Fan Fiction ❯ Attack of the Care Bears ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Attack of the Care Bears

Disclaimer: Fine, fine. I do not own The Lord of the Rings or Care Bears, I do not. The deranged purple cat and the people in many colored raincoats our mine but I give my permition to use them if you ask me. This popped into my head while watching a commercial for those creepy talking care bears. Now, ON WITH THE MADDNESS!!


The Fellowship all sat around, doing nothing in Rivendell. Arwen had said that she had a surprise to show them. She had been quite uncharacteristically excited that they all had to see what this thing was.

Pippin: I think it's a thong.

Legolos: Why would Arwen buy a thong?

Pippin: Not for her, for Strider.

Aragorn: Very funny Pippin. Don't be surprised if you don't wake up one morning.

Gandalf: I just hope that she did not find another insane animal.

They all look over at the deranged purple cat. It is dragging a full-grown orc across the room. It stops and looks at the hobbits with a crazed, hungry look, kinda like a certain fan fic writer. ^o^;;;

Arwen: Hello everyone, (all look) I found this adorable little thing in a basket in the woods. Isn't it cute?

She holds up a black care bear with a belly thing that looks oddly like a bloody knife. Evil energy seems to ooze from the small plush toy. And the fact that it is holding a sign saying 'I will kill all of you in your sleep' did not help the guys any.

Arwen: Oh, I have to go meet father. Good-bye.

Arwen walks off, forgetting the toy. Those poor, poor guys.


MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! That's the first chapter. What you think? Good, bad, me in need in life?