Fan Fiction ❯ Enchantment ❯ Honey Whispers ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter Four

Lily had thought that Shadow was a rather strange boy, but she never believed him to be a werewolf, and what made it worse was that Gabriel believed Shadow to be on the side of the girl with her white hair; her enemy. Then Gabriel had disappeared and left Lily alone, again, to carry out the plan he had thought of to unmask the werewolf. It was late and the sun had just set. Soon the moon would be out and their plan would go into action.

"Hey Lixya," Lily said, running over to the small store where her new friend was standing. The girl waved and stepped out of the shop to greet Lily.

"Lily, hi."

"Have you seen Shadow?" Lily asked. Lixya frowned and shook her head.

"No, why?" she asked bitterly. Lily ignored her apparent protectiveness, perhaps jealousy, and left her friend quickly, continuing on her quest to find Shadow.

"How can you tell if someone's a werewolf?" Lily had asked Gabriel. The man had answered that people look similar in their wolf form to their human form, and that they can turn into their wolf form whenever they like, but that the full moon gives them no choice. All Lily had to do was reveal Shadow. That wouldn't be a problem, would it?

Lily walked down the street and suddenly realised that she had her hands in her pockets. Just like Gabriel, and all she was thinking about was him. She shook her head as if shaking away her thoughts, slightly embarrassed, although no one was around to see her, and continued searching for Shadow.

Lily turned the corner and found herself at the end of the line. There were only s few stops before her, and then the woods. She sighed, and then turned around and cried out in shock as she came face to face with Shadow.

"Oh, I've been looking for you," she said. Shadow nodded.

"I know," he said.

"Could we talk," she said, "in private?" Shadow nodded and Lily led him into the woods. She took him in quite far to where she knew Gabriel was waiting. He had told her to lead Shadow into the woods and let him turn into a wolf and try to attack her. It wasn't a very appealing idea but Lady Destiny had told her to trust whoever she thought she could, and even though Lily didn't know Gabriel very well, she knew that she could trust him to protect her.

"What do you want to talk about?" he asked, looking around at the scenery in confusion.

"Uh . . . Look, we're all alone. There's no one here to see what we're doing," she said, trying to tempt him into turning into a wolf. The moon was out and it was the perfect time for him to attack her.

"Right," he said slowly, raising an eyebrow. "So, if there's nothing you want to ask me, I think I'd better be going."

"Actually," she cried, grabbing his arm to stop him from leaving, "I want to talk about what you said to me yesterday."

"What about it?" he asked, glancing down at her hand. She pulled it away quickly, blushing.

"Well, I just want to ask you what you mean, about my parents, and how come you can't tell me what's happening around me." She turned away from him and crossed her fingers, hoping that he would change. She had no such luck.

"I can't tell you, I don't really know. You have to wait for the . . . proper authorities."

"Oh, okay, great. I just want to tell you that no one knows that I'm here and . . . I hurt my shoulder accidentally and it hurts when I move it and . . . I'm a bit tired and weak."

She swore that she could hear a tutting sound and see a figure shaking his head in the shadows. She knew it was lame, but she couldn't think of any other way to make herself seem helpless. Still Shadow had not changed and it didn't look as if he would. Making his excuses he left her and she sat on a fallen log, rubbing her forehead. Gabriel appeared and sat beside her.

"It didn't work," she said quietly.

"No," he said, agreeing.

Suddenly Lily was knocked forward and she could feel hot breath and sharp claws. She tried to shake it off, but there was no need. Gabriel pulled the werewolf from her quite easily and she saw the furry creature fly through the air and hit a tree trunk painfully. Gabriel helped her up and she cried out, "It is Shadow!" The werewolf growled and then pounced, but Lily managed to dive out of the way. Gabriel grabbed hold of werewolf's fur, but the werewolf turned and snapped his jaws at the man.

"I guess you don't have any silver bullets," Lily cried out above the noise of the battle. She span around to look for a weapon, but she couldn't find one. She looked at the two figures and saw that the werewolf had pinned Gabriel down. Panicking, she jumped onto the wolf and pulled him from her protector with surprising strength. The werewolf hit another tree and fell to the ground, seemingly unconscious.

