Fan Fiction ❯ Divine Flame ❯ The Knight and The Elf ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 3: The Knight and The Elf

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Disclaimer: I do not own Renamon, Toei Animation, Fox Kids, and Saban or Bandai owns her. I use their characters for my stories for readers' enjoyment.

And no, I did not keep her name in this story; I changed it to Lunar, other than that she's about the same. (And there's no evolving.)

A ~~~~~ means some time has passed since the previous scene.

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"What was that about elves again?" Arkeson inquired curiously as he and Ralin slowly made their way down the narrow twisting path. Ralin turned around and raised an eyebrow, and Arkeson shrugged.

"Don't you know? This forest is the homeland to the elves." Ralin said, obviously trying to suppress his disgust. Arkeson wasn't surprised. Dwarves and elves were never noted for their friendliness towards one another. "And further down is the mythical home of the Lunaros, if they do exist." Ralin gave an indifferent shrug. "But it's probably just a legend, like many say." Arkeson didn't say anything more, and merely adjusted his sword absent-mindedly, his mind thinking of the dark mage's last words. He walked behind Ralin, who was practically stumbling down the steep path, his short body not built for climbing. His tall boots and large battle-axe weren't exactly helping, either. Arkeson had offered to help the dwarf, but the latter had steadfastly ignored him. Arkeson had fallen into complete silence since then, much to Ralin's discomfort. He had heard muttered phrases like "a new world", "what's that?" and even an uttered oath that made Ralin grin. He turned his attention back to the path, which was taking an extremely sharp turn along the mountain wall.

"Arkeson, you'd better watch out for the…" Ralin started to say, but he was interrupted by a startled yell, rapidly fading away. He whirled around and noted that Arkeson was gone.

"Turn." Ralin finished his sentence, and went over to the edge of the cliff and peered down curiously. The forest was not far below, and he could see a hole where he presumed Arkeson had fallen. Then came an explosive oath that frightened all the birds in the vicinity away.

"Nice lad, but he's really got to start watching where he's going." Ralin smiled to himself as he continued down the path at a quickened pace.


"GET ME DOWN!" Arkeson yelled from above Ralin, struggling and tugging at the tree branch that held him fast. He had even gone to the extent of trying to bite it, but failed miserably. He began to swing his arms and legs about in a desperate attempt to free himself. All he managed to do was drop his sword onto Ralin's toes with a resounding clang. Ralin was now hopping around on his foot in pain, while Arkeson continued to struggle in vain. Arkeson repeated his words and Ralin glanced up irritably.

"I'm thinking, I'm thinking!" He said, shaking a fist at Arkeson. Arkeson merely scowled down at him, and glanced balefully at his sword, now lying at the foot of the tree he was stuck on. Ralin sat down next to it, his chin in his hands, thinking of what to do. He was far too short to reach Arkeson, and he was certainly not suited for tree climbing.

"Looks like you need help." A jovial and deep voice rang out. A man stepped forward, his build slightly taller than Arkeson, his hair short and brown. He grabbed a large sword hanging by his side and swung it upwards, slicing off the branch and sending Arkeson crashing to the ground below. His sword was huge, larger than Arkeson's, with two lengths of red cloth fluttering from the hilt. The man himself was dressed in armor, with a long billowing cloak behind him.

"Damn, that hurt… what the… Thgan?!" Arkeson exclaimed, leaping to his feet.

"Arkeson?" The man asked, then he grinned broadly.

"Thgan! My old friend! It's been a while!" Arkeson said joyfully.

"The same to you, dragon." Thgan elbowed him. Thgan had been Arkeson's friend since the young dragon had been found, passed out, at the gate of Legna. Thgan had looked after Arkeson, and was the only person in the entire village to know of Arkeson's secret. But, about 2 years after Arkeson had been restored to full health, Thgan had decided to leave on a journey to be a knight, his dream since childhood. Arkeson had been sorry to see him go, and wanted to go along, but Thgan had laughingly told him that dragons weren't allowed into the service. It had been nearly 10 years since then, and now, meeting in a forest like this was something Arkeson would never had dreamt of.

