Fan Fiction ❯ Anything for Love ❯ 01: May, 7th Grade ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Spinelli bit back a groan and lowered her head to the desk. Though the teacher didn't notice and continued his lecture on the reproductive system, Gretchen did and shot her an amused look.

In the seats behind them, Mikey and Gus were blushing furiously. Near the back of the room TJ and Vince were playing catch with the model ovaries. Rolling her eyes at their antics, Gretchen returned to diligent notetaking, absently poking her new braces with her tongue.

Really, this was a fascinating class, but trying to teach it to a bunch of immature boys was foolish. Though Spinelli looked like she could have gone without quite so much detail. As the majority of guys burst into laughter over something incredibly juvenile, Spinelli began rhythemetically beating her head against the desk.

When the bell finally rang, the class rushed to the door. Spinelli plowed a path through, kicking people about the shins. Gretchen winced in sympathy. Those were steel-toed boots.

Health and Science, the class which was currently focusing on sex ed, was their last class of the day, and so they had plenty of time to loiter about each other's lockers.

"God, I hate that class. I don't see why we can't have it seperately, 'cause I don't wanna know about what guys do, and I certainly don't want them to know about me."

"Well, I suppose they want us to know all this so there's not a bunch of young teens getting pregnant and ruining their lives," Gretchen offered.

"Yeah, whatever. It's still retarded." They stopped at Spinelli's locker first, and when the lock wouldn't open completely she hauled off and kicked it, leaving yet another size 4 dent in it. When it opened, she stood on the inside edge in order to see the top shelf. The growth spurt which was hitting most of the class had missed her, leaving her at barely five feet.

"I mean, come on people. So Kathers says boob. There's no reason to act like idiots about it."

"We are only 13 Spinelli. The guys are going to be a bit immature."

"Guys suck." Spinelli kicked her warped locker back into place, ignoring the mess which threatened to fall out.

"The guys are all scared of you. They know that you can beat any of them up," Gretchen said frankly, continuing on to her own locker.

"Damn right I can!"

It was a Friday, so after school Gretchen went home with Spinelli. It had been a standing arrangement for the last year and a half or so, to spend their Fridays at one another's homes. At some point after entering middle school, the two had grown closer while the rest of their group of friends grew apart.

Recently Spinelli had developed a liking for old horror flicks, and so one was playing on the TV. Gretchen half hearted worked on homework which was far too easy while watching the show, and Spinelli had a flimsy but growing house of cards before her.

The show today was even cheesier than most and soon the girls were heckling and and mocking the characters' every move.

"Yeah, get undressed when you think there's a monster nearby. That's smart. Oh, let's go upstairs with it's convienantly easy to block single escape route. Damn Gretch, this girl is even stupider than the usual."

Gretchen glanced up, intending to ask if she could really be stupider than the cast of 'It Came from the Lake,' but as she looked up the monster of the moment appeared on the screen.

"Oh please, you can see the zipper!"

The herione responded by screaming hysterically while the monster slowly lumbered towards her. The whole scene was so melodramatic that the girls broke out into gales of laughter.

In the darkness that night, with Spinelli's cheap garage sale fan blowy the steamy air about the room, the two were talking in low voices. Such late night talks are special, for one knows that they can tell their close friends anything, and the replies will be honest, and if it's required they'll never mention it to a soul.

They talked for the better part of two hours, never about anything of much importance. About the time that the alarm clock's glowing numbers read 3:30 the conversation took a more serious turn.

"Remember that Q and A session they held on Wednesday?"

"Of course. One could hardly forget the way TJ and Vince were harassing poor Mr. Kathers with their almost pornographic questions."

Spinelli smirked a bit at this. She was one of the privilidged few who got to see Gretchen's sarcastic humor. "Yeah, Teej's evil like that sometimes." There was a pause. "But it wouldn't have killed the man to answer a few of them."

What was Spinelli leading up to? "Such as..."

"Well not TJ's stupid ones about his sex life. The last thing I need is the image of Kathers naked."

"Spinelli! Ew!" Gretchen whacked her friend with a pillow. "I didn't want that image either!"

For several minutes the two giggled as quietly as they could manage.

"Anyways... like the question about how gay people do it. Now that I'm interested, or anything," Spinelli hurried to make this clear. "But there could have been someone in our class who would have been interested, you know?"

"Indeed, I don't think 'they just do' is a very good answer," Gretchen commented a bit dryly. "It might have been interesting to know, from a purely scientific view point."

"You know... Ok, just tell me to shut up at anytime here, but we are both girls - not that we're gay or anything - but we could, um, just find out what the kissing part is like and not tell anyone," Spinelli blurted out in a rush.

After that, the room was silent but for the sounds of akward and increasingly enthusiastic kisses.