Gabriel pulled himself up and looked at Lily in surprise. She grinned and shrugged, then ran over to the unconscious werewolf.

"We've got to bind him," she said, trying to find anything to achieve this with. "I can't believe . . ."

Suddenly the werewolf sprung up, shook its head and pounced, landing on Lily. She tried to push him off but it was useless. She lay, helpless, as a dark figure knocked the creature off of her. Looking up quickly, Lily felt dizzy, but she swore that she could see . . . two werewolves? Another werewolf was fighting the first. It was of a similar colouring, but she knew that it was protecting her. This new werewolf was no enemy. The new werewolf grabbed the first and threw it to the ground hard. This time the creature was definitely unconscious.

Lily and Gabriel struggled to catch their breath. "I can't believe that Shadow really is a werewolf," she said, leaning over the unconscious wolf. "And a bad one too."

Gabriel turned to face the second werewolf. "Thank you," he said, genuinely meaning it. "You got here just in time."

"Hey, Gabriel," Lily said, waving him over, "the werewolf's changing back into a person." He hurried over and kneeled down next to her. Lily shivered and then cursed herself for being so stupid.

"Now we're going to see Shadow in his human form," he said quietly. Then, to his surprise, the face looking back at him was not Shadow's.

"You know, I don't know everything about all this werewolf stuff, but isn't he supposed to look like Shadow?" Lily asked. Gabriel nodded and looked at her, equally as confused.

"Hang on! Who's the second wolf?" Gabriel asked, pointing towards their mysterious helper. Just as he asked, the werewolf began to transform.

"Shadow!" Lily cried as the familiar face formed. She stood up to face him.

"I think I should explain," Shadow, her rescuer, said quietly. "I can see that you and . . . your friend," he added, glancing over at Gabriel, "are a bit confused. I am a werewolf, yes, but I'm not trying to hurt you, Lily. I'm on your side. I was sent here by Honey to find you and protect you until she arrives."

They all went silent and then Lily asked, "If you are supposed to look out for me, then what is Gabriel . . ." Lily turned to find that Gabriel was gone.


Lily finally decided to ask her parents what both Lady Destiny and Shadow had said about her past and the death in her family. She kept thinking about how different she was from both her parents, and how Shadow had asked her if she could really trust her parents.

"Mum, Dad," Lily said, sitting opposite them on a small wooden stall. Her mother put down her knitting and her father dropped the large newspaper away from his face so that he could see his daughter.

"Yes, dear," her mother answered, placing a hand on her husband's knee. She looked at Lily in concern. "Do you want to tell us something?"

"Not exactly," Lily said, taking a deep breath. "I want to ask you something."

"Go ahead," her father said, placing the newspaper on his knee. Lily nodded and looked down at her necklace. She began to fiddle with it, rubbing her fingers over the shiny surface.

"Where did you . . . get my name from?" she asked suddenly. She wanted to know why her name was so important in this big secret everyone knew. She saw her mother squeeze her father's knee tightly and they turned to face each other.

"Well," Mrs Green said, then she faltered. "It was just a name that we liked."

Lily shook her head, obviously not satisfied with the answer. "Is there something that you're keeping from me?" she asked. She just had to ask straight out. "Is it something to do with when I was young? Was there a death in the family? Do I really have a dark past? Is there some secret that I should know?"

She could see Mrs Green tighten her grip on her husband's knee so much that her knuckles turned white. Her mother suddenly turned quite red and there were tears in her eyes. Lily's father just looked at the burning fire intently with no emotion on his face.

They looked at each other again and Mr Green nodded. Lily's mother dabbed her eyes with her apron and then turned to face her daughter. "We weren't going to tell you until your eighteenth birthday, until you were an adult," she said, "but since you are asking . . . You are not our real daughter."

Lily's eyes grew wider and she gasped, not knowing what to say. She didn't have to say anything. Her father told the story. "You were left on our doorstep seventeen years ago by your mother. We found you when you started crying. When we found you, you were holding on tightly to a white lily. That was where we got your name. They found your mother not far from our doorstep. She was . . . she was dead, Lily. Murdered. The police believed that she knew she was in danger and tried to protect you. We were allowed to adopt you, and we thought of you as our own daughter."