"So, how's life as a knight these 10 years, Thgan Nmelos?" Arkeson questioned, grabbing his sword and replacing it on his back. Thgan's jovial mask suddenly crumbled, and he sighed.

"I'm not a knight. Haven't been one for about 4 years now." Thgan said, adjusting his cloak.

"What? Why?" Arkeson asked, appalled. Thgan scowled.

"Take a guess." He muttered.

"Erm… too many knights?" Thgan was pretty famous for hating large crowds.


"Uh… girls?"


"You broke the code of honor?"


"You killed your commander?"


"I got it! You ate up all the provisions!"

"HECK NO!!" Thgan looked furious, and seemed ready to throttle Arkeson. Ralin, who had been silent all along, suddenly spoke out.

"Corruptness." He said gruffly. Thgan sighed again and nodded.

"How did you know?" Arkeson asked in surprise. Ralin glanced over at him.

"Gee, you are really dense, you know that? That bit of news has been going around for a year now. Where were you? In a cave off the mainland?" Thgan grinned at that comment, while Arkeson looked indignant and rather miffed.

"So, what are you doing here, Thgan?" Arkeson mumbled, glaring at Ralin out of the corner of his eye.

"Traveling." Thgan answered simply. "And what are you doing here?"

"Legna got blown to bits, I was shipped off to the slave mines, and I met Ralin and we escaped and here we are!" Arkeson paused to catch his breath. Thgan's eyes widened.

"Legna… destroyed?" Thgan swayed on his feet, his face deathly pale, and he looked ready to collapse. "No…" Arkeson looked grim, and Thgan, looking at that expression, knew that Arkeson was telling the truth.

"Who did it?" Thgan asked hoarsely. Arkeson shrugged.

"Some dark mage we met was blabbering about some god who wanted to create a new world or something." Thgan looked vastly confused. Then, his expression cleared, and he cleared his throat.

"Then I'm going to stop them." He growled. Arkeson nodded, as did Ralin.

"That's what we were about to do. I think." Arkeson uttered the last two words under his breath, and Thgan didn't catch it. Turning around on his heel, he began to stomp and crash through the thick greenery, using his gleaming sword to hack his way through. Arkeson followed, and Ralin stumbled along behind them. Thgan moved at alarming swiftness for his size, and both Arkeson and Ralin soon found themselves running to catch up with the large man. They stopped for a moment to regain their energy a while later as Thgan continued on his path of destruction. Then there was a great yell, a sound of leaves rustling, a loud crash and a very rude oath that made Arkeson grin ruefully. Rushing forward, Arkeson immediately tripped over the same length of rope that had sent Thgan crashing into the ground. Arkeson landed right next to Thgan, and Ralin, who came stumbling along, tripped and landed promptly on Arkeson's head. A shrill, merry laughter filled the air as the three got to their feet, grumbling, Arkeson rubbing his head in pain.

"Who goes there?" Thgan bellowed.

"There's not even a soul who would travel further into this forest, and yet a group of humans and a dwarf should come along, oh dreadful damnation to the poor travelers!" A singsong voice called out. Ralin went red in the face from anger, and he snorted.

"Elf." He spat, apparently not pleased. Thgan had a horrified expression on his face.

"Elves are pretty well known for their archery skills. Makes you kind of wonder why we're not dead yet, eh?" Arkeson remarked cheerfully.

"I didn't know this forest was the homeland of the elves!" Thgan said in horror, looking around at the trees suspiciously, taking a step backwards. Ralin followed, while Arkeson stood still, grinning. Then, a young elf popped out of the tree next to them, a mischievous smile on his pointy face. He had short, unkempt hair, his sharp ears sticking out. His eyes were an emerald green; his hair was a brilliant auburn. He wore a leather tunic with a plain white shirt beneath, coupled with a dark brown pair trousers that blended in well with its surroundings, and strange shoes that had so much padding that the elf could move easily without making any sound. He was short, far shorter than Arkeson and Thgan, falling around the same height of Ralin, but he was, all the same, slightly taller than the dwarf. He bowed deeply, his hair falling all over his face.

"Heyior Tserof, at your service!" He said gleefully. Ralin and Thgan both frowned, while Arkeson returned the elf's grin.

