Fan Fiction ❯ Blue Moon Rising ❯ Beginning of Part 2:Tears of the New Moon Chapter 1:The Return of Dark Moon ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Blue Moon Rising

By: ChocolateEclar

Part Two: Tears of a New Moon

Chapter 1: The Return of Dark Moon

Six years later…

Dark Moon stood atop a hill gazing down below her. Her black hair was blowing in the breeze, whipping against her face. Her dark eyes glittered and she yelled, "Kuma!"

Instantly at her side appeared a huge dog. The dog's coat seemed to be made of several shades of silver and its eyes were blue black like its master's. Dark Moon rubbed Kuma's pointed ears and whispered, "My pet, it seems those who call themselves my followers are just a band of ruffians." She paused glancing at the group of punks running a muck in the town below her. "Well I think it's time to make a reappearance and show them how it's done." Dark Moon smirked and with Kuma suddenly vanished.

********************************************************* ***************

Lieutenant Kyle Pachi of the Avona Military force read over the file on Dark Moon for the seventh time. He had only been eleven years old when Dark Moon had struck years ago and he wanted to know all about the mysterious girl who had caused many people to start rebelling against the government. He placed the file down; it was little help for not much was known about the strange lethal girl.

He walked out of his office and down to the military's main conference room. He was supposed to be there to listen to old Commander Wong tell about life before Dark Moon's followers came around.

Hours later there was Kyle and some other officers listening to their commander. 'Boy, is he boring or is it just me,' thought Kyle.

'It's not just you,' answered a tiny voice. Kyle smiled. He wasn't insane or anything, most people were linked with another person on the planet. Often it was someone far, far away from them. He had been talking mentally to his voice since he was eleven. She said her name was Lyra, but that was about all he knew about her. She knew all about him though.

In his mind she appeared as a young women in a huge hooded white robe that hid most of her face. On her hands were gloves that were the same deep dark blue as her eyes.

'You're definitely right,' Kyle replied glancing at the other officers, most of which looked like they were falling asleep.

********************************************************* ***************

At the military base a mile away the gates were being crashed down. Dark Moon and Kuma stepped over the rubble. "Time to party," said Dark Moon slyly. She and Kuma began to create energy orbs and used them to destroy everything in sight.

A thirty-year-old officer took one look at Dark Moon and shouted, " Dark Moon is back. Run for your lines!" Dark Moon scowled in annoyance and killed the officer right on the spot. Meanwhile Kuma was tearing someone to shreds. Dark Moon smiled and continued her path of destruction.

********************************************************* ***************

Kyle heard the news of Dark Moon's sighting and gathered his troops together to help defend the base he lived at. He then jumped in his jeep and went to help the other base. When he arrived little was left of the station. Dark Moon was leaning against a crumbling wall watching Kuma finish the job.

"HEY YOU!" Kyle called. Boy, did he feel dump when Dark Moon looked at him with those cold forbidding eyes.

Dark Moon laughed and said, "Oh how cute. The little soldier boy thinks he can stop us." Up till then her tone of voice had been purposely annoyingly sweet, but suddenly it changed to dead cold, "Get lost, boy,"

'I can't believe I'm doing this,' thought Kyle. "MAKE ME!" he retorted.

"Foolish soldier boy," Dark Moon remarked waving her right index at him. Suddenly she was gone and it took Kyle several seconds to realize what she'd done.

Dark Moon had quietly jumped a good ten feet above the ground, then done a sort of twist in midair with her body, and finally had landed back on the ground about four feet from him. He gasped. She had landed expertly on her feet as if she were as light as a feather. She charged forward thrashing in expert places, like his currently sore right shoulder, his chest, and his face. Kyle tried to retaliate but she was swift and dodged him easily.

Kyle couldn't hear or see Lyra mentally but he could feel her worrying about him. He collapsed in pain. He looked up to see Dark Moon smirking down at him. Kuma came to her master's side, her fluffy tail erect and her head held up proudly. Yet, Kyle got the feeling that Kuma didn't really like what her and Dark Moon were doing, but did what she did because she was tremendously loyal.

'Damn she's good. How are we going to stop her?' Kyle wondered.

"Let's go, Kuma," ordered Dark Moon walking away causally. Kuma followed her master obediently.

Kyle watched them go. He had always been at the top of his military training classes, but now he felt weak and in a lot of pain. Dark Moon jumped up into the sky and flew quickly away. On the ground Kuma followed at a similar pace.

Kyle sighed and fell into unconsciousness. Lyra watched him in his mind, one tiny tear slipping down her cheek.

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A/N: PPLLEEAAASSE review. Even if it's to flame, review (though I'd prefer if it wasn't.) This is my first posted fic, so go easy on me. I'll post again soon. (I think.)
