Fan Fiction ❯ Aralen:The Last of the Spirit Riders ❯ Aralen ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Aralen:The Last of the Spirit Riders

There was a time centuries long ago when Spirit Riders, beings who were human in appearance but had the mythically eerie powers of a spirit, roamed the earth. They were raised by immortals and Animal Lords. But, unfortunately, human fear and greed is a powerful thing. Humans believed if they destroyed them the power of the spirits would be theirs. But nobody can control a spirits powers and in the end, humans and Riders alike lay dying on each side.
Before long the Spirit Riders were gone and the spirits were all but diminished. The Animal Lords gave up hope of new a Spirit Riders being discovered before they themselves become only legends of a ancient past, for Animal Lords adapt themselves to each Riders own individual powers.
Just before all hope seemed lost forever a child was born with the powers of a Spirit Rider. Her name is Aralen,the last of the Spirit Riders.

CHAPTER 1: Aralen
It was a foggy morning in the Immortal Forest and Prince Aaiden was nervous. He had grown up with the legends of the Immortal Forest and wasn't sure if he believed them.....not that he didn't believe them either. He believed SOMETHING guarded the forest but not the blood thirsty monsters that legend said killed every passerby. Shaking the unpleasant thoughts away he turned in his saddle to face Qusim, his man-at-arms and best friend.
"Hey when do ya think we're going to get back to the castle?", he asked.
Qusim chuckled. He knew when his young friend got nervous and this was one of those very rare times. "Aye, lad those stories your brother told you when ye were both tykes getting to ye head?", he teased. Aaiden made a face. His older brother, Armon, HAD filled his head with stories of a young girl-child spirit who haunted the woods, a girl with blood on her face.
"No, I just want to get home thank you very much", Aaiden replied a bit annoyed. For the last year or so he had been at his mothers castle in Emerald Forest and more than half that time fighting bandits...and he had the scars to prove it.
Aaiden turned in the saddle. Looking to his right he pulled on his horses reins and felt his jaw drop. Before him was a valley, so large he couldn't see the other end. In it was a herd of horses, some of the finest Aaiden had ever seen. The leader, a young white mare with gray points, mane,and tail, seemed to know her herd was being watched. She reared and ran faster then any mortal horse with the rest of the herd close behind her. For a moment Aaiden thought he saw a young girl running with the herd but then the gray and white mare ran in front of her and by the time she had moved the girl was gone. Seeing what Aaiden was looking at Qusim rode up beside the young prince and put a hand on his shoulder. "That there is the Immortal Valley lad." he said quietly, "The gray 'n' white mare is the head horse lord, Windrunner, and the black filly beside her is her filly Saturndancer. Your lucky to be seeing the valley your highness, precious few can." Turning to Qusim Aaiden asked "Why cant many people see it?" "The animal lords havent been too happy with us ever since their spirit riders were slaught- I mean killed in the war." Aaiden paused knowing he had heard the term spirit rider before "Whats a spirit rider?" he asked finally. "I'll tell you later lad." Qusim said quickly. Aaiden sighed. "Hey do you know where a stream is? I could use a drink and so could my horse." Qusim pointed to a small trail leading north. "Follow that trail for about 20 meters or so and you should reach a small stream." Aaiden nodded and turned his horse to face the trail. "I'll be back in a few minutes." he said over his shoulder.
Aaiden splashed his face with cold water as his blood bay gelding,Fire Heart, drank from the stream. "Riding all day and fighting all night isnt the way to go is it? ," he asked Fire Heart who snorted at him. "I guess its alright for the horse that never tires but his rider cant go on forever ya know!" Aaiden snapped at his horse who blew water in his face. Aaiden laughed and stood up looking at his surroundings. The fog was lifting so the colors were dreamlike. Hearing a noise Aaiden spun on his heel with his right hand instinctively going for his sword hilt. He quickly scanned the area around him and then muttered "What the hell am I doing? It was probably a squirrel or something." But suddenly stories that his brother told him filled his mind. "The guardian moves faster then light" he had once said after an "encounter" with the guardian "And her face haunts the few that survive their encounters." Hearing a rustle in the treetops Aaiden turned again and felt the unpleasant sensation of falling off a small cliff and then a sickening crack and a white hot pain lacing though his right side before his world went black.
When Aaiden opened his eyes he saw nothing but a black nose. "Fire Heart," he croaked, his throat caked with dust, "Move I'm fine." Fire Heart moved slightly to the side so the young man could get up but the moment Aaiden tried to get up he felt mind-splitting pain in his side. Wincing, he lowered himself back down and said shakily to Fire Heart, "Guess that wasnt a good idea, huh?" Grabbing Fire Heart's bridle Aaiden pulled himself to his feet. Leaning on the horse for support Aaiden looked at the 15 ft. drop. "I guess if I'm lucky I'll only have one or two cracked ribs" he muttered then he looked at his horse suspiciously "And how did you get down here? I dont see a trail and there is no way you could jump that." Fire Heart snorted and nuzzled his master. Aaiden sighed. "I guess your not going to talk", he muttered again. Hearing a crash and a small "Ouch!" he turned and looked behind him. On the ground was a young girl around 13 or so on her hands and knees. In one hand she carried a small naginata and at her waist was a short sword. She was lean almost on the verge of wiry. She was tall, only a few inches shorter than the prince and she held herself with confidence. She had long nightingale black hair and the darkest ice blue eyes Aaiden had ever seen. Her dress was knee length and had a plain red obi tied around the waist. The most distinguishing feature about her was that under both eyes she had a red triangle painted, point down. The triangles were blood red. Slowly she stood, keeping her naginata pointed at him as she demanded something in a unknown language. Fire Heart moved foward to smell the young girl whose ice blue eyes never left Aaidens slightly suprised face.
"Bite her Fire Heart, bite her." Aaiden mutterd to his gelding.
Fire Heart flicked an ear back at him then turned both of them back to the girl. "Traitor," Aaiden muttered under his breath then reached back to draw his sword.
"May I ask who you are stranger?" he said calmly trying to keep the pain out of his voice.
The girl flicked one eye toward his sword then kept her eyes levelled on his face.
"Who might you be?" she said very softly.
Aaiden glared at her. How dare she question him!
"My name is Aaiden, Prince of the Immortal Forest and the brother of the King. And I ask again, who are you?"
The girl face twitched slightly at the mention of his brother but then she regained her calm stance. "So your the bastard's brother, eh?" she said softly. "Well that would explain a thing or two."
Aaiden's eyes blazed. He moved his sword up to her neck, not close enough to actually cut or hurt her but close enough for her to feel uncomfortable.
"Who... are... you?" he said, fighting to keep calm. Combat with an unknown enemy was not the way to go if you were angry.
The girl eyed him coldly. "How would my name concern you?" she said stroking Fire Hearts nose.
He glared at her thinking every curse that living with solidiers for a year had taught him. The girl shrugged her shoulders. "My name? Alright, my name is Aralen."
"Aralen," Aaiden repeated softly in spite of himself, "Thats a nice name." as a voice cried out," HEY!! Aaiden! Where are you?" Aaiden looked over his shoulder in surprise then turned back to the girl. But she had disappeared, leaving only the rustle of leaves for him to guess where she had gone.