"Elves aren't exactly noted for being friendly." Thgan whispered to Ralin.

"There's something wrong with those two lads over there." Ralin agreed.

"Think it's a trap?"

"Nah, elves are all a bunch of dimwits."

"Well, this `dimwit' did manage to trick all three of us."

"That was your fault!" Ralin said furiously.

"No, it wasn't!" Thgan said in indignation.

"Yes, it was!"

"No, it wasn't!"




"No!" Arkeson and Heyior watched the bickering in intense interest.








"Yes, it was and that's final!" Thgan roared. Ralin shrugged.

"Fine, have it your way. It was your fault." Ralin smirked. Thgan's face stiffened, his face went red, and when he recovered, he was practically frothing at the mouth.

"Why you…! If I get my hands on you…! I'd…! Arrrrggghhhhh!" It took both Arkeson and Heyior to calm the big man down, while Ralin stood aside, his shoulder heaving as he tried to suppress his laughter. Thgan cast Ralin a scathing glance, and then went over to a side, where he drew his sword and began carving rude words on a tree. Arkeson eyed Heyior, and came up with a conclusion.

"You're not part of the elves that live here, are you?" He asked. Heyior's smile widened.

"Not any longer, at any rate. I was cast out some time back. Never exactly knew why, but life's been pretty fun ever since." Arkeson was rather surprised by this comment. He had never heard of outcast elves before, but, as people always say, there's a first for everything. He adjusted all of his equipment, tossed a rock at Ralin's helmet, tapped Thgan on the shoulder and declared loudly that they ought to continue on their journey. Thgan glumly sheathed his sword and followed behind Arkeson while Ralin strolled along, grumbling. Heyior suddenly jumped in front of Arkeson.

"Where are you headed?" He chirped.

"Out of this godforsaken forest." Thgan growled. Arkeson cast him a warning gaze.

"Have you noticed anything strange lately?" Arkeson questioned. Heyior thought deeply for a moment.

"Now that you mention it, I saw a red star falling out of the sky a few days back."

"Where?" Heyior pointed towards north. Arkeson stared in that direction, almost as if his eyes could penetrate the thickness of the trees, his brow furrowed, and his face unusually serious. Then he sighed, and continued walking, shifting his course ever so slightly to face north.

"You going after that red star? Sounds like fun! I'll come along!" Heyior said cheerfully.

"What?!" Ralin and Thgan chorused. "No!" Despite their protests, Arkeson agreed.

"We're going to need an elf if we want to get through this forest alive." Ralin and Thgan looked dubious. "What, you want a hundred arrows stuck in your head?" The two shook their heads. "Well then, don't argue." Both of them looked extremely rebellious, and Arkeson sighed.

"Look, you want to stay alive or die?" He sighed.

"Elves can't be trusted." Thgan huffed.

"Heyior's not an ordinary elf!" Arkeson yelled, getting so impatient and looking so furious that Thgan and Ralin sensibly shut their mouths and dragged themselves along the leaf-strewn path. Arkeson grinned in savage triumph and followed close behind. Heyior bounced along the path cheerfully, annoying Thgan and Ralin as often as he could, until Ralin gave a mighty roar and tried to hang the elf up on a tree. (He failed miserably, of course, since he was far too short to do so.) Thgan had offered to help, but Arkeson cut in and saved the elf from disaster. Following the incident, Arkeson sent Heyior way out ahead to scout, while Ralin stayed in front of Arkeson, Thgan being the rearguard. This solved their problems somewhat, and their journey remained uneventful for the rest of the day.


"Looks like we have to set up camp here." Arkeson remarked thoughtfully as they stood in a clearing. A pitch-black clearing. Ralin's sarcastic voice could be heard.

" `Don't worry!' He said, `We'll get out of this forest in no time!' He said, and now look where we are." He muttered to Thgan. He couldn't be certain, but he thought Thgan had smiled in agreement. It was impossible to see, the trees were blocking out all source of light. In the day, the forest looked warm and welcoming, but at night, it looked cold, frightening, and… dangerous. The trees, once seemingly reaching out to embrace them, now looked as though they were slowly clawing their way to the group of four. Thgan stood with Ralin, the two of them becoming the best of friends in a surprisingly short time.

