Fan Fiction ❯ From Heaven or Hell ❯ The Beginning of the End [Part 2] ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

*YAY! Next chapter up already! Hehehe. Read on…..

The Beginning of the End [Part 2]

Ian nodded. "Good bye Devin. I hope to see you again." I said. Devin smiled, "So do I." With that he turned and walked toward the door. He placed his hand on the handle and paused for a moment. "I have to know. How many are left Ian? How many?"

Ian looked at Devin for a moment before answering, sadness in his eyes. "The count is forty right now. If there are others, I know not of them." Devin nodded and left the room quietly. I looked over toward Ian; he appeared to be deep in thought. I waved my hand before his face drawing his attention back to the real world. He turned to face me and I placed my arms around him once again. "I thought you were dead you jerk." He sighed and wrapped his arms around me as well. "I wanted to let you know that I was ok, but there was no way. I'm sorry." He nuzzled the base of my neck, nipping at it lightly. "Come on. We have to get going." He stood, pulling me up with him and walked over to the door Devin had walked through just moments before.

He opened the door slowly and peered into the hall. Motioning for me to follow, he moved quickly into the hall. Fewer people were here now and they were all dressed in business suits; we stuck out like sore thumbs in our jeans and t-shirts. He grabbed my hand and pulled me down the hall. Reaching a door at the end of the hall, we entered the emergency stairwell.

"What now?" I asked.

"Up." He replied, gesturing above him.

"The roof?" I questioned, "Are you crazy?! They have snipers posted on the buildings. We can't fly out of here."

"Sure we can", he said with a smirk, "fly low `n fly fast." With that said he turned and began his way up the stairs.

"Oh some great protector you are." I replied, sarcasm dripping form my words. I shrugged, following him up the stairs.

Ian reached the door to the roof ahead of me and stepped out into the sunlight. Reaching the door myself I paused, looking back down the stairs. My friends and family flashed before my eyes, I prayed that no harm came to them. Turning back to the door I sighed, `this is it girl' I thought to myself. Then lifting my hand I pushed the door open. Squinting at the sudden brightness I stepped out into the sunlight.

I heard a man moan to my left and turned sharply. Ian relinquished his hold on the man, dropping him on the asphalt-covered roof. "Come on! We have to go NOW!!" Ian yelled, urgency in his voice. Running to the edge he leaped into the air and fell from sight. Following him I dived over the edge, for a moment, reveling in the fall. I closed my eyes and with a quick snap two beautiful black wings appeared on either side of me. Pulling out of my dive I pushed hard to catch up to Ian.

"Hey!" I yelled, "Where are we going?"

"Harry's!" he yelled back.

"Wasn't it destroyed?"

"Yeah, but they don't know about it! It's a safe place to meet up if we get separated. Catalina is meeting us there!"

I nodded and pushed harder. Our lives depended on us flying as fast as our wings could carry us. And not moments later we spotted snipers jumping up from their posts to look for us and fired rounds could be heard.

`Gods', I thought, `they're going to shoot innocent people.'

The quickest way was straight, but the safest was to zigzag between the buildings. Ian turned left and I right. The race had begun. I shot into an alleyway, safe for a moment between the tight buildings. I could still hear the gunshots being fired at Ian not far away. Or maybe they were still foreign at me. I couldn't tell for sure. `Why don't they stop?', I wondered, `People are going to get hurt. I know this must have seemed like a good idea, to fly low, but they don't care about the innocent people below us' We couldn't continue like this, more people would die, and that was not something we needed on our records right now. `Ian!' I waited for his reply, telepathy was instantaneous, but he could be too busy to answer. [What?] Ian's voice resounded in my head. `We can't keep this up. We have to fly higher.' I turned a sharp left, narrowly missing a double-decker bus. I began my climb and was soon above the buildings I had been winding through moments before. [I know], came Ian's voice once again, [Let's just hurry and get out of here already.]

I was almost out of the city; the buildings around me were getting shorter and shorter. `Good', I thought with a sigh of relief, `we'll soon be safe.' It hit me suddenly and without warning, I had not even heard the shot. Intense pain shot up my leg and I cried out. Faltering in the air, I fell almost twenty feet before recovering. I had been shot and the pain was sending white spots into my eyes, but I could not stop. Tears weld in my eyes and I pushed even harder, determined to get out alive. The buildings moved in a blur and I was soon free of them, the shorter, suburban, homes and apartments moved under me now.

Ian came up along side me, "You're bleeding!"

"No shit Sherlock!" I yelled back, causing a new wave of pain to travel up my leg.

"I…Will you make it!?" He asked, concern in his voice.

"I don't know." I replied. The sun was setting and with it came the cover of dark. We would be safe for a while.

* I was going to leave it off at another point, but my friend was here and read it…I had to duck the pillows thrown at me. It was a rather evil cliffy and I did make you wait so very long, so I decided to write a bit more. I'm working on the next part as we speak.

You know…this reminds me of one of my favorite authors here…she didn't update for two months and left the most evil cliffy. I was so mad. *Guuuaarrrrr* Ummm yeah….byes!