Fan Fiction ❯ Codename: Immortal 2: Part 4: Vampiric Blood ❯ Codename: Immortal 2: Part 4: Vampiric Blood ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Codename: Immortal 2

Part 4: Vampiric Blood

I level in on Rane and Heather. The night is young so it gives me the chance to kill Rane before he sleeps in the day and cuts off my lock-on on his aura. I am driven back to Codename: Immortal headquarters where I collect my weapons. I take my 2 guns, Jack and Zack, the Dark Gun, a holy knife, several stakes, and a cross. If I am to kill Rane, I must know his limits. I search for him back in L.A. where he still remains. I lock onto his aura and move towards his position. I know that Krad is pissed at me refusing his offer but he has my lover captive and I will not allow her to be killed by Rane's rule. My search brings me to an old house that looks broken down and abandoned. I am able to seek inside where I see a floor cover with corpses, corpses of gangsters who must have once used the place for a hang out. I see joints and cigarettes with empty or half empty beer bottles.

I climb upstairs where I hear Heather gasping and moaning. I peek into the room where I see the hideous Rane drinking from Heather's wrist. She has been bitten on the neck, the wrist, the leg, and a layer of skin on her breast. Her heartbeat is fast enough to tell me that she isn't fatally drained…yet.

"Please, stop…" she pleas of Rane who ignores her.

Rane releases her as she falls on the hard ground. I am disgusted to see her, hypnotized, bare her throat so he may bite her again! Rane licks the traces of her blood from his lips and looks down at her as she continues to expose her throat.

"She is like a mindless pig, wanting to be slaughtered again and again. Her blood is quite tasty but she disgusts me with her pitiful offerings of her throat and wrist." He spits the words at Heather.

"Please, please, drink…" she mindlessly begs.

At that moment, I come out of hiding. Rane looks at me in the doorway as he picks Heather up.

"Let her go, Rane!" I growl with rage.

"You want her? Come take her!" he says, dropping her to the ground.

Rane charges at me with his strength and speed. I barely dodge him as he bounces off the wall and tackles me. Heather looks at me struggle and bares her fangs. The blood loss has made her terribly thirsty. I throw Rane off me. Heather pounces on me and places her lips on my neck. Rane smiles and vanishes; as I feel her fangs pierce my skin.

"Heather…" I say, trying to get her attention.

She continues to drink as I accept the sensation. I fall unconscious on the ground as Heather regains her normal self. I, then, black out…

I awake in a daze, I look around and realize where I am, Heather's apartment. Heather sleeps next to me with a hand on my chest. I can sense her veins knitting themselves back together as she snuggles more into me. I feel my heart beating replaces my taken blood with new blood. As I rise, Heather wakes up.

"Fest, are you okay? I'm so sorry about what I did." She says.

"It's all right, it wasn't you at all, it was Rane and his spell on you. I swear I'll kill me when I recover." I tell her as I lay back down.

"Fest, I was wondering, can vampires have children?" she asks me, please say she doesn't want to.

"Yes, they will look like human infants but instead of breast milk, they drink the blood out their mothers. They grow up until they are about a teenager where their growing stops and they remain like that forever." I explain.

"Can…we have one?" she asks, blushing.

I faint from her final question and wake up once again, Heather is in her own room, sleeping. So are the others. I look out my clock to see that it is about 5:56 PM. In L.A., it must be about 2:56. I realize that this is my chance to kill Rane while he's sleeping. I rise and take all my gear. I turn into mist as I float out of my window. I arrive in L.A. shortly, thanks to the windy forecast, and it seems that Rane doesn't know how to shield his aura which I feared he did. The sun is shining bright as I return to his old home. The corpses remain still as I step over them. The beast sleeps in the basement, on a table. I walk slowly down the basement steps where I see the unholy abomination sleeping his cryptic sleep.