Arkeson paced about restlessly. What Ralin said was true. He had promised to get them out of the forest, but, quite apparently, he had failed. Heyior was the only member of the group who was not gloomy or depressed. He was hopping about cheerfully, that innocent and annoying child-like grin still plastered to his face.

"Familiar place… but I can't quite remember what this place is." He said, shrugging, clambering back over to Arkeson, who had ceased his pacing and was staring at the star-filled sky with a scowl on his face.

"Looks like we can't do much. Let's sleep." Heyior said, patting Arkeson on the back before curling up on the ground and sleeping with a peace that only elves could achieve when in the wild. Ralin sat down on the ground, grumbling to himself, and used his helmet as a pillow. He was soon asleep as well, his loud snores making Arkeson grimace. Thgan, however, did not make any attempt to sleep. He walked over to Arkeson, and promptly tripped over the latter in the darkness. Getting up, rubbing his head, Thgan smirked.

"Not much in the way of safety, eh? Sleeping out in the open." Thgan said, his initial fear of elves long gone. Arkeson sighed dismally, ruffled his long hair and lay down on the ground, across from the snoring dwarf. He laid his sword next to him and used his right hand as a cushion on the hard ground.

"I don't like this any better than you do." Arkeson commented. "But there's nothing much we can do." Thgan frowned a little. His friend had changed quite a bit. Back in the old days, Arkeson was always the prankster, something like what Heyior was, never seen without a smile. But now… Arkeson seemed to be always brooding over something, deep in thought, or just seen with a blank expression on his face. Remaining in a sitting position, Thgan began to recall the old times.

~~~~~ Flashback ~~~~~

Thgan roared and began to chase after the grinning Arkeson, his body dripping with ice-cold water. Arkeson had tricked him into standing at the edge of a tall rock, and he had pushed Thgan in when the latter wasn't exactly paying attention. Spluttering, Thgan ran after the nimble Arkeson, trying to grab hold of the mischievous young dragon.

"Aw, c'mon Thgan! Don't tell me you can't take a joke!" Arkeson called out, hopping nimbly onto a tree branch above.

"A joke? A joke? I'm practically freezing my bottom off here, and you say it's a joke? Come on down here and I'll show you what a joke is really like!" Thgan rumbled, his hand reaching for his sword, hanging by his side. Arkeson gulped and leapt higher into the trees. Thgan began to hack at the tree furiously and Arkeson waited apprehensively at the top of the tree. Then, quite suddenly, Arkeson's hands slipped and he toppled from the tree with a shriek, and Thgan looked up only to see Arkeson falling rapidly towards his face. He just had enough time to swear loudly before Arkeson smacked into him, knocking the big warrior unconscious. Arkeson got to his feet, somewhat bruised, but otherwise okay. Then, grinning, he began to drag the comatose man back to Legna. As he did everyday.

~~~~~ End Flashback ~~~~~

Thgan was called back to reality by a soft snoring. Arkeson was lying, curled up on the ground, asleep. Thgan grinned ruefully. Some things never changed. The night was warm, and Thgan soon drifted off into sleep as well. They were all so deep in sleep that they noticed eyes watching them, nor hear the sounds of footsteps approaching them…


Arkeson was the first to awaken, and he stretched back to yawn sleepily. The back of his neck promptly bumped into the butt of a spear, and he started, waking up rapidly, his blurred vision instantly snapping into focus. He immediately noticed that the group was surrounded by what seemed to be an army of elves, those standing closer to them held spears in their hands, those farther away stood still, an arrow aimed at each of the group member's head. They were all grim and dressed in clothing that blended with their surrounding well. Arkeson stifled a startled yelp and kicked Thgan, who was asleep closest to him. Thgan awoke with a groan, and received a thump on the head from one of the elves.

"What in the name of the-" Thgan was quickly forced to bite his tongue as the same elf jabbed him in the stomach. Heyior and Ralin awoke at the same time, and while Ralin looked plain horrified and disgusted at the situation they were in, Heyior seemed cheerful.

"Oh hullo, Garam." He chirped. The elf, who had been poking Thgan, raised his head.

