Fan Fiction ❯ Anita Blake Drabble #1 ❯ Whoops ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
“So you’re dating the Executioner?”

“What? No...”

“But we have a video with you and her sharing an intimate moment...”

“Ms. Blake and I are only friends, that isn’t her. That’s... Vivian. My girlfriend.”

An angry shout came from a blonde in the audience, “What? Nathaniel, you bastard!”

The wereleopard shrank into his seat. “Stephen... I...”

“The angry ex-lover?”


“Then you are dating Anita Blake?”

“Well... um... sort of... I don’t know...”

“The Executioner has two preternatural lovers!”

The tape paused.

Anita glared resentfully at the television, “Now do you see why you’re always unavailable to comment?”

“Yes, ma’am...”