"Why did you wait so long to tell me?" Lily asked. She found that it was hard to hold back the tears. Furiously she rubbed her eyes and looked away from them.

"We were going to tell you," Mrs Green said. "We were going to tell you when you were eighteen, like I said. We wanted to tell you when you were an adult. We wanted you to be able to make a decision about it."

"My mother's dead?" Her parents nodded. Lily sniffed and wiped away her tears. "What about my father?"

"We don't know. No one came forward. You had no birth certificate. We never found out who he was."

Lily nodded and stood to leave. Mrs Green started to cry. Lily moved towards the front door, but she stopped and turned to look at the people who had raised her. They were her parents. "Who was my mother?" she asked. "What was her name?"

"Whisper Roan," Mrs Green said, and then Lily left.


Lily knew that the fair where she had met Lady Destiny had gone, but she also knew that Lady Destiny had her own business where she read people's fortunes. Clinging onto the piece of paper with the written address on it she crossed the street towards the small shop 'Destiny.'

Lily walked through the wind chimes and dream catchers and approached the front desk. She met the same receptionist, Julia that had been in the tent at the fair only a few days ago.

"I need to see Lady Destiny," Lily said, placing both hands on the desk. Julia looked up at the girl and leaned forward.

"I am afraid that Lady Destiny is busy at the moment. Would you like to make an appointment?"

"No, I wouldn't," Lily said. The receptionist took up a pencil and a piece of paper.

"Well, then, can I take a message?"

"Yes," Lily said, moving towards the slightly open door. "Tell her that Lily Roan would like to see her about something very important." She spoke loudly so that she knew Lady Destiny would hear. Sure enough, the door flew open and Lady Destiny, wearing a long red dress, burst through into the small store.

"Lily Roan," she cried, grabbing Lily's hands. She took her through into a small room and sat her down. "So, what do you know?" she asked.

Lily looked at the strange old woman and lowered her head. "I know that my mother left me on my parent's doorstep and was murdered shortly afterwards. I know that she left a lily with me."

"You know quite a lot," Lady Destiny said, nodding her head so that her dark hair fell before her.

"I also know that Shadow is a werewolf who was sent by Honey to protect mw from another werewolf sent by a girl with white hair who wants to kill me. I know that there is a very strange dark man who is also protecting me and all I know about him is that his name is Gabriel."

"You know almost everything. You must await the arrival of Honey and she will tell you all."

"Who is Honey? Please tell me about my mother," Lily begged, fiddling with her necklace. "Tell me, please."

Lady Destiny seemed not to be paying attention to Lily. Instead she sat still, her head slightly titled to one side, looking into the corner of the room as if she was listening to something.

"Should I tell her?" Lady Destiny asked aloud. She sat quietly, still looking away from Lily. Then she nodded and turned to face the girl. "Your mother was a great woman," she said quietly. "She helped to fight the evil of this world."

"What evil?" Lily asked curiously. Lady Destiny leaned forward to make sure that no one was around.

"The werewolves, vampires and witches, creatures of darkness."

"But what about Shadow? He isn't evil, is he?"

"No, no," Lady Destiny said, "shaking her head. "Not all people are good and not all demons are evil. There are always exceptions. Your mother fought the evil demons as well as others too, of course. She was a huntress. She was feared by the dark dwellers, and they never caught up with her. Then there came this prophecy of a child who would be born of dark and light who would bring the downfall of the dark dwellers. Then your mother fell in love with a vampire, Draic Don. When they found out she became the hunted. She was killed, as you know, but they didn't realise that you were already born. Now, as this werewolf knows about you, they must have figured it out."

"What happened to my father?" she asked. Lady Destiny shook her head.

"I don't know, Lily. Ah, Lily. You want to know why you're name is so important. It's because the lily is the symbol for purity. It is the symbol for things good and pure, a Christian symbol. Little enchantress," Lady Destiny said, beginning to cry. "You will bring their downfall, little enchantress."