"Heyior Tserof," He said quietly, in surprise. "I thought we banished you… and now you've returned with this… this scum to our land!"

"I didn't know! How could I, I've been away for so long!" Heyior protested in indignation, raising his small hands in front of him defensively. Then he looked around, and for a moment, his ears flapped down.

"What is it?" Arkeson hissed. Heyior looked at him, a half hopeful, half we're-going-to-die expression on his pointed face.

"We've been sleeping in the elven village square." Arkeson groaned and slapped his forehead.


"Well? Does anyone have any bright ideas?" Ralin asked grumpily. The group was now seated, forlorn, in an elven prison cell. It was spacious, and was certainly in much better condition than the cell back in the slave mines, Arkeson thought with a sigh. Thgan was standing by the gate, arguing in furious whispers with the guards. Ralin sat on a bed, sulking. Heyior was wandering about, his grin still intact.

"No." The other three chorused.

"If only I had my sword, I'd…!" Arkeson growled, punching his fists together.

"Well, you don't, so let's not dwell too much on that, eh?" Thgan murmured. Arkeson fell silent, and glared at the gate with a venomous look that would have most certainly melted the door, if words could kill.

"Keep your voices down! The masters are having a meeting up there!" A guard snarled, tossing a rock at Arkeson's head, much to the latter's annoyance.

"Masters… Hah! They're masters alright, masters of my…" Ralin began, and another rock flew in bouncing off the dwarf's helmet. Arkeson picked up the two rocks, staring at them with a grimace on his face. But then, quite suddenly, his expression cleared, and he grinned evilly, tossing one of the rocks up and down.

"You got a plan?" Thgan asked. Arkeson nodded.

"Just wait and see."


"They've been awfully quiet for a while now… Think there's something wrong?" One of the guards asked in concern. His companion gave an indifferent shrug.

"They're probably asleep, just leave them alone."

Arkeson growled, concentrating. Beads of sweat formed on his head as the air around him began to cackle with energy. His right arm was glowing a bright blue, his hair bristling, his irises dilated. A circle of energy swirled around him, preventing anyone from approaching. As the surprised group watched, Arkeson's fingers began to lengthen into claws, faint traces of scales appearing on his arm. Thgan was watching with his mouth hanging wide open, Ralin was pale, and Heyior was just plain inquisitive, trying to poke every part of the energy wall, and ended up having his finger burned. Finally, with one last burst of power, the energy wall dispersed, and Arkeson slumped forward, breathing heavily. But his plan had succeeded: he had summoned his `dragon arm'.

"By the gods, Arkeson! I never knew you could do that!" Thgan exclaimed.

"I never knew it too, until recently." Arkeson responded, picking up a rock, smirking. "Let's put my plan into action." Heyior nodded and began to shriek.

"Help! Help!! The dwarf is trying to cut me in half!!" He screamed. Ralin, snorting, responded, albeit reluctantly.

"Shut yer trap, you little fool!" He snarled, trying to keep his voice gruff and fierce, although he felt like a complete idiot. Thgan stood by the side, his shoulders quivering as he sniggered softly. Arkeson simply watched them with a blank expression on his face, carelessly tossing a rock up and down. The gate slammed open and a guard hurried inside.

"What's going- Urk!" The guard's words were turned into a gurgle as Arkeson flung the rock in the elf's stomach, sending the latter sailing out of the room and crashing into the end of the corridor, unconscious. The other guard dashed in, his spear ready. Not that it did him much good, for the next rock came speeding through the air, and it smacked into his forehead, knocking the elf out. Arkeson grinned.

"Well, that worked pretty well." He remarked casually, as if what they did was nothing than playing a simple of chess. "Let's go. According to what I overheard from them," Arkeson jabbed a claw at the unconscious guards, "The weapons storage is somewhere further down the left corridor, and the exit is beyond that." Thgan nodded briefly and dashed out, Ralin following close behind. Arkeson ran after them, Heyior practically tripping over his heels as he tried to look at Arkeson's dragon claw. Arkeson came to a stop outside a smashed door, and he grinned, recognizing Thgan's imprint in the flattened door. Inside, he could hear Thgan cursing as he searched for his weapon amongst the many swords and spears. Ralin found his axe easily, the elves having no love for weapons such as his. Heyior simply popped in and grabbed a bow about half his height, and a quiver full of arrows, slinging it over his shoulder. Arkeson located his sword leaning against the wall in a corner, and he grabbed it, strapping it to his back just as Thgan gave a bellow of triumph and buckled his sword to his belt. They heard voices from outside and exchanged uneasy glances.

