Fan Fiction ❯ Bogged Down ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Bogged Down


Sea Wolf

Disclaimer: I do not own Kilik, Maxi or anything from Soul Calibur. This is all owned by the good people at Namco!

Note: This is a one shot fanfic. No pointless flames on it, this is my first Soul Calibur fanfic. I will not have or add Link, Spawn or the Tekken dude in here. Don't flame me for that. (constructive reviews appreciated!)

Dedicated to: For all the Soul Calibur and Kilik fans and to my friends like,Ex-Machina, Angelus Zion, Darkwing, Skylark Starflower, Kritter (Because he likes quicksand.) and anyone else that are my friends! You all rule! K is for Kilik... spelled the same backwards and forwards! ^_^V

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A young man stood in the middle of a bamboo forest. He wore a red coat that was tattered and torn at the bottom and had on a gem stone around his neck that was a turquoise color. In his hand was a Bo-staff rod named Kali-Yuga. His brown, shaggyish hair lightly blew in the breeze. The young lad held out his rod and gingerly set it on the ground.

So this is the place..." the boy known as Kilik said to himself. The bamboo forest was coated with marshes and various wildlife. Kilik shook his head in awe, and looked up at the sky and watched as a few birds flew in the sky and landed in the trees. Red pandas skitter-ed around and happily ate bamboo leaves to their fill, it did feel peaceful to him. A possible paradise?

"Some place...." Kilik sighed to himself.

He began to traipse trough the forest, leaving foot prints in the mud. He gazed at the splendor though. The fresh bamboo growing and the young animal at play. All seemed beautiful in a dangerous part of the forest. He kept on walking, unaware that his stomach seemed to make grumbling and growling noises. He stopped and looked down at his gut.

"Perhaps I should get something to eat, but what?" He asked himself.

Kilik made his way to a clearing of the bamboo forest. A few mangos trees grew there. He gracefully strode over to the sweet, fruit trees. He didn't know that the area surrounding the fruit trees had patched of mud. He was way too famished. He could also careless about the mud, His only goal was just to fill his belly. He picked a few ripe mangos and started to munch on them happily.

"Mmm.. these are good..." Kilik said in a content matter. He ate his fill there in the shady orchard. After his fruit feast and patting a rather full, yet content stomach, Kilik pressed on his journey.

He seemed to have stepped into something gooey and muddy. It was thick mud, he was only up to his shins.

"The hell?" Kilik said as he looked down. He tried to pull his leg free, but no use. This struggling caused Kilik to sink a little more, he sank up to his knees.

"Great..." Kilik groaned, "I'm in quicksand. Maxi told me about this stuff. I need to find a way out.."

Kilik thought for a moment. He scanned and looked around the area for something to grab onto. He sank up to his torso as he spotted a sturdy bamboo rod. That was growing at the edge of the bog.

"This should work!" Kilik called out in triumph as his gripped the bamboo. With all his might, he tried to pull himself onto the shore. He smiled happily more as he kept on pulling.

As Kilik tried to save himself, the bamboo he was holding onto began to break.

"Huh?!" Kilik cried in a questionable manner. The bamboo snapped, and Kilik was sent back into his quicksand prison. He was also up to his stomach in the muck.

"Just what I need," he sadly said. Truly a nightmare. No one to save him. Maxi wasn't in sight, nor was a friend. Could Kilik drown to his doom?

Kilik leaned his head back and closed his eyes. He relaxed himself. The cold, gooey muck seemed to plaster on his bare chest and clothing. He didn't care, not at all. He could care less about having muddy clothes. Kilik has been in this stuff before. He remembered he was rescued. It was that dandy pirate who came to his need.


When Kilik was nineteen, he and his friend Maxi stopped by a nearby rain forest. Kilik decided to go into the forest to look around.

"I'm gonna go to have sometime alone," A young Kilik said to his pirate friend. Kilik back then wore red pants and had belt around his chest called Dvapara-Yuga. His brown hair was tied back into a pony tail.

Maxi nodded to his young friend. Kilik made his way through the jungle. He admired the birds and animals. He grabbed a banana and ate it. The young boy didn't realize that he stepped into some soft mud. He started to sink in it also. Not knowing what it was, Kilik began to struggle. This caused him sink up to his chest. He decided to call for help.

"Maxi!" Kilik cried out, "I need help!"

The dandy pirate overheard Kilik's pleads for help.

"Up to your neck in quicksand? I've been in it before... Not dandy..." Maxi said.

Kilik tried not to struggle to reach out for Maxi.

"Maxi..." Kilik said with fear and tears in his eyes, "I want out."

"Hand me your weapon and I will pull you out," Maxi suggested.

Kilik obeyed his friend. He held out his rod to his friend. Maxi took a firm grasp. The dandy pirate pulled and tugged on Kali-Yuga to pull out Kilik. He looked at Maxi with concern in his eyes.

"Max..." Kilik said again. He held on tight, not loosing his grip.

A final pull by the dandy pirate set Kilik free from the mire, he was all sprawled out on the ground.

"I owe you, Maxi." Kilik said with a smile. He wiped some of the mud off on Maxi's white outfit.

"Hey!" Maxi shouted happily as he gave Kilik a well placed noogie.

"Anytime!" The pirate said again, this time giving Kilik a friendly hair scruff.


Up only to his chest. The mud seemed to be creeping up on him. Kilik knew if he could think of a way to free himself out from the quicksand, but how? He was so close to the shore, Kilik gazed up at the sky. Things looked very different to him while sinking, almost as if the sky was falling.

"I wish he was here...." Kilik sighed.

He was up to his shoulders and still was sinking. If Kilik didn't make haste, he would go up to his down and then for a submerge. He had to think fast.

"I know!!"

Kilik reached out and grasped soiled ground with his fingers. With all his might, he clawed his way out. Pulling and struggling to get himself free. Free onto good old Terra-firma. He kept on struggling and pulling. Pulling himself out of the bog.

"Easy does it..." Kilik kept chanting in his mind.

The more he pulled, the faster Kilik seemed to be free. He was practically now on his belly. He felt his body getting free, free from the cold, gooey horror of the quicksand. He crawled on his belly as his body reach solid ground. Few more tugs and pulls and he had himself free.

"Damn," he said softly, "That was close..." He panted heavily.

He rolled over on his back, tired from his brave self rescue. He decided to get on his feet and clean himself off. He wandered over to a lake and cleaned off his muddy body and clothes.

After a nice cool and refreshing bath, Kilik munched on a mango. He gazed at that pit. That quagmire that almost swallowed him up. He smiled to himself.

"Wait until I tell my friends," he said with a smile and yawn. "I was lucky also. Thank you Maxi... thank you for rescuing me the first time."

He knew he said that many times to him, but Kilik didn't care. He finished his mango and curled up under a tree, he was tuckered out anyway. Kilik used his red coat as a blanket and covered himself up with it, closing his eyes and fell asleep eventually. He drifted off into a dreaming slumber with a smile across his face. Perhaps he was having a good dream, dreaming of times with Maxi and Xianghua, or dreams of playing in the mud, for fun.

Good night, Kilik...

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What do you think? Anyway. I am gonna start writing more Soul Calibur fanfics. I have more in the works. Ta ta for now and pirates own us!