"You fired?" Chan asked.

"By all high and mighty himself," Rick said leaning against the wall.

"You want job?" Chan asked walking up to Rick.

"Yeah and to thank you for the armor. That stuff kicks butt. Especially that plasma gun," Rick said grinning.

"Best I ever made," Chan said motioning for Rick to follow Chan. Chan walked through the back door and Rick followed unafraid. He trusted Chan and if Chan wanted Rick to come with him he would. Rick walked through the door and looked beside him. There were indeed two large machines but from the look of them it didn't look like they could fire. Rick looked them over and then went after Chan. Chan stood before a large room with several guns in it.

"You can test new weapons and armor after final job," Chan said pointing to the room.

"Couldn't I just sweep the floor?" Rick asked looking at all the lasers and traps laid out.

"Do you want job or not?" Chan asked. Rick thought in his head.

"As long as vacation time and raises happen when they need to," Rick said nodding.

"Okay after final job at ole employer you come here to try out new models," Chan said smiling. Rick nodded and looked at his watch. He waved to Chan and walked out the back door to the mall. He jogged to his bike and got in. Rick drove home and got ready for the party. He dressed in his agent wear with all the weapons and combed his hair and got out the door as it neared seven o'clock. He drove to a large building behind the office building. Rick opened the capsule top and go out. He closed it and walked into the building. He sat down at a table near the back and relaxed. A lot of people made some small talk and consoled him about the mission that screwed up. Rick just took it in and replied when needed. Ruby walked up to Rick who just sat there.

"What hit you?" Ruby asked sitting down. Rick looked up at her and shrugged.

"A lot of things really. I'm quitting. Mister big in the white house thinks I'm not worth it so I got no promotion, raise or a vacation coming," Rick said looking at the table. Almost everyone stopped moving. Rick looked up to see everyone had heard him and he just sighed and sat there.

"Are you telling me the president doesn't want you fighting anymore?" a guy asked in the crowd.

"That's the general idea. He says that I got to where I am by luck and have no real skill. Oh and the destruction that I usually cause is starting to tick him off even though I pay for it," Rick said throwing his hands in the air angry. The room was silent because all of the agents respected one another and never faced another. This was very grave news. The president had sponsored the business and now that he had turn one away meant that they could be turned away too.