"Looks like we've been found out." Arkeson muttered. "Run!" The group scrambled out of the room, tripping over each other in their haste, and dashed down the dark corridor. Behind them, a large group of guards followed, yelling angrily. Arkeson prepared to hold them off, but, most unfortunately, the arm holding his sword was a human arm. Not a dragon's claw. Arkeson uttered a muffled curse as he whirled around and continued his mad sprint down the passage.

He found himself cursing again as the group found themselves facing a black wall. No doors, no windows, no branch passages, just a wall. The voices were growing louder with each passing moment.

"We're going to die, I hope you know that!" Ralin growled to Arkeson, who nodded wordlessly, readying his sword. Then he realized something.

"Where is Heyior?" The elf was gone. Then a wall slid open silently next to him, and Arkeson jumped about 3 feet into the air in surprise. Heyior stood next to the hidden passageway, his hand pressing against a blank panel on the wall, well hidden in the thick layer of dust and grime.

"This way! Hurry!" The elf ushered, the plunged headlong into the darkness. The trio hesitated a moment, then heard the voices again, and followed the elf. The wall slid back into its place behind them, and the elf guards were left bewildered, not knowing where the escaped prisoners had gone.


The four were soon standing in the thickness of the forest, blinking in the bright sun. It was afternoon. The passage had led them out of the elven village and back into the forest. Much deeper in the forest.

"We'll never find our way out of this place." Ralin groaned, slapping his forehead. Arkeson did his best to ignore him and turned to the elf.

"How did you know of that passage?" He questioned. The elf smirked.

"It's a little something I discovered the last time I was in that place." Arkeson decided that it was for the best - his best - that he left the question as it was and not pursue any further.

"So, where in blazes are we now?" Thgan said, glancing around. The forest, while looking welcoming, was quiet, eerily quiet. There were no sounds of birds chirping, no sounds of leaves rustling, no sounds of a bubbling stream… just overwhelming, oppressive silence. Thgan gulped nervously.

"This better not be where I think we are." Heyior glanced over at him.

"We're in the Forbidden Forest." Heyior said, cheerful as always. Thgan gave a great groan.

"Forbidden Forest?" Arkeson said, not knowing what it meant.

"This place is a strange place. Legend has it that whoever goes in never returns. There are seemingly no living creatures around, as you can see. Nice, cheery place to be in, eh?" Thgan said through his thick hands.

"Great. From the frying pan into the fire." Arkeson muttered. "Well, no point standing here, scaring ourselves silly. Might as well go on." So saying, Arkeson turned around and walked forward. Then, he noticed in alarm, that his surroundings were rippling, like the surface of water.

"What the-" Arkeson spun around. His surroundings rippled more alarmingly than before, and Arkeson noted in horror, that he could not see the others at all anymore.

"What is this?" Arkeson thought desperately, looking around, his sense of direction lost. Then a thought occurred to him. He stood still, and the surroundings settled.

"By the gods!" Arkeson breathed. Thgan was lying some distance away, unconscious. Ralin was toppled on top of him, while Heyior was out cold at the foot of a tree near the two. Arkeson took a step forward, trying to help. It was a costly mistake. His surroundings rippled powerfully around him, throwing him into confusion again. Then he heard movement, and he spun around, unwittingly focusing all his energy in his mind, and activating his dragon senses. He could see through the spell, but it didn't exactly help him. All he saw was a golden blur charging at him. He raised his arms in defense, but it was too late. He felt something connect with his head, and all was dark.

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Whew! I introduced two new characters, and one at the end (the golden blur). For the next chapter, Arkeson and the others find themselves in prison once again, but this time they are in for a massive surprise!

Also, many thanks to Comrade Terror AKA The §upreme Øverlord of Ðarkness for his help in this story. I've received many helpful tips from him.

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