I approach with silence as Rane rests. I take out a stake and stab into his heart. I am horrified to see that the body is really a gangster's corpse with some satanic aura that disguised it as Rane. I turn and am slammed into the wall as a knife pierces my shoulder and I fly into the wall as the knife traps itself into the stone. I cry out and struggle to yank it loose as Rane shows himself. He led me into a trap.

"You Codename: Immortal freaks are all the same! I was able to lure you into a trap easily. I know how to disguise an object, I know how to shield my aura, and I know how to kill an idiotic vampire, slow and painfully. You are such a dick, you know that, vampire. So what do I mark on your tombstone?" Rane asks, he thinks he has won.

I don't say anything.

"Well, then, I'll take your little black gun here, see how you like it when YOU are the one who gets the stake in the heart." He says, picking up the gun.

"I have a comment for your plan." I tell Rane as he points the gun nozzle at my chest.

"What is it!? Come on, I want to kill ya!" he scowls.

"You think your plan's hot, well…" I look at the gun with a grin "it just got hotter."

Then, the Dark Gun squirts some gasoline of Rane's hand and before he can react, the handle of the gun lights up and Rane's hand catches fire. Rane screams in horror and pain as he tries to put out the fire. Rane bangs it on his surroundings, setting the room into a flame. The fire department arrives outside as locals surround the blaze start to rise. I grab the knife as I try to yank it out to avoid perishing in the flames. Rane's hand's skin burns and falls on the ground, smoking and blazing. I pull on the knife's handle as the table which contains the corpse catches fire. The knife won't budge as the fire rises. The house then caves in; I watch the roof crush Rane as for me…

The fire department put out the fire and look for survivors. After 3 hours of searching, there is no body in the remains of the house, only the corpses of the gangsters which the fire men believe started the blaze. As the site clears, the moon rises. The Codename: Immortal stand in front of the ruins of the house. Heather looks at it with tears in her eyes as the others shed tears also. John holds Laura in his arms as she weeps. Brox has his hand over his face as Auro and Lance try to fight back their sorrow.

"Fest…my love…Fest, please don't be dead, you can't!" Heather cries as she starts towards the black ruins until John stops her.

"Fest is dead, Heather, you have to move on." He says with sorrow in his voice.

"NO! He's my creator, my lover, my husband. He can't be dead!" Heather screams.

"LOOK!" Lance yells.

A hand rises from the darkened disaster. They stand ready as the figure pushes away some ruin.

"Heather…" the figure groans.

Heather is then filled with joy as she runs towards the character, ignoring the cries from the others. Heather embraces the figure as the shadows reveal…myself.

"I knew you wouldn't die on me! God bless you, Fest!" she says as she presses her lips hard on mine.

The other members run up and congratulate me with my victory of killing one of the most deadly of vampires in the U.S.A. I look up to see Krad with his crew. Instead of attacking, Krad puts up thumbs up to me. I smile as I continue to embrace my bride.

Back at the mansion, the Codename: Immortal celebrate with the blood packs and food. I kneel in front of my master, John, as he puts a knife, gently, on top of my shoulder.

"Fest, Codename: Immortal second-in-command and hero, I grant you the position of the leader of Codename: Immortal." He tells me as I look up at him as he salutes me. I take Heather to my room where we sits on my bed, enjoying each others company. I look down at her as she looks up at me.

"So…what were you saying about children?" I ask her as she looks up with me with a flash of happiness and love in her eyes.

A new day has come, a day where a lonely vampire became a hero, a day where a hunter fell in love, a day for a new order of Codename: Immortal.


Codename: Immortal 3 Dark Mission coming in August

ATTENTION: Hell Force has been canceled

Coming Soon

Destiny Blade

Join Zinx a warrior who has witnesses his worst nightmare, his world is shattered by the King of Shadow, Taloko. Join him and his 2 allies, Vaki and Drel as they explore the lands in search of the Element Gems, Fire, Water, Ice, Wind, Earth, and Lightning in an